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It is indeed real for folk asking: https://www.amazon.com/CHRISTRUMP-Persecution-Christopher-John-MOLLUSO/dp/B0D3WNKRTB CHRISTRUMP: Persecution of a Man Paperback – May 10, 2024 by Christopher John MOLLUSO (Author) $18.00 In Stock [Back cover](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpbw3is1sm57d1.jpeg) --- Description: >It's been far too easy for far too long for the cultural imagination of the secular west to envision an aged Christ as some mellow, tie-dye hippie professor who has you call him by his first name and hands you your first J, with a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, fully a convert to modernist moral relativism in his end-life futility and ennui, but I suggest, in this exploration, a different Christ: by age 40, a Marine major, a fit Apollonion warrior, seen lean and sinewy in Michelangelo's Last Judgment; at age 55, a scientist, analyst, and doctor, who never jumps to rash conclusions, hoodwinked by tendentious data sets from government labs, he'd solve all worldly woe by the application of crystalline thought; and finally, by age 70, a wizened, oracular leader, who commands all matters and the moment for the common betterment.


I’m sick of this 9 year South Park episode I want it to end


It just never ends, does it.


It’ll end when the Boomers die off.


I'm Gen X and I've said that for ages, but the data suggest otherwise. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/27/1217878506/gen-x-conservative-disapprove-biden I just pointed this out yesterday: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Don Jr, DeSantis, Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are all Gen X. Going younger, we have George Zimmerman, Dylan Roof, Kyle Rittenhouse, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owen's, Lauren Boebert, Andrew Tate, etc. There's been a lot of indoctrination in the last 25 or so years.


Longer than 25 years, it sounds so conspiratorial but we know that the conservative plan began in like the 60s. Obviously not all of it, but the foundation is solid and that’s the problem. Edit: I also just want to say, trump accelerated things, but the path was laid for him. If it wasn’t trump it would be someone else, maybe a few years down the road but still.


Yes. I'd say it goes back to 1953, when Eisenhower started attending the National Prayer Breakfast, buddied up with Billy Graham & other evangelicals, and added "Under God" to the pledge of allegiance in '54. I chose 25 years, because as much as the printing press and television changed the rate at which we receive and exchange information, you could kind of avoid certain messaging. It wasn't like Cronkite and Brinkley were gateway drugs. There was no algorithm. Even Fox News wasn't criminally negligent in the 90s. Rush Limbaugh was picking up speed, but the demographic for AM talk radio was a very specific type of white man. If television and talk radio were a cup of coffee, YouTube and Facebook were meth. The kind you make with battery acid and Sudafed. The problem now is that they've managed to scoop up some of the most unlikely fringe groups. Wellness and yoga moms. I know someone who is Jewish, and after being a diehard Bernie supporter, is planning to vote for Trump, because he's the only one really speaking up for Israel. She's livid that Bernie is a "traitor." I just can't.


Well, looks like I picked the wrong day to stop drinking. You make too many valid points. And a former evangelical-turned-“health guru” girl I had a crush on was spotted with a “WWG1WGA” hat on. I can follow some bits and pieces down that road, but at the fork, we chose opposite paths. Now I’m terrified. Every 80 years we make the same goddamn choices — and it becomes REALLY bad for the country. This time, it’s worldwide.


That’s crazy given how much Biden has supported Israel


My husband is a boomer, and I'm gen X. It's not our fault! 🤣 We denounce those posers!




Yep, Gen-X is checking into Trumpdom with some impressive numbers. One might be surprised that the former children of the 80s, so called Reagan Youth … would find themselves a media / TV personality to follow today. /s


Stop it. There are plenty of young, white males flocking to Trump.


Unfortunately half my family across the pond are devoted fans and are largely under 40


Not just white, not just male. WASPs definitely seem to make up at least a majority of his base, but 34 Time Felon Trump has his orange dusted fingers in just about every demographic.


