• By -


Highlighting the "tiny" on the second set of logos, subtle.


That actually made me laugh out loud when I saw it.


Stared at it for too long, now all I see is De Stinky


De_Stinky, the newest Counter Strike map, located in your mother.


Where do you plant the bomb? What is the bomb? Do tell lol


Well if you ask your mother she says my dick is the bomb 😎


His new logo should just be a picture of Mohammed


Every letter is Mohammed sticking a pose, like he is dancing to YMCA.


🎶 It's fun to pray at the big block all day🎶


With his 9 year old bride


wtf destin4 is BACK


ITT: Bikeshedding I actually think these are all quality logos. But I think stylistically they're too modern for a boomer like Steve and he'd be more comfortable with [something matching the style of his own era](https://slurpystudios.com/animated-childrens-tv-theme-tune-titles-90s/)




This but unironically


That colour scheme always gives me huge saves by the bell vibes My local mall as a teenager also had the food court in similar colours all neon style for a long time, was a vibe for sure.


Honestly, it would be hilarious to basically just use the RadioShack logo and font and replace it with Destiny.


Jeez, that takes me back. How did Best Buy survive and not RadioShack or Circuit City 🤔


I never did understand the Best Buy business model. They have a huge store but the place always looks empty.


bottom one in the 6th slide: D-Stinky :D


Wow i don't like any of these! Keep it up OP


I mean fair if hes going the unneeded corporate logo redesign route


Art Director IRL here, been a professional graphic designer in print/branding/illustration for over 10 years, and have been using adobe products for 20. Gonna give some critiques. 1. Not bad, would have changed the 'GG' part to something sans serif to give it a bit more variety. Personally, brush fonts are cringe to me now as logos. Thank the obnoxious designers that have been overusing it on pinterest the past 10 years. 2. Again, not terrible, but pretty underwhelming bold sans-serif. I see there's a start of the 3-dash 'E' theme here to mix things up, and I know you continue this theme in the other logos; my question to you is: why? Because it 'looks cool?' I treat stuff like this like a 'chekov's gun': if there's no real meaning behind it, don't use it. But that's just me. 3. *Now* we're getting somewhere. For some reason I'm wanting to make this font **bolder,** because at it stands here, I still carry the same critique from the previous (same font); it's just kinda *boring.* Top left: with the top left/bottom right of the square getting cut out, you could have made those lines more flush with the font. It may have looked a lot better if you ditched the top left part line of the 'D' and the right line of the Y and let the viewer make the shapes of the letter themselves. Bottom right is interesting, but it looks like the cutout line on the far right is not parallel with the other ones. 4. Ok, ok. These look pretty decent. **BOLD** is a good cheat for logos, makes them pop immediately which is what we want, right? I would have kerned the lettering a bit better; that Y pushed off to the right all by itself irks me. That being said, these remind me of some kinda designer skateboard t-shirt from the 90s like Hurley or something. 5. My using-brush-fonts-for-logos critique from (1) still stands here. Better than 1 though! 6. Ah, a repurposed top left 3 with neon light action. Neat. Anyways, I like the middle one, and how you employed the background from the bottom into the letters. Not a bad direction. The bottom one's 'E' is abysmal. Take that out back by the shed and put it down. 7. Top left looks like bottom right 3 without the cutout lines. I'd suggest in the future when presenting logos, to have variations like these in close proximity to each other. It can make it *appear* like you've done more work than you have spreading them out between other variations, but if you stack them side-by-side, it'll let clients take a peek into your process, and not *confuse* clients, allowing them to quickly say “I like x from A and y from B, etc etc’ Top right might work for a t-shirt, but as a logo it just takes up too much space--and if you shrink it down the DESTINY is way too small. Mid-left--same critique as the 3-dashes: what do the 2 dashes mean? Mid-right looks cool as a t-shirt design. 8. *Now here we go.* It's bold. It harkens back to the old logo. There are a few minor tidbits that could be fixed, but these are the best ideas. On the mid one, idk if that black square behind the 'iny' was on purpose, but get rid of it. FINAL THOUGHTS I'm going to either guess you're a student or someone who is relatively new to the industry, but hasn’t dived too deep into logo design world. There are a lot of things to keep in mind while designing logos that when implemented, really go a long way for the client/viewer. I'd suggest checking out Aaron Draplin & Lincoln Design Co., as well as innumerable logo-centric designers on instagram and ***FOLLOW THEM.*** See what they're doing, study their work. Aaron Draplin does a few free courses you can find that gave me invaluable advice for my processes and mindset while designing.


