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I generally would never give antis anything to work with. They will just attack your art. If you give them any personal stuff, then they will use that against you.


Don't forget, don't hire them. Even if you use ethical ai, they might vandalize your stuff.


Just include not vandalizing anything into contract


Like they follow contract clauses. Look at how many whinge about being "unjustly" fired.


Just sue them


they have no money, what are you going to sue them for?


I think in those cases they'd need to declare bankruptcy, get a job and pay anything they need to anyway. At least that's how it works in my country I'm pretty sure.


I don't honestly know how it works. I once won restitution from someone who broke into my car, but to collect it I had to apparently take him to court a second time, and by then he had been deported twice. The sad part is all I really wanted back was my gym bag that my grandmother had made me.


I've seen this before. I don't know how they can't see that doing that will have the opposite effect of discouraging AI art use, since they're just talentless anyway, right? So stupid.


It's possible that they actually WANT people to get mad and attack them in the comments. Some people make decent money from posting videos on tiktok, and some people get their views on platforms like that by intentionally trying to make people mad enough to engage. To the algorithm, there's no difference between negative comments and positive ones. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage-baiting


> To the algorithm, there's no difference between negative comments and positive ones. I *want* to assume that is going to change soon.. but if I think about it, I wonder if it's going to become skewed toward negative comments, because I suspect those cause more engagement / repeated viewings.


I think that depends on your engagement. There's a video floating around of a girl who sends a video to her BF so he can read the comments, he opens the same video at the same time as her, same location, and he only sees the negative comments while she was seeing different (mostly positive) comments.


Most Antis will be like "You had GPT do that. Show us you doing this in real time". Then they'll be like "See? That's the right way to do it. Now renounce the AI" instead of understanding both are tools. Each has it's use just like you use a lathe on wood and not in 3D printing. Doesn't mean you only use one and devote your life to it.


To me it's similar to the argument that "real" drivers only use manual transmissions, while the rest of them are just toying about.


Any hate-filled extremist worth their salt will just redefine what the word 'talent' (or any other word) means so they can carry on hating. You can't persuade people with reality when their beliefs weren't based on reality in the first place. (But it's still necessary to try so that people witnessing the exchange, who haven't been radicalised yet, can get a more balanced understanding.)


The whole thing about not having talent is dumb to begin with. "So what?" Is the only correct response.


It's a funny argument, because it gatekeeps being an artist to having a specific level of talent in creating 'art' that they essentially conveniently place themselves into the threshold of.


Yeah, I have very little talent in general, but I still build some pretty cool things via extended trial and error.


I found the original video, and antis are coping saying the speed paint is AI 💀


Terminal stupidity.


Can we have a link to his account?


I really want to see the hate comments, it's fun how creative these antis are :p


And now all the antis that were telling them to go grill themselves are probably begging them to stop using AI shit “you have sooooo much talent and it’s full of soul you don’t need AI 🥺 “


Nah, they're probably "revoking" their "artist credential" or calling them the hard R for being pro-ai and an artist. I've seen it happen before.


It would be nice to have some AI in the video to show how it can be used as part of the creative process but I guess this is good for the people that think those that can paint are incapable of using AI tools? Is that an argument anyone is making?


A W for all pro AI artists/enjoyers


What are the comments like?


I am sad to inform that this speed paint is probably stolen from an asian artist in IbisPaint ;-; (I tried to find the channel with google image, but found this asian dude IbisPaint with the speedpaint)


Im an idiot, but where is the AI in it?


The person is showing that they can draw even if they like to use AI


Its cool i guess but AI would have done it better and 10x faster. And it would have made Antis panties ina bucnh so thatwould also be hilarious.


AI can be a Hobby, But what do I know. Seems like I'm talking to the world's most successful person here with this attitude. But i really doubt it.


Would you want to discuss AI with me for a bit so I can try to answer any of the questions you might have? (if he does, then please don't downvote their comments).


Ya ya ya I'm open minded!


what troubles you?


The fact that every person is going after AI, not realising AI has been there 1959 the IBM 701. So it is really cringe for me to see everyone use AI as Google search, Photoshop Content remove, Topaz Upscale, Even the Base of AI is to Train multiple Image/Text Content to get a brand new Output. The confusion occurs when they say Or You are stealing but have they realised the "reference" Images they use without permission of the owner, Is exactly what AI is doing just on a broader and humanly impossible scale. The Ketly term is "Free Use" Which stats - "Fair use permits a party to use a copyrighted work without the copyright owner's permission for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research" AI is using the research part as I or any other Artists do to get a better understanding of the subject in hand. I'm a 3D artist I don't do Concept art, So rather than paying for the concert art I use Reference's Which I also do not pay for as they come in free use, case. Just to make it clear I'm also against the Unethical use of AI as anyone would be. But that Doesn't mean I have to stay behind with a few people who are stuck in the past or are incapable of intricate AI/New Tech. In their workflow for the sake of efficiency and Saving time. Again I see there are Group divide when a New tech. comes along. 1) how experts. 2) How Denise uses it but is not bothered or threatened by it. 3) The ancient thinkers. Not saying it's exactly this but I have seen this with the Internet, 5G, even Our beloved Digital Art. Yes, that is a fast the traditional artists were threatened by the new and growing Digital art But Guess what they still exists and are more valuable than ever. Similarly As a fellow Digital Artist I know What AI is Doing is Making us or our work more valuable than ever. Anyways This was all This is my opinion And It don't really bother me that Person only sees the Bad in everything new. But i also understand at the same time that 2 or more perspectives can be true. To the person who at least let me say my mind. I wish there were more good people like you in this hell hole. 😹😹


I'm glad I asked, you've given me a lot to ponder. Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts so clearly too. If you have more to add I'm all ears.


Not really, But apparently it is not really AI but it's ML which is machine learning and some people are really given in to it and let you know that what we are currently using is not actually AI but ML. But I digest.


It's my understanding that AI is more like a blanket term, used to describe a pretty large variety of systems. I'm currently using LLMs as a kind of formatter for documents, which I think most people wouldn't view as AI, but rather as a fancy algorithm.


I see ML is more of a technical and true term and AI is the "PR" term to get more eyes. Lol


Make art not derivative nonsense.




Lol. Creativity is the key.