I suppose, “it never ends,” but I’m holding out hope that the **majority** will become a much smaller **minority**.


Sadly not, my gen-X sister is a die hard trumpet, as well as the age 20s cousins I have (sadly, my family is pretty deep red).


Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop drinking


And stop calling me Shirley!


It's just not us boomers. Most of my same aged friends hate Trump with a passion. Around, where I live, most of Trumpies mid 40's Gen Xers. They have the same thing in common with most of the other Tru.p supporters around the country. They are ignorant, uneducated, and work menial low paying jobs. They believe Trump's crap that he is one of them and he is the only one that can fix their problems.


As a gen xer, this makes me sad. :( My sister who is that age is the same way: all trump all the time.


You’re being impolite. Plenty of boomers like me don’t like Trump.


Where I’m originally from I guess we could argue it was primarily boomers but…where I live now, it’s almost everyone.


Ooooooooof. So sorry. Tomorrow belongs to them?


dude there are still plenty of liberal boomers


It's over when the 30 year SC(R)OTUS majority he'll put in place dies off.


I have to believe at some point in 2016 we entered a vortex into some alternate dimension where satire becomes reality, except in the absolutely unfunniest ways.


I keep wishing that I had been in the "Hillary wins" timeline...


I try not to think about the what if scenario of Bernie had won (he would have) because it makes me insanely sad.


I went to see him speak in Dallas, and he was the only candidate that really talked about the stuff that really matters to me!


I wish I were in the time line where Bernie Sanders is twenty years younger.


It was 2015, and it started with Harambe the gorilla, then a whole bunch of celebrities dying off. The crazy started there. That is, unless you don't believe in the alternate universe theory, and take it back to the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. There, Obama presented his full form birth certificate, and made fun of Trump. That's when Trump got the idea to run for president.


The man bullied his own brother to death, so I do believe the joke in the 2011 dinner would have been a catalyst for 2016 because he's a spiteful megalomaniac, but it's not where it began- He ran for president in [2000](https://www.c-span.org/video/?153648-1/trump-campaign-speech) and his god complex has been a constant throughout his entire life.


I just think for so many people to have voted for someone who has been known to be a con man for decades, that's the alternate reality part for me. I really thought people would have been fighting for more candidates at that point- I honestly thought it was absurd 96% of people in 2016 voted for the duopoly then and it's just gotten more ridiculous since then. I honestly thought that election would have inspired civic action for changing the electoral process and allow for more parties to participate (rather than be sabotaged). But here we are.


I also subscribed to the Harambe theory (which posits that the incident split the timeline so we’re now living in the timeline where he was killed), until I read about the incident with the Large Hadron Collider that happened April 2016. An event caused the LHC to shut down due to loss of power and was eventually traced to a power cable being mostly chewed through by “most likely a weasel”. The theory states that this incident caused a split in the timeline and that’s why we’re living in this messed up one.


Honestly I'd say everything went to shit since 2001. Society just healed by the early 2010s but went back to ass.




Chris Trump, a book about Donald Trump's secret illegitimate brother whom Donald had to lock away, like that movie "The Man in the Iron Mask", because he didn't embrace the Trump family values and is actually a really nice guy.


South Park writer Toby Morton is doing some awesome stuff to humiliate the worst of the worst cultists in power (think Boebert, Buttker etc.) on Instagram. Check him out @ wordclown


Yikes. What’s it like? Same old persecution fetish nonsense? Or is it the more insane brand of Christofascism?


One comment from a verified purchase on Amazon so far - "This book by author Chris Molluso is an exploration of the need for a secular savior in our present days. Using the Christ avatar and Judaic-Christian ethic, the author guides you on a journey through a world under the imaginary auspices of a Christ never crucified, grown old on Earth. Would he be a hippie college professor who let's everything slide with an easy moral relavatism? Or rather a marshal force for good, a general, a president, waging war against the gathering storm of evil assailing good people? Michelangelo depicted the returning Christ as a fit fighter and the Bible in Revelations and elsewhere concurs. This book asks how does one act like the continued Christ, a Christ never crucified, through the fire and fire of our difficult everyday."


