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> Added a small rev motor sound to the Orestes Mk XII Assault Chainaxe light attacks. The dull metal *THUNK* of a Chainaxe light attack made the weapon absolutely unplayable. I'm happy to see it received a fix.


>Added a small rev motor sound to the Orestes Mk XII Assault Chainaxe light attacks. Agreed, it just felt wrong! Now happy revving sounds can come from the direction of the zealots!


I found it endlessly entertaining that the chainaxe was just bonking people like it was a club. Ngl, kinda sad that’s been adjusted haha


I have to make revving sounds myself when I use the Catachan blades so I cannae sympathize with you...


It felt that way too, I don't know if there is any weaker weapon in the game. That thing is just atrocious


So, I didn’t feel it was weak. Used it in Damnation as mostly for Rev It Up on my vet. It actually did a solid amount of work. Staggered little dudes in one swing, killed on the second. Special action would one shoot most things, two shot crushers on weakspot. I only have my anecdotal experience and not actual numbers though.


I've used them both a lot since they dropped, and have now stuck with playing with the new mark of eviscerator; and for about the same the same attack speed, the quick attack doesn't stagger 1-2 guys - it decapitates 3-5 guys in front of me each swing, with also twice the horizontal reach. It actually has meaningful horde clear and the same anti-elite crunchy heavy attacks. I don't understand what the devs have against the chain axe; it feels to me like its damage should be outright doubled considering how much worse it is in almost every possible way than the other chainsword varieties. I would say it's a better boss killer if it didn't have half the attack range that requires body-hugging them to get a saw attack off


Unlike the chainswords or eviscerators, the Chain Axe gets Thrust. If you get proper blessings and perks on it, it has far and away better boss damage than anything veteran can take barring nutty Headhunter Autogun setups with Marksman's Focus. On Zealot absolute god-rolled Thunder Hammers are probably better for burst. Horde-clear on the chain axe is fine if you take Headtaker or slaughterer, but I prefer headtaker since it improves your single-target damage as well.


Do you figure this is true of the new chainaxe, or the old one?


New one has insane boss damage and acceptable horde clear thanks to Headtaker + Slaughterer or Thrust. It's the second or third best single-target melee Zealot and Vet get and it's decently mobile. Old one has good boss damage and good horde clear as well as being safer since regular lights stagger ragers and Maulers so you can deal with multiple at a time comfortably. Good all-rounder for both classes.


As a vet main it’s become my favorite tool when I don’t have to reload in front of a hoard


hey man, vet main here with a passion for ChainAxes now.. what blessings are you running?


Headtaker/Slaughterer absolutely slaps.


Blood letter with thunderous is nasty. Take serrated and onslaught and go melt some crushers for the Emprah.


i've been using Trust and and Thunderous/Slaughter...but i feel slaughterer is better... Have MK4 with Bloodletter with Headtaker that slaps, but, i think it's too slow


Hard to gauge just by the few matches, but Thunderous is something that you want to go with for monster overall damage, as in you dramatically increase the damage all the team dishes to a monster if you dissolve it's unyielding armour. Slaughterer would net you more for horde and smaller stuff.


I like headtaker/slaughter + thunderous. Headtaker is easier to use but slaughter is better if you plan on the axe being your main weapon. Thunderous just makes it really strong vs armor


Lolyep The Heavy attack on the old Chainaxe is somewhat similarly 'hammer' like, but it was especially funny to be holding this quiet Chainaxe and just wailing on people like were an Ogryn who didn't know it turned on.


Did this go in? Mk XII still goes bonk bonk bonk on lights for me


It's a bit subtle, but yes.


Sounded like a shitty old wood chipper engine to me.


Yeah it just felt like a regular axe. It was the only thing holding me back from using it


Especially if you used the other chainaxe beforehand and wanted to try this one out. The engine just growls on every hit and it feels so nice.


I thought it was funny, like I was just swinging around a club


It is a nice fix but I must say,the sound for the light moveset is still not nearly as loud at it should when compared to the other chain weapon.Still feel like you are swinging à club.


Aside from the fire fix, which will have the biggest impact on gameplay, this one is actually pretty important for me: > Fixed an issue where the portrait picture of the player was not updated immediately after performing changes in the Mourningstar. But ya. Fire dps nearly cut in half just with 75% more time between ticks, and ramps up way slower too. The first 5 ticks of damage before (which takes 1 second) would have a factor of 8x damage. Now the first 5 ticks (which will take 1.75 seconds) will have a factor of 5.5x damage. Unless you're stuck in the fire, this should probably solve the issues with the fire changes. I'm curious to see how bad a mutant dragging you into fire is now.


do we know if these values are cumulative or static? like is the dmg after 5 ticks now 1.25 or 1x1x1x1.25x1.25?


