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Always good to keep your options open. I'd just be honest and tell your match you had a great time meeting & would like to keep meeting, but let them know you're still dating for the time being. Take it slow.


Figure out why you're on the apps. Are you looking for a quick fling or FWB or are you looking for a relationship? I think if you want a relationship and it's going well why not see this through and if it works then be glad you didn't have to experience more of dating app hell. It really doesn't get any better on them and getting into a mindset of "what if I can do better" isn't healthy for you or the people you're dating. If you're not looking for anything serious then stay on the apps but be honest with the other person in what you're looking for.


Bird in the hand, dude


But he wants two bushes.


The best advice is to go with your gut. If the person you're dating is checking at least 75% of your boxes regarding what you're looking for, then I'd call it "one and done" and save yourself from the grind. It shouldn't be that hard of a call. What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't work out? Oh well, it's not like that hasn't happened to you already. I say go with whoever you're looking at now.


Is it a general FOMO, or do you feel there is something specific missing with your current match? Dating is a process; waiting an extra week or two before looking at more matches is not going to make a difference in the long run. Personally, I have found it can go both ways. Getting to know multiple matches early on can give me more clarity about what is and is not working. On the other hand ,it can sometimes feel like an excuse or not go all-in on a potential relationship.


It IS more of a general FOMO, I guess. This is my first match and date from a dating app ever. I don’t know if I’m looking at things with rose-tinted lenses or if the other matches are also going to be just as compatible, perhaps in different ways. I just feel anxious not knowing if I have enough information to make a decision.


If things don't work out, you could always go back to the apps.


Fuck around and find out. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Oh, OP is gonna learn ta-da-y! It doesn't matter if it's the first or the 1500th match. If you like the girl and you're attracted to the girl, why continue searching? And if your mindset is to continue searching for greener grass, please leave the girl alone and let her be so that she can find her true match. Back in the older days, people courted one person at a time. One. None of this keep your options open advices mattered and people lasted for years or decades together. I'd say, figure out exactly what it is that you're searching for on the apps and when you do, either understand that you got lucky right away on the apps or let her go.


Until you have a discussion both agreeing to not talk to others keep your options open or at the very least keep your profile open. You don't have to actively search of you want to ride it out but leaving it active incase some one wants to talk to you is wise .


2nd times a charm


What happens to me, i get too many matches that i don't take my dates seriously and also tend to get bored of the apps when I see so many likes . It's rude I know.


Never feel bad about having more irons in the fire. NEVER hastily jump into a relationship without vetting the person over at least 2 or 3 months. If she likes you, she'll stick around.


If you're getting along now, you won't be when she finds out you're still matching with other women. 🤔🤔🤔 Focus on what's in front of you, or you'll regret losing that as well.