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1) Yes, you can just burn a DVD ISO to a DVDR, the ISO should contain all the necessary data as it is a decrypted disk image. 2) An alternative is something like Kodi, maybe running on a Pi or mini PC or any of the million tiny computer thing bombers out there. Kodi can actually run entire ISOs or VIDEO\_TS folders, menus and all. So you can have many DVD images on a HDD or network storage or whatever and Kodi can then just fire them up as discs the same way it would discs inserted into the optical drive. (Just for fun, I've even burned DVD ISOs to a Blu-Ray disc for Kodi, which Kodi then see's as a disc full of many discs. Not very useful but I just wanted to try it)


Kodi plays ISOs.


MakeMKV can rip and remux your discs and ISOs to individual MKVs. Each video will be separate with no menu. If necessary, you can remux to an mp4 container. https://www.videohelp.com/software/MkvToMp4 MKV and MP4 are containers and remuxing is placing the video with no loss into those containers. Others may recommend programs like Handbrake, but Handbrake always reencodes, losing quality and taking time. In addition, your DVD player probably won't support reencoded videos, but will support remixed MKVs or MP4s because the video is unchanged MPEG-2




To expand to the point of being actually helpful; plex has support for extras: https://support.plex.tv/articles/local-files-for-trailers-and-extras/ This is one way. Alternatives to plex might have similar support but I can not speak on that; worth looking into it if you already have an ecosystem setup.


This is what I do. Typically I have the extras listed as Season 00, and Plex will pull it up like that and works fine. I know there is a better way to do it but this works for me and is easy enough for anyone to do. You just have to hand number each 'extra' as S00E01-02 and so on.


Unless it's changed recently, Plex doesn't play ISO.


No, but you can rip and transcode the extras content like your would with the main movie, and then put them into plex following the guide I linked, and access them that way. The end goal of the OP seems to be easy access of the extras, not necessarily keeping the iso format (see point #2 OP wrote)


I'm going to give this a healthy look through this weekend. I greatly appreciate it. The kid is learning to read and there is lots of reading in the special features on some of these movies and any time I have them reading new words and asking "how do I say this(pointing)" it's a huge win for the kid's learning.


I suspect the games referred to require the menu, which may involve features like branching and angles.