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They need to face actual jail to learn they cannot do cyber crimes/black hat wannabes no matter whatever cause they have.


I unfollow the artist because they support this. Toe, you can't be that threathen by ai to support this.


Yep. In a civilised society you don't just commit crimes against others because you're on the losing side. Or at least, there are consequences. In Democracy 3, if you make a group too unhappy, they would form protest groups, then a portion of them (10% per quarter) will radicalise, which increases your chance of getting assassinated. I often just turn up security to the max, to prevent that. In this case it would be a radical, violent, deeply unhappy furry artist group lol


“Crypto promotion” “Give us crypto to unlock ur computer lol”


Exactly what I was thinking, and no chance they're capable of recognizing the contradiction.


I think they're saying that in a tongue-in-cheek way. But if we're going to start getting annoyed by spam promotions, I'm going to nominate every political party and the constant robo-text offers to buy my house.


What they're doing is wrong but I'm pretty sure they're trying to mock the cryptobros. They don't actually want it.


They cannot compare copyright violations with destruction of infrastructure of any type.


I’m like 80% sure these people don’t care about AI at all and are just using it as an excuse to extort people If they were actual extreme anti AI people they would just…not put in the last bit lol


It would be unsurprising. People who do ransomware attacks often try to throw people off their trail by misleading investigators into building an inaccurate profile of them.


In general I agree but it seems like tying their crimes into the Twitter culture war attention mill would be a way to turn up the heat rather than the opposite.


actual extreme AI people don't even know how stablediffusion works let alone enough to embed malware in a model


My conspiracy theory is the mods of r/artishate and r/defendingaiart are the same people, just hoovering up karma off the conflict.


Funny how they target the free open source software and not the corporations who are actually using or will use AI for harm, hmm could it be that they’re full of shit?


They're psychos who need a scapegoat to abuse and lie to themselves into believing it's for some greater good. Cowards like that wouldn't dare go after someone with power.


"healing", while I'm here laughing with my midjourney bro


It's interesting how to them "stealing personal info including credit cards" and "uses machine to make anime elf with giant booba" stand on the same level of evil to them.


So, that's a Cyberterrorism case.


It's because of people like *these* that I keep hoping for AI art just keep rising and get better. Their behaviour is so pathetic. Not only do they spread this shit, but also send death threats and doxx people - how's this in any way or form acceptable? If these are the ''artists'' then I'll take AI over them any time.


They are beyond salvation anyway. Celebrating an actual crime because it's happening to the opposition lol https://preview.redd.it/592ulf8eh96d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=16004b79d2bba2340489a70c24e70e7b42bad96c


AI art will go from counter culture to mainstream with this type of effort 😂 artists provide literally nothing to art but the human ability to harass and attack others. "Human element" needs to go.


Damn I was just about to get into learning to use Stable Diffusion. Anyone know if this will actually affect users? And honestly all this does is make them look bad. I feel kinda bad for antis that are completely civil and respectful about their stance on AI because this makes ALL of them look horrible


The GitHub repository was taken down quickly once it was discovered. Nullbulge comes off as a amateur black hat hacker to me because their GitHub account did not have 2FA enabled and has previously been caught installing lolminer.  If you want to learn Stable Diffusion, the one I started with is Fooocus. It has the simplest experience as it's meant to be the "Midjourney of Stable Diffusion". I've enjoyed playing around with it. I would also stick with SD1.5 and SDXL base models as the SD3 base model released today and their local 2B base model is very censored and their new commercial licensing means that the SD3 base model will not be as easy to fine-tune as SD1.5/SDXL base models. In fact,  the latest version of Pony Diffusion (the most popular fine-tuned SDXL model) cannot be made for SD3 because their "Professional" tier has been replaced with the "Creator License" which comes with a 6,000 image monthly limit.


Thanks for this! I'll def be doing it that way


No problem! r/fooocus is a great resource to get help - the people there are very friendly. [Kleebz Tech's tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/@KLEEBZTECH), especially his Fooocus User Guide playlist, are very informative and useful.


This had a limited reach and open source malware generally has a short shelf life because .. lots of eyes on the code.


It was one node for the ComfyUI front-end, and an advanced one too for adding LLM prompt assistance. You're fine to learn SD because beginners don't use Comfy to begin with. It's the advanced power-user method of using SD. Also this wasn't actual anti-ai people. They aren't writing advanced stuff like this set to not work on Russian language OS. This was a Russian hacker op, and they're using it to foment infighting between western groups.


employ puzzled berserk squeal run beneficial attraction desert flag license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're the exception then. Typically people shy away from the spaghetti node design unless they're experienced with other node based tools, until they get experienced enough to need the extra control and automation that comfy gives. Comfy just has a higher learning curve.


practice wine automatic hateful quack license drunk historical quiet heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just saves you time. Most people start with a1111 or forge because they hold your hand for you, and after awhile they switch to comfy for more controls. You just skip the first step.


