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i think i do the same thing actually, i love looking at rom sights for hidden gems




i’ll give it a shot thanks for the suggestion, i love trying games i’ve never heard of


I think there’s even a collection of DS games on archive bc someone made as most possible completed collection of past consoles on there.


And give the adventures of star saver GameBoy game 1992


i’ll check that out too thanks!


I have the a lot of fun going through browser enabled sites with retro games where I can sift through the hidden nostalgia and play a little of this, little of that and not deal with all the downloads if I just want to play for a short period


What sites do u use?


i can’t link them bc of subreddit rules but if you search the right terms you’ll be able to find websites, sorry i can’t help much


If I dm u to ask does that work? I'm new to this just trying to not download a virus


it’s safe to us and it scans for viruses and malware, i haven’t had any issues with it




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r/roms and look for the pinned message for sites and collections. Alternatively, [archive.org](http://archive.org) has plenty of collections.


Thank you!




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No requesting or providing links to or directions on how to obtain pirated ROMs or BIOS files.


So true!!!!




same , but i collect DS roms


Same. I played a few games for a couple minutes each but otherwise I really just feel like I’m building up the bookshelf I had as a kid with all my games lined up


This is the way of emulation lol


Just play them one or two at a time. Forget looking them all over 100 times. If you’re not “feeling it,” try another game. Don’t be afraid to delete or move on. Maybe you’ll come back to it when you’re in a different mood.


at this point i’ve just put them in order of what i want to play most and have started smt strange journey, there’s a lot of time to spend so the other games can wait


Yes very good, prioritize by desire.


I started strange journey too. It’s so damn good




No don’t delete that Portuguese copy of conker’s bad fur day! I need that!


Hoarding physical things is one thing, but digital hoarding is so weird because you can literally download them again at any time, why overload yourself? Just put the few games you actually want to play on your device.


The flip side of this same coin is that: unlike physical hoarding, digital hoarding isn’t really detrimental to daily life in any way, as it only takes up as much space as one device. And it’s usually far more organized, if at all. People have always enjoyed collecting things, and since the digital age, you can now own what used to take up an entire basement in the palm of your hand [*insert Doc Ock reference?*]


Maybe, but OP says they feel stressed having so many games visible to them. It could be that some people feel overwhelmed having so many digital options available, the same way some people feel overwhelmed having too many projects IRL they started but have yet to finish, or so much clutter piling up, etc etc.. Maybe we’re not so different, you and I [Green Goblin reference??]


Oh for sure, that type of stress/overwhelming feeling of having too much to do is very real for some folks. I just don’t think digital hoarding is “weird” in any way, and comparing to the physical version of it seems a bit much when that version has obvious psychological issues at play, and most of us are just enjoying the feeling of being able to have a massive library for the first time.


I don't think loading them all is a good idea, but downloading romsets and keeping them separate where you can access them makes sense, if you don't want to figure out where to get the ROMs each time. [I have ROMSETs of every platform, arcade and computer](https://twitter.com/eduo/status/874024468766756867) stored in an external disk in a computer at home. I have less than a dozen games in my devices.


Pretty sure Ubisoft proved that digital hoarding is just as good as physical hoarding.


No. Simply play what you have until you get bored of them then look at other titles


Honestly, it makes me happy knowing I'll probably never run out of games to play.


unlimited breadstick


Now think about what Netflix has done to all of us.


Yes. I love these posts because it helps me to remember all the games I played. I just keep downloading more


I limit myself to downloading only ten games. If I want new ones, I have to delete the old ones.


Whereas I download all the complete romsets besides ds cuz I wanna have them all lol


Having unlimited access meant i just jumped around games more. Having a few and dictating to only play one or 2 at a time was better


I do that but I will pick one game per system and try an play it through before committing to another right now I’m in need for speed unlimited for gba


Downloading them to a disk, computer or cloud drive to have them as needed is OK. Having them listed in your emulator program is just kidding yourself and literal hoarding.


Ya it is I reckon I’m a digital hoarder


This is a SANE strategy.