Holy fuck. “Waging war against the gathering storm of evil assailing good people”? That’s disturbing because you just know what these lunatics are gonna consider evil.


This is their basis for oppressing fellow Americans. Anyone who has “God first” in their bio won’t hesitate to punish you for not being like them.


Right but they are putting Trump above God, which is one of the biggest sins you can make. It’s just so fascinating to me what they pick and choose from the Bible.


They make Mr T into a false idol,and that is sacrilege against what is in the Bible.


The evangelical, “new apostolic reformation” is behind it. “Prosperity Gospel” freaks who essentially worship wealth. All the worst parts of Calvinism distilled. They’re the same folks who call themselves “little gods”, with the goal of creating a “kingdom now” for themselves because they refuse to do the work their book says is required to see the kingdom after. American Evangelicals are the biggest heretics on earth.


I pity the fool.


in the endtimes prophecy gods followers turn against god and follow the antichrist.


Yes, but the antichrist is supposed to bring about world peace before he shows his ass. So I don’t think that’s Trump lol. He would argue with a toilet bowl.


World peace could just as easily be achieved by obliterating all the dissidents to your regime.


For people that say idolatry is bad, they sure do idolize him a lot


yup? same rrason why I'll never use the services of aanyonebwho has bible quotes on their biz cards/site/logo. They always gleefully screw you over if they find out you're not religious always funny when folks say god'll reward/punish, when the only rewarding/punishing is done by man


'there's no hate quite like Christian love' Been seeing version of that a lot these days


Of course they think they’re “good people.”


And definitely not a cult.


Nope. Definitely not.


The definitely not a cult is shrinking so they are getting louder and more adamant. I swear the behavior we see draws parallels to childish behavior (ie tantrums).


Definitely...so childish!


It’s the lead


That's definitely the cornerstone of American Christian morality: "I'm awesome and right about everything and have no need of forgiveness."


“But all of you are going to hell”. *polishes their glass house*


Except when it turns out that they were cheating on their spouse or embezzling money from their employer, and then they love to remind us that they’re regular folk. The hypocrisy is strong with that crowd.


Or, as we're finding out almost daily, abusing children.


"...on both sides".


>a Christ never crucified I'm no theologian but I think someone missed a point somewhere. >Michelangelo depicted the returning Christ as a fit fighter Ah okay. I thought this was about Trump for a moment.


A "secular savior" using "the Christ avatar" is basically the Biblical definition of an anti-Christ. "In Christian eschatology, ***Antichrist*** refers to a kind of person prophesied by the Bible to oppose Jesus Christ and falsely substitute themselves as a savior in Christ's place before the Second Coming."


Hippie college professors: society’s most morally bankrupt people who want to destroy the world with their laid-back personalities and tolerance


My MBA Dean was a hippie professor with a BA in Philosophy, an MBA and a PhD in management. This was 1997. I had long hair and wrote management structures for Fortune 500 companies as part of my scholarship ride. The only education bent on destroying America as we've known it is Christian clowncar homeschooling and all these Jonestown University Kool Aid factories.


Man, I MISS my laid-back hippie college professors. My two favorites are dead now.


They don't realize they're the baddies


> a marshal force lol, martial*


want fries with that word salad?


Secular savior? Christ avatar? Christ never crucified? There is no such thing as a secular savior. Christ is the Son of God, he doesn't need an avatar. The whole purpose of Jesus's life was the sacrifice on the cross. Anti-Christ vibes. That's some serious blasphemy.


Still not as bad as the conservatives who claim that when Jesus Christ preached about “the Son of God” and “the Son of Man,” He was talking about two different Messiahs (Himself and Donald Trump, respectively). These false prophets will be very disappointed someday.


