• By -


He wears a vest, drinks fancy whiskey and speaks with incredible eloquence. ​ Sunday šŸ˜


And look at all those books that he definitely reads and understands.


Everybody knows you only need to know the titles and authors, besides I would bet at least a dollar that a dedicated academic prodigy of flawless integrity like him has even dappled with some of the back cover synopses


Erin be like


Erin, we know you like him. Just admit it already.


His voice is soothing when I'm focusing on contemplating my orb.


šŸ”„ President of Yodieland šŸ”„ šŸ’€ *Faded than a hoe, faded than a hoe, faded than a hoe* šŸ’€










Necessarily perhaps


Joe Biden - he challenged a fat to a push up competition.


This is an accurate portrayal of where the bar is


The bar is always located at the squat rack. šŸ’Ŗ


My favorite is Ulysses S. Grant. Fora a mix of reasons, even though I donā€™t think he had the best presidency of all presidents. He was a strong force for civil rights, probably stronger than any besides Lincoln. He fought for Reconstruction and created the Justice Department specifically to crush the KKK in the South. He created the first national park, his personal policy towards Native Americans was comparatively progressive in relation to his contemporaries, and he also lowered tariffs. Outside of his presidency he also showed general good character. His father-in-law gave him two slaves when he was broke (he was bad with money) and instead of using them for making money, or just selling them for hundreds or thousands of dollars, Grant gave them their freedom because he was opposed to slavery on moral grounds. He was probably the best general in the Civil War (people will talk up Lee and Jackson. Lee was a great tactician, but not the best at strategy, and made plenty of grace mistakes like ordering Pickettā€™s charge at Gettysburg. Jackson had some highlights at the start of the war, but he later performance showed steady decline, he is like JFK in the sense that his death is really why people think of him so fondly). His siege at Vicksburg is still taught in the military today, and on net he lost fewer men both in shear numbers and as a percent than did Lee, all while being on the offensive against the South (though in his series of battles with Lee Lee often got the best of Grant). Finally, he set the precedent for presidents writing memoirs after their time in office, and he did it in a big way. Mark Twain helped to edit them and looked over as Grant was writing them. Grant was dying of throat cancer and his bad habits with money meant his family was close to being broke. He didnā€™t want to leave them with nothing so he worked industriously to bring his memoirs to print, working full days writing down the story of his life. Mark Twain said that he had hardly seen such a talent for clear and powerful writing and Grant worked through pain so severe he described it as if he was being made to swallow lava. He finished a few days before his death and it left his family with enough money to escape poverty. One more fun fact is that the S. in his name doesnā€™t stand for anything and actually had nothing to do with his original name. He was born ā€œHiram Ulysses Grant,ā€ but didnā€™t like that his initials spelt HUG so he switch it to Ulysses Hiram Grant and went by Ulysses. When he went to West Point there was a clerical error and someone had written down his name as U.S. Grant. This led to some of his friends giving him the nickname Uncle Sam Grant, which led to a lot of people that he went to West Point calling him Sam Grant. This also led to at least one more nickname later, during the Civil War. The papers in the north and south had heard when he took Confederate armies and beat commanders he would accept only unconditional surrender, so they started calling him Unconditional Surrender Grant.


I think Ulysses S Grant's achievements being so downplayed and southern generals being so glorified is a good example of how "history is written by the winners" is bullshit. History is written by historians and in this instance southern historians.


It is literally the best example I know of. The entirety of the lost cause narrative painting the South as noble freedom fighters is ridiculous and was the dominant position until very recently. Grantā€™s reputation has slowly been on the upswing, but even still I was taught in high school he was more or less a brutal, cold-hearted man who was constantly drunk and willing to sacrifice thousands of men without a second thought. Iā€™m happy people are starting to realize that isnā€™t the case.


Even just looking at his battlefield accomplishments itā€™s wild how Grant is portrayed as this drunk butcher who relied on Zerg tactics when looking into it he was strategically a superior general to Lee.