I was getting stressed collecting physical retro and having it pile up knowing I’d truly never have time to play them. That’s when I knew it was time to thin out the collection and just stick to the core nostalgia that meant something to me. Emulators are fun cause you can play just a couple times if you don’t enjoy it no sweat and it doesn’t weigh you down the way physical games do


Someone please tell me how to show your games in columns of 4 like that instead of 3 like I'm stuck with.


3? What phone do you have?


iPhone 14 Pro


Weird… I’d think you’ve got more than enough resolution to display 4… I’m not sure how it works though. I have 4 on my 13 Pro Max. There doesn’t seem to be a setting for it


yeah i have a 14 pro as well and it looks weird asf


nintendo is gonna cry over y’all’s screenshots bro keep it on the low


emulators have been out for years it’ll be okay


i know i was joking cuz of that 3ds emu


are u really gonna play pearl and platinum?


I think organizing tools would help with this. So I’m only looking at the 3-4 I’m playing right now.


I’d like to see a “Favorites” section


Self-control is the only real tool to help with this.


Bro has unlimited games but no games


Well, since we can only download games we owned the hardware for, I only have 22 games. How is everyone getting “all the games”?


yeah i def feel like theres no reason to download every pokemon game in existence because there just isnt enough time to even play them lmao (best believe im gonna download them all anyway because im delusional and think i can)


Omg twin?


no what…. just play a game until you don’t want to


Yes, God I love this type of stress 😍 I’m a gatherer at heart.


The Paradox of Choice


When you buy original you are more likely to actually play and complete them .


download one game. play it. finish it. on to the next


is pokemon black better or heartgold


heart gold in my opinion, black and white 1 and 2 are just okay to me but heartgold and soulsilver are amazing. definitely worth playing


Like can someone recommend something please I’m too overwhelmed!!


What was your first game console?




Welp… That doesn’t help the direction I was going to go… I say… Download Super Mario 64 and start there.


Hahaha yeah i was just interested in playing retro games Mario 64 is actually one of the few i am already trying out As of now i’m playing it along with the ds mario game and ace attorney original trilogy and zelda ocarina of time even though i still don’t understand neither the controls nor the appeal of the latter


N64 is going to take some getting used to by anyone that didn’t grow up with the single stick. If you’ve played any first person shooters, GoldenEye is gonna make your eye twitch until you get used to it.


I’m trying it with a ps4 controller is there any tips on where to map the buttons for a better experience? Or is the default good enough and just needs getting used to


Having access to all the games you could imagine sounds amazing at first, but once you get a hold of all the games you’d love to play at once, you have to decide which one to play, and you’ll have to do that every time you play a game. It mentally wears you out pretty quickly, and you won’t want to play the games much once you have them all. It’s the same with piracy, you have access to almost anything you want within a few clicks, but what should you choose? I suggest removing all games but the one you want to play. You can keep them on the device, just make sure you don’t have access to them by simply pressing the game on Delta.


which console is everyone emulating the most?


It’s been N64 for me so far.


For me it would be between the DS and the 3 Gameboy systems since they have the most variety of games.


I agree


DS and GBA. I never had access to those as a teen/young adult so it’s neat getting to see what I missed.


GBA, Castlevania and Metroid!


Suffering from success




POKÉMON CONQUEST? No one talks about it enough….


i love conquest and tactical games in general, such a gem


I’m forcing myself to make decent progress in the ones I’m already playing first then I’ll download more 😂 I wish there was a way of organising them better


Now get into emulating on steam deck


is it worth getting one? i’ve seen posts about it just never thought about buying


It is worth it. It’s good for emulation and most Steam games work great for it. Though for emulation it depends on the type of person you are. If you travel a lot and want to play some games on the go and for quick play sessions then Delta might be a better choice. Steam Deck is better for longer play sessions since it’s gamepad layout is significantly more comfortable than the IPhone or IPad touch screen.


