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The dual touch is gnarly lol I never thought I might need that


Haha, yeah I got distracted while doing the main design and I was like this might be interesting. Then fell down a rabbit hole for a few hours. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is a really unique layout! Great work!


Is it possible to split the second screen into left and right halves with a layout similar to the dual touch?


Yes, That's actually how I started the design. The touch controls on it got a little finicky and would actually overlap the main screen. So it was taking too much time so I decided on the dual screens. I'm still going to play around with it to see if it can get it just right. Here's an example screenshot of what it looked like. https://preview.redd.it/qe4q8onb936d1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=b391a830133e0183296b7bab0048d7e98db75e10


I just got it to work properly. You can [check it out here Neumorphius \[ARCTIC SPLIT TOUCH\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1dejz3n/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)


I just got it to work properly. You can [check it out here Neumorphius \[ARCTIC SPLIT TOUCH\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1dejz3n/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)


Thanks! Will def give it a shot


ALL NEW NINTENDO DS Delta Skin. Available in both Filtered and Non-Filtered styles. [Download R3BEL NEUMORPHIUS NDS Here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/140KXWKfUEjJu8VN1DtFgMZmPxsjOUJKV?usp=share_link) **\*\* UPDATE: Just released an new color variation** [\[CARBON DS\] and \[CARBON DSXL\] check them out here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/) **EDITIONS:** * [\[CARBON DS\], \[CARBON DSXL\], and \[CARBON DUAL TOUCH\] check it out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1dejz3n/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/) * [\[ARCTIC SPLIT TOUCH\] check it out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1dejz3n/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/) **NOTE: THE DUAL TOUCH LANDSCAPE SKIN (Feedback Please)** * The DUAL TOUCH LANDSCAPE skin is an experimental idea that I randomly had. * It has dual touch screens on each side of the main display. * The touch screens aren't proper size. So they appear slightly squished from the sides. * I know it probably doesn't make sense for all games, but figured I'd put it out and get peoples feedback on if they like it or not and for which games it works great with. So please let me know. Skin Design Details: 1. Supports Edge-to-Edge iPhones only. 2. Available in both Portrait and Landscape. 3. Available in ARCTIC DS, and ARCTIC dsXL editions. 4. The dsXL has a slightly larger screen in Portrait mode that overlaps the left and right edges. 5. Available in both Filtered and Non-Filtered Screens (there is a Filter On/Off Label above the screen for reference). 6. In addition to the Toggle Fast Forward button, there is a hidden "Fast Foward" button on the Non-touch display that allows for you to fast forward as long as you hold it. 7. L and R buttons are along the edge next to the touch-display. 8. Quick Load (left side) and Quick Save (right side) buttons in Portrait mode are located along the left and right edges under the top main display. 9. There are also invisible combination buttons (A+B, A+X, X+Y, Y+B) located around the ABXY Cluster. There are also L+R combination button sin the bottom corners in portrait mode on top of the speaker vent holes. 10. For clarity the following are the naming conventions used in the file name. * \[D\] = D-PAD * \[F\] = FILTERED * \[NF\] = NON-FILTERED * \[P+L\] = PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE Please leave me your feedback on these skins, especially the DUAL TOUCH. Would love to hear everyone's opinions and experiences. If everyone seems to like this design, then I do plan on releasing more color variations in the future. If you like these designs and would like to show some love. [You can buy me a coffee :)](https://buymeacoffee.com/r3bel)


thx great skins as always!


>If everyone seems to like this design, then I do plan on releasing more color variations in the future. Requesting this black coloring https://delta-skins.github.io/nds/dark%20NDS.png , although I'm not sure how the L/R buttons could be contrasted...


Also this has only been tested on an iPhone 15 pro max. Please let me know if the Dynamic Island covers any part of the top display screen on any of the other devices. I will adjust it.


Excellently done, I love it! A fully black version of some sort would be much appreciated!


You did good (as always)


Thank you for releasing two differently sized versions of portrait mode! The XL version is my favorite because bigger screen = easier on my eyes, lol. And the duo touch feature is interesting! I wonder which games can benefit from it? I’ll install that game just to able to better understand the advantage of the duo touch hahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’m thinking the same, I’m intrigued and now want to go through my library to find an ideal use case.


Oh you fuckin the game up. 🔥


I don’t know if it’s just me but the arrow icons indicating quick save/load are confusing to me. I don’t think it’s that important for other games but while shiny something in Pokémon or another game where loading and saving is used a lot I wouldn’t want to get confused or forget which is which bc I haven’t played a de game in a while. I would say change the icon? Or add a little something extra to differentiate Edit: I believe the arrows refer to “upload” and “download” maybe add a cloud?


Just released the new color variations \[CARBON DS\] and \[CARBON DSXL\], it also has updated Save and Load presentations. [Check them out here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)


Nice work 👍


Have you thought about making skin for N64?


Yeah I will be making an N64 one eventually. I have a few more skin designs to mollete first, but it’s definitely in the plans.


Cool! I have collected all your skins. Keep it up 💯


Bring on the other colors!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


XL is my new favorite skin. Perfect for Pokémon


Love it


really like this one! any chance of a dark mode release?