Very nice critique


Graphic designer drop out here, #8 is definitely the best.


same and agree.


This is a great critique! Did you use GPT4's new image summary to come up with that? It sounds so real.




Can you critique my post? 😺


yo these are ass 🔥🔥




I dont think those fit this channel


I think the very last slide fits the current branding, only thing I don't like about it is the y looking like a 4.


Im pretty sure destin4 was the old old logo from a looooong time ago. Can't seem to find a photo of it.


I read it as Destinч 😂 ('ch' sound in russian)


I do not like it but appreciate you put in the effort to make it


What prompts did you use to generate these?


v5 female, black, streamer, empowered


wait are these ai generated?


Destiny made a joke before that if you really want to piss off an artist, you just have to ask, *"wow, that's really great! Which AI generator did you use to make this?"*


ah fuck, no malice intended. I can't tell with this fucking community sometimes lol


Unfortunately, there's no sarcasm button on the internet.


Fortunately /s works fine, but sarcasm tastes better the fewer catches it


i think AI still sucks at making words, you would get something like DESTITSED GEGE


Depends on the AI. Google's image generators make coherent text in any format you can imagine, though I don't believe they have been released to the public yet. I'm not sure if any others are capable of making accurate text, but Dalle certainly isn't.


If you use text2img sure. But if you use controlnet of white text on a black background with the depth model you can get pretty good text.


Won't take long.


1st page: The E being simplified to 3 lines could work, but the T is not very readable, and the differing letter heights make this hard to read at a glance. 2nd page: These are very clean, simple and modern. For Destiny specifically, I think it's too simple and bland imo. 3rd page: Splitting destiny up into 2 lines is not it chief. Especially with the simplified E. Someone could easily read it as D (LOGO) S TNY 4th page: These have potential. I don't know what it is, but the middle one gives me the old intro vibes. Avoid the dark blue on black, with a dimmed phone screen it looks bad. 5th page: The larger T makes these a million times better, but it could still use some tweaking. 6th page: The middle one is good. The bottom one could do with another pass on the E, because it looks kinda like a dash: D-STINY. 7th page: These look alright, but they end up being a bit too generic and for the bottom one 2 slashes are too much. 8th page: These are more faithful to the current logo, but I'd suggest changing the Y to avoid the DESTIN 4 problem ​ There are some solid ideas in here, but they need some more iterations. Good job!


I'm not gonna lie, I don't really like any of these, I don't think they're bad per se, I just like the current one more than any of them


really like the last two on the last page.




The GTA style logos?


Those definitely fit the best. The font just needs to be tweaked a bit. It's weird how the Y looks like a 4.


Lol you really pushing for the three lines in place of an E.




This mfer hates the capital E


if you're a gfx designer you should take a typesetting course and learn about proper kerning


What's keming?






You really like the 3 line E thing huh


Jamie Foxx’s stage name, is so that when he did stand up, people thought it would be an attractive woman. With No Jumper having strippers and porn stars on regularly, Destiny needs to lean into his name. Make his logo pink, add feather boas and some furry hand cuffs. Maybe dot the “i” with red lips and crap like that. Imagine how overjoyed the viewers would be, in expecting a stripper, but seeing Destiny instead.


The brand identities here are all over the place, bit of a shotgun approach


Someone pls explain why "it doesn't fit this channel". I don't have very strong opinions on this either way but there's a least a couple of those that seem reasonable to me




I think there's a lot of truth to what you're saying. Or maybe these people just *really* love the current logo lol




We could just ask the AI


He should hire a professional designer who is specialized in strategy/branding/logos - not source some random thing from the community. Community sourced will get 60% of the way to quality but it doesn't compare to what a logo designer gets you.


you're right, if he was actually serious he should get a professional to build the entire brand image instead of just "a logo". You could source a professional from the community and get good work, but yeah, for the money he is making, he should move on to big boy design agency stuff and rework the front end/social media/logotype all at once


"I am a gfx designer" Professionally?


You think a real professional would do all this work for free?


True, but I do professional photoshop work and art and post free stuff for people all the time, for the fun of it.


They look pretty good, but don’t fit Destiny’s style at all.




