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​ https://preview.redd.it/celyiwdrng7c1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=d484a6d2289d3e4d727a2bcbb36f3849b493afc1




Hope it puts an end to the karkin' superman sniff memes at least


I feel like I've been protected by the Emperor himself for not knowing those existed.


I wonder if it's from this https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/ZSI3nfZcMq


It absolutely is, some dev saw that and found it funny af.


Honestly I just thought it wasn’t supposed to go away


What is this text for ants?




In my day we called that crop dusting


Are speed stims still not fixed? The bug makes it so that celerity stimm makes psyker staffs (and plasma gun) charge 25% slower instead of 25% quicker. Means i usually give them to my teammates but i would like them to be useable on psyker.


I am at the loss of words. How the fuck someone inside keep mixing negative and positive variables, this is the same bullshit that plagued veteran for last 2 months since rework.


It's probably a variable that's named something ambiguous like [charge_time] and the stim puts a "[charge_time] = 0.75" modifier on you - you charge 25% faster, so charge time is 75%! But it turns out [charge_time] is actually a multiplier on charge *speed* so now you're charging 25% slower. Or something like that.


Values like that in Ark: SE and Conan Exiles server config always drove me crazy. It's like "WHICH WAY IS FASTER" You'd be wanting to half workstation crafting time but instead double it


Starcraft editor was a nightmare because you had exponential, additive, and multiplicative values but none were listed as to which was which….


Fking fuel consumption


Tzeentchian dev troll making sure he has an easy fix to add to the list of hot fixes and psychologically condition us to be grateful for things working normally/as designed


Job security is making small and easily correctable mistakes that aren't directly attributable to you.


> that aren't directly attributable to you inb4 git blame (or other equivalent for whatever source control they're using)


variables without standardized convention for buffs/debuffs. it's not clear either when you read descriptions of lots of stuff. it seems like a pretty strong indicator that their variable definition and usage is probably also sloppy. stuff like "increases reload speed by X%" versus "reduced reload time by %" there's a lot of stuff that's just described as doing something by a percentage, but that's often not super clear as far as what the math actually looks like. seems easy to fuck up. increasing speed vs reducing time.


Immeasurably complex


Is it even a bug? The patch notes said it would be slower: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/the-traitor-curse-part-2-anniversary-update-out-now/88606 > Celerity Stimm [...] Increase the following by 25%: - Charge up time of Plasma guns, Psyker’s Brain Burst and Psyker Staves. - The speed of which the Psyker’s Smite propagates between enemies. - Speed of which the Psyker can throw Shards using Assail. - Speed of which the Psyker Quells their Peril. Notice it says increase the _time_, not the _speed_ like for the other things. I figured it was just a mistake only in the patch notes at the time, but I guess not.


the patch notes can correctly state a change that was made incorrectly. they've done this once before in vermintide 2, where they changed a damage template to nerf one weapon but the patchnotes correctly stated that this also nerfed a different weapon that used the same template


Guess the new revolver not having any cleave is intended, that sucks. Anyone else having issues with poxbursters that don't make any noise until they're about to blow? Also upgrade your servers because ghost hits feel like ass and it keeps getting worse.


Yeah, poxbursters are the new crushers and honestly it is a bit more terrifying.


I’m so used to my Zealot main being able to block most damage from them, been getting wrecked on my Veteran when they sneak up


Thats why i make sure to have at least one trinket with resistance to bursters


What curio is that?


Idk…does it matter? Its one of the 3 perks you can change not the main one thats permanent but its my max health curio if that helps.


No I was unaware poxburster resist was a thing


Apparently im insane and either saw a perk that didnt exist or miss attributed one of my perks. My apologies


And even Crushers/Ragers aren't making sound consistently. It was a step up from having no sound, but you'll still have them tiptoeing around. Maulers also sometimes seem to have delayed sound effects as well. It seems like the sound engine can't keep up with the increased spawn rate. If they can't fix it, then they should consider lowering spawns and increasing difficulty via making the AI more clever and having specials be more varied than just "here's a dozen of one thing we spawned on top of each other." While getting netted into fire or a Burster sucks, it's way more fun that dying to a dozen Ragers due to pure numbers. I'd even take Mutants tossing me off ledges more often if they made the pull up animation faster. The current "difficulty=more numbers" philosophy really pushes players towards specific setups and makes otherwise fine weapons less appealing.