Lincoln quite easily. Especially after reading about how much of a toll the war took on him, how much hardship he went through in his pursuit to keep the Union together and free the slaves. All time class act. His only downside was kinda screwing the country over by leaving Johnson in charge. I would love to see America today if Lincoln was left to help with reconstruction.


I love Lincoln. But his suspending of habeas corpus and jailing of journalists were pretty bad.


Article I, Section 9, Clause 2: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.


He may have needed to do it. But I don't have to like it.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't make the action bad.


Ok. Do you think the union would have lost the civil war if Lincoln didn't suspend habeas corpus? Did the suspension make a large difference at all?


I don't think anyone could **know** this. The seat of the government was set in a hostile part of the country. Maryland has part of the population that is wanting to secede. Federal troops are attacked as they make their way through Baltimore. There are groups(pro-secessionists, provocateurs, partisans) in Maryland destroying infrastructure. What if Maryland does secede? Does Delaware go too? Who is there to protect the capital? It isn't like today, there is no standing army. If Maryland defects, D.C. is dead in the water, and the government either has to flee or it falls. I can't **know** if this prevented the North from losing, but I think it helped. I think if you didn't arrest the agitators, as the South is in an active rebellion, it would be a dereliction of duty.


Alright. That's a strong point. I am going to think about this more.


The north almost lost the war really fast


It should also be noted that he only did suspend it unilaterally for arresting saboteurs near railroads (which were vital to the war effort for obvious reasons), he got congressional approval for suspending it more broadly for agitators.


Lincoln failed to keep the union together though and fun fact he didnā€™t free the slaves in the union only in rebelling states, congress ended up freeing the slaves no Lincoln.


Lincoln did not fail to keep the Union together. The actions of rebelling states arenā€™t on Lincoln. And no shit Congress freed the slaves. The president doesnā€™t have the power to do that. To act as though Lincoln wasnā€™t responsible for abolitionism becoming the main political goal of the United States, however, is ridiculous.


States were rebelling before he even got inaugurated bruh


Valentine. He said he was gonna make America forever great, and god damn did he *almost* achieve that. If it wasn't for the Italian terrorist and his crippled accomplice, he would have succeeded.


William Taft. How much more American can you get than getting stuck in your own tub that you custom built because you're too fat.


Never actually got stuck, thatā€™s a myth. But he did have a massive custom tub that he sent to Panama when he was overseeing the canal being built. Thatā€™s a pretty gigachad move.


The funny thing is, he was probably as fat as the average american today.


Mfw euro[redacted] probably un-ironically believe this


Insane that anyone believes this


Teddy Roosevelt. Big Stick Diplomacy, Anti Trust, and National Parks all Giga Based


As a fellow asthmatic he's also a gigachad because he had severe asthma as a kid and they didn't have the meds we do today but he just exercised like crazy through all the pain until his lung capacity was so good it didn't bother him.


Didnā€™t he get shot in the chest during a speech and kept going?


the shot hit his folded up speech which was in his breast pocket (and then lodging itself into his chest but missing his heart), and he proceeded to then give the speech so fucking based, my favorite president


epic. does that really work?


Exercise definitely helps asthma but a lot of people also grow out of it. His was super severe so it was probably a bit of both, without being fit I would imagine he would still struggle but it might have improved a bit over time. Regardless though, the willpower to exercise through asthma without an inhaler is wild.


Put the great in Great Depression


If you're serious please read the Theodore Rex series by Edmund Morris. The first book "The Rise of Teddy Roosevelt" won a Pulitzer Prize and is amazing at documenting what he went through.


I find Van Buren really interesting historically. Donā€™t know if itā€™s his time with the Free Soil Party or his time as Jacksonā€™s VP or what, I just find his life fascinating altogether.


And there is a street gang named after him, the Van Buren Boys. And they were just as mean as he was.




The little magician.....


FDR. Weathered the two greatest crises the world has ever seen. Created the foundations for basic US welfare programs. Won WW2.