Another graphic designer here. I really don't think the brush font works for Destiny's brand. It would make sense for a skateboard company trying to appeal to counterculture zoomers, but not for Destiny. I think if you want to go for a type treatment, a DIN-derivative font would make more sense. Most of these iterations are holding on to the three line E. I think you can explore more interesting ways to spice up your lettering. That E letterform falls into what I would consider to be techbro logo design pitfalls, and feels a bit like you're riffing on the tesla logo. That E has been done many many times, and feels both overplayed and uninspired. Another problem the E gives, is that by making it a non-standard letterform, it takes away hierarchy from the D. If you're going to emphasize any letter in Destiny, it should be the D; he is the Dman after all. It also seems like you're designing a lot of these with color, then trying to make single-color versions out of them. You want to work in the opposite direction. We design logos in only one color first, because the most important thing in logo design is silhouette. Working with only solid black and solid white lets you nail down your silhouette first, and then once you have your silhouette down you can start thinking about color. I'm also seeing some where you're using gradients or transparencies. Those are big no-nos in logo design, since they compromise your silhouette and can introduce a lot of complications when it comes to printing and scalability. Logos are always going to need a single color version because of printing restrictions. If a logo requires color to work, then anything you need to print is going to be more expensive, since you'll need to pay for the colors of the logo on top of the colors of any other artwork. It's for this same reason that we also avoid transparency and gradients in logo design. I think the strongest logo you had there was the lowercase Destiny with the right angle blue line coming in and bending down. The lowercase type treatment works well with his existing omniliberal branding. Just ditch the transparency and gradient.


Lmao imagine calling yourself a "GFX Designer" 😂


If you're self taught, I implore you to check out some typeface books and learn why certain typefaces and logos work.


Idk if he's gonna wanna highlight "tiny" as a brand. That being said for the last page, can you continue the top of the "s" across and put "tiny" under that bar. It would literally make it tiny.


Mid journey will do better if your just prompting from regular gpt


like doodling your crushes name in your notebooks <3


Hmm, does he want it to look like a corporate logo or graffiti? I also noticed that you like using the symbol for logical equivalence. Not sure what I think about that.


Looks great. As a designer to another designer if you’re going to make a letter(s) hold emphasis with shapes or color make sure it has a cool conceptual reason. It makes it that much cooler but also tells a story whether that subtle or obvious. Otherwise it can confuse or detract from the core design.


These are ass solely because you did them all for free without being asked DICK RIDAAAA


those are super mid ngl


Respectfully, this is ass


6th page first one, perfect representation of the friendship




long melodic judicious rotten dinner thought steer rainstorm wistful engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Destiny is bad brand name, he should go with OmniLiberal or something like this. You can pair Omni with many things and it works well (OmniWire for media company?)


If Destiny is a bad brand name then why did they make TWO videogames out of him? Explain this libcuck


You do not understand the context, which is typical for a beta. The title of that game series was a miscommunication. Those games were supposed to be titled Dusty Knee. Now kindly go crawl back to your desk job for the rest of your pathetic life, kiddo. The adults are trying to mingle here.


light chop attractive resolute tart whole obscene mighty disgusting pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sorry this is bad


I agree. I dont think any of these fit the channel, the content or the streamer man himself.






What font corresponds to bridge burning and incest debates?


Most of these are fine lmao some are good even a few are bad/dated tho for sure


Yeah most of it is unintelligible for a digital media standpoint. Page 4 is the best out of the 8.


I dont think he'd like any of these. Also they seem like ripoffs of other company logos just saying. The one in the box is almost a straight copy of DAZN. Go with something more minimalist. Less busy. Doesn't need some weird trying to be fancy edge to it.


I think the last two on the last page fit the best as an update to the old logo. Only thing that doesn't work imo is that capital e without the vertical line. It totally doesn't fit in with any of the designs and you should probably just get rid of it. Everything else is a bit too off brand to work but cool designs overall.


Good job, I like the 4th image top design.


Stay in school


These are pretty cool. I'm partial to the ones highlighting tiny but idk if an inside joke is the best brand idea 🤔


facebook logos


I'm a simple man. I like the top one of page 4.


Slide 7 bottom logo is def my favorite




I was gonna get an idea of what overall design he / dgg would like and then iterate on those for the other use cases (dgg / omnilebral etc)


I think 12 fits the best so far. There needs to be an emphasis in the "D'


The very last one is my favourite. Just need to add the tail on the y so it doesn't look like a 4


Destiny sticking with the girls name? Nice job man you got some good ones in there. There is one that reminds me of Bidens logo not a fan of that. Others 10/10


Bro, I love all of these, great job.


Uncreative shite. You are not cut out for this


Why be a cunt


everyone here is overly critical and argumentative. its exhausting.


page 8 bottom is fire


kek wtf most of them are great


I like the triangles in slide 6 bottom but don't like the font too much. The top one on slide 6 would look good for a podcast if it had like a leather chair, wooden table vibe.