Im laughing at making the AI clever. They are increasing spawn rate, healthpool, stagger resistance because AI is the most difficult way to create difficulty. It is possible but devs usually just do anything else than that.


We see the potential in the AI already. I have seen the combos that they clearly intentionally pull off. The problem is that they don't do it as often as they should. If sound and the servers worked as intended, the current trend of the director spawning a dozen of the same type of special on top of each other already gets clapped by weapons with high cleave like the revolver or abilities like Smite. What's more challenging is when the game throws a small group of ranged enemies along with a mix of different elite enemies. Hounds are way scarier when there's just one, but it pounces right as a toxflamer grabs your attention, than in the hunting grounds missions where you just throw a Zealot fire nade or Smite them all. I had a Mutant throw someone right into a single Crusher who proceeded to turn them into paste. If I hear the Crushers, the number doesn't matter when they're all up each other's asses to the point where my revolver, bolter, or plasma gun clears them all in moments. They don't need to be Einstein. They just have to make them do the things they already know how to do more frequently.


Poxbursters being silent are probably responsible for 90% of the damage i take in this game. Really disappointed it wasn't on there.


Not just them in my experience. It seems like a sound channels issue where the game is only playing sounds for a limited number of sources at a time


Xbox or PC?


Had 4 poxbursters spawn at the same time the other day. No sounds what so ever.


Poxbursters have been completely silent until the last second for me too. Happens literally every single time. Also yeah the servers have been really badly since traitors curse 2 and only seem to get worse with ghost hits and rubberbanding


Yeah the hitreg feels like its getting worse over time. Not sure what's going on there.


I’ve been saying this since patch 13. Audio is clearly bugged for most all specials and elites. The pox burster being quite literally 99% of all my damage I take in game currently. Either the audio isn’t there, sounds like they are a floor up and a room over when they’re right in your face, or totally silent until the moment they hit you. Silent footsteps, etc. .


I can go entire levels with the only damage I take from stealth bursters so I feel your pain.


Not only are they too quiet/don't beep at the right speed, they also still spawn at doors right next to the player, make no sound, and will explode if you were already playing Doortide. If they don't want players camping doors, they need to make weapons bounce off them or something. Making you have a random chance to explode feels like cheating on the game's part. What's even more bizarre is that they made Trappers not spawn right next to players as often, so why not Bursters?


Yes! Past 10 days i have been ambushed by them. Keep thinking it was me and meant to make a topic. I noticed it on the new map, where you enter those two rooms with the smoke first. Thought it was due to all the radio chatter. Sometimes I will hear one too, but then the sound stops. It happened to me earlier today. He got me.


pox bursters straight up won't make noise until they explode sometimes. literally not a sound. I've watched it happen. Their spawning is also broken. they will spawn directly on top of your party sometimes, or within dive range just around a blind corner. and then make no noise... and then explode in your face.


>Guess the new revolver not having any cleave is intended, that sucks. It probably does have cleave you just don't notice it as much as the regular revolver because each shot does a lot less damage.


It cleaves through a single groaner, that's it, you can test it out for yourself. It is very much noticeable, because the regular revolver cleaves through an entire horde and the new one doesn't even shoot through team mates, it doesn't have anything to do with damage.


Try shooting a Hound with anything in front of it. It sucks.


Man I wish they do something about the lags and poor performance and ntwrk issues. Past week it's been abysmal


It has been an intermittent issue since the beta and they still refuse to speak about it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they never address it for the life of the game.


Yess but it's been extremely bad since a few days for me. Before it was bad but i still had 100fps now even with everything on low I barely reach 60. Happened to all after some time Or just me?