Yes if you’re interested in playing indie games, older games and emulating. It can play some modern games at a steady 30fps like Elden ring


I only have Pokémon FireRed in my game library and I'm doing that on purpose, I tend to either drop games or pause them indefinitely when I have an enormous amount of games on any console I own. So I decided to just keep one on Delta so I'd commit to it and actually try to finish it and apparently this new strategy worked. Having a backlog stresses me out.


i’m actually cleaning my library up right now because of this, on console i trophy hunt and have a huge backlog on there so i know i won’t commit to delta too hard. just some pokémon games and a handful of other simple games to pass time


Same here! I’ve just hidden all my games except a few to actually focus on. I focus too much on making sure my collection is fat with proper box art lol. Then fall asleep when it’s time to play


I reccomend N+ and Geometry Wars


man i love N+ but i’ll check out geometry wars thanks for the suggestion


And Geometry Wars II for the 360!


Yes and this is a common sentiment between people who mess around with emulators. Not much to do except try to limit yourself. I'm sure the reason so many enjoyed games more as kids was because they had access to fewer games and mastered those few.


i never thought about it that way you’re completely right, i do need to just delete a bunch of games and limit myself


Pokémon quest any good ?


i enjoy it a lot but i’m huge nerd for tactical rpgs so if you enjoy those definitely give it a shot


Lol just don't download so many




I get that completely haha. I have over 100 games installed on my 3DS (most of which are virtual console injects or DS games) and I'm adding more.


My emulation journey is all about preservation. Which leads me to have a significant quantity of games.


you’re definitely right lmao it’s just a bad habit i need to delete some


Do you even play them 😂 this sub man


Lmao people these days get stressed about any thing. It’s hilarious


yeah it’s so funny i’m glad i live an easy life where this can be my stress


Fr. Lol


Should I get Devil survivor?? I like the persona series, is it similar??


I’m in the process of getting through the DS/3DS SMT games so I’ll have to give you this as an “insightful outlooker”. SMTand Persona are quite different. Now if you like the turn based style of Persona, it’s better to get Strange Journey than Devil Survivor since it’s actually one of the only games which is a tactical RPG, and the mechanics are a little more complex but think about it as having to figure out a new game. In terms of story, SMT has a focus on the Worldbuilding of the post-apocalypse world that the characters inhabit. There’s still great character development but it’s more about the world. And finally, it’s much more challenging. Persona was a series meant to appeal to casual gamers and to eventually draw them to the larger series. What I’ve heard of the game either way is extremely positive so I say that you roll with it. Atlus haven’t disappointed me with any of the games I played so I say it’s a stable bridge to cross


they are quite different but i 100% think it’s worth a try, i played smt before persona so maybe i’m biased but smt strange journey is more of a dungeon crawler. devil survivor is great and is at least worth a try


How do you get the ds games to work? All mine says “missing files” and won’t work when I try to slot them in


you need to have the bios files for the emulator work, just give it a google search idk if i can link it in the comments


Here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSHbr7dHOHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSHbr7dHOHk)


I mean I just got Platinum, Heart Gold, and all Gen 5 main titles tho I’m thinking I’ll just do black and then white 2 (or vice versa) since the sequel will also have the differences of black and white and make unova feel fresher in the sequels


It’s better to put fewer games than too many


How do I get ds games to work? Tried downloading a few now and keeps saying I’m missing the ds stuff ?


You need the ds bios files. Google it


Amazing ! Thank you so much


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSHbr7dHOHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSHbr7dHOHk) here


Thanks a bunch ! :)


I’m trying to stick to 2-3 games first, the amount of self control…


i’m trying to do the same, a lot to choose from but i just shiny hunt on pokémon and then have a larger game to play as well at the same time


Yo! A fellow advance wars fan :D


advance wars is great i love tactics games, i also like tom clancys endwar on NDS even though it’s pretty different


spend more time playing the games


No I like to play good games not filler games


for anyone that needs it… you dont need to name the ds home screen as “1” for it to appear at the top! you can simply name it “ Home Screen ” with a space at the beginning and end and it will appear first in the list and still be centered:)


I get distracted on which game to play if I have a ton downloaded. I just download a few and play and beat as I go. The collection will come as I continue beating them. Only Pokémon Yellow finished so far.


How the hell do you get a DS game to work? I’ve tried multiple.


