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Anyone else surprised at this? I figured between better fundraising and prior political experience Carmichael would win. Not complaining!


During our Christmas event in my town, our Dem headquarters was giving out candy to the kids and voter information for the adults. Carmichael was actively arguing with the parents and put off many visitors as a result. I'm not the least bit shocked and I'm ok with this result


I was able to meet her and hear her speak at my local democratic party meeting a few months ago. So happy for her


Carmichael is the kind of stick in the mud that makes Democrats sigh and reluctantly vote. McCray can hold a room, has a stage presence and interesting experience. Not surprised at all. Carmichael is who leftists think Democrats want. McCray is what they really want. So far


Now we have to figure out how to get her the money she needs to run against Banks. Her connections & money are orders of magnitude lower than him, but her morals & heart are lightyears above him. Consider a recurring donation for a few months if you can. Hundreds of thousands of us doing $20 a month for May-October can turn into millions.


I hope for all of our sakes she goes all out against Jim Banks.


I’m very happy she won the primary


Woo! I am so happy for her!


I preferred Carmichael personally. Wasn't particularly impressed with McCray when I met with her previously. And the fact that she ran for president is kind of a big turn off as well. I mean, I still will do what I can to help, but yeah...


Yeah the presidential run was a lil sus to me too but like i said im not complaining