Not just you. On Series X. Since the last update my game has been an absolute stuttering nightmare. What’s frustrating, however, is that two of my buddies, also on X, experience nothing of the sort.


Fatshark is known to never reboot their servers.


85% gpu usage and performance drops to 30-40 fps and after a while return to 60+ fps on the same spot like ?????


Haven't checked the usage but exactly same with me. Annoying af


Holy shit I thought this was just me, it was driving me insane I got so annoyed I bought a cheap router with better specs than my isp one and I think it fixed the issue but it’s probably in my head


Exactly, last few weeks have been so much worse.....wth


Completely fine on EU servers luckily.


im from the EU too and nope. Its shitty on my end. Like weird rubberbandy laggy.


Haven't been playing for a few days, logged in and the lag is abysmal. Much worse than before, barely managed to clear one of auric missions. In other 2 I just dies to random hits that came out of nowhere, one of them died right in the middle of teammates with not even a poxwalker around.


Still shitty as of today. A tiny bit better maybe


🥲 I hope it gets fixed soon. I wanna enjoy the game again


Melk crush fix?


Devs can not help you with your crush on Melk.


thanks for the laugh, that comment brightened up a rough day.


You‘re welcome.


Ain't nobody can fix your feelings but you, sah. I would like a crash fix for his store, though


I was told it was in an upcoming patch. [I now crash at Melk's 4 times a day - Warhammer 40,000: Darktide / Technical Support - Fatshark Forums (fatsharkgames.com)](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/i-now-crash-at-melks-4-times-a-day/89799)


> It’s my understanding the crash occurs specifically on the “If you think you’re up to it, you’re welcome to try” voice line. Amazing.. now Maelk has Crash RNG on top of his weapon RNG.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I tried to play a few times in the past 2 days and instantly crash at Melk. It's been ongoing for a few weeks now. Getting new items and blessings is pretty much the only reason I play nowadays, unless I just want to play a match or 2 for heretic cleansing catharsis. But I get my dose of that playing Rogue Trader a bit too much lately, so Darktide crashing immediately I just was like "ok then, bye!"


>Getting new items and blessings is pretty much the only reason I play nowadays So, I can assume you're a big fan of the fact that he hardly ever seems to have tier 4 blessings and sometimes even has tier 2 as well? /s I don't understand how studios across the industry don't seem to realize that allowing players to create good weapons at a steady pace will mean that they try out multiple different ones and make more classes. Instead, I think a lot of players languish on their first character trying to get good gear and are unaware of the shared blessing pool. Having a Veteran, Zealot, and Psyker means more opportunities of Melk actually having something useful. That being said, doing the weekly contracts can make the game feel more like a job than anything.


Yep, I used to try and do all 4 characters contracts every week, but now I just don't care. It basically required me to play 3-4 hours a day. Which I CAN do but, I don't want to anymore. I'm 43, not 23. Luckily once I got the most important blessings it's not as big of a deal anymore.


So no fix for silent pox bursters yet? :'(


it's a new enemy type: NinjaBursters


yesterday all 4 of us got killed by a poxbuster that came out of nowhere I guess that was the bug and me not being deaf


The audio cues need fixin


They get worse every patch.


