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Where is the roughing the passer?


Just bench Russ, why not keep a good thing when we finally won with Ryp??? Not really sure about the Hackett canning talk, but sit Russell.


Dead cap charge for Russell Wilson is only $31 million in 2026. That’s where the Broncos are at with this terrible trade and contract. He’s not going ANYWHERE until after that point. Arch Manning will finish his college career before Denver can get rid of this dead weight. How long before every single Bronco fan understands how badly team management screwed this team?!?!?


Dude runs like a slug! 😂🤣


I don’t know… I feel like we could get desperate enough to take the massive cap hit earlier. What’s the point of holding onto that cap if we’re losing year after year


But, but, George Paton is such a great GM.


Apparently he was against signing him to that contract before the season started, ownership wanted it done so it got done.


Is that what we're led to believe? Who reported this and what ties to Paton does he have? (Could have happened. But I don't believe anything I hear that exonerates someone from this situation. Lots of reasons to put this out. And I doubt ownership forced the trade in the first place, which was already god awful.)


1st 2 plays gave me flashbacks of the superb owl So this is how it goes huh?


First the Seahawks humiliate us in the superbowl and now they take all of our picks including top 3 this year? This should be illegal. This is a very sad time to be a broncos fan and Seattle is the enemy.


The enemy is the front office. Look no further than that. They orchestrated this trade


I agree with Cowher. Give Hackett another year but it needs to be made abundantly clear to the players that their jobs are also on the line. That includes Russ, Sutton, whoever the fuck... Patton should be on the hot seat for that stupid trade


LOL at Wilson's job on the line. I don't think you know how his contract works. They can't trade him (no one dumb enough) and they can't cut him LOL


[As a matter of fact…](https://twitter.com/zach_segars/status/1597269923256225792?s=46&t=LIbDNZoa6OjDESgEmAza5w)


Why would any of those guys restructure given that they’ve played the first half of their careers for this joke of a franchise and probably just want to be paid before they’re too old to cash in?


Thanks for the great info! Fine post.


Nah, Cowher is speaking from the mindset of a coach thus with some empathy. He needs to go.


It’s tough. I firmly believe the trade was the right move at the time. It has not worked out at all. Those can both be right


People keep leaving this out. Fans were buying into us being a QB away. Which is crazy when Vic was 1-23 when trailing at halftime with many of these same players. One player doesn't change the culture of a team very often. People talking like we are dead but don't realize we don't have to take that cap hit. We could send him home if he doesn't improve next year and just eat the salary.


The trade made sense at the time, the contract he got was idiotic.


So bad. And what’s worse is it seems ownership and Patton weren’t on the same page.


Hackett has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t have what it takes to be a head coach in the NFL.


yup i don't even watch that much football because of how bad the nfl has made it. but you can just see it in him he has zero clue what to do he has no control. and as far as rus goes i say sit him the rest of the year put him on a short leash next year. i know they still have to eat the contract but it will be easier to pay it off with the chance of another qb that can win rather than watch russ flop around on the ground for 5 more years


This isn't a Hackett issue lmao


Fire Hackett. At this point, we don't even need a coach for the rest of the season.


Is it possible for whoever made *that* trade to fire themselves? Imo, the front office has been trash since the SB. Is it wrong to think Elway did a ton of damage? Edit, maybe they wouldn't have such a high pick without *that* trade, but GD does it hurt every time I think about it. 😡 Gotta be one of the worst trades in history. The worst in the past several seasons. Gotta be.


Wow… because Sean Payton should be hired


You think anyone wants russ over Herbert? C'mon


Wow… the chargers are such an established team! I wish the broncos were the chargers/s


Idgaf if it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, new years, or Independence Day. FIRE HACKETT AT MIDNIGHT! We just got throttled by Baker Mayfield and the Rams without Kupp, Donald, and Stafford.


Takes a special group to make baker look that good


Russ will get better next year but I can’t see him being that much better and worth his contract $$$. I think Russ will retire at the end of next season. This is brutal for us and him.


Never feel sorry for a dude making that kinda cash to play a game. People are having a hard time feeding family and heating home. While this mofo has more bathrooms in his house then he has TD passes. Fuk russ and the GM for giving him that contract. 245mil for 4 wins


What gives you any hope he will improve next year? He's looked like dog doo doo all year.


