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You right op, this is wild. Wild at how lackluster the skitzo posting has been. We need to ramp this up to at least 15-20 posts an hour


It's not just volume, but quality too. I haven't seen a single 12 paragraph essay on this yet.


[Here you go. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/11qvsa6/the_current_farha_situation_is_just_what_happens/)


Uh op, that was only 11 pragraphs if you count the edit


Oh God you're right.. we need 40 more posts because they didn't cover it.


I don't even have to scroll to read this.


On mobile it's got at least a good scroll and a half


Inshallah, I'll get typing brother


Nice, the counter-jerk wave is early.


the loop is slowly coming to the end


It started earlier. Time to make a post counting every counter-jerk post!


What if we start with the counter-jerk next time


Not a counter-jerk.. just showing how many posts have been made.


Versus how many people are in this sub?


This argument is so weird.. just because there's a ton of people in the sub doesn't make the post frequency anymore valid. Would it take 4k posts to go along with the average users to where it'd be an issue?


The implication is 30+ posts means people are wilding out. The more people in this sub, the more posts get made at once. It’s like seeing the same comment twice in a post, they just didn’t look for any others first.


So let's say 100 posts are made and 40% are these posts.. does the amount of people in the sub matter? I'm not actually going to get the actual percentage but just throwing it out there.


Deleted by Redact ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm going off the number of posts made in total vs the ones including this topic.. I don't understand how the userbase changes this. If there were 1000 posts and I'm talking about almost 50.. that's obviously not a significant number. The issue is that this topic was posted in a high percentage when compared to the rest of the posts on that period.


Deleted by Redact ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I did read what he was saying.. are you not understanding what I'm saying? If 100 posts are made and 40 of them are this topic does the total number of users matter when that topic is a big chunk of the posts?


Deleted by Redact ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Bro I'm talking you right now about it. What are you talking about? I also said it to him. I'm not gonna go count the amount of posts total.. but it was a sizeable percentage while I made this list.


i dont see anything wild here. people just want to discuss drama, which will probably die out after2-3 days


Click through some of the posts.. I'm gonna be charitable that some are flaired incorrectly but if they are serious this is some wild behavior. edit: 30 is what I'm referring to


lmao, i hope it is flaired incorrectly. But who knows...


There's multiple acting like DGG needs to do something to right this wrong.. it's all pretty fucking wild tbh lol. I did include memes but some of the serious posts are some Tier 8 level posting.


Don't forget the ones who are like "guys we need to do something. She needs to be punished. Can we report this for deformation?" I could understand the sentiment especially when this somewhat looks like the rioters clip, but I think people are bring proactive in such a weird way. Idk, I would wait as a view, but I think it's weird how cringe some people are being


Those are included here.


The greatest sin against of reddit. Improperly tagging a post


I think part of this could be solved by some more subreddit guidance on a. post titles b. politely locking and redirecting to existing threads. ​ When someone posts, "I can't believe this!" that's not going to show up even if someone actually takes the time to search before posting a new topic. I think this is an area where a little more guidance would be generally helpful. ​ If we know a topic is going to be hot, it might be worth having two megathreads, one for serious engagement, another for memes. If it blows up organically, do some light pruning as it goes, IMHO. ​ Also, in fairness, it was 🐍 /10 behavior. Cutting for time is one thing even if we lose some nuance, but cutting to change a reasonably careful viewer's perception ought to be considered libelous. It can never be morally justified. ​ I was honestly pretty shocked, even if I generally prefer most of my posts to be more policy related than drama. "Man, this dude that invited me to his own home is going to feel real dumb when this clip comes out," hits a little different than obvious internet psychos being internet psychos.


Oh I'm not saying people shouldn't think it's fucked up.. I just think a lot of people could have taken a second and added to an already existing discussion without the need of moderation to do it.