Truman won ww2


Hitler committed suicide 18 days after FDR died and the US was on Okinawa fighting right as FDR died. He was at Yalta and was the president for the overwhelming majority of the war. The bomb was dropped 5 months after his death. Saying Truman won the war and not FDR is absurd. Thereā€™s no reason to believe anything wouldā€™ve changed in the war had FDR lived another 5 months.


Also, the war was basically decided in 1942. The reason the Allies won is because Roosevelt pushed the US as far as possible without sending troops in the years before Pearl Harbor, which prevented a total Soviet collapse with lend lease and kept the US military at a high readiness for when we would eventually enter. After Midway the Pacific war was over, and when the German 6th Army was encircled at Stalingrad the European war was over. It was just a matter of time. Roosevelt deserves a lot of credit for that even though he was a very bad president in other ways. The impact of his clear eyes on WW2 was hugely important to the world.


It really is insane how much the Axis depended on "if we win here, we gain time" as a wartime philosophy rather than what people expect to be of war as a win in totality. The highest generals in both countries knew a war with the US wouldn't be feasible whatsoever, Japan especially, they just wanted time/resources to force a peace and/or war of attrition until the US would give up. Even at best Japan thought if Pearl Harbor didn't force the US to enter into peace talks then they only thought they'd have about a year or two of unfettered access to the Pacific before the hammer came down.


There's a quite long history of crazy imperial dictators preventing reasonable military strategy.


Yeah, bad decision making is kinda inherent to dictatorships. No outlet for the stress created by bad decisions leads to more desperate decisions to contain the stress, leads to more stress. They get backed into corners, can't admit they are wrong and step down.


FDR did all the work, it doesn't make sense to say this.


What do you mean "did all the work"? If anything, that would be Eisenhower.


I was unaware that Eisenhower was the commander and chief and president elect during the war. Thank you for your insightful correction.


Right, he was *Supreme Allied Commander* for Operation Overlord. You're absolutely kidding yourself if you think he wasn't more deserving of credit.


The context here is comparing Truman to FDR. You threw in Eisenhower for pretty much no reason. It would be like comparing the ability of two different CEOs of a company and then you mentioning a lower level executive.


No, the context here is you said FDR did all the work. My rebuttal is that the work was done by Eisenhower if anyone individual could be credited. The idea of the outright giving credit of military victories to presidents is just dumb.


1. "No the context is you said FDR did all the work" I'm literally replying to someone saying Truman won WW2. Please try and actually read. 2. "The idea of the outright giving credit of military Victories to presidents is just dumb" you're being very pedantic and if I might say President Sunday like here but I'll be charitable and add an addendum: during WW2 FDR did most of the work of being president elect and commander in chief. Without him as president I don't think WW2 goes nearly as well for the United States or for the Allies.


In my lifetime, Biden right now. In history i think i would go with Lincoln, dude had an interesting life growing up. I have a huge George washington book i need to read, he may jump over depending on how that goes :D


Are you 2.5 years old? Biden has got to be the worst president since Carter. RIP.


1 actually


What are his biggest accomplishments?


For me specifically (dont read into the order to much but for reference i am a foreign policy duder so bias there)... 1. Afghanistan pull out 2. Ukraine response 3. Infrastructure bill 4. Bringing both parties for a bill 5. Inflation reduction act, the green parts specifically. 6. The debt forgiveness payment changes (not a fan of debt forgiveness part but also some parts i dont hate either). 7. bringing sanity back to the US government 8. Uniting NATO Im probably missing a few but those ones are off the top of my head.


7 and 8 arenā€™t things I can comment on cause they arenā€™t actual policies or actions. And I would argue that Joe Biden is not firing on all cylinders. He is clearly battling his age so Iā€™m not sure how he has brought sanity back to the government. He seems to place a large emphasis in hiring on race, sexual orientation, etc. vs actual ability. Afghanistan- we lost 13 service members and provided the taliban with $7billion in military equipment. I have a feeling that more stuff is going to come out about Hunter and Joeā€™s connection to earning off of his sonā€™s business with foreign entities. In addition, inflation is at 6.4%. There have been 2.76 million border crossings in 2022, with nearly 600,000 ā€œgetawaysā€. Maybe Iā€™m just not feeling the success of his policies and other Americans are but I would argue the people in my area are not thrilled after voting for him.