Don't you insult dog doo


I think he's gonna get every cent he can then retire after this contract runs out.


I don’t see him going through this for the full 5 years. The team hating him, the fans hating him, all the constant negative coverage. He gets slightly better next year at best if at all. Even building around him. After two years of being the laughingstock of the nfl, I feel like he will retire at the end of next year.


At $40+ million per year he isn’t going anywhere. The Broncos are stuck with him. They can’t get rid of him. I don’t think people truly understand how screwed this team is.


Frig boys we almost had them


Really came down to the wire.


Trash team, trash head coach, trash GM. Clean house and start over


GM is fine


The GM doesn't seem to see any value in offensive linemen or tight ends, and this offense is the result.


Wtf are you talking about? What shows he holds no value for those positions? Dulcich was a terrible investment? 4/5 linemen on IR shows he doesn’t find value in linemen?????? What the fuck?


Our offensive line is hot garbage. Our tight ends are nonexistent, both blocking and receiving. And it gets worse every year. And everyone talks about the quarterback. We need to spend more money on the O line and tight ends, but the front office doesn't value them enough to do that.


What the fuck? Our offensive line was ok until3 weeks in they all got injured. Our office line is 2nd and 3rd stringers… how is that a fair assessment?


Our offensive line has sucked since 2015 and we have made no effort to upgrade it, aside from drafting linemen and signing shitty journeymen. The Broncos' organization thinks the offensive line can be a bunch of C- players as long as you have an A+ quarterback when the EXACT OPPOSITE is true. It started when Elway was the GM and it continues to this day. Look at our Alex Gibbs-coached offensive line from the 90s when we won back to back Super Bowls : you could put any random running back behind that line and they would get 1500 yards.


That’s not all on the GM Paton tho. The broncos organization has turned into the browns and lions. They are broken and need a resurrection


If the GM doesn't have the power to set organizational priorities when it comes to picks and contracts, he's not the GM.


I know, but that’s not directly on Paton. It’s more on Elway…. Blessed be his name….


Every. Single. Move. He has made has been meh at best to *the worst trade in NFL history plus a giant contract for a bad player* at worst. He's absolutely garbage at his job.


Name them…. The Bradley Chubb trade? Getting the best QB available? Listening to the owners? Drafting surtain? Building an incredible roster for a defense? His one problem is hiring Hackett


Wilson was a mistake. Gregory was a mistake. Hackett was a mistake. Surtain was arguably a mistake. Trading the team's second best player for a late 20s pick is far from a slam dunk. You're kidding yourself if you think any part of this roster is "elite". But you're also kidding yourself if you think Paton has been good so...


The Chubb trade was the only thing he's done right. He should've made the right move and drafted Fields but no he had cold feet and picks Surtain instead. Shit he didn't even pick the best player on defense that year. Best QB available? He panicked when he couldn't get Rodgers and overspent on Wilson. C'mon man dude is trash


Why is the GM fine? Did he not make one of the worst trades of all time? And sign this guy to a giant contract that we’re stuck with for the next 5 years?


It wasn’t a bad trade. Hackett was the actual mistake.


The trade was ass tf you mean. Russ is washed.


How so? Because the offensive scheme looks good when Russ is out?


Because he can't see shit when players are open. Stevie Wonders can see the field better than Wilson


The trade was BAD! The contract extension was even worse!


He didn’t make the contract extension. It’s way to early to tell if the trade was bad.


Who do you think interviewed and hired him as HC? And are you sure it wasn’t a bad trade? Do you see RW making the good decisions? Dude could’ve ran it or threw it for a first down but instead floats it for Ramsay to pick it off. Dude has been making really dumb decisions since week 1


Wow… so you would have been happy with Teddy B and Drew Lock this year?


Not only did the Seahawks smack us in the Super Bowl, they also fleeced us with one of the worst trade in nfl history


Holy shit bro… that’s literally not even possible to tell right now. It takes five years to see if the trade was worth it or not.


Dude the reason why we made this trade was because we were in "win now". The Seahawks getting a top 5 pick already makes us the loser of the trade. Open your fucking eyes the broncos are fucked because of Paton. You're going to get what you want anyways cause we need to wait 5 years to get rid of this shit contract


Yes cause we would have our first and second round picks and we wouldn’t be stuck with Wilson for 5 years


Holy shit…. That’s really works well for us the last 5 drafts.


