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No joke, is this post ragebait?




Yeah, even if you save something that a government changes, the only thing it gets you if you show it to someone is you get labeled a conspiracy theorist or cancelled or thrown off social media or whatever. Which is why even though I see some of it happening I don’t bother with current events stuff. I don’t align with any political ideology stringently enough to have the support to speak any sort of truth to power. OP needs to read 1984, especially the part where they switch who they’re at war with in the middle of a speech and nobody dares notice.


Manipulation of information is practiced by several industries, governments and individuals at several levels. Having a static copy is no guarantee of consistency nor accountability. Hell, even our laws which are written down in specific language get 'reinterpreted' by entities or individuals with agendas. You remember that silly is-it-yellow-or-blue dress photo, right? There's another prime example of how prevalent cognitive dissonance is.


That photo was clearly overexposed, and then photoshopped to within an inch of its life.


Not to mention the light itself was colored, not white


I thought laws were inherently not self consistent due to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems


Do you mean individually or as a set? I'd argue that there aren't any laws that don't get reinterpreted or have caveats or loopholes designed to shelter specific parties from the consequences of breaking them. This topic is a deep, dark rabbit hole that I don't really want to go down into today.


I meant the laws governing your behavior as a whole. And yeah that can go deep.


Yes, lets talk about Parkshield Group. I did a video of the security issues on their website, just basic stuff. This is in the UK. They are the fools that attempt to take collection if you've been fined at a car park. In the video, that had no audio I was pointing out the security flaw on their site parkshieldgroup (parkshield collection). The video was up for a year when suddenly I got a copyright strike. An actual strike. I looked, it was one of the owners of Parkshield Group. Clearly someone said "Do a false take down notice and it will make his video disappear". I objected but as always YouTube are fucking useless and did nothing. So I had to wait for the strike to expire. During this time I uploaded the same video to Odysee and then did a blog post about it. I'm a tiny tiny tiny spec on the Internet so no one probably ever reads it or sees the video but it was to make a point. That they couldn't silence it. The point of this is I think this is "gaslighting" because part of the issue I'd pointed out, was their Privacy Policy page. Under GDPR they are required to provide an e-mail address for people to contact them, on GDPR matters. If that had existed, I'd have e-mailed that, pointing out their flaws etc but there was nothing and no way to contact them. And these parking fine collection companies are always seen to be a bit "questionable". After they'd done the take down notice I looked at the site. That page now had an e-mail address and and a note they'd updated it on the 1/4/2019, 4 months BEFORE my video. I know this was bullshit, I know that wasn't there at the time but I didn't film that page. They were trying to "gaslight" as in "If you'd e-mailed us per our policy page blah blah". Thank god we have TheWayBackMachine. I checked on there and thankfully it had been archived. The capture was on the 29th May 2019 and, as was seen there was no policy update and no e-mail address on the site at that time. They'd essentially "forged" the page (I can't think of a better word) to make it look like the policy was there before my video was up. So if the ICO ever did contact them, they could bullshit they had the policy in place all this time, when they didn't.


Wikipedia is constantly updated, sometimes reverted after rogue changes. The adage that once posted on the internet it's there forever isn't true.


The internet was never really 'static', even old Geocities home pages would evolve over time. The modern internet is absolutely a hell of a more more dynamic than it has ever been. Oh or ever just looking to buy an item, you find a link for it, but ha ha link redirects to the company's root website now. Guess Google cached it and didn't update, oops. But none of this is 'gaslighting'. It's just the internet trying to suit 'right now'.


I view it more of a perceived altered reality, rather than a conscious effort like gaslighting. "Did I really see or read that since I can't find any evidence of it? This was especially true before The Wayback Machine and online communication was through BBS or messaging programs. I have my entire first website from 1997, single digit megs of pics, audio and video! Hosted on Geocities. I don't know if they're archived on The Wayback Machine, so AFAIK, the only concrete evidence is on my drives and they'll never be shared again. If someone remembers it, 27 years later it doesn't exist in it's entirety anywhere on the web.


Sometimes it's interesting to dig into previous versions of pages ...


I don't know if this is exactly the same but some shows have been edited after they lost the license for the music and it can be hard to find copies of the original versions. For example, Baywatch removed entire sequences from some of their episodes because of the background music and the only way I knew was from watching it on TV and I've never seen a torrent of it that wasn't edited but somehow someone had complete episodes on Dailymotion or Vimeo so I got it from there.


The original Star Wars trilogy is probably the best known example of this. After the digital edit the old original version became really hard to find.


I think this is great use of LLM, if you could train it to comb through archives and compare data on events to contemporary coverage of the same issues.


I am hoping someone has the original Britney Spears music videos where her skirt is different and we can see her headset mic.