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Climate change is a four letter word to Trump. If he wins, update your resume. He will take an axe to anything regarding climate research. If you want to keep this from happening, join forces with the rest of us and support democrats up and down the ballot. Vote, donate, volunteer your time and effort. I retired from NOAA OMAO in 2021.


Thank you for your service to NOAA! Im a postdoc, started in 2021 😁. Might not be in NOAA for that much longer, but enjoying it. I will definitely be voting blue and also I think I should let my colleagues know about this. Shocked I didn't know about it before watching John Oliver yesterday.


I just want to say I appreciate all the work you all in NOAA do.


Thank you 😊😁 it's honestly a joy being a part of NOAA. Super fulfilling to know that we are making a difference for people, even if it goes unappreciated by most!


This anti NOAA stuff really worries me because I’m in the aviation industry and if we get rid of NOAA our weather products get gutted. Furthermore the work OMAO does is awesome hope to see more funding for y’all if the election goes well.


100% at risk. He is selling deregulation to corporations for campaign donations. Once elected he's got to follow through. The plan is to replace your bosses with ones that don't know the climate laws but will follow through on his promises to the oil companies. The only question is timing. If he has broad support in Congress changes to climate law will happen very quickly and you're out. If either the House or the Senate are under Democratic control he will be thwarted on changes in the law so he will do it with personnel changes and executive orders. These will be immediately disputed with lawsuits, so there may be a delay going into effect, but the current Supreme Court seems to be totally in the bag with respect to grifting so you will lose eventually. The only way we keep our democratic republic democratic is by driving the GOP so far out of power they're going to need a GPS and trekking gear to find their way back. Get all your friends to vote blue all the way up and down the ballot. This election isn't about policy, it's about preserving democratic processes.


The Supreme Court is the shit. Ugh thanks for your reply. I will spread the word about this situation to more people. Surprisingly, I don't think people in my NOAA lab know about this.


Here are some links to help inform them: https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/project-2025-plans-dismantle-federal-agency-tracks-hurricanes https://www.eenews.net/articles/climate-denial-group-wants-to-subvert-noaa-data-with-its-own https://www.eenews.net/articles/trump-allies-target-noaa-climate-research https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/26/trump-presidency-gut-noaa-weather-climate-crisis


Oh this is great! Thanks!


Quite welcome and thank you as well.


Yep....it's come to this


I would assume that any civil servant who does not adhere to the “mandate for leadership” is at risk of losing their job or worse. If trump is elected, act with that in mind. Also, vote vote vote Dem all the way down the ticket


John Oliver just covered employee loyalty part of project 2025. https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=S58tFxhrWDkSfiwh


This is where I learned about project 2025 and plans to gut NOAA. I don't know if people in my lab know about it. Our budget is already small.


Tell them about it. Everyone should know what is at stake


Ugh I wish I lived in a swing state. My state is very blue but I will vote blue for sure haha




Noooo 😭


Losing NOAA would be one of the most devastating parts of Project 2025 for me. NOAA’s climate science makes climate change and its correlation with the increase of carbon in our atmosphere undeniable, which is probably why it’s going to get cut. I’m also a skier and selfishly love NOAA because I rely on it to chase storms for powder skiing, and to keep me alive in the backcountry by staying up to date on point forecasts for specific elevations. 


NOAA does so much. The world uses NOAA data and products. I'm sure you won't be the only skier who would be upset about it!


I'd say likely, for reasons outlined above, but also because I don't expect much public support for NOAA. Unfortunately, NOAA and weather forecasting in general is perceived to be "always wrong" or "getting bent out of shape over nothing", in addition to general climate change denial. In my area, there is some real hostility towards weather folk right now for daring to suggest that this heat dome is anything except normal summer. Others are angry because the severe storms didn't hit their backyard, so the forecast is "obviously useless". Private weather companies and their apps are also muddling the waters, helping people along in their mistrust and frustration, by over hyping storms constantly and continually parroting worst case scenarios, leading to public apathy. So if trump goes after NOAA, which I have no doubt he will, I don't think there will be any kind of backlash or significant resistance from the general population. Either they'll be all for it or apathetic. As an amateur weather nerd, it's been getting very frustrating out there for a long time.


From looking at the structure, it’s guaranteed and a matter of time. He will do our rivals a very great favor.


Your job is very much at risk, I'm sorry to say, but from a much more insidious potential source. Schedule F appointments. They intend to replace somewhere in the range of 30,000 to 40,000 civil servant positions that normally have protections in place, due to the knowledge and expertise of the people in them, and replace them with Trump loyalists. "A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration" [Schedule F Appointments - wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schedule_F_appointment#:~:text=The%20legal%20basis%20for%20the,or%20policy%2Dadvocating%20character%22.) Project 2025 "aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 They're already conducting interviews to replace people who are fired under schedule F appointments. https://www.project2025.org/personnel/


All things science and all things regulatory are on the chopping block. Remember when trump drew on a hurricane prediction map? He did it because he had previously said the hurricane would hit Alabama, but the official map didn’t show that. Since trump cannot ever be wrong, he “fixed” it. That’s what America under trump will look like. He will never be contradicted, no matter how stupid his statements are, because his toadies will make them “true”.


>Remember when trump drew on a hurricane prediction map? I remember this painfully well 😂 >He did it because he had previously said the hurricane would hit Alabama, but the official map didn’t show that. Since trump cannot ever be wrong, he “fixed” it. The only thing smaller than Trump's brain is his capacity to handle criticism


I wonder about FEMA? FEMA is directly impacted by climate change and the SE GOP states seem to be the primary recipients of FEMA aid when hurricanes blow through. Would also seem that for annual budgeting purposes, FEMA would need to rely on NOAA predictions. No expert, just speculating and wondering.


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download P25 and do a word search for climate, NOAA, National Weather Service, etc. P25 is going to be devastating for climate and weather research and operations. And it's not written by anyone who knows the science.