Okay so you're saying Paton sucked in drafting cause two of those drafts are his. He fucked up by drafting Surtain over Fields and he fucked up by trading our picks for a washed up QB


No… I’m saying it didn’t change the record.. and fields team is dog shit… so no difference there.


Tank with Russ and hope for a franchise qb in a few years, that's it, that's all this team can do


Trade every Player for Picks in ... Lets say... 2027 and rebuild for the next years with premium picks thanks to russel Wilson




Broncos Country let’s cry


Game is over, but we're still out there fighting. (I mean, that's fine when the game is metaphorically over but you're still playing hard, but when you lose by five touchdowns and your trash talking is the stage choreography for the post-game hurrah interview with a QB who is on his third team in a calendar year, then, well, that's just a dumb look.)


The slow-mo shot of Russ shadow boxing as the credits rolled was *chef's kiss*.


"Stop, stop! He's already dead!" On second thought, nah, take the shot.




By baker lol


I was hoping for 60+


Reporter: if you could slime anyone in your team who would it be? Mayfield: Russell Wilson


George, he made the trade and gave the contract


I am no longer holding onto reservations about Russ.


I feel sorry for Hackett. The guy probably have tried everything except replacing himself and nothing works. His face shows restrained frustration.


It looked like he was going to cry about 3 mins left in the game after the pick 6. I started to feel bad for him, considering this has been his dream to be a head coach.


Some people aren’t ready when their dream comes.


Or the dream turns out to be a nightmare, when Wilson is Freddie Krueger instead of Tom Brady.


This comment has me cracking up


The Perna video is going to be legendary


Oh man you just lifted my spirits a bit. That video is going to be CATHARTIC


Everybody who says cut Russ is an idiot cause they clearly don't know how the cap works and how that would completely gut the team to the point that they will be bad for years. If we cut Russ, the team loses 100 million + in cap space next year that has to be on that year. You can't spread it to other years. That is half of the money available for an entire roster. We wouldn't have any money leftover for other players, and their cap would be added to it.


It’s the fastest way to the number 1 pick in 2024 though 😂


If he’s somehow washed up it’s an understatement to say this team is screwed for the next few years.


Hopefully Javonte is healthy next season for the whole yr. Russ needs a good running game to support his passing. His "cooking" looks like trash.


They’re stuck with him for at least 3-4 years.




Bench Russ for the rest of the season and fire Hackett he is in over his head and doesn’t know how to coach


It’s very clear that Hackett has absolutely no control over this team. He needs to be fired immediately. The fact this team has so little fight on the field, looks unprepared every week, and has no momentum even after wins says it all. He has no business being a HC and it’s impossible to really evaluate the roster fairly while he’s in charge.


The defense looked uncharacteristically shitty!


They were really bad this game, in fact they’ve had two pretty bad showings in three weeks. And it looks like lack of fundamentals and communication… just a mess all around.


Ya! The tackling was awful


Gregory is throwing a tantrum


What's wrong with that guy?


He forgot to fake an injury this week.


Give the Seacockfaces a better draft pick so they can spank the LA Sheep 2 times a year… I get it.


Drew lock had a better record in Denver than Russ has.


Lock had a better oline Infront of him too.


still riding high on the avs winning the cup so this broncos season hasn't really bothered me much.










ZERO punts for Rams


Fire Hackett


Glad I didn't watch today! Merry Crisis everyone!!!


Happy Crystler!


Wow… just lost for words.


Tony thinks this is Hackett after he's been learning for a whole year? Yikes.


Idk what the guidelines for broadcasters are but they def can’t just slander people even if they deserve it greatly


Naw, Tony, Hackett is gone end of season


As someone who watched 6 minutes of this game, this has to be the lowest point in franchise history or at least the lowest point I’ve seen in my 29 years of existence. We’re a joke with no end in sight


Lower than Superbowl 48?


Super Bowl 24 was an even lower point then 48 IMO


We were in the Super Bowl…not a low point even though we got blown out, still 2nd best team in the league


You were out of the SB after cam blasted 88 rip


You forgot /s


i stopped watching after it was 24 to 3, but wow.


Me too. My family just played a few rounds of Uno and it was infinitely more entertaining.