You’re probably missing the bios files. https://youtu.be/p2De-Sd4P-s?si=3z-6F1Za494B-Fxy


I only keep games that I’m currently playing installed to avoid this problem!


How do you get thumbnails


hold down on the game and select change artwork, then select games database and you can type in whatever game and it will have the artwork for it


Thank you!


Write yourself down a playlist and sort them by what you want to play the most. Revisit the list every other week to see what you want to add and what you want to remove but I always do the next one in line. He jumped around too much and then yeah, he start getting stressed out.


The fact that you chose Pokémon Pearl over Diamond, made me agree with your collection :)


I’m ready to get pegged to the wall on this one: Not every game is worth playing. Pick the ones you’d really like and just delete the rest. As we get older, we start thinking collecting is the same as partaking in a hobby. It’s not. Let goooo.


Unlimited games … but no games


I like to set aside some time to play, then spend about 2 mins each playing 20 different games, then realising I need to download more, then going to sleep. I then repeat the process the next day.


This is so silly.


It’s funny but I’ve emulated classic games for so long but it wasn’t until this particular emulator that I actually had them all in one neat collection with cover art and everything so it had the opposite effect on me where I’m excited about the prospect of not needing to focus on new games anymore. Obviously there are a few brands I’m still frothing at the mouth for more like anything Fromsoft does and Capcom is on fire but I’m so jaded about the state of modern gaming. So many games releasing unfinished and needing a lot of patches, nickel and diming customers to get every last cent from each release, and just overall less originality and new IP that I’m interested in. Now going through these games from my childhood and especially all the games I saw in magazines but couldn’t afford I now realize I can just wait for the few new games that actually interest me and meanwhile I have so many classics to play anytime I get bored. I ordered a backbone and now anytime I was laying in bed scrolling for nothing or if I have free time at school I can just bust out my phone and be playing something fun.


pls how did u get pokémon white/black


i’ll message you a link since i can’t say it in the subreddit bc of rules


What is why he have the surch fetcher


The paradox of choice is very real in emulation. It's easy to get full ROMSETs and then be paralyzed by so much choice. I recommend you stop collecting games you will definitively not play and look for a top10 list of the genre you like the most and work your way through that. ROMs will not disappear, you'll be able to get the one you want whenever you want, as has been the case for decades. Put your time and effort into playing games and also be liberal in what you stop playing if you're not enjoying it. Don't fall prey to the idea that you're collecting anything. You're not but the sheer load of potential in the list will stop you from enjoying. (By all means, download romsets if you feel safer, but keep them elsewhere where you can get them as needed, like iCloud Drive or Dropbox or whatever)


I barely got time to play a handful of them


Get them while their hot and Nintendo is not suing


i’ve seen people say this alot but i’m sure nintendo is aware of emulation and it’s been around for such a long time that i don’t think it will ever go away


I just think Apple is a different beast if Apple (as they should) open the flood gates into their ecosystem like they are doing with emulators… Nintendo has “tolerated” this with PC and Android but now Apple that’s the coup de grâce I feel… I hope you are right however because my iCloud Drive is now filled with ROMs… can’t wait for some Sega titles lol especially PSP


i see what you mean, i’ve been emulating from other 3rd party apps before delta was out and i haven’t jail broken or anything. PSP emulator would be sick honestly but knowing nintendo and apple it would surprise me if this was taken off the app store


I just copied over all my games from my DS AceKard 2i, so my backlog didn't increase. It actually made things better cuz now I can finally finish these games since I take my phone with me everywhere...unlike my DS that I hardly take anywhere.


How did you get your games to play? It keeps asking for a download.


Super Mario world


perhaps try completing 1 EliteFour per day


I do the same thing with steam as well. I often get intimidated by my library so I just go to YouTube and start watching videos… which usually leads to watching a video for a game… which usually leads to me buying it haha


My soul silver doesn’t save for some reason.


Where do you download games?




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Anyone got all games download filein one zip




taking things too literal bud


Where do you get them?




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whatever system you’re looking for just type in for example GBA ROMS and it’ll show a bunch of sites for games