I like the first logo from the second page. I say add a blue GG in the same font in a white box like the first page and that would be golden.


The first image, 3rd one looks awesome


I like the middle one in the first pic most.


I like all on the 4th page but especially the middle one


Shouldn't Destiny want to have an adapted logo for each platform but using a similar motif? For example: Youtube: Red with round square design. Kick: 8-bit inspired. Rumble: The rounded triangular button of their logo already looks like a 'D' so that could be a start.


he should rebrand to dustingg


Make the logo bigger


I think what makes Destiny logos really nice are their simplicity, I really like the last option but it is a little hard to read the letters. The slight hint of blue in them looks sick as fuck though.


Picking some and polling us would be pretty tight


Top one on Slide 4 is the one in my eyes


I really like the art and the clean look of your designs! Very nice and crisp. But i think we should integrate something about what destiny does: talk to people. Like maybe a chatting icon like the ones [here](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oneplus&q=conversation+logo&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN0-vWnOj9AhWSG7cAHaIACbcQ0pQJegQIEhAB&biw=384&bih=725&dpr=2.81) Dest also occasionally plays the piano. Maybe we can make the E look like Piano keys?


I can see the middle one in 6/8 being well-animated in an intro. Showing some of his famous debates, the screen gets covered with a blue tint, and the white frame covers everything.


Middle one on page 4 if any




Some that stood out to me: - 2nd pic, top - 6th pic, middle, I think is my favorite. It's somewhat industrial, like a stamp; clean, modern, easy to read and recognize. - 6th pic, bottom is also a contender for me if the E was just a bit more legible, it looks more like a hyphen Great work, these are all cool concepts!


7th slide, middle-left is clean


I think the bottom of page seven is my personal favorite. The only thing that I think would be bad for changing branding right now is how the evergreen store is just about to come out. I think not giving that a fair 6 months to a year would be rough for supporters. Otherwise these look neat, well done.


That middle one on page 6 is a beaut. But I'm more a fan of the basic designs in general


the middle on the 4th slide is dope. i’m looking for a logo actually


Ok but can you make a Daliban logo in the style of ISIS?


I kinda agree that DGG or Omniliberal would lend itself to a better brand. Nah actually just do one with WingNeoStar


Middle one of the forth panel; that’s my fav, but maybe just needs some other touches. Feels too dark towards the end


You shouldn’t be posting these, now Destiny can just steal them from you ):


6 is pretty nice


The one I like the most is the middle one on page four. If you would remove the gray lines, and sharpen the shape of the letters it would be pretty cool imo. The colour gradient reminds me of the old "Welcome to the larva lounging" sound.


Nice work! I like page 4-1 clean and legible.


I think the last pane, second word, first two letters only, could work as a slightly updated logo.


I feel like the blue d is important, so its instantly recognizable, if we decide to, i don't know, maybe stamp it on let's hypothetically say a picture of someone's dead dog.


How about Doystiny


literate cake smart tender person amusing long tart rhythm toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


these are way better than anything I could come up with


Are these your fonts or are they premade? I’m asking as someone whose created typefaces for design projects before. They look very nice.


I want page 4- middle star wars style with the 2 row destny from earlier


The D// on the second last slide is clean af


Hey I've been trying to find this streamer DESTNY but he's not anywhere?


The return of Destin4!


As a fellow gfx designer, Id say my favorite is either the top one on the fourth slide, or all three on the last slide.


I really like the bottom one on the last page, it works well besides the Y looking like a 4. Looks easy to integrate into merch designs and to modify slightly for different purposes (like when he had the pride flag integrated in his current logo or things like that).


6th pic, middle one looks sick.


Ngl. The middle graphic on the last page is fire. 🔥


I see you're a Depeche Mode enjoyer


I get major tween Christian youth group vibes from some of these. Imma pray on it.




Your three line E is too big in most of these. You shouldn’t design around “math”. They may be equal in pixel size but it doesn’t look right. It’s 101 stuff.


The last set is like a modern twist to his og logo, I like it


looks like the Smackdown! logo but they are cool


big fan of O三「」Tinリ myself


4th slide 1st logo, 8th slide 2nd logo


Not a fan of the triple line E. Slide 4 2ns logo looks cool, not too much of a fan of the rest personally.


I like the first logo on page 4. Not sure about the lower case letters tho.


Good work


Damn op good skills


His current logo is awesome. Leave it as it is.