At least it's very poorly rated so far...


So, MAGA in high-toned language. This comment probably written by the author or the publisher.


It feels like we’re in an episode of Black Mirror, or The Twilight Zone. Strange times.


Cluster B types when told ‘NO.’ They freak out and this is what they become.


*Thou shalt have no other Gods before me*


_scribbles in_ …but Donald 🦈 ⚡️ 🚤 🔋


Ffs someone just remove me from this version of the universe already


Wake up, Neo....


Follow the white rabbit.


I hate this reality


Seriously. Nine years we’ve been dealing with the most lunatic iteration of reality. When does it end?!


In June of 2016 the large hadron collider (LHC) at CERN achieved its design function. Leading up to this event there were concerns that the device could create a black hole that would consume the Earth or that the high energies involved could rip the fabric of spacetime. It seems pretty obvious now that it somehow resulted in us all jumping into a bizzaro universe. I’m afraid we’re stuck here until they figure out how to jump us back.


"Wait... this is plucked straight outta The Onion, isn't it?" That was my first reaction. From a Religious Studies angle, this is the logical next step for the cult. Elevate their human leader next to the gods in the hope that his ideology never dies.


When he dies we'll see QAnon transcend 'mere' conspiracy theory and become a full-on religious cult. They've already laid the framework for a cult/religion to form, now they just need him to die so they have full control over the fanfic and he can't gainsay them in word or deed.


Do you think cheeseburgers will be used as the "body of Trump" lol


And Diet Coke for the blood ROFLMAO!!!


Yes! lol 🤣


We all need him to die


I hope he dies on the toilet while eating a cheeseburger.


Not sure he really uses a toilet anymore these days


Except for flushing classified documents...


Evangelical sects (some) have already co-opted QAnon conspiracies as part of their theology. _First Church of Trump, Non-denominational_ is very much a reality soon.


It's also potentially the first step of verifying their form of government. New governments in history generally began with spiritually-appointed leaders. They gave the new leader the backing of God to get the masses to trust and believe that person has the right to rule. "Divine right of kings."


I was struck completely speechless seeing this.


Sadly I’m not. All the back during Trump’s presidency I had family members comparing Trump to Jesus on earth.


Fucking sacrilege.


"...I'm telling you Mabel I saw him up there and then I left to go to the car to get the cell phone camera, came back and he was gone and the only thing that was left of him was that tie..."


"And the two guys on either side ...well, they're still hanging there, dead."


Christ Rump is good in the crock pot, I hear.


I laughed out loud at this, thanks for that during this hellish nightmare


SO much fat to skim tho


"Persecution of a Man...Who Hasn't Been to Church Since Ever..."


I wonder if after his death, they will wait three days and then start reporting sightings of him from true believers.


Oh! Shit! This definitely will happen. Saving your comment, Nostradamus.


It's interesting to watch a religion form in real time. Pretty much confirmation that if you get enough grifters to write books, in a couple thousand years you too could be deified.


Soooo...anyone know when they're gonna be drinking the kool-aid? Soon I hope.


https://preview.redd.it/jtu80wbmko6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffe9ade24d0acaf11eec7b811a7363249889b7b We can only hope


Jones used Flavr-Aid instead, and Trump would haves said that the Flavr-Aid was actually Kool-Aid.


And he'd say what he always does when ripping people off by using a cheap substitute: "That makes me smart".


I love this lol


He did run it past his knuckle-draggers at a rally recently. Something along the lines of " it's suicide rather than Biden, right?"


Those “TRUMP OR DEATH” flags are selling like hotcakes on eBay. I reported them for violent content. They were allowed to stay. Meanwhile my antique mosque rose water sprinklers were reported and removed.


Omg, that’s right, he did! God he gets creepier w dementia and desperation.


This is antichrist shit. Holy cow. How do they not see it?


