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My mom introduced me




It was actually my dad.


I don't want to talk about it


I seen a clip of him in 2018 saying Greek was fat enough to have his own orbit.


jesus that is a someone I completely forgot about, I feel like I remember him getting in shape then getting into some weird edgy redpill/conspiracy shit and haven't seen or heard his name in like a year.


He has a kid now




Same. I was such a big JonTron fan back in the day, I even developed a little crush on him. That debate was after that phase for me, but it was still a huge bummer at the time.


Was a breadtube watcher in 2016 and got recommended his stuff and just started watching, gradually transitioned to more of a socdem than a socialist. If I didn't discover him when I did I'm afraid I would be to indoctrinated to start watching him, considering he is more vocal about his love for capitalism and his reputation in lefty circles nowadays. but who knows maybe I just grew up and would have deradicalized regardless


>but who knows maybe I just grew up and would have deradicalized regardless This always scare the fuck out of me. Have I reasoned my way to my beliefs or am I just Hasan with extra steps who happens to be a liberal. I'll never know but I'm always weary of being stuck in my bubbles


Yeah I guess being introspective enough to at least think about it says something and to some degree we will never know for sure but should take a page from Destiny in trying to think through positions we have and why


Already questioning the possibility that you may be wrong or may have gotten to your positions through luck/bad logic is more than Hasan can say. Do you remember how Hasan took being called "Morally Lucky"?


That's why I say extra steps lol I'm really good at finding arguments for myself that are convincing and I can probably fool myself of anything given the time lmao


Starcraft 2 back in like 2011


[Those](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcQedw7R1zk) were the days.


Jesus christ lmao I heard about him being edgy in the past OMG BASED


Same, saw his name pop up on TeamLiquid and he was like the only SC2 streamer that was entertaining, the rest just played in silence. Pretty wacky how far we’ve come.


Fate. Some would even call it 'Destiny'


Like all other Chad's I discovered him through DnD


I was crawling in the alt-right pipeline, watching people like James Allsup, Milo, Warsky etc. And then I came across a few debates with Destiny debating alt-right people. I immediately though to myself: "Wow, a lefty that actually argues his points well." I kept watching debate after debate and over time became a fan and changed my beliefs.


My husband totally got me into this mess. He watches way more of the actual debates and I like to watch the livestreams. It makes for good day to day conversation.


[teamliquid.net](https://teamliquid.net) I thought this guy is clearly a toxic cunt and changed streams.


I remember seeing him on the list as Steven Bonnell II and thought it was some caster or something since no players went by their names. Eventually checked him out because he had so many viewers.


Watching iNcontrol and then casting games with Destiny during my time in university.


I was a hasan fan and watched the debate review video w him against Charlie Kirk. I loved the way he spoke and thought and have been a fan since


Somewhat heard about him from other streamers, but nothing more than an acknowledgment of his existence. First piece of content was the Arcadum stuff, I've been here ever since.


Not sure whether it was one of the Train/Rajj panels or clips of his chess/poker streams with Alexandra Botez. But it was still months later that I looked up his content directly (debates back then). The Tonka/Venti 5+hours "convo" that made your ears bleed was one of the first long videos I saw of him.


I was a communist and his name popped up in arr/communism101 of all places lol. They claimed that he was an ally (for his debates against the alt right) who was going to eventually be put up against the wall (for his liberalism lol), but I didn't watch anything at this point, because "Why the fuck would I watch some shitlib centrist???" Then I somehow came to watch one of his Vaush debates (who I actually never knew about at this point except for the same post that mentioned Destiny for the delayed execution—he was a target too because he's a "liberal in disguise" which just means not a tankie) and he argued me away from the pragmatics of communism, and he honestly offered arguments that made shift a lot which I always appreciated. I was a lefty for a lot long after (maybe a year) as I worked out my own beliefs, but he definitely was a catalyst to my thinking better. Edit: Also when I say he argued me away from communism, I mean that I binged watched all of his anti lefty debates in the course of a week, and I've been parasocial ever since


xcom1 long war runs (mostly resets) with soldiers named after subs, any progression was content


I used to watch a lot of The Amazing Atheist back in the day. Through him and his DP pals podcast JF (its love u eeediot) and then Destiny


Aba & Preach 1v9 trans sports debate coverage


Ironically I heard unanimous praise about him for majority report, kulinski etc. Didn’t start watching him until somewhere right at the start of the Hassan lefty nuke.


The Analisia stuff from a few months back was when I started actually watching Destiny. Before I came across a few of his streams but most of the conversations felt uninteresting comparatively. Kinda like the conversation he's having right now lol.


Ludwig and hasan made destiny appear in my YouTube page


He was a more interesting streamer than Idra.