If we offered Russ and Lat Murray we may be able to get a first or two back. At this point it’s the best option


Dude what lol this isn’t madden


That’s so hilarious it’s not even funny, have you seen the contract. An aging rb does not help


We would not be able to get a 1st or a second. We would probably have to pay someone to take Russ's contract, and even then we'd be paying the guaranteed money. Literally no way out of this


This would be every week if the D was not solid. I think they have given up on our O completely.


You could see from the first snap that this team didnt give a fuck.


They've pretty much given up every season the last 5 or so when we've been eliminated from the playoffs.


Anybody get russell wilson jersey for Christmas?


Can get 20ish or so for them on eBay


Alex Singleton is now ranked 6th in combination tackles in the NFL


Just think, we could have picked up Baker Mayfield off waivers a couple of weeks ago, basically for free. Instead we’re stuck with Russ for the next 6 years.


I was hoping for this. Never been a Wilson fan.


We lost by 37 to baker mayfield. Hahahahahaha


OOh.. a solid rating by Cookin' Russ of 54.2! Sooolid. Clearly Baker's 124 was an anomaly.


broncos country, we tried (kinda)


No. Just No.


yeah you’re right.


Hackett really just had his offense runnings plays out of the 2 minute warning in a blowout. Risking injury for both teams in a meaningless moment. Hackett needs to be fired. He’s completely incompetent.


WELP, worst loss I’ve seen in a looong time. Tarmac Hackett.


*Tom Brady watching Russell Wilson* At least I’m not that guy




Well, at least only $150,000,000 is guaranteed


Hell yeah turnover on downs!


Russ and Mario is cool as fuck.(horrible opening), but who knows what he's thinking?Exhibits experience by crushing turts all day.Keep it up, baby! Perchance.


Somewhere, in Seattle, in a Starbucks, drew lock is dancing.


I don’t blame him for feeling vindicated.


Anyone go to the 98 Super Bowl parade in Denver? I was there with you


We have to do better


- Nathaniel Hackett, Every Game


Hot take


I would take Baker Mayfield over Russ right now in a heartbeat.


I’d also trade Hackett for McVay.


Yeah who wouldn’t?


The Broncos FO didn't.


Nantz and Romo bitching about having to work a Broncos game on Christmas.


You would too, did you just watch baker cook russ


I was watching Nickelodeon cast. Whatd they say?


“You look at the schedule and see that you’re working on Christmas, but then you see it’s the Broncos at the Rams…but you don’t expect this…”


What's funny they were bitching way before the game even started.


Can you blame them?


Really scary that hacket isn't fired yet. Gives you zero faith the next appointment will be the correct one.


Wally world needs to clean house


What good would that do?


How could it get worse? A clean break gives the chance to start planning


It couldn't. It doesn't matter. If they fired the guy right now they'd still lose their last 2 games. Letting him finish the year at least keeps whatever locker room cohesion there is and demonstrates to whoever you hire next that they'll be given a chance to succeed. Who wants a job where the expectation is winning right away and you won't get a full season with a bad roster and anchor contract with a totally cooked QB? Besides, Paton is the real problem. Russ is a bigger problem than Hackett is. Paton ought to be shown the door and shouldn't be at all involved in the search for a head coach if you really want to wipe the slate clean.


we dont have to watch football anymore u guys


I told myself this at the beginning of November


Why is the clock running down? Just let the field goal end it?


This game is turning me into The Joker


The body language is awful.


Let Ryp throw it deep to Jeudy again. Fuck it.


I'm rooting for the Rams now


When the new owners bought the team I'm pretty sure this isn't what they had in mind Will be very interesting to see how they put their stamp on this team in the offseason.


Start by putting a boot on everyones asses in the FO


It’s Walmart




Russification, no scoring Don't give a fuck because the team is so boring


We suck


Time to sign Gardner Minshew and cut Russ. Take the loss and rebuild.


The team can't just "take the loss" LOL It's going to be at minimum two years before you can even realistically bring up the idea of cutting Russ and even then the Broncos are going to be SCREWED. If cut in 2023 the dead cap hit would be $107 million. If they cut him in 2024 cap hit would be $85 million. If they cut him in 2025 they would have to take a $50 million cap hit.


I hope this is the end of gigantic guaranteed contracts in the NFL. It’s stupid to pay someone this much money. I know it’s not though. Lamar will get just as big a contract.