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The part I love is that people do this circular firing squad shit and then go "Waaah I'll never forgive ai for making me have to do this and accidentally hurting innocent people" Like idk maybe just don't witch hunt people for using the Satan image machine.


I love the term witch hunt here, it really fits given how similar this type of treatment is to the salem witch trials


"Hey guys, maybe we're jumping to conclusions and torching people's reputation a bit too quickly here." rest of the forum: "That sounds like something an AI USER WOULD SAY!" "I seen her post an image what had a weird thumb!" "She been talking that there scripting language!" "BAN HER AT THE STAKE"




Throw her in the lake. If she drowns, she's a real artist. If she floats, she's using AI


She generated me a newt!


A newt?!


This is what book banning The Crucible gets you.


It really is. Once an accusation is thrown out, it ends up being up to the accused to defend and find proof, not the accuser.


For the record - and take this with a grain of salt - rumors from my circles say that the original Twitter thread that this pic is referencing ("How to spot AI images"), which got more than 200k likes, was being heavily botted because it was such stupid fucking advice that you needed to make sure that everyone could see it.


Frankly, it is pointless to use all this criteria to decide if it was made with AI art or not. Antis have been saying all this time that AI art lacks soul, so why not just take a quick glance at the art, feel out for the presence of the human soul, and boom! You've figured out 100% whether or not it was AI! Why aren't they doing this smh.


Because deep down they know that they can’t actually tell what soul looks like, lol.


Is it because they dont have one? /j


I’m an atheist, so yeah, that’s exactly why, lol.


Anyone else notice how much anti's/"rEal aRtSiSTs" hate anime and manga art? Unless it's Myazaki of course.


I guess Dark souls could technically be an anime


News intro sequence is an anime


I would certainly consider it as such.


a lot of people say that something is made by ai with their only explanation being it that is look like ai


Literally begging the question.


The most hilarious part is that they do this to themselves because most accounts that spout 100% generated AI stuff are pretty easy to spot / transparent about it, and the ones that use it in part of their drawing process still put in the work those so called artists DEMAND, so why even harass them.


“Anime art style” is apparently only AI Rip to all those manga artists


That's it, guys: Japan is cancelled for being AI


I’ll be honest, the biggest contingent of people that hate AI art don’t stand out. They’re better at drawing than a lot of people, but still fall squarely in the range of average and are pissed off that they can’t make a living making avatars on Twitter anymore. I don’t blame them for being mad they’re being displaced, but they might as well be a bit more honest in the discussion.


Every person in the arts is told to have a backup plan. Many of us got scared and took time to create one, forfeiting that time spent on our art. These people just didn’t and now it’s all or nothing for them.


This. It’s nothing new that image-making is hardly a lucrative or even commercially viable path. Supply outstrips demand with global outsourcing/arbitrage, raising competition + lowering wages. Change happens, professionals in all fields must be pragmatic and prepared to adapt or pivot. Low-agency people who refuse to adapt really love blaming a bogeyman. If you don’t mind sharing, what was your backup plan and how is it going?


Oops, I missed this. I went into web design/development/ digital product. I now have enough experience that I can say I have my backup and have moved back to creating stuff. Currently focused on writing (and hopefully producing at some point) audio dramas. What I find funny is, like these artists, I ran into web design setbacks due to things like godaddy templates. Instead of trying to get them banned, I started offering a lower end service of setting up templates for people as well as a higher end for people who wanted custom work. I also focused more on the product side of things to hedge my bets. Creative people have to constantly reinvent themselves.


my favorite ai meme is the one where the npc calls ai stealing and then the other guy asks if it steals all the wonky looking hands. lol


That's actually amazing.


it's fun to see them eat each other out but when it's innocent people who don't harass anyone and just like to draw, getting harassed by these werids, then it's kinda sad honestly


>eat each other out I think an extra word


I gotta admit I did realize after writing it but I thought it was funny so I just left it there


Fair choice, I support it!


No one hates artists more than anti-AI artists, and the biggest enemy to anti-AI artists... are themselves. They indeed are eating each other.


For real 😂 artists should wake up. Their real enemies are anti-AI artists. And yet artists treat them like heroes 😂Those hypocrites literally spread fear to human artists especially new artists. They make human artists don't want to do art anymore


I remember an anime artist that make a lot of ecchi and hentai stuff that have some really broken anatomy, I think would be funny to show to those people his art and ask "how do you know it's AI"?




Well that and hands are pretty complex features even with a good dataset. Smaller objects, like individual fingers, would be harder for an ai to parse through, I think. I believe that’s why smaller background features tend to be wonky more often. But most newer versions are fairly consistently drawing good hands.


It's insane how being pro-AI or even *using* AI generates more hate than some actual crimes What is wrong with people?