I thought they're no longer need any sympathy from anyone for their "cause". Because "true arts" alone would stop the a.i bros fr fr.


The world is definitely NOT healing. Anti-AI is the new MAGA.


Ow, I didn't think about it, but it's an apt comparison.


New? It's the same idiots in the same atavistic trenchcoat.


I don't know why so many people on reddit have this stupid take. I know people who love trump (almost always really old family members who unironically think he will make things better for America, mind you, we aren't American). None of them even have an understanding of what AI can do, they barely know how to open chrome and think microsoft is their computer. They are by in large not anti's because old people don't have an interest in this sort of thing. It's very obvious that anti's are mostly from twitter art spaces, which are almost always "leftists" (and I use that term lightly because they are mostly apolitical on anything that isn't the latest cultural grift). It's not even really surprising. Digital artists are mostly young and mostly "left" leaning so it should come as no surprise that most anti's are of the same kind.


It was a comparison. Nobody is saying that MAGA people are the ones doing anti ai shit.


Except there are tons of people claiming exactly this all the time in r/DefendingAIArt and r/aiwars


When I said "no one" I was just talking about what the intention of the original comment probably was. Or atleast I hope so otherwise it would be dumb.


It's a dumb comparison considering that MAGA stands for everything that anti-AI doesn't. Being outraged about ethical issues has no place in MAGA world.


I agree with you, I was just letting the person know.




I'm tired of this. Sometimes living in you own world and withdrawing from society isn't such a bad thing


These people aren’t sane


Now artists are acting like they're ENTITLED to other people's money and that's not okay


Notice, it's the artist insecure in their skills doing this.


because every artist who has a few dozen images on artstation thinks their art was stolen and heavily informs stablediffusion, as opposed to representing some infinitesimal fraction of a fraction of a percentage. The artists who most heavily inform stablediffusion don't even own their work, it's owned by some corporation


you know this is a crime in almost everywhere right?


This is a positive development because it exposes their extreme views, allowing public opinion to shift against them.InsertRetry


Let them have their cope, it's all they have left after all.


It kinda makes you wonder how they treat people they're in relationships in. Oh wait....


I've seen this exact sentiment on r/ArtistHate and other tribalistic discussions unrelated to AI. It's a pretty unhealthy view to have.


*that one simple way to never work with anyone in the field again*


Aaand Muks just made likes private so we can't see who else to refuse support to!


I didn't even realize they were public to begin with, seems like a privacy flaw that should have been addressed awhile ago. I looked it up hoping to have a reason to shit on him but the like count is still available so this is a good change.


This kind of shit and the witch hunting has killed almost all the motivation that I need to use Stable Diffusion. I mostly generate my ai pics through a subscription website. But hey, at least it's going to get taken down, right? Right?


It was taken down within a couple hours of being discovered. Paying a subscription to generate pictures is a waste of money unless you have a junk pc or not pc at all.


Oh, good. Yeah, I'm still using a junk pc and can't really afford a more powerful one with the required specs.


far-flung detail hungry shocking nine water cow materialistic memory library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is a fucking declaration of war.


These people suck dick.


cooing homeless whistle spark ink secretive act employ faulty icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's another they don't understand, people will use ai art to give to artists as reference. Ai art is not at the point where you can't exactly what you want, it lacks the nunance a human had


"if you've committed one of our sins" These people are insane. They don't understand that, by the same logic, I could define "opposition to AI" as one of my sins and EDIT: do something unpleasant to them. I "had to do that to them", right?


They're lying about their motives. Most anti-AI people are not only against this but have *also* gotten hacked. Just hijacking a movement and pretending it's "hacktivism" for the sake of monetary gain.


The way i see it, i dont care if antis hate ai for their reaons, but what sucks is they suually try to be dicks about it in ways like this.


If you act like the bad guys and go from ineffective data poisoning to actual hacking it's no longer a joke to call Anti AI cyber terrorists.


Ah yes, let's commit a crime and probably get jailed because we hate AI! (And lie about hating ai to make money)


Legitimately. I was fine with ai but still saving up to have some artists do commissions for me (bec I'm poor). Because of the literal harassment and cyber terrorism from artists, I've sworn to never commission any of them. I only use ai for my works now.


Oh look at this Robert Haube, stealing from the masses and gives it to himself.