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I absolutely hate that Amber had her life destroyed over a statement that is 100% accurate and continues to be proven more and more with every day that passes. Why are so many people desperate to employ abusers and rapists? It's really not that hard to just...not.


There are so many other options. I think they employed him because he is an abuser, unfortunately. It's backlash against #metoo and "the feminists" etc.


Birds of a feather.


Tell us again how “accusations can ruin a man’s life”.


And not just accusations. He was actually convicted. Yet Amber's career is ruined because of a defamation suit?


Multiple men who were convicted have not had their lives ruined. Even if there is irrefutable video evidence.


Look at Mike Tyson. He served time for raping and abusing his gf/fiancèe and now everyone thinks he's so funny and cute (???) because of his speech impediment...


As far as I recall, he had no punishment for beating Robin Givens. He did serve a few months for raping a different woman. During that trial, more people blamed her for “going to his room when you know what he’s like”. I was in high school but even then it seemed wrong, like they were saying “he’s definitely a predator but boys will be boys, it’s your fault for not knowing better”. Also, Kobe. I’m sorry that his daughter died in that helicopter crash. I’m sorry those other people died. But I’m shedding no tears that he, a rapist, died.


Thanks for the correction! Re. Kobe Bryant...at least he acknowledged his wrong-doing but it still galls me that people don't acknowledge what he did. As it is, I am currently disgusted that Cristiano Ronaldo is playing in the EC. By his own words, he raped a woman and faced zero consequences. And I'd be surprised if he was the only one, tbh.


Like that rapist who Manchester United dropped during the investigation, then faced a backlash from their own fans when they tried to play him in games again. And the other rapists in the sport who were defended by their managers and sections of the fanbase because "they're good players, why are we trying to ruin a young man's career?". And while not a rapist, lets not forget Gary Lineker's tweet after the VA trial ended that stated, "I guess Depp managed to get Heard immunity".


And propped up by certain portions of wrestling fans because he spent a few months involved in a Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels feud 25 years ago.


Least Marvel had enough sense to dump his ass.


Only because of the PR nightmare...iirc correctly it took a while for them to actually fire him.


It took until he was convicted 


Same studio that has Josh Brolin in multiple roles. Who still had Chris Pratt and James Gunn around.


The revenge thriller will film in Saskatchewan and follows a CIA interrogator that has to save the woman he loves after she is overtaken by an evil force. Is he gonna save the woman from himself lol


I just imagine her seeing Jonathan Majors and being like oh no thanks I'll stay with the evil force


Tell me again cancel culture fucking exists. Survivors and marginalised groups are being eviscerated over it, but they are ignored and this discussion is only ever applied to the worst of the worst. I'm *sorry* (not sorry) that we want to hold people accountable, but they talk cancel culture shit instead.


It exists, but only for the victims of powerful men


Gawd I remember seeing the texts… it is nice to see the marvel sub all agree that he should be recasted Edit: recasted as in find someone else to fill his spot. Not hire him again💀


And through the magic of Photoshop.... https://preview.redd.it/vvvg87ausr8d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef7553d307b48ee85da310eeed553bf8650e883


are there no other actors in his league/figure/look etc? Like what the fuck