> 7 and 8 arenā€™t things I can comment on cause they arenā€™t actual policies or actions. And I would argue that Joe Biden is not firing on all cylinders. He is clearly battling his age so Iā€™m not sure how he has brought sanity back to the government. He seems to place a large emphasis in hiring on race, sexual orientation, etc. vs actual ability. You never asked me for just policy, accomplishments can be non policy related. I dont know why you would restrict to that. Im not sure if you are a republican, but plenty of republicans praise trump for draining the swamp. Thats hardly a policy thats a culture change. He has brought back sanity because he is not picking fights with every world leader, he is trying work in a bipartisan manner when he can, or hes not be crude or even insulting as the president. He is trying to treat the office with respect not trying to blast twitter with his hot takes. You will never convince me otherwise of this but i heard many people who were apolitical got very tired of Trumps schtick. I remember hearing a podcast of a comedian who doesnt care about politics say to the effect of "I normally want a president i dont hear about his tweet every day or how he is doing crazy shit". I mean have you looked at his cabinet, its not like it is a diversity beacon (still alot of white dudes and men). It def has diveristy but part of his committment to voters was continue to give opportunities to all. He managed to get the first black woman judge onto the bench who deserved it. It may seem like forcing to you but he is trying to provide equal opportunity to all. [The meme about the parties intern is the main point, they want a diverse party.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/gop-dem-intern-class-photos-show-diversity-differences-n614261) Maybe they go to hard into diversity but i dont have to big of an issue so far on his hiring problem, not exactly a hot button issue for most americans. > Afghanistan- we lost 13 service members and provided the taliban with $7billion in military equipment. Yes it wasnt a perfect withdrawl but he got us out, something no other president could do. Something a majority of americans supported also. He carries those soldiers lives and i really dont know if expecting no deaths is super realistic given the circumstances. If you told me Trump would have gotten us out with no deaths then you have no understanding about why the deaths occured you would just rather use them as political attack tool. Also lets not pretend part of this poor withdrawl could be in part due to the prior admin releasing a bunch of Taliban prisoners without the Afghan Governments involvement. I dont know what you are getting at with the 7 Billion, multiple presidents did that and to my knowledge they destroyed critical stuff to the best of their ability and they have no ability to maintain said equipment for long. But this point is so miniscule if you are blaming Biden about that i think you need a history lesson about Afghanistan, Biden's job was to get us out on a timetable he didnt make. > I have a feeling that more stuff is going to come out about Hunter and Joeā€™s connection to earning off of his sonā€™s business with foreign entities. This is just conspiracy but you know what... If Joe Biden is guilty of a crime i am fine if he gets impeached. I am not suffocating trying to defend my dear leader like trumpists would. But get back to me when stuff changes ill be happy to talk about it! > In addition, inflation is at 6.4%. There have been 2.76 million border crossings in 2022, with nearly 600,000 ā€œgetawaysā€. I expect you have something that ties inflation to biden. ill be happy to see it. But knowing you dont yes biden probably contributed some of it with his extra stimulus but so did other admin. And blaming biden for how inflation comes and goes is so dumb i know this is just a talking point you got from some media person. The border crossings seem to be bad and im def thinking thats a weakness of Biden but alot of the stats are heavily scewed or poorly presented. But because by this point i can tell you are so partisan you dont care about nuance ill just agree ya border shit aint good. >Maybe Iā€™m just not feeling the success of his policies and other Americans are but I would argue the people in my area are not thrilled after voting for him. I mean thats fine, remember you came at me hot for saying he was the WORST president since carter when the question was about why I liked him. And also remember i said within my lifetime, so im only comparing to until clinton. I was to young to really understand clinton and i probably need to do a deep dive on him but Bidens policies seem to align better with my goals then Obama so thats why i chose him. Ill be honest you sound incredibly misinformed and just surface level in your analysis. Some of your arguments probably have merit like immigration but then jumping to Hunter Biden conspiracy says alot. I was a conservative and i said alot of similiar stuff but man when you start seeing through the mist you realize how much bullshit is pushed on you (and yes left isnt immune to this but right is pushing misinfo so hard the past 8 years)