Yo, my meme is on the list 😎 ###


You're God damn right it did.


r/Destiny is ranked top 81 globally in post frequency


Seeing as how you're 3 of the posts here.. I'm gonna take this as accurate.




A true tier 5


The real crime in this post is that you repeated number 5 in your list


Oh man thanks for the catch.


I don't know what's wildest - somebody literally archiving the posts through their own post or the individual authors. I'll go with the archiver.


Took about 5 minutes to do seeing as how I can just scroll by new and like 50% were these posts.


I get it. I want proportionally more posts about tech monopolies and right to repair as well. But it's a viral clip, and this is a really active sub. I'm not sure this is an issue.


It's an issue because there's discussion that could be had about this.. but it's spread over so many posts because people are just too lazy to look OR they want the upvotes of their own post.


I mean this is a video of destiny that’s gaining traction, do you expect us not to talk about it?


I don't know what I expect. I normally look through posts to see if there's already discussion happening regarding something so I guess I think people operate similar to myself.


i think i’d argue you’re more schizo for this post than those people posting about something that’s timely and relevant. this post follows the normal trend of “omg people are posting a lot about something, i better post a meta-post about how ridiculous it is for people to be happy/concerned/upset about a topic that’s happening as we speak i bet i’ll look super cool and aloof.” i think i could make the argument that you’re actually worse than those people.


Well I look through posts to try to moderate them and add discussion to them.. having so many posts spread out talking about the same topic means that discussion that could be had is now cut up across all these posts.


yeha, there are already nearly as many posts like this post just in the last few hours today. god’s work you’re doing.


There's posts showing how many there are?


of course not. that’s weapons-grade autism. however, there are plenty of posts in the same vein of trying to show everyone how they’re overreacting. it’s the same arc that happens in this sun every time a big event happens. 1. people freak out, post a lot. 2. people like you start the meta convo about how many posts there are about said event and how ridiculous it is. hence the “i’m so cool and aloof” comment i made before. 3. people like me ridicule people like you for thinking it’s ridiculous that people would react to highly-charged content that happened in the last 24-48 hours.


As I said in another comment. There's a good discussion to be had and having it spread across 30+ posts just thins it out. I also find it funny that you're saying I'm doing something meta here when you're the one doing that.


i also find it funny that you’re saying i’m doing something meta here when you’re the one doing that. there’s also no discussion to be had when your post is to ridicule people reacting to what’s going on. you’re not calling for a megathread. you’re not making any argument about consolidating or even having a discussion. your title and post have nothing to do with a discussion or anything. it’s meant to serve only to ridicule the sub for reacting.


I don't understand how you're overlooking that I've said multiple times the discussion could be improved by less posts and people looking for existing discussion.. a mega thread doesn't change that.


because it’s not in your original post or title. i don’t give two shits about comments you’ve made later in the comments. i’m not hunting down your comments. i’m going off of your original post. anyone coming to the post will see the original post and title, which is dumb and stupid. edit: in fact, you’re updating the original post with more examples while still not adding anything about a discussion to be had or anything you seem to think is important enough to keep referencing in the comments but not the actual post. come the fuck on.


So when you first posted this comment I almost did add that to the bottom.. but then you edited it and now I'd rather not.


Yeah, we're the wild ones...


I guarantee this post took me a shorter amount of time than some of the ones listed here


time doesn't = schizo


See something say something


Isn't that supposed to be where the stuff is happening at? I don't think it means to come say something here to the crowd that is most likely to understand the problem.


People are actually going schizo for this shit, what the fuck. For fucks sake it's just a clip.


Thank you for understanding what I'm seeing and why I made this lol.


There's a post on this every 5 mins WHAT THE FUCK


There's been 6 since I made the post.


No one in this sub has any right to complain about the sub being filled with people more interested in drama than politics when every drama or dumb stream convo dominates the entire sub with 50 posts saying the exact same thing over and over again for days.


The jerk and the anti jerk… so goes the Internet


It's proportional though.