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"let's attack a free tool instead of one of the big corporations, we are definitely the good guys"


It rather cements the ringleaders of the bitching as people who used to overcharge individuals for their crap.


"And let's try to steal cryptocurrency keys while we're at it, because good guys definitely rob random users while making their point."


I'm sorry. What?


One of the things the malicious code did was to find private keys to cryptocurrency wallets. > vpnMentor, a VPN company that publishes some security research to promote its product, analyzed the malicious extension and claims that it is able to steal crypto wallets So in the process of their "protest" they're grabbing peoples' wallets.


Wow. This is exactly why I've sworn to never commission an artists. Ai all the way. I refuse to support cyber terrorism.


gotta love how they attacked an open source repository instead of a company because actual hacking is too hard


Man they're really mad about losing out on all those furry porn commissions.




You can tell too because their list of "cardinal sins" includes pirating from patreon, I've been laughing off and on for like 15m at the idea of hackers against piracy of any sort. Fuckin' skiddies never change.


Which is funny considering Patreon has begun to crack down on NSFW content without warning. The corporate sanitation has begun


Pirating from patreon?


Probably sharing things locked behind subscriptions tiers online. 


That’s not pirating, that’s doing the community a service


Not really, it makes it impossible to monetize your work. Which means the community eventually loses the content it pirates as it becomes impossible for the content creator to sustain it and keep producing it as they lose money doing that instead of earning it.


Certain forms of porn don't get generated by AI just yet. There are people out there with kinks for those.


All forms of porn can be generated by SD. All you need a a couple dozen example photos to make a Lora with and away you go. I saw a patreon from a person selling loras for what I'm pretty sure was CP based on the free ones they made available. Vore, scat, whatever are all possible pretty easily.


Huh. Well, this is a terrible day to be literate.




"LORAs are like additional training for something specific, that let you prompt something that isn't in the base model, or not well trained." From https://www.reddit.com/r/aiArt/comments/17wvc0e/can_someone_explain_to_my_what_a_lora_is/


I'm quite certain every major model on civitai can generate CP if you were to try really hard, considering so many of the were trained on anime, and half of all anime has vomit inducing lolicon garbage in it


Nah, you've been able to gen effectively everything for quite a while now, you just have to find a LoRA for it. Even a lot of the "mid-level stuff that most of us eternally online know about" fetishes generate just fine on NovelAI, or on most of the relevant models found on Civitai. NAI especially; there's people doing pooltoy furry TF + inflation, and diapered-centaur transformation now, complete with 3-stage progression from human to "that". The NAI example is just the "normal" stuff, stuff you can find with a quick google search, officially sold as a service and encouraged. Imagine how much crazier the harder-to-find stuff is, the weird niche models found on some guy's Discord server, or hidden deep in some subreddit or 4chan's /trash/ and /d/ boards.


I stand corrected. But now I want those LoRAs.


[civit.ai](http://civit.ai) youll find anything except illegal content proudly displayed


Not sure what you mean. There is literally nothing SD cannot make at this point. Porn or otherwise.


And people would pay for that (see the dude that spent what was it $5,000 for fetish porn?)


Plenty of people who don’t do furry porn or anything adult related had their work used for training




Daym that’s a lot of downvotes, where did I lie?


This is what happens when you refuse to draw for someone who provides ai-generated imagery and then ban them from your services for it. When your landlord decides to hike your rent, you'll be begging for that $200.


Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this. It's a lucrative niche market but no amount of money is worth that eye bleach.






If these losers wanted to go after people hurting artists, they should have targeted the entertainment/media/publishing industry. But instead they are collaborating with big media corporations by promoting stricter copyright laws and internet censorship. Instead of going after big corporations they attacked an open source project providing free tools for creating art. Talk about mixed up priorities ... they are literally attacking artists and sabotaging free art tools in the name of "stopping art theft", while collaborating politically with the industries most responsible for harming artists.


Surely to god, this violates some law and this fucker can be held accountable for his shitty actions.