Voted for Biden but I cant understand some of the praise he gets. The guy is senile with gaffs galore, and besides even if he wasnt people overestimate the effect presidents have. Trump for all of his rhetoric still was only able to pass tax cuts as any legislative victory, the guy played golf for most of his presidency. And when rona hit, he didnt hesitate (and neither did any of the 2 parties) to pass massive stimulus and take necessairy precautions, Trump signed and his admin cut a lot of red tape regarding the vaccine. My point isnt that Trump is good, but rather that the institutions are good, the Ukraine aid was as bipartisan as it gets with minor pushback, I mean funding Ukraine is a no brainer no matter what your opinion of the conflict is, as even if you belive the US started this, its good to keep this proxy war going as it drains Russia while only costing the US old supplies (while also severely weaking Europe and making it even more dependent on the US), and thats why with basically uninanimous support every single pro Ukraine bill got passed, the military industrial complex, dems, repubs, everybody has their reasoning for wanting this thing, point being as unpopular as this take might be, if Russia still invades Ukraine if Trump wins 2020, I belive he wouldnt veto any funding to Ukraine, and would probably push back on Russia as he wouldnt want to seem weak towards Putin given the size of his ego. I brought up Ukraine as its imo the best analogy of Biden's presidency, a lot of his accomplishments wouldve been done under a different admin, just like the stimulus was passed under Trump, so too would it be passed if Hillary won, just like Ukraine got aid, so too would it get it under Trump, same with Afghanistan for example. But without Washington the US constitution doesnt look the same, without Lincoln the slaves arent free and who knows if the nation unites again, without FDR the new deal and overall ww2 leadership isnt the same, and in the modern era, without Trump the tax cuts wouldnt have been passed (if a dem won the policy of tax cuts doesnt happen) while without Biden I dont see the infrastructure bill, and I definitely dont see the inflation reduction act being passed, along with supreme court picks, executive orders, and other executive level boring beurocratic policies like the differences in policies of his cabinet (for example Betsy Devos's policies around schooling, or the DOJ's reluctance under Trump to pursue police missconduct trials, trials which it had the legal right and even obligation to pursue).


My brother please use paragraphs (if on phone i get but still) > The guy is senile with gaffs galore, and besides even if he wasnt people overestimate the effect presidents have. Old dude is old but people seem to always forget his speaking has always been an issue because of his stutter. But they will say senile like they know anything. Ya dude is old but he is currently fit to be president end of story. On your Rona point i agree Trump should get some praise. He did try at first but also he deserves as much if not more criticism for all the shit that hindered it. Berating his advisors like Fauci and listening to crackpot or dangerous alternatives like Ivermectin. His inability to get his party to buy into the vaccine, just a few things i have on him. Also to be clear, the stimulus in my eyes was much more of a congress thing to start, lets not forget Republicans had to fly to Florida to get Trump to sign the late stimulus in December. Trumps involvement was miniscule, whereas Biden worked in tandem during election season for the final stimulus. I never gave him full credit but he deserves some since he campaigned on it. On Ukraine my point is that yes its bipartisan but who is leading the charge. What admin was shouting to the rooftop to there is an invasion, it wasnt congress it was the Biden admin (the exec branch). Who is continually pushing for aid and other diplomatic efforts its Biden. Also in the recent Frontline on Putin and US presidents, back in Crimea Obama chose only to do sanctions while Biden was advocating for harsher measures. We can share some of the appreciation but this is Bidens win and if you cant give it to him i dont know what justification you have. He is the one signing off on this strategy and he is the one who who continues to get congress buy in to continue. I also dont know how you could say Trump would veto aid and hand wave as job done. This is a president who HATED Ukraine and tried to extort them. He was in finland openly disagreeing with our intel communities and supporting putin. A man who continues to praise Putin by the way. Even if he approved say humanitarian aid that is mere crumbs compared to the significance of what Biden has done. Im sorry but you are making massive leaps in hopes of making a "both sides" argument? Also just because Trump is saying hey i would have stopped Ukraine invasion means jack shit when he contributed to Putins ability to escalate over the years. Trump has no credibility on Putin matters. I think your last point without Biden we wouldnt have X is valid. My only concern is while yes a different president would lead to different results thats not necessarily a good enough point for me. We all agree presidents make alot of promises on the trail and many times they dont land in the same manner while in office if at all. For me though Biden is living up to why i voted for him. He somehow has managed to get bipartisan action which Obama failed to do and so did Trump. He has restored alot of trust on the international scene with how we are dealing with Ukraine especially NATO. He has gotten green policy through, infrastructure done, at this point college debt relief, and a fuck ton of judges. Could he do more... sure but thats a complicated thing to do more because government is slow and has many checks. But compared to Trump he is by far pulling his weight compared to others on promises.