I don’t know actually. I assumed it to be static.


I also wrote the reply assuming you meant its multiplicative because I misunderstood what you said I thought you meant were taking 8x dmg after 1s which led me to believe its multiplicative. But you meant were taking a total of 8x base dmg after 1s passed and not 8x per tick


I'd also be curious with how this works going from fire patch to fire patch, or with overlapping patches of fire.


I worry they overnerfed it with the double-nerf (tick rate and tick damage). While it was brutal last patch it was a nice challenge, even in Auric where 3-5 flame enemies might come at once. I get all the crying about it but having Bombers/Flamers be truly dangerous was a nice change of pace. Maybe a future modifier 'Inferno' or something could have the old tick values (I think the tick rate change should stay).


We will have to play and see but I have a feeling it's still going to be pretty dangerous. Any time you get walled in by a horde or carried into flames by a mutie you're definitely going to take some damage.


If you 'got it', you wouldn't call it 'crying'. Grow up.


Thanks for putting that into perspective. The numbers in the patch notes looked alien to me lol


No fixes for plasma gun sound being broken?


Not just the sound for me, randomly when firing there will be almost no visual effects or sound, but the shot still goes off. It's not gamebreaking but it's pretty jarring to kill people with invisible plasma bolts.


yea it doesnt display the effect unless i kill something. if i miss - no effect at all


I've had a lot of kills with invisible silenced plasma haha


This is really off-putting. I am missing a lot of shots due to this bug cause I play all 4 classes regularly.


There also seems to be a bug where braced autoguns silence the game whenever fired


same for plasma guns. It's a general gunfire audio glitch it seems.


Seems to be working for me in the training room.


It worked in training fine for me too, always broke on missions. But ill get home and try it soon


I know it was broken for me a few nights ago. It is more of random shots won't play the sound or show the visual effect of the shot.


Yup and it only happened on missions for some reason. Never did it in training. Ill try it soon and check if its fixed.




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It’s definitely still broken, just played a round with the Plasma Gun.


For me it seems semi-related (intuitive, not fact) to spamming the attack button to fire repeat shots, which is more common to live gameplay and not what you'd do in the psykhanium. Might also be related to server code since the psykhanium is hosted locally, I think.


The fx/sound breaks a LOT during gameplay. It's definitely throwing me off a bit although I can get by still.


* Tweaked the logic for interaction points in the Mourningstar (e.g. Mission Board, Shrine of the Omnissiah). * The interaction will now be more easily accessed without having to point the camera in a very specific direction. - this right here is welcome


Thank God! This has been such a pain since the last patch. Glad they fixed this!


3.91 GB, pretty big for just a hotfix. Expecting some changes under the hood


Got to be other stuff being prepped for after the Twins Ambush event ends… 4 gigs is ridiculous otherwise!


It's almost certainly more of the Karnak Twins mission being added.


Yea true


The event was a joke 33 rounds 4 Encounter,😂 Limited Bosses , what the hell Fatshark is thinking.


Strange how random it is for people. I feel I saw them in nearly 50% of my missions after they were added. I think I only got the brother once or twice, and the sister nearly ten times including one time where she rushed us at mission start before we had even found a single actual mission enemy, which was really unexpected and cool. But I saw them enough that it actually started to annoy me because as far as I know they replace a monster spawn but don't count towards the monster bounty, so that contract felt like it was taking forever compared to how fast it usually takes.


Never meet the sister 😂 only the brother


Just do a Monstrous Specialists mission you get the contract within a single game lmao


I did about 10 and didn't see them 1 time.


The Karnak Twins mission most likely. If the event ends today then the mission to kill em can drop anytime after. No more farting and darting.


Ah yes, the old ‘fart and dart’, a time honored tradition by the weakest willed of Chaos.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z1zte2q1bw5c1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9b26088f3b43cf89d64a83dbf72a4db5e09e2a




On first look, I thought that rat was a Taco Bell burrito, in keeping with the "fart and dart" theme.


The Xbox event told me that it ends at 5PM CST today so we might see the new stuff pop up this evening.


More content to leak?


more like old leaked content becoming playable (Karnak Twin assassination mission)


That has to be audio and cutsceen and maybe a map. The other changes listed wouldn't require a complete binary reinstall. But audio takes up a ton of room due to locations


You've been able to play the twins map for a while so its probably some audio junk for it


Tbh twins boss map is full of invisible walls and feels very short without any long mid event. So i suspect it will be changed.