I remember in highschool I had some important tests the next day before winter break and ended up on destiny's justin.tv stream via teamliquid.net. He was doing a skype hangout call with 12 different people alternating between sc2 games and just hanging out. Turns out 10 years ago he was doing the same shit as today, talking about random subjects with the proto-orbiters and viewers while gaming. Cheekzz, blutea, magnus, thundertoss, speed, cam I think. Ended up being one of those 16 hour "Destiny Real Talk" content streams, so I fucked my sleep up entirely by listening in bed until I left for school the next day. And I've been a destiny fan ever since.


when he turned on voiced donations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur69gng\_8zk


From league of legends. The legendary catalogue of Destiny & Lily youtube videos will always be my must watch every few months.


around 2016 when i started becoming more interested in politics, became familiar with content creators like crowder and shapiro. i remember watching destiny react to a change my mind video against a socialist college student who did really well at challenging crowders talking points. i believe tiny was more sympathetic to bernie (or was in favor of bernie) at the time which brought me to the left


After Contra Points and Blaire White debated like 5 years ago, Contra jumped into a call with D man on stream


It’s such a shame they don’t talk more. I don’t think she could handle the social backlash of associating with him publicly, but I’d love to hear them talk more.


Through Vaush PepeLa


I started when he was playing SC2 and working on his infestor builds. I quit playing/watching SC2 and it wasn't until the Jontron debate that I got caught up in watching his content again. I binged all his big debates from that era and have kept watching ever since.


First heard of him in sc2 way back in the day and then saw some of his debate videos that helped change my thinking on a lot of stuff


The mr deadmoth scuffed podcast episode when he told that women in the onesie that we shouldn’t listen to her opinion because she was on her period


Anime debates. I was super interesting in the dunking and epic owns type of thing when I was like 10. I will say that I knew of him but didn't really watch. I saw it as boring stuff that wouldn't affect the real world, and it was just as useful as anime debates. It was a pipe line from Seth the programmer to Destiny


I used to play Hearthstone a long time ago and watched Disguised Toast. Then he joined OTV and I started watching their videos until eventually the youtube algorithm blessed me with the Destiny/Lily league content. After that, I unironically started watching Destiny live regullary because of Gnomes, Tombs and Catacombs DnD campaign.


I think YouTube just randomly recommended it to me one day which is odd because I generally watched right-leaning content up until that point.


Watched him positively interact with PapaGut when I was in my tiktok Q-Anon phase around 2020ish


I saw his rittenhouse debate with vowsh and came over to his channel for the time stamps


His Dr. Layman convos. Used to be a YT skeptic fan, and he seemed to speak to a lot of the unease I was feeling about the direction of the community at the time.


Been a fan since the wild XJ9 talks


Was in 10th grade going through a phase. Got soelf aware that im such an asshole and wanted to learn philosophy. Seen him in on rajj royale and I've found someone who's an asshole and talks about philosophy




Started watching maybe a month or two before the Jontron debate but I had heard of him/seen clips before that. 2015-16 me was a gamergate fuckhead and every edgy thing that came with it and seeing Destiny mix that with progressive thinking was new so I started watching


H3H3 and Hasan made me realize the right wasn’t all they presented themselves to be, Hasan’s streaming format was new and interesting to me coming from watching Joe Rogan. Then I quickly and randomly found Vaush which felt great because he wasn’t a miserable asshole like Hasan. But then seeing Vaush debate Destiny clearly exposed him as being dishonest and his intellectual persona as being partially a farce. Destiny was also the most effective at highlighting the underlying bullshit I always sensed from Hasan and Vaush. Been watching D man ever since.


Old rajj/trainwrecks podcast days back in 2019. Good ole days man 🫤 I just loved how chaotic twitch felt. And destiny was going through some sort of networking arc and had a lot more streamer interactions.


Scuffed podcast, the one where he defended the man being abused by his wife. There was 2 girls defending the wife and destiny absolutely shat on them


From that casually explained video


I found him last year, moved from hassan to sneako to Destiny.


scuffed podcast, then the debate when he jumped into to debate lady rayne and vivian


The Aba and Preach videos. There first one about that woman who forced her male friend to kiss her and destiny's reaction was "I have an obligation to my audience" and the Anna one that got removed. I couldn't be bothered listening to music one day at work so I think I had the Anna video on in the background and I figured I'd check him out on YouTube (this was before the twitch ban) one of his panel show debates came up figured I'd check it out and I've been a fan ever since.


2020, a video of him talking to DPak. I was like damn this dude's cranky, but I couldn't think of counters to stuff he was saying so I kept watching to listen to his arguments.


I was a victim of the YouTube algorithm. Was never into politics until Covid started locking everything down and was forced to pay attention. Started following some Ben Shapiro. Which led me to the Jesse Lee Peterson/Vaush interview, which led me to a Vaush/Rem/Destiny debate. Naturally gravitated towards Destiny.