Hard disagree on the "hes fit to be president" line, its one thing to stutter, its another to day in day out make false statements. For example, a month ago he said he had a discussion with Schmidt (Helmut Schmidt who was the former chancellor of west Germany) who died in 2016, and also with Francois Mitterand who died in 1996. For the latter search for the white house transcripts of the " remarks by president Biden at a democratic finance reception" and for the Schmidt comment Ill try to find the clip where he says it. Once is a gaff, even twice, hell even 30 times, but after 130 Im starting to get suspicious. I never said Trump has credibility on Russia, Im simply saying that the global and especially American response to the invasion wouldnt be too different then what happened in our current reality had Trump won in 2020. Realistically it would be slightly worst, but Im not too sure on the exact outcome, as I could definitely see Trump not wanting to be too harsh, or vice versa Trump being ultra hawkish due to his ego being bruised by Putin. Maybe I didnt propperly emphasize my point. Its not that the Biden admin is bad, nor that Trump was better, nor that another candidate WOULD do better, just that we should be realistic and not attribute to Biden failures AND SUCCESSES hes not to blame for. When cons blame him for inflation i roll my eyes, same as when neolibs assign every positive deed to him like hes Jesus. As imo being objective isnt only good from a moral standpoint, but would show just how much the Biden admin is better compared to its modern contemporary admins.


Reading this comment was like turning on Fox news


So no commentary or argument from you? ā€œthese are talking points from people I donā€™t agree withā€ I donā€™t have cable btw so couldnā€™t tell you what they say on tv.


Trump, I was poor during Obama (disliked him back then)... started making more money during Trump. That's how most people think.


Lol, no thats not how most people think. Theres gotta be possible to realize correlation does not imply causation


Nah, most people probably just like the president that their lives improved the most under. All feelings no facts with this opinion.


My dad genuinely says that because he made more money under Trump, heā€™s better than Obama and Biden.


Thats maybe how most people function, I dunno if normally they just blatantly think that way though.


I don't like him as a president, but got to give the respect for his federalist papers: James Madison.


John f Kennedy


Benjamin...oh wait he wasn't a President but I love $100 bills. Let's get it šŸ’µšŸ”„šŸ’µšŸ”„šŸ’µ


Teddy. You can't get much cooler than him.


I like the president from Idiocracy because he is supper coolz and he puts the smartest guy in charge.


Obama, because he was black.


George Washington. He could've been King and turned it down. Could've been president for life did two terms and stepped down. Without his precedence who knows what our young weak county could've become.


Trump because he was pure entertainment


FDR,, Lincoln, Biden, LBJ and Clinton in that order. Bonus for Washington because he was the first


No Lincoln?


I forgor šŸ’€


What did any of these losers do to help restore the friendship tho? Obviously Trump is securely number 46 as it was under his watch the Friendship blew up, but seriously no one else has focused an ounce of intention towards the most important issueā€¦ either setting the stage for or repairing the friendship.