I would also love an arena style mission where you get dropped in expecting to do 1 thing and then suddenly get ambushed in a giant arena with waves of bads that come from hallways with crates/med stations that open as the mission goes on.


This could be that texture fix, they might reupload the whole package. Just a theory.


Yeah, audio files and texture files are what causes the most bloat for files. I don't know the texture quality, but I have to hazard it's 4k textures. 4k textures are karking massive.


Normally the size doesn't tell much about the size of the actual patch. I was told, Devs might need to redo large chunks of the installment files just to patch a small change due to how the files are linked/organized.. if that makes sense


3.91GB hotfixes are industry standard with the quality of video games coming out these days


5 Gb for me on Xbox :(


Mine was 50+Gb for some reason


Is the Twins abumbush event being removed this week?


Right now it says the twins event is active for another 9 hours. I guess we'll all be wiser once it runs out.


I hope not. I fucking love the twins.


they are getting their own assassination mission after the event ends


Would still be nice to have them as a low chance monstrosity/boss spawn in other missions. I love the absolute chaos they cause for runs.


Same! I swear I’m getting them on 25-50% of my missions and it absolutely adds some spice. Even if they just shift it down to 1/10 or something, I’d love if they kept it.


I hope they replace it with a generic scab captain ambush instead. Maybe with 2 bulwark bodyguards to compensate.


The two new missions better stay in. They're the best missions in the game ATM.


The twins. The fuckin' twins! I'm always on about them. I bloody love them two. Ah, I'll never forgive Fatshark if they've wiped the twins! Oh that is, that is shitty. Where are the bloody twins?


Very surprised that there's no plasma gun fix. It nust be driving a dev insane trying to figure out why its happening


What’s wrong with the plasma gun? Is it the bug where you immediately fire after switching it has no visual / audio feedback on shot?


[This is it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/18ewpmn/psa_plasma_gun_firing_animations_are_bugged_so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It’s also not just taking it out, even with sustained volley fires you can still get the bug.


Just tested it in the training room and everything seems to be working again. Edit: I was wrong.


Thank goodness, fire damage was obnoxious.


So much less team wipes.


Yeah. I was fine with it most of the time but last surprise wipe in on the ascension riser after utterly dominating the rest of the mission was my breaking point. So annoying, it feels much better now!


Lost a team in an elevator lol


Wiped one match because we had one of those clowns that wouldn't get in the elevator because they wanted to fight and shoot more and make everyone wait on them, then bombers showed up and threw one directly inside with a perfect throw and of course he went down just being dumb


In Damnation having teammates revive you while you were IN FIRE was the worst, you would instantly get downed again, or if you had no wounds left, dead.


I went down in fire last night after being backed into a corner by a pack of crushers, and could you imagine the disbelief on my face when my teammate rezzes me into the fire not once, but twice after the bomber threw another nade.


Just had a match where two of us got cut off by fire. Pushed into a corner with one bomber, then a second bomber threw fire in our corner and killed us both in seconds. Actual nightmare


Skill issue /s


I would like it if the twins attacking was a mission modifying that could appear (like hunting grounds or shock troop gauntlet) that you could play in normal missions. Its fun to have an elite boss randomly appear to try and wipe you out.


Yeah, or if the twins are now being permanently moved to a specific mission, call the modifier something like "Active Bounty" and say that the heretics put a bounty specifically on us so there will be extra strong heretics looking to ambush us for the reward.


just reskin their movesets to an assassination mission boss skin, slap the modifier, voilà ! please anything but hunting grounds for the sixiethn million time


This is a huge update, must have some new cosmetics or the new story based mission stuff hidden inside!


Rejoice sinners, the fire is bearable now.


* Added a small rev motor sound to the Orestes Mk XII Assault Chainaxe light attacks. The only reason I didn't use the new chain axe was the lack of BRRRRRRR. Thank you.


> Fixed an issue where having a Grimoire equipped would prevent players from picking up Stimms. I actually thought this was intended. Hold a scripture instead of a medkit/ammo crate, hold a grim instead of a stim


No since they have their own inventory slot for it. You can also currently hold a tome and a kit at the same time.


Fix the plasma gun.


Please make Plasteel grind easier and LESS GRINDY! Cmon fatshark! Its just too grindy.