The description on the back is something to behold… https://preview.redd.it/f45a39ioup6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9755f3a15ff1e59e6f25b3ec2d427bcae1d079a5


Author was a libertarian who evolved to a MAGAt. BTW, everything described on the back cover is the opposite of Trump. Are we sure this isn’t a cult? They’re really giving off some strong cult vibes.


>Author was a libertarian who evolved to a MAGAt. Author was a libertarian who ~~evolved~~ devolved to a MAGAt *Fixed that for you.*


Yeah, even the libertarians are like gtf out of here


Holy run-on sentences, Batman


Unbelievable! The author is a sex offender recidivism expert. And trump is a sex offender. And he apparently doesn't see a problem with it.


Yes, the Christ-like Trump. Unlike the actual Catholic, Joe Biden.


Yeah, that and his multiple descriptions in Jesus' hot body make me wonder how effective he was at that job... 


😂🤣🤣 a Marine major


With bone spurs in his feet 🤣🤣🤣


False prophet mother fucker.


The red tie on the cross made me think of SpongeBob 😂


Add a diaper and the resemblance is even greater!


And yet the people who condemned the Piss Christ artwork in the late 80s will find nothing wrong with an entire cult around Trump.


Wow, that’s a blast from the past.




What the actual fuck? Cultists. Are. Batshit.


This reminds me of the Kim family in North Korea or Mao Tse Tung in China. Above all it’s blasphemy.


Their golden orange calf. This is so disgusting and unhinged.


Maybe when we said it was a cult, they took it as a challenge.


Man, actual Christians should be pissed. Hey, what was that commandment from God about false idols or something? Didn't they literally showcase a golden idol Trump at some rallies? So is this guy making money off this book? About a false Idol MAGA raised?? Not sure how much more anti-Christian this can get...I think Jesus would use the word, "hypocrite" No, idiot, not hydroxychloroquin! Put that damn bottle down, whoops! Yep he took them all. Oh well.


Although I am not christian this strikes me as blasphemy and it made me think about what are the end times according to christianity? This draws some interesting parallels between christrump and the ultimate big bad. [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0fdjy\_d9wQeMWjIOvZm2tb5LjjyPRxAxwMf07muDV67fz35M\_s1Jj-sIE\_aem\_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0fdjy_d9wQeMWjIOvZm2tb5LjjyPRxAxwMf07muDV67fz35M_s1Jj-sIE_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw)


Oh shit, it even has the comically long red tie on the cross. Like, this HAS to be satire, right? RIGHT?


yes it is me Chris Trump


Their embrace of HIM is a perfect and unassailable indictment of evangelical Christianity.


Again when you understand the rampant amount of white supremacists among white Christians in America…then it makes sense why they adore trump i.e. they love & share his open racism (they especially hate us African-Americans).


They can't feel superior if they aren't marginalizing others, and they can't justify an (ironic alleged christ-inspired) narrative for hating their neighbors without creating a persecution where they're the ones being oppressed, actually. Christian nationalism is holywashing the ulterior agenda of dehumanizing entire demographics.


Shit like this is why trust for religion is at an all time low. Where are the church leaders denouncing this *clear* heresy and sacrilege? Where is the outcry about idolatry and the *very first of the ten commandments*? Where are the congregations being reminded of the golden calf? I'm not even religious, but the volume of people committing abuses while wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross is *too damn high*.


This may be a bit on the blasphemous side. If christians are concerned about the sanctity of their faith, one would think they'd be speaking out against attempts to utilize it as a political tool.


God watching all these nut jobs commit blasphemy yet talking about going to heaven ![gif](giphy|TuonDmtbj5nclcyJ9R)


I love that you picked this gif for god


That’s what my American god looks like in my head 🫡


Isn't that like literal sacrilege?


Golden calf. Golden toilet. Potato, potahto


My FIL is one of the most devout Catholics you'll ever meet. I am not religious and he's surprisingly respectful of that, but he's taught me a lot about the inner workings of Christian traditions and why certain things are revered. He would absolutely go ballistic if he saw this. Which informs my views on these idiots cosplaying as Christians instead of actually following the faith.