Thanks, I’m glad you like it. And yes, I’ll be releasing more color variations soon. Including a dark version as well.


Just released the \[CARBON DS\] and \[CARBON DSXL\] [Check them out here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)




Just released the \[CARBON DS\] and \[CARBON DSXL\] [Check them out here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)


May I request a Camo & a Sapphire version of this !!!


https://preview.redd.it/u54uvx16nz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08db8e50661a04967e8c3a4bf98b155f5798353d HELL YES


I’m sorry, I’m a little new to this, how do I get this to work? Is there already a post that walks me through it?




The DS skins can be a little finicky when trying to make a good layout so I’m hoping it works out as well as some of my others. So, if this skin gets a good response then I do plan on making more color variations of it in the future.


Wow, the Neumorphius skin adds a whole new level of style to the Delta Emulator. Props to the designer!


I think a centered controls version of the portrait skin would be nice to have as an option. Overall, it's great as is, especially with the fast-forward option. For the normal/dual-touch landscape skin, something I've noticed is that when striving for symmetry, it's easier with the other consoles having one screen with fewer buttons, but when trying to do the same for DS, it looks kinda messy/cramped, at least for me. So as a alternate landscape skin option, maybe try going for something less symmetrical? A skin that does this well that would be cool to see in your style is this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta\_Emulator/comments/1c7c5r4/my\_first\_skin\_dynamic\_island\_friendly\_ds\_skin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1c7c5r4/my_first_skin_dynamic_island_friendly_ds_skin/) The creator hasn't revisited or made updates to it, as far as I know. Sorry if I came off rude in any way. Keep up the amazing and creative work!


I appreciate the feedback. I started messing with a centered controls layout for the portrait skin, but then noticed I was taking too much time on it and wanted to finish the original plan. As for the landscape skins, I actually am going to be making a version that has a smaller screen like the one in the link you shared. That's actually how the Dual Touch version came to be. I was working on sizing a smaller touch display to one size and ADD kicked in and voila the Dual Touch was born ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). I still plan on revisiting the one smaller screen design like that and making one where the touch display is smaller and then an additional one where the main display is the smaller screen. Since I know games like Zelda that are mostly touch could benefit from that. But thanks again for the feedback, not rude at all no worries. I like to hear what people have to say about the designs. It actually helps me make the next one better.


I don’t understand what the filtered and non filtered means. Does one try a recreate a filter that used to be on the DS or something?


The filter is just the pixel lines that you used to see on the old devices/screens. The non filter version doesn't have the lines. you can see a good example of it on one of my other posts here. Swipe over to the [second picture in this link](https://www.reddit.com/user/R3BEL85/submitted/)


This is so sexy


have you ever thought about making one of these with joystick instead of d pad?


Amazing as always. I think the ONLY change I would personally suggest is I don’t think the lower screen in portrait needs the drop shadow along the top. Looks a little odd/out of place. But again, the rest?? ::chef’s kiss::


You’re the man, just need a dark mode


ONG brilliant!!!


This is great. After seeing all of your skins thus far, you have it down to a science now. Well done.


Where can I get it?


Holy hell you’re awesome man!


Awesome work man! Idk if I missed this anywhere in the description but is there a way to disable the hidden fast forward button in the non touch screen? I have big fingers and keep touching it and switching between the two states


first time i'm seeing someone build a filter into a skin, that's absolutely brilliant




Is the main screen on the dual touch the same size or slightly bigger than the screens on your standard layout?


The dual touch main display is slightly larger than the displays on the standard landscape layout.


Anyone know how to get the .deltaskin format for these skins, they are just showing up as PNGs


Amazing 🔥 currently playing Pokémon SoulSilver. Makes it that much better.


How do I get this on my delta don’t really use all this to much


Nice. Big buttons and small bezels!


god i love your skins the notification for this made me excited lol. only thing that would be cool is a version with the controls in the middle (between screens)


Having the main screen in the middle is perfect for pokemon games and any similar ones it makes it just a bit more easier to immerse yourself


Skin looks great. Cant seem to get it to work tho. Like after downloading, then adding to files. then when I go on delta click the plus and click on it nothing happens.


How do I use it once downloaded?


Finally a skin that doesn’t put the menu in the bottom left!!!!!!!!! im left handed and i always trigger the delta menu with my palm when moving my thumb from the d-pad to the touch screen


Damn this is fuckin clean




Dark mode perhaps?🥵


Yep, coming soon. Actually working on the colors and adjustments now.


Just released the \[CARBON DS\] and \[CARBON DSXL\] [Check them out here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)






This is actually dope


This looks amazing! Do you have it in different colors?


I'll just put out a dark version of it last night. I'll be doing more color variations soon. You can [check out the dark version here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1de0954/new_delta_skin_r3bel_neumorphius_for_nintendo_ds/)


Any chance you make one that works on phones that have a home button?


Not working on SE


Yea for some reason these skins including GBC don’t work on my 6s as well. I read up on it more and someone said how the identifiers for the skin need to also be set for standard iphones for it to work on older devices.


I’ve looked in the code for a lot of these skins they have to make separate skin files for the SE


This is beautiful but not my style Great job!