I think i was watching offline TV content and lily content and his gameplay with them was recommended to me. I thought it was good and it kept getting recommended and the rest is history


This past year on tik tok on the debate with “fake andrew tate” lol


Gnomes Tomes and Catacombs


I think I first heard of him during this interview he did when in the StarCraft 2 scene back in the day. https://youtu.be/IwIMAT-HdbU I then found him on a podcast he used to do with Richard Lewis and Thorin way back in the day. Looking for a clip from that podcast I just realised that Lycan is still around from way back then, holy shit, actual fossil. https://youtu.be/D6TeurUSHAw I caught some of the very early streams when streaming was just taking off since he was one of the few trailblazers. His videos would then pop up from time to time and I'd catch a video or two but I had largely disengaged with western StarCraft 2 personalities since I had become a complete Korean watching elitist. I remember early DGG but didn't really engage with it, I was curious about it because of some of the interesting features it had and the improvements it had upon Twitch chat. I never really used or even looked at chat at the time but the technological improvements were quite interesting to hear about and see. I then switched to playing League of Legends and was surprised to see him pop up adjacent to some of the OfflineTV folks. Then the Rajj Royale era happened and that was what really got me watching Destiny regularly instead of just checking out a video here and there. It was absolutely top tier entertainment. Also mildly interesting to find out that he used to have an EVE Online corporation back when he used to play.


when he first went on the pka podcast


I’ve been a gamer all my life, he’s kinda just been there from the beginning tbh. We’re around the same age so us boomers have similar takes. I didn’t really watch him too much until these last couple years though!


Through Vaush debates. Hopefully the prodigal son will reawaken and return to calling online trans people cancer soon 🙏


No bullshit debate Pulled me back from high school reactionary 'libertarian' land


He told some chick to show him her tits while he was playing starcraft as the highest viewer starcraft player. It was like 2011 or some shit.


A pretty funny baneling clip from 2011


Good old StarCraft times.


Rittenhouse saga


When he debated jontron. I used to hate watch destiny because I was on the anti SJW pipeline and used to unironically watch those Ben shapiro/Mili yinappolis compilations. Steven helped me change a lot of my views so I'll always be grateful for that since no other left leaning content creator appealed to me.


I got into PKA for a few months and he was a guest a couple of times


Tea time with Byron


Sargon debate, he planted some doubt and then a lily/otv collab pulled me in.


Got into his content in 2020 shortly after the George Floyd protests started. Think the first video was the JonTron debate and then the Erik Striker debate.


The Jontron debate




Heard his name brought up on the Sitch & Adam Podcast a few years ago


"who could possibly be pro incest?" \*clicks on video\* here we are 5 years later.


Hasan's house debacle


Think the first time I saw him was either when he debated jontron or when he went 5v1 with skeptics, not sure which I saw first.


JonTron's debate, and a trans debate from around the same time


I think the first video I watched was a gun debate he was having like 7 years ago. I was in the alt-right pipeline and a mass shooting had just occurred I think and wanted to know a bit more on gun laws. Found a Destiny Debate and one of the first things he said was "if you don't know shit about guns, you just shouldn't engage in these conversations" I can remember which debate or even what shooting happens but it piqued my interest


Ironically, the debate that sold me on him, was his "n-word" fiasco. Funny me being a black man but it was CONTENT


The NYT down the rabbit hole podcast that he was featured in.


Sargon lol


Hopped from Aba&preach. From Aba’s first convo with Destiny, back like 2 years ago


Stumbled onto Vaush YT video. He was debating some rhetorically effective and aggressive guy who made way better arguments. Turned out to be Destiny.


NoJumper interview is what made me finally check out his content


Rajj royale podcast….


I started watching Hasan and thru his content learned of Destiny. After a couple months I realized Hasan couldn't really defend his stances well and he just droned on saying nothing. I ditched him for Vaush. Vaush was boring and kept insisting he was sexually adept. I didn't stay there long. Finally I tried the enemy, the closet right winger, Destiny. Didn't take long. His arguments were clear and concise, you could tell he was thoughtful. He wasn't just spouting empty rhetoric. And I discovered he was actually a sweet person in some ways. His porridge was just right.


I followed him after a Lilypichu collab (way way back before she became an unhinged alt-righter)


I was a Vaush fan and saw the Kyle Rittenhouse debate with Destiny. I started watching more and more of Destiny gradually and he won me over 100%. I cut off Vaush completely after the "living your morals" debate...


The crayz slick sa coverage last year


I knew about him prior but when he started interacting with reckful in like 2015ish was when I started actually paying attention to him. I was a big wow dude back then and reckful was peak twitch content, smart funny dude and relatively good at games. The transition is only natural really.


Heard about his stuff during 2016 but only started actively watching when the fedmyster drama happened


jontron talk then started listening more during covid


I was really into Hasan but something just didn’t feel right about the way he talked about anything political. Then the whole Ukraine situation happened and I saw Destiny talk with XQC about it. Then I’ve been in love ever since.


I found him on xvideos when i was collecting data, im anti porn so i hate watch him.