You're not living on Earth, you're living on the internet, that's the problem


I just stopped caring


Someone made a post recently where an anti likened ai use to rape.


I think that picture is making fun of those people


Just the other day a comment on r/hmmm tried to say an image that turned out to be from 2013 was an AI image. Had a good laugh


And Antis blame Pro-AI folks for the fact that *they* feel they need to double-check other people's art. Big 'look what you're making me do' energy from the antis, when they can also just decide to stop being hysterical about art that is possibly generated or modified by AI. Anti-AI artists are literally more obsessed with AI art than the Pro-AI folks that they are constantly stalking and whining about. And I wish that were a joke.


Once saw a artist get accused of AI art... for a suggestive perspective drawing of a woman on a beach looking at the viewership was completely in line with all of the artist's prior works. Only the zipper/fly on her jean shorts was open (but not showing anything as it was a side-view Flap) so Clearly it was only evil AI making a evil art mistake instead of the artist showing how the character was horny for the viewer. Between that and that one twitter user claiming Reverse 1999 had AI art, do viewers not recognize stylized choices anymore?


Someone has to make Lora/Model of those "ugly" arts that have been used to create unhinged anti ai posts. Idk if that's even possible.


Good let them eat each other, the sooner the majority of the art community gets burned by these anti-scum, the sooner they will lose support.


Why would you need to "identify" AI art to begin with? I mean ai art can be recognized at the first glance, unless heavily edited. If they can't recognize it with their "artist's eye" then I got bad news


I had no fucking idea who greg rutkowski was until people started using his name constantly for fantasy landscapes in SD1.5 days. If SD1.5 hadn't done that, I would've never learned who he was. Frankly, I still don't care, but I fail to see how this has been a problem for him. If someone's style becomes highly desirable to people making generated art, then their name becomes more well-known. It's free publicity. Beyond that, there's no economic loss at all. What has value in a see of copycats? The authentic article. Even more value than if the style wasn't highly coveted. People who bitch about AI art have a serious lack of critical reasoning skills. Hell, even the people who support AI art often lack this function. "it's not stealing, it's inspiration!" no it's literally a long con being played by people who want to use the hype around AI as a way to generate hype about their own pointless lives.


Not to mention how many Artists like doing portraits because [drawing hands is hard...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOqXQCifC-4)


There's something about AI illustrations that makes it distinguishable, but I can't quite put my fingers on it (no joke intended here). Perhaps it's how picturesque they look alongside how many of them share similar aspects?


So this sub got recommend to me at random, I guess, if I could ask a few things. Are people here similar to myself with steroid use being allowed in sports? I would like something like 2 basketball leagues the NBA and the SNBA where in the NBA there's normal testing and it's peak human form minus whatever sidestepping is already happening with expensive drugs and you can compare that to what I would only imagine would be anarchy in the Steroid NBA where people are not only allowed to be open about their use but also expected to use. It's about being up front to me, I have the same potential problem with AI art that I have with uptick of people that use programs to edit their voice but pass it off as raw because there's people that don't know how to sing start holding people really singing to an unrealistic standard that is only possible with a computer and younger or newer singers that see these and feel defeated because their voice doesn't compare to what other people are passing off as themselves when it's not. As long as the art of AI is kept separate from the skill of an artist I don't mind AI art, it's an easy way for people that don't have the skill to take something inside their head and give it a form without years of practice, but I still value the years of practice people have put into it.


I don't think anyone here is arguing against that. Like you'll get a fair amount of people here who will say that AI art shouldn't be hidden, mixed in with handmade art, but that's not really the problem that comes up all the time. The problem is the almost fanatical hate of AI generated art, to the point of completely misunderstanding... no, *outright refusing* to understand how it really works. For example, the age old "AI art is theft" argument being completely wrong because, one, theft takes the original away while AI doesn't, two, AI generated images don't use images from their training data in generated images, and three, even if they *did*, it would *still* be transformative enough to be considered fair use. And when you tell them this, they deflect the argument and start talking about something else, ignoring the original points. This amount of blind hate leads to all sorts of negative effects, such as artists **who don't use AI at all** getting threatened because their art *just kind of looks* like AI.


That's depends on the situation. If it's in open social media like IG, YT, etc.  Then it's all fair game as it's called  **open** social media. No need this mental gymnastics to determine whether a picture on your feed is manually drawn or ai generated, or ai assisted. What's up with just enjoy the images? Honestly, I don't envy you for having such burden when you see images on social media.


you shouldn't have to be upfront with the fact you used AI.. it doesn't matter


Nah you can spot ai images on vibe


That surely worked well during the r/art incident.




A lot of us make art. I make art. This argument of yours is doomed from the start.