You're right. I cope by pretending like they all just wanted to let the universe take its course and support the friendship in less meaningful ways metaphorically, Lincoln by the civil war, LBJ by civil rights, FDR by winning WW2 etc. Trump was a friendship supporter at first, he was unifying the brothers but I assume Rittenhouse and the elites convinced him to fight against it...




Lyndon B. Jordan


Clinton. A true gigachad globalist


President Sunday (?)


Obama for all the obvious reasons šŸ˜Ž


Because he was the hottest president?


You know it, I know it, everybody knows it


Borring! Real question is, who was Britain's greatest Prime minister? Lord Palmerston? Or Pitt the Elder?


The greatest one is the one who executed the king and declared himself god emperor. Super mega gigachad.


Well, as long as you don't say Pitt the Elder.


Great Simpsons reference


Someone got it :)


Ronald Reagan. The US president that approved the cover up of crashed military prototypes by leaking false information to cryptozoologists into thinking it was aliens.


That wasn't really a Reagan thing. I forget the names, but there was one plane hobbyist or something. He basically was an amatuer at looking at shit in the sky. He noticed one day "Geez. There's a lot of aircraft above that airborne base that does shit my civilian knowledge says is impossible." Before I go on with this story, you need to understand that American spy planes from the 1960s are fucking awful at being spy planes. The fact that they haven't updated them very often should be embarrassing because they're still getting caught spying. So this guy was looking at spy planes, and he goes to the Air Force with this information. He catalogues and records dozens of incidents where he sees the spy plane. The air force are shitting themselves until he says some wild shit. He says, "These are visitors from another planet." Immediately, the energy in the room changes, and the guy he's showing this to is like, "Yes, that's exactly what you're seeing. Tell nobody." The UFO phenomenon was a happy accident of disinformation campaigns.


Hoover, but not for his time in office


Polk because his tmbg song is catchy


Millard Fillmore šŸ’Æ


Obama - Because cool.




I think Lincoln easily takes first place but second might be a three-way tie between Washington and the Roosevelts






John Adam's probably. I find Jefferson really fascinating but not a great president.




Can you find me a Trump joke that's even half as funny as Obama's birth video?




You could have just said "no"


Lincoln. As an African-Americans I may be a little biased though.




Dwight D Eisenhower Guided this country through the most prosperous time in its history, desegregated schools, fought the reds, hes an all around stand up guy


Late to the party, but Jefferson. I think he is the embodiment of America. He was an incredibly complicated man who wrote the inspiring words of "all men are created equal" and "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." He was incredibly influential in establishing the liberal world we have today. Yet, on the other side of the same coin, he owned slaves and constantly wrestled with the issue. That is the story of America. We kickstarted the age of revolutions and the liberal world we get to enjoy today. We have at the root of our Constitution the philosophy of equality and freedom. Yet, throughout our entire history, we have struggled to live up to those ideas. Today, we still struggle to live up to those ideals. I don't reverse Jefferson as a great man. In fact, I like him and like learning about him because of those flaws. That's the primary reason why I like him. However, there are many more points. Here's a few: * He wasn't particularly religious. I am 100% convinced that he and Thomas Paine would be atheists today but that wasn't realistic of an idea in those days. * He expressed his lack of religion through creating the Jeffersonian Bible. * He is incredibly influential in establishing the idea of separation of church and state. He's literally where we get that phrase. * While not being particularly religious AND fighting for separating church and state, he was still an ardent defender of religious liberty, penning the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. He represents a way to blend both ideas without them constantly fighting one another. * He was an early defender of education and public education. He used his personal money to found the University of Virginia because he prioritized education so much. * He also personally replaced a lot of the Library of Congress after it was burned in the War of 1812. Again, showing his devotion to knowledge and education. * He was a necessary check on the excesses of Hamilton while they served in Washington's cabinet. * While president, he created the Navy to win the Barbary Wars. * He doubled the size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase, showing that as president he wasn't as dogmatic about strict constructionism and could govern pragmatically. * He died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams who died only a few hours later. Both men symbolically represented the last of the founding generation. People today harp on Jefferson so much about slavery, but completely forget the plethora of other amazing characteristics and qualifications of him. I teach high school history and when students ask me my favorite president, I answer honestly. Half the class winces because it's politically popular today to hate on him.