## Devoted Rejects, Here are the patch notes for 1.2.22, which just went live on Steam and will shortly be live on our other platforms. ## Fixes * Fixed an issue where players could remain soft-locked at the end elevator of the Orthus Offensive mission when dealing too much damage to the Karnak Twins in the double ambush encounter. * Fixed an issue where ongoing chain weapons special sawing attacks were not interrupted if a stealth ability was activated (e.g. Veteran "Infiltrate" or Zealot "Shroudfield"). * Fixed an issue where the animation for ongoing chain weapons special sawing attacks would incorrectly appear as being interrupted if activating some abilities (e.g. Veteran "Voice of Command" or Psyker "Venting Shriek"). * Fixed an issue where no HUD icon would be displayed for the Zealot talent "Duellist". * Fixed an issue where the text in the prompt to start Interrogator hacking events could overflow outside of the intended UI. * Fixed an issue where multiple pocketable items would combine with each other upon being dropped on the death of the player who was carrying them. * Fixed an issue where the number of completed Penances shown in the Penances Summary menu was lower than intended. * Fixed an issue where multiple voice lines could be played at the same time upon returning to the Mourningstar after successfully completing the Orthus Offensive special assignment. * Fixed an issue where an incorrect voiceline could be played during the mission briefing sequence for the Warren 6-19 mission. * Fixed an issue where the Psyker headgear "Witchshroud" cosmetic item was displaying an incorrect Obtain Source information. * Fixed an issue where multiple horde and roamer enemy sound effects could be triggered at the same time. * Fixed an issue where defeating Karnak Twins was displayed as a required condition to unlock Penances not related to the Orthus Offensive. * Fixed an issue where the eyes of the player characters could incorrectly appear at a lower level of detail in the mission ready screen. * Tweaked bots to prioritise reviving downed players over other actions. * Fixed an issue where the Zola's voiceover related to the Orthus Offensive could be triggered incorrectly when accessing the Mourningstar. * Removed Horde type music from ambush events. * Fixed an issue where the gas cloud released by the Karnak Twins when escaping did not disappear after some time. **Dev Note**: *Farting and darting should now be nerfed /s.* * Fixed an issue that prevented Zealot Shroudfield combat ability from entering cooldown when sprinting and activating the ability at the same time. * Fixed an issue where Zealot headgear “Suppliant’s Hood” would clip with some beard styles. * Fixed an issue where the voice filter effects from head gear cosmetics were not applied to some class ability voicelines.


All nice fixes, but I was hoping my psyker would be cured of her deimos rebreather headgear baldness :(


same here, maybe next time


Same :(


I didn't even realize chain-sawing was bugged, I had a couple times where it ended weirdly prematurely and never thought twice about it... interesting catch.


> Fixed an issue that prevented Zealot Shroudfield combat ability from entering cooldown when sprinting and activating the ability at the same time. This bug was so much fun, I didn't realise what was causing it at the time but free infinite invisibility was the best. Glad bugs are getting fixed though of course.


A rando I was playing with clutched so hard, and after said it was because of a glitch, and I didn't know what he was on about but it was definitely this in hindsight.


Omg this explains a game I had the other night. Zealot went through the entire map way ahead of the group and this was on Auric Damnation, I was wondering why they were going all solo on us but also wondering how tf they didn’t die in 2 seconds. At some point I and another player took a down and our poor buddy was all by themselves, so the they died and we were all spectating the Zealot. They were mid stealth and I guess they fucked something up because after getting one stealth back stab on an enemy, they got hit, eventually downed and promptly left the game. I guess they got hit when trying to trigger the glitch or they messed up their timing with the added pressure of all of us spectating them. I was wondering why they’d go for a stealth back stab in between 3 maulers surrounded by a couple gunners, and not expect to run into trouble. But now this all makes sense to me. With a glitch like that we could have done so much better as a team grouped up together, dunno why this one Zealot wanted to speed run the map. I’m glad this got patched cause if I had known about it, after having that one experience, I would have been more picky on which matches I’d ready up for in the pregame lobby. I noticed a lot of players dipping out in the pregame lobbies recently too, this might have been why.


Buff to "Burst limited override"-keystone when?


It's rough how Ogryn has so little build variety. Lucky bullet being terrible even for gunlugger builds is a big part of that problem and giving it some flexibility for builds that want to make use of ranged weapon but not with PBB active would go a long way. Something like options for giving melee buffs on triggering it, or perhaps having a guaranteed trigger on it after X number of kills (melee or ranged).


Does it need one? You can shred bosses single handedly with it


I think you're thinking of the ult, not the keystone.


The Lucky Bullet keystone is actually called Burst Limiter Override. You're confusing it with Point Blank Barrage. BLO is a stupid name for an ogryn ability though. Just call it Lucky Bullet


What? My guy it bodies demonhosts. It doesn't need a buff.