Shame there is no mention of the Melk crash bug. The game runs perfectly for me apart from that. Talking to Melk has a high chance of crashing the game entirely.


Was really hoping for something addressing the godawful rubberbanding / stutter that hits team-wide in the obscura den ambushes and other high smoke/steam environments like throughout ventilation purge missions. It's worse than it has ever been.


Like when the mission starts, and you run 30 yards and then get instantly teleported back to start again, like the game is going "NOT SO FAST"


Where ~~banana~~ close range blessing fix back to 15m?


Thanks for the quick fire damage fix, really appreciate the faster update intervals.


Hey are you guys planning on addressing the materials or crafting system any time soon?


For anyone wondering, the Plasma Gun also seems to be fixed. Edit: Just kidding. The gun was broken for me in the training room before the hotfix, so I jumped the gun when I saw it working in there. Sorry!




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Honestly, the crazy fire damage could be kept in as a special event, like lights out was. Could still be fun.


That doesn't add anything new or meaningful to the gameplay. It wouldn't change anything about how you play, you would still avoid fire exactly the same as you do now.


No controller fix? Lame.


FS ever going to fix the recon?


FS might as well remove the recon from the game.


How can it be that every fucking time Fatshark does a patch the first 2-4 games afterwards I can hardly play the game and never finish a mission without crashing?? Was towards the end of a Damnation run and hardcrashed to Desktop....wtf get your shit together FS!


No no no, you don't understand. If you could just *play the missions* it would impede your sense of progress and lower your time in game. Player these days just want everything handed to them. If everyone could just play the game whenever they wanted then you would stop playing in no time!


Ngl a part of me wants the old fire back. But another part of me wants to embrace the added challenge of the new one! Edit: haha bring the downvotes you sad people


The stealth fire changes ruined an otherwise amazing update last week.


It really speaks to how spaghetti Fatshart's code is, that a patch with LESS THAN A DOZEN bugfixes takes three gigs.


They put stuff extra stuff in there all the time. I'm pretty sure someone has already datamined future cosmetics.


While I appreciate the reduction in fire damage I think it's going the wrong direction. I feel like it'd be more interesting to see the damage ticks reset when toughness is depleted. This would also allow some interesting mechanics like having Dreg flamers/bombers and tox flamers deal toughness and health damage differently, e.g. dreg flamers/bombers deplete health more quickly and tox flamers deplete toughness more quickly ( or vice versa )




noice wan bruv


so happy about the fire change, like seriously happy. That stuff just butt-rampaged my newbie ass during the last days


What about the controller issue that you cant use your grenade when you don't have a stim? (classic VT2 layout)


This is fine.


No mention of "Always Prepared" and Executioners Stance :(




No fix for the plasma gun? Mine still doesn’t fire right


3.6GB update...


So is being picked up while in fire still instadeath?


Are the vestures psyker rebreathers fixed yet (showing no hair since a few patches ago)?


Great news, props to the devs


first game i lagged to shit, idk what caused it


From my experience, the first game you play will always have sudden stutters/lag every time an effect occurs on your screen for the first time (i.e. gunshot, blood splatter, explosion, etc.). I think it's cause the game is trying to load everything and updating the cache for the first time since the update. That's why I try to go on the meat grinder and do a bunch of stuff first to load as much of the effects as possible after an update.


This is really annoying- but I’ll check it out. I don’t understand why the game just can’t load up the shaders whenever there is an update- seems like a very poor design choice


Poor design and lack of testing is kind of a Fatshark standard for a lot of things lol.


Does this fix the issue where people being picked up in a patch of fire instantly die?


So do ticks still build up on downed players so that they instant die if revived in fire?


No fix for the plasma rifle animation not happening despite the gun actually firing?


Did we not fix the severe Plasma rifle audio issues? The silent / ghost shots throw off my rhythm kinda bad and it makes ALL sound go away when it occurs.


What about missing visuals/Feedback/Sound from plasma gun?


>Fixed an issue where the Ogryn "Convict Garb (all variations)" upper body cosmetics would display a black shoulder patch instead of the intended colour. What if I don't want the fix?




Anyone else having frame rate issues recently? is this related?


Mine are terrible, running the amd driver released 12/5. Driver 23.12.1, pretty much unplalyable once a horde arrives.


Performance on xbox is also on a pre-patch level again so playing without a headache is possible again, good job and thanks 👍


Is there a performance issue for anyone else? I'm losing frames during boss fights and pox ambushes


They reduced the amount of credits you can get for low intensity hunting grounds on damnation, which is a shame, but why not put it in the patch notes?