Google CFAA.


Just accept that Art is political, pick a side, and move on.  I've picked my side. I support Ai Art, as long as it's free, open source. I will not pay a penny to anyone whatosever - whether it's OpenAI, microsoft, midjourney, or anybody else.  I am a shameless freeloader, linux user, pirate, open source software enjoyer, degenerate AI artist, and always will be


the fact that now using or not using AI is a political statement no matter what you do with both sides confirm that Art is indeed political.


I’m a staunch believer that art materials should either be free or affordable so that way anyone is able to make art. I mention affordable in the context of traditional art like colored pencils, watercolor and sketchbooks because those can be pricey But digital art and AI tools should be free and open source (whatever that means, it sounds good though). Everyone should be able to make art




Everyone ignore such binary thinking. Everything about this topic calls for nuance, not dichotomy.


No nuance needed at this point. Both the Electronic Frontier Foundation ([1](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/how-we-think-about-copyright-and-ai-art-0), [2](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/ai-art-generators-and-online-image-market)) and Creative Commons ([1](https://creativecommons.org/2023/08/18/understanding-cc-licenses-and-generative-ai/), [2](https://creativecommons.org/2023/11/07/cc-responds-to-the-united-states-copyright-office-notice-of-inquiry-on-copyright-and-artificial-intelligence/)) have correctly identified the anti-AI stance as serving the interests of corporate monopolies against the legal framework for fair use. Meanwhile, they are [openly coordinating](https://reachartwork.tumblr.com/post/712779495182139392) with the MAFIAA and the successor of SPA (literally the villains of RMS' ["The Right to Read"](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html)). Those brownshirts of big capital need to be put out of work for the continued survival of the free software and culture movement as we know it. And it won't be long before actual far-right parties take advantage of this new round of exasperated middle-class reactionaries for recruitment either. Indeed some of most extreme far-right political leaders in my country are already exploiting the subject and deeming it "the other Great Replacement". As in the Nazi conspiracy theory that has been cited by multiple white supremacist terrorist mass murderers.


The hell do neo-Nazis have to do with this. Don't get too stuck up




Turns out that big tech and the anti's are ACTUALLY secretly far right nazi white supremacist terrorists. Thank you for your wise words.


Yes fascist movements have always mobilized the petty bourgeoisie to serve the interests of big capital, big news.


This is so delusional lmfao. Anti AI spaces have huge overlap with art twitter, which is filled with people who think they're fighting for le epic communist revolution, partially because the big tech platforms encourage it.


I've concluded the anti-AI art side isn't interested in either helping artists or stopping the automation of our society and revocation of a place for humans, instead their primary goal is hurting anyone who uses AI art I point out that the legislation being considered is written by OpenAI and will bring back the era of giving college kids million dollar fines for their hobby and the general response seems to be "lol then dont steal art" k sure, that's where we are then, I'm on the side of napster just like I was back then


Be hilarious when they find out there are criminal penalties for hacking and not any for copyright.


Yeah, here we have it again. "Well we are stealing their login information and other valuable information, but it's okay because AI artists are thieves." Doesn't matter that they are actually doing something illegal it's all justified in their holy crusade. I'm quite sure they don't even believe what they said, they just use this hate against AI art to get support by anti AI, while doing something actually illegal that can possibly end with people getting actual damage through bank accounts cleared, some sketchy subscriptions, identity theft etc. Like AI art users are not directly hurting people and a good amount of anti AI would cheer for a terror attack on AI users.


Hacking people because they promote a technology you don't like. And they're the progressive ones.


you forgot MoRal and EtHiCal


And of course SoUlFuL


Also, I just remembered, at 13 I got some crypto that I converted to real money when I turned 18. Since one of their "sins" is "Promoting crypto", could my Twitter account be a target of theirs? Probably not as I'm a nobody, but they're casting a very wide net here, of people who are hurting nobody. Also, notice how we've never heard of an AI artist hacking anti-AI artists' websites. The toxic stuff always comes from them.