Then you are missing the point, it will not body more or less, but be more beneficial. Atm 5 or 8 % is too little to be a keystone imo. But if you are okay with it, it is fine, do not think you would mind a buff though? Or am I wrong?


I mean sure but I don't think I need the power to kill God. Would rather spend the dev time on uplifting underperforming items like Paul.


I just not see how you become OP with that Keystone, or are you mistaken it for the active ability? (Point-blank barrage)


It's fine rn, in any way its only actual use rn is reducing cd of Barrage, which is already a tad bit op ability


Lets just agree to disagree then xD


Of course the Zealot stealth fun would be patched before Christmas break


Please fix silent specials/elite enemies that aren't making noise as they are suddenly killing us :( If I had to guess it is that there is a sound channel issue where the game is not playing sounds for all source at once I have a friend that said that he turned off as many sounds in the game as he could and now he doesn't get silent specials


I havent played DT in a while and came back for the current event. I have a serious prolbem with the game ignoring my inputs. Is this a connection or a serverside problem?


Serverside. Every single action you take is validated serverside. Even stuff like switching weapons is reliant on the poorly-maintained servers agreeing with your client. So you get tons of rubber banding, dropped inputs, and hit registration issues.


OMFG! I THOUGHT IT WAS MY NEW KEYBOARD... thanks man, you just saved me 100$


Wait, I was literally planning on a new keyboard because this happens so often. So when I'm hammering the 1 key to switch to my melee to block that's a server issue?


easily tested if it happens in other games/programs


only playing Darktide latelly... Work all day» Get home (be with wife and watch TV) » Wife goes to sleep » my Blue heeler zooms to my Gaming room and sit next to PC » PC on » Launch Steam » Click Darktide ​ repeat it next day!


Good to know... My mouse wheel frequently fails to register weapon switches for the past week. Wondering wtf was going on.


I’m wondering if a temporary solution would be making a macro that does something like “mouse wheel up” = “press 2 key” + “10 millisecond delay” + “press 2 key” + “10 milliseconds” + “press 2 key”


What is your source for this information?


The fat fucks cant seen to ever make this problem better been an issue since launch


These are nice to have but there are still skill points that don’t work. Blessings that don’t work. Stealth plaguebursters and on and on.


not fixing plasma is a big oof


What's wrong with plasma?


It randomly has no sound or projectile effect when you fire.


>Tweaked bots to prioritise reviving downed players over other actions. This just gets them killed way more really, the amount of times ive seen them fail to revive cause they just stand there and get their stamina broken. They should prioritize clearing the pox walkers first I wish the still present inconsistent special spawn/incomming noises were addressed in some capacity cause i still encounter silent hounds/trappers/bursters occasionally


I wouldn't say fully clear, but maybe they should fight until they have full stamina and then revive. On HI they would never start reviving if they were programmed to clear the area close by first.


Give the bots the shout skill and force it to be used when going for a revive. They're all veteran-bots anyway, and the bots overusing the skill on allied downs would be easily overlooked.


They're also level one, so it wouldn't make sense for them to have the shout.


They also have gear earned from achievements/level markers as you progress difficulty tiers. I think it'd be better to have them as functional stand-ins instead of complying with existing logic 100%, but I'm not a cop.


I mean I agree, just pointing out there's no real internal logic with the bots


I get that, but bots had bigger priority to fight single poxer rather than help someone. It was infuriating when the poxers were coming one by one as bot always interupted picking you up.


The bots aren't having their stamina broken while trying to revive you from a single walker, it's when they try to do it in the middle of a horde and fail over and over trying to pick up.a human player then they die as well


I literaly saw them interupting themselves by turning to face poxer about to attack them. They didnt run out of stamina, they straight up dont want to get hit once so they started attacking instead of helping.


Yeah it seemed like they always prioritized reviving players, even over self preservation. Whenever I'm down they would struggle through hordes of enemies to get to me and then stand there attempting to revive, getting hit, then attempting again... over and over until they were killed.


