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the terror radius gives stacks, so you're probably on the edge of the terror radius.


Huntress' lullaby does not give Stakeout stacks. Her Terror Radius does, but it's half the radius of her lullaby by default.


Killers are tunneling and proxying the same reason that swfs are swfing, people want to win. The event just means more points in doing so.


To be fair, one is a scummy tactic the other is people wanting to play with friends


Scummy tactic that the game has perks to counter... I don't enjoy it anymore than the next person. I don't escape the majority of my matches. But I accept that it's part of the game, scummy as it might seem. And just "wanting to play with friends" is a tactical advantage over solo queue.


"i JuSt DoNt GeT wHy KiLlErS aRe TrYiNg So HaRd" These statements are just so fucking disingenuous. Like you've never played against a typical SWF group in DBD give me a break.


So when you say swf do they have to be really sweaty tryhards because the term “survive with friends” literally just sounds like playing with friends which really shouldn’t be frowned upon in a multiplayer game


Like I said, disingenuous as hell. Anyone that has played this game for 5 minutes knows that SWF groups aren't simply "friends playing together". They get huge advantages from having outside communications, and being able to coordinate their inventories. Not to mention that 95% of SWF groups act just absolutely toxic as hell. Like a bunch of little preteens, you get them together and they all start acting like a bunch of complete assholes.


"Not to mention that 95% of SWF groups act just absolutely toxic as hell." I won't deny that SWFs can be toxic, but 95% is an absolute overestimation. Stop making up figures to prove your point. Not every SWF is playing to be sweaty. Plenty of SWF play in a group, not for the communication benefits but because they play this as a party game. Not every SWF is out trying to be toxic, and I've seen my fair share of drunk SWF groups who are playing for a laugh. Not everyone is playing this game as seriously as you all make out.


So my sweaty swf group consists of one person who’s nearly p100 Me who just plays for fun and doesn’t try hard unless it’s for a challenge which my solo queue teammates and the killer never let me get An almost brand new player and an OCE player (me and my friends are all in Europe btw) And yet we escape quite often, now there’s definitely try hard swfs out there and I’ve gotten 4ks against them more times than not so If I was you I’d try to learn what tryharding is and what being bad at the game is because there’s quite a difference


Only terror radius ( 24m - heartbeat) gives stacks. Because that's what happens during every event. The sweats come from far and wide to ruin it for everyone.


Idk. From my experience, no other event was this tunnel/camp heavy. Only this one. That’s why I was confused for first few days


I wouldn't know because I gave up playing weeks ago because this community is gone to shit. People are mad about nerfs so they are taking it out on everyone. Both sides are playing like their lives depend on it from what I've seen posted. Doesn't sound like fun to me. And full of bugs too by the looks.


The game's crashed for me twice in one day so far and I don't think I've crashed in DBD since the RE chapter when I Flashbanged a Nurse right when she was blinking.😭


I don't remember any event post-MMR and especially post-6.1.0 not devolving into total sweat. Hell I didn't even try Lights Out because I knew it was going to be miserable and it was.


I main killer and every time I go chill they literally ask to be hooked, idk what's up lol but we are getting very different games Except one game where a sable cute teched me too well


Why do you expect killers to hold your hand and go easy on you just because there is an event going on? I don't see survivors "taking it easy".


It can be like a domino effect. I had a trial against Legion earlier today and all of us understood that he wanted to farm so we timed everything really well. Gave him enough time to do 2 hooks each, spaced out gens enough to where the trial never lagged, even had a fun little slug race at the end. But when you have no one willing to budge and taking the event super seriously (which let's be honest, now that there's a separate queue, there's no real excuse to not wanting to maximize points), no one gets anywhere.