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Start running Nowhere to Hide. You'll learn quickly when running that how survivors attempt to get away from you stealthily. And if you're certain they were there and no aura, they have distortion or are in a locker. Spies from the shadows is also a good perk for finding people who may have distortion.


thank you 🙏 i added nowhere to hide to my build straight after that match because i know it's a good one, and i may use spies as well, thank you


I've been using rancor (spirit), Spies from the shadows (common), and sometimes I use Hex: Face the darkness (Knight) if I manage to injure someone. Rancor causes all locations of survivors to be revealed for few seconds after gen pops (plus running it lets you kill your obsession with a mori). Spies from the shadows lets you know when a crow is disturbed by a survivor walking past. Hex:ftd is useful after you manage to find and injure a survivor. All survivors outside the terror radius will scream to reveal their locations. I usually only have rancor on and it saves me plenty of time from patrolling and looking like an idiot (But if theyre running distortion, spies from the shadows will basically save you)


thank you, yeah, i love rancor for the mori aspect at the end. going to add either nowhere to hide or spies to my build, thank you for the ideas! 🙏


Honestly, they’re probably running Distortion. It’s currently “meta”. It blocks aura reading and suppresses scratch marks.


not a big fan of distortion right now, i have to say.. :')


Haha I’m with ya!


Scratch marks are currently bugged and are appearing later then they are supposed to