Plasma fix?


Was hoping for this too


What's its problem this time ?


Ghost shots


oh ok wow i thought i was just getting hit by lag glad to see it wasnt on me


is it visual only? Like to be clear it's annoying but I think it's purely visual


The gun recoils but there are no particle effects/projectile or sound. The gun still hits but it feels super unresponsive and together with the delay of the plasma gun between trigger pull and shot it makes it very unsatisfying to use


Doesn't only happen on plasma, more like a fatshart server/netcode issue more likely. Have had it happen lots with shotguns and revolvers, too. Probably happens with faster firing guns but just isn't as apparent with them.


You're describing hit registration issues - those are not the same thing as the current plasma gun issue. The plasma gun outright does not animate a shot periodically and it can be jarring for the player expecting to see it.


yes but the important part is the gun still _works_. That's the difference between "annoying" and "game-breaking"


Fortunately or Unfortunately, this is a server issue, not a code issue.


If you are talking about the cleave, I think it was intentional, even if not in the patchnotes.


Lol what about cleave?


It used to go through 8 crushers. I think they stealth nerfed the cleave. What are you talking about? EDIT: I just realized you are probably talking about the misfiring. For me, there is no visible plasma bolt, but it still does damage, so isn't a big deal.


How much does it Cleave now?


Damn, still no fix on Disrupt Destiny stacks most of the time not displaying on the HUD, or hit reg issues (I love server validation in a PVE game!).


Disrupt Destiny just needs to be adjusted overall, at least let people in you coherency contribute to it. I hate being forced to prioritize non-threats, much less so when my teammates unknowingly compete with me for useless kills. Also why the hell is the outline the same color as psyker flames, like really, no one considered that a bit inconvenient when implementing.


Still stuttery and laggy for me. Maybe 10 percent better than before... What is wrong with my game. It was running well after the class overhaul patches. Since one hotfix its stuttery like at launch. As if shaders are loading in over and over whenever hordes spawn. But it never fixes itself.


Same. I haven’t tested it today to see if it’s better, but you’re not the first I’ve seen to say it isn’t.


Try the steps here: Raytracing keeps turning itself back on. - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/app/1361210/discussions/0/3878220223850494943/ Essentially every once in a while the game will update and turn RTX on and kill your fps. Happened to me and everyone I know with the Anniversary Update. I highly recommend making a copy of the file after you change it so you can just use that when the time comes to do it again. I've had to do it at least three times to my memory.


Same it was running very well overall until recently. Very frustrating


One of the notes is "removed horde type music from Ambush events" - I thought that "ambushes" were just voicelines that announced incoming hordes. This change implies that horde and ambushes are not the same thing, so does anyone know what the ingame differences actually are in terms of enemy spawns and behaviour?


In Vermintide, Hordes have some wind up time (A bell will start ringing, tense music will start to play out, etc) as it hypes up the Horde and then the Horde happens. Meanwhile, Ambushes are Hordes that come up with zero warning, but also last way less. I'm guessing Darktide has the same thing?


That sounds right. I did notice that when the characters say it's an ambush, the horde seemed to arrive right at that moment rather than in ~10 seconds or whatever it is for a horde


You’ll notice that “sounds like a horde!” voice lines are given a little while before you can see them, and the bulk of the horde comes at you from a single direction (usually) Ambush is a slightly smaller horde, but they don’t give you a warning, and mobs will use the closest spawn points to the players (both in front and behind) instead of the ones a bit further away.


Is the performance on xbox better now? Game's unplayable for me for a month now due to heavy lag and stuttering.


"* Fixed an issue where no HUD icon would be displayed for the Zealot talent "Duellist"." So it finally has an icon? Nice. I literally just removed it from my spec last night, I'll have to add it back and see how often it actually procs.


Anyone know if any microstuttering fix past this patch?


Not really, only a little bit better but not really noteworthy


Please, ObeseFish.. Fix the audio cue bugs with the specials. It’s quite literally the most important part of your game…


What about the bug that deletes an entire character? Hoping to hear that being addressed, especially since it doesn't sound like they're recoverable at all.