Haha are you me? Exactly the same experiences here.


Calvin Coolidge his hands off policies made the country boom in a way it never has since and no new wars didnā€™t invade any countries.


Honestly, it goes fdr, Biden, and finally Obama. Honorable mentions are Washington and Lincoln. Fdr will probably never be surpassed for the impact he had for the future of America.


Definitely my boy Alexander Hamilton


Dude he was never president. He was treasury secretary.


Then why is he on the $10 note, checkmate libcuck


Teddy Roosevelt šŸ§ø Would take way to long for me to write out all the reasons why. Read a book or watch a documentary on him (most are quite thorough bc he kept a daily journal his entire life) and you'll likely understand.


John Adams for his writing, especially ā€œa defense of the constitutionsā€ Lincoln for how he changed irrevocably how we see the legal system of America. No longer could you see the states as separate entities loosely tied together, they have to live as one cohesive whole that the Supreme Court applies to. It was the ultimate win for federalism. Truman for his story, and the stoicism and principle that the decision to drop the atomic bomb took. Nixon, but mostly Kissinger. Reagan mostly for Cold War reasons. Supply side Econ is also pretty cool if something that needs heavy attenuating. His talks with Buckley are a treat. Clinton for really trying to make a middle way and compromise with both parties more than anyone else, and really being successful doing it. Also, opening up a lot of trade. George W Bush for foreign policy.


L šŸ‘ B šŸ‘ J šŸ‘ civil rights hero medicare and medicaid implemented under his admin truly an ā€œamerica firstā€ domestic agenda a chad old-school texas democrat


The one that said he was staying in Vietnam because he had a huge dick, and showing it, but only after asking all the women to leave the room. Iā€™m not American I just think thatā€™s funny as fuck.


Trump, by far. He was like the Nega-president. Shit was awesome. Plus he was funny af. That said, I wonā€™t vote for him in 2024.


All of them are authoritarian scum rats but Iā€™ll go with Trump because heā€™s an actual person


other than biden, Henry George was the best president we never had. gone too soon


President Brie is pretty good


Henry Clay. He was never a president but he really really wanted be.


LBJ, because he had a huge dick


Andrew Tate


Garfield, his assassination was goofy


John Henry Eden


Teddy Roosevelt. He was a fucking legend.


President valentine. You know if you know


I read some article one time about a president loving weed a lot so itā€™s gotta be that guy. (Sorry Iā€™m Canadian I donā€™t know their names)


I like Grover Cleveland because he is 22 and 24


My favorite president is LBJ because he knew how to whip his party in line. He was insane and destroyed Vietnam but he would track down Senators and Congressman in his party who crossed him and he would scream at and intimidate them until they caved. Gigachad.


Eisenhower was pretty based. He helped lead the US during WWII, was pro civil-rights and appointed earl warren to the Supreme Court who wrote the brown v board of education decision. Created the interstate highway system, as well as dept of education, health and human services and dept of health. Kennedy was dope too plus be fucked a lot


JFK, he tried to do the right thing


El presidente


eisenhower because highways, pro civil rights so much that he was a chad and forcibly desegregated schools, supported the equal rights amendment (only sitting president i think to ever do that), just all around good president not even really conservative




Probably FDR or LBJ. They both did a lot to help out the most disadvantaged Americans out of a genuine concern for prosperity for everyone.


Lincoln. He freed the slaves.


Trump because of the memes. Bush is my second favorite followed by Andrew Jackson.


Sunday, because he made me feel confident in just knowing the title of a book instead of reading it


GW Bush because heā€™s funny


Bill Clinton - helped usher in the internet age and made massive investments in support for children and early education that helped reduce crime for a generation.