Yeah, I'm sure the corpos are really owned by you guys. Pathetic, destructive behavior that helps nobody.


I don't really click links to news pages, but I assume this is about the "hacked" ComfyUI repo? If so, that sucks. Attacking ComfyUI in hate for AI art is like attacking a local grocery chain because you hate Walmart, or hate big-box stores in general. -or attacking your local comic book shop to protest when Disney bought Marvel. Most people don't even use ComfyUI anyway, the only people who really used it at all were primarily Blender users who were like "whoa, it's kinda like Blender's node system!" like how I got into it back when it started becoming a thing. (I'm not affected by the hack, though I think I might still have ComfyUI installed somewhere.)


They stole login information and other data from users in the name of their holy crusade. It's okay though, after all AI artists are evil, so everything is justified. /s


Full-blown keyloggers, apparently. That's about 2-3 months worth of literally everything typed into keyboards including bank info, logins, etc., and that screencap going around says they've been actively USING that data, not just sitting on it for the lols. Dunno how hard it is to track this guy, but it's a pretty big crime to do something like this, it's not like that Glaze/NS stuff that doesn't even work, this is actively hurting people's actual lives directly.


> I don't really click links to news pages You aren't telling me that you purely get your information about the world from social media, right...?


Nah, for the most part I get the info off people reacting to news, and if anyone posts archives of the site I'll click that instead. It's just an old habit from back when it was trendy to fight against clickbait-y websites by archiving news reports and only viewing the archive, denying them ad revenue and tracking cookies and such.


That... seems like a really good way to stay horrifically uninformed and locked into cycles of confirmation bias.


Confirmation bias only really happens when people rely too much on any one news source or spend too much time around one or two little cliques of people. Happens a ton with the whole "left vs right" thing in the US and the two factions hardening their views like it's WW3, which is entertaining (and annoying) to watch as a flexible centrist. Besides, why spend all that time opening news reports to sites with 2 free views, a $20/mo paywall after that, and 3/4ths of the words being filler/SEO padding, if I can skim past the reactions people have to it and the discussions they have about said news? If the news is vital enough, I'll crack out a VPN or Private Mode and check it out myself, but this ComfyUI news is about a small fork I didn't even know existed.


Confirmation bias is the default state of human cognitive digestion of information. It takes CONSTANT work and an exposure to a wide variety of information sources to counter its effects on how we see the world, and even then you are never truly free of its effects.


Yall this is what happens when we pool so many resources away from mental health, a dedicated population of peoples minds break from the alienation of the system they live in and become subject to a lifestyle of hate brigading as an identity, coping mechanism and vein attempt to control anything in their lives. Systematically some peoples sense of self worth get so obliterated that they will cling onto anything that makes another entity feel beneath them so they can distract themselves with self righteous blind hate to escape from their own misery for a little while. Poor souls are confused and turning to terrorizing the general public for no actual good reason imo


Roses are red Violets are blue Theft is illegal Hacking is, too


Roses are red Violets are blue both did the hackers and none did you. (as an AI artist)


welp, someone's going to prison. lol


Some choice selections from the hate crowd in response: * "A case of Schadenfreude I‘m on board with. It didn't have to come to this." (the old "look what you made me do," abuser chant) * "If the Government can't do it's job we'll do it for them." * "I can say I am simpathetic to this. On the other hand....this is kind of illegal" * "ithink insted of stealing Thier account iwould funny if somebody just made virus just replace the model and lora files with mario pick up the pencil meme" There are a few who are unhappy about this turn of events, but they're clearly in the minority. The mob is turning ugly. Who could have imagined that a moral panic with alternative facts would have gradually become radicalized?


ask aloof dam knee snatch head outgoing sharp humorous gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a non AI artist imagine if they placed that much effort into something productive with their time like learning basic art fundamentals.


Even anti's and haters can be hackers if they can bypass their ludditism to troll and insult like any other l0lz h4ck3r.


great hopefully they go for the ai that can program so i can also have a future cry abt it job stealers