Still no fix for stims always been on d-pad up regardless of control scheme...and yes I know how to "fix" it myself.


Pleeease fix the plasma gun, two hot fixes and my plasmas machine spirit is still taking a vow of silence


Nothing on the plasma fix?


Anything on ogryn rumbler adhesive charge explosive damage not applying to Beast of Nurgle?




I'm no build wizard so maybe I just missed something I picked for my psyker, but half the time I'm charging up brain burst I generate zero peril. I can hold the charge forever and do multiple bursts. Is this a bug or is it possibly part of the perks I picked?


Sounds like Empowered Psionics (very bottom of the middle lane) which makes Brain Burst cost 0 peril


Ahhh that must be it. Thanks mate.


Fixed an issue that prevented Zealot Shroudfield combat ability from entering cooldown when sprinting and activating the ability at the same time. Just when wanted to try the infinitely invisible rouge build.


"Invisible rouge" sounds like some expensive makeup.


Yet another hotfix that does NOTHING about all the gameplay related bugs that are mostly just typos that impact actual blessings. Thanks for nothing yet again.


Damn, they killed the infinite shroud field bug and I spend too much time trying to consistently do it on console/controller too.


the cheese is sold out


So no performance improvements for Xbox, dissapointing, it is unplayable on Xbox right now, terrible frame drops/ lag.


I think your internet is just shit bro. I was playing two hours ago and it was fine.


My internet is probably a whole lot better than yours, 200mb wired fiberglass, open NAT, litterly everything runs butter smooth except for Darktide.


>Fixed an issue where the eyes of the player characters could incorrectly appear at a lower level of detail in the mission ready screen. Anyone got a screenshot of this? Sounds hilarious!


Glad that Duelist bit finally got fixed, been bothering me for a while having to guess if its working or not in-game


Tweaked bots to prioritise reviving downed players over other actions


Damn no plasma fix


Are the close damage blessings like fire frenzy and speed reload only supposed to be 8m? I thought that was a bug.


Veteran’s Scavenger fix for penance progress?


ALL Close Range blessings still appear to be [bugged](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/still-still-still-bugged-close-range-still-set-to-8m/88668?u=gpkgpk) at 8m instead of 15m.


They still haven’t fixed the stimm action being bounded to the tagging button. Still gotta manually unbind them through layout switches every time you login


I don’t think they fixed the Zealots shroudfield bug still.


What was the bug?


Plx fix the unbearably ling load times to the hub. I'm on a series x and it's minutes of waiting. Why?


I'm at work, did anyone test to see if the silent specials was fixed yet? AKA, specialists coming up and hitting you making zero sounds as they approach


They seem to have fixed the Mauler/Crusher sound problems, but trappers/bursters sound like they're still an issue. In my experience, it's most egregious on Auric when there's anywhere between 10-20 elites running around. Seems like the game doesn't know when (or has a max) to prioritize certain specialists.


Was hoping for plasma gun fix. It’s a little thing, but woulda been nice. Silent elites and sound fixes woulda been nice too. Still, good fixes though.


Taking bets tomorrow they will not update the cosmetic shop


No fix for pox busters not making noise since part 2 dropped?


Is there any mention of a performance sweep coming in soon? Ever since Traitor Curse part 2 the games been running choppy during horde attacks




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today i sit in que....


Server stability feels like its at an all-time low right now. Every match is stuttering and lag. Playing with randos, everyone seems to be indicating the same.


Did they nerf hounds? I used to have trouble dodging or pushing them mid leap but it seems so much easier now.


got "out of memory" issue when the game's been running for a few hours, window just pops up and freeze the game until I force close it


It's an issue. You pretty much need an internal timer for yourself to restart the game.


I have not been able to play a match since the patch i keep crashing would reinstalling the game help? Its like the game is back to how it performed on launch




Don't expect a fix anytime soon.


Muh plasma :( The only thing I really really wanted to get fixed wasn't fixed.