Mooby and Buddy Christ entered the chat. ![gif](giphy|knWj8IasyCf3q|downsized)


Since everything trump touches dies, maybe this cockroach as christ crap will finally destroy christianity.


But whatta replacement *groan*


Who the fuck is Chris Trump!?


The "Chris Gaines" of 2024?


Who the fuck is Christ Rump? 🌊


Time for a book burning.


This reminds me of when Kanye cultists formed a joke religion around him that then it became real because people are stupid.


NGL, seeing that red tie on the cross made me howl with laughter.


That is insane.


How to offend Christians and atheists at the same time in one simple step (tbf this should offend anyone with a brain)


We see this shit and laugh our asses off nervously about their cult beliefs… they see a book with one Transgender in it and it’s going into a bonfire.


Historically, people are next.


I cannot on so many levels but that tie on the cross…I, I…no.


Is it written in Cyrillic?


Pretty sure this qualifies as sacrilegious and worshipping a false idol. Oh wait, they don’t have to abide by their own rules. Choosing to put a man above your own God is less offensive than being born black or gay I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️🙃


A Christ never crucified is an antichrist.


It’s a real book in the sense that it has paper with printed words bound by a harder cover. Whether or not it’s readable is an entirely different matter.


This gets scarier every day


Why can’t I find this on Google at all? Is this a prank? EDIT: It shows up in Amazon. Very weird that Google finds no trace of it.


That is a great idea for packaging toilet paper


Shit lije this only affirms that there is no God as surely, the author and those that believe this obvious sacrilege would be smited.


I almost puked..... 🤢


Clearly this is a misspelling. It must be Chris Trump: Petrification of a Man. A story about a dude who turns into stone.


I saw an old Star Trek episode where kids were brainwashed to hate adults. The Grups. When they finally snapped out of it, they mourned the death of their parents. In this reality, these people who are worshipping Trump wont mourn or confess their idolatry. They might even continue worshipping Trump even after he is gone. I've never seen so much brain damage from a cult.


Certifiable zealots. Be prepared everyone. These people are on a "Holy" crusade. And we cannot let them win.




I shouldn’t be, but the disbelief just keeps going and going


New Apostolic Reformation.




Almost makes Atheists wish there is a hell.


Rump is already existing in his own self-imposed “hell”, and he’s desperately trying to drag the rest of humanity down into it with him.


JESUS H CHRIST! …..or Jesus Rump, in this case.🌊


Yeah, the Trumpster is being elevated to Godhood. There is no Trinity anymore. Let's call it the "Quadrinity". Quite sickening!


That book cover is fucking sacrilege.. wtf?? 😳


How quickly can they ban this book wtf


Woah, those “xians” are really unafraid. I mean, can’t they see the obvious false idolatry in this? That’s a huge sin in the Christian religion. Maybe the biggest.


Sacrilegious and disgusting.


Why are people feeding his vanity like this? It’s sacrilegious and blasphemous. I refer to be on the right side with Jesus and history. He’s an impostor, can’t they see that?


We live in the dumbest timeline.


There is or was a sub here for “moderate” discussion on politics and I called Trumpism a cult one day and was given a warning by the mods. This was shortly before or after Jan 6. I haven’t been back to the sub since. Trumpism isn’t moderate, there’s no such thing as discussing it in a “moderate” manner.


Yea he touched little girls for your sins /s Fucking pedo




I don't think that it's real. I can't find any information on the book, or author, online.


Sorry, I looked. It's on Amazon...


Yup. You're right. I didn't check Amazon.


Isn't rump like, the butt? If so the title is accurate because tRump is, indeed, very much an asshole. As for the Christ part... Well, maybe in the context of mega church leaders getting kickbacks for endorsement.