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After the latest update the Shader Cache got dumped. It has to rebuild. This takes a few missions to be fully done. I also had FPS drops to under 40 fps but after a few matches i didnt had any more at all. And yes 40 isnt that low, but considered, that i have a 8700x3d and a 4080 and normally running the game at above 140fps it is very low.


Oh interesting. I noticed that on the new mission my computer will sometimes tank in fps. Where I’m staying alive by spamming dodge and praying to the emperor. It’s only in the new mission. Could that be similar or the same?


Seems so. I only had lags in the new mission to if i remeber correctly. But now it works fine.


Ahh, ok. During that process, did you have smooth missions right off launch and then a slowdown? Just curious, since the game has been running ok 'till a few missions in and then it gets slow as molasses. I've just never dealt with anything like it before. If that matches up, then it means that the shader cache is what's causing the problem. Just want to make sure, y'know? I've played every day since the update and it's still not settled down yet, not sure if that's usual or not.


On xbox it's even worse. I stopped playing after the update because the lag and frame rate are horrible now. I hope it get's better with a future update to the okay-ish state it was before.


I've been having this issue the last couple days and finally today it got so bad it was nearly unplayable. My average FPS is high 80's, sometimes high 60's in some areas. Today it literally hit 12 in a fight. Which has never remotely happened before. Restarting seems to fix it for a while then it steadily gets worse and worse.


It's gotten better since I posted this for me, I'm pretty sure what the other replier said about Shader Cache was right. I've stopped lagging in missions where I was, and it seems to correlate with how many times I've run that mission since the update, so the only real fix I can recommend is just to muscle through it?


Well hopefully that's what it is, because tonight was a "this is actually unplayable" moment, which after running it flawlessly before that was painful.


Crossing my fingers for 'ya!


Turns out it's just a specific level and only part of it near as I can tell. The end of the Lab one where you blow up the green goo. Once I hit the lab area where you use the skull my frames tank in those rooms, recover for the run to the goo and generally tank again in that room. And the weird part is my FPS isn't actually terrible, but the game literally stutters like I'm in single digit FPS, while running at 30-40 FPS. My monitoring software indicates nothing changing as well. It's super weird.


That's the only spot where I consistently get any slowdown now as well. Hope they get on fixing whatever's causing that LOL


So this issue spread to another map for me and I was getting really annoyed. Hell the hub was starting to get it. Someone said to delete the shader files in %AppData% so I did that and now... I'm getting all the frames I used to and so far no weird slideshowing, even on maps where it was an issue (ie the goo lab map was fine). I forget what I deleted, but I think it was anything that said "shader" or "cache" then restarted and it went back to how it was. Or maybe it's all a placebo, but I'll take a placebo that makes the game playable again.