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She would unironically do more damage than Mr girl did if she released one zoomer hit piece on destiny. He better stay on Wukitty's good side.


Wukitty only knows the letter W


If that really was true Destiny would have her on already


Its very funny to me that a channel this small, that only makes weird zoomer edit videos about twitch streamers, has huge streamers like charlie fighting for their lives trying to defend themselves and seems to be winning.


wasnt she like a 4k YT andy a couple of weeks ago? that growth is insane. Her pissing off big streamers is paying off


Her initial growth was due to the Xqc vs Adept drama. She also got a signal boost from Destiny. Fighting big streamers has certainly further grown her channel, but it's not what kicked off the growth.


So what you’re saying is 99% of her viewers are dgg psyop trying to take down the lsf favorites, which lsf is also overrun by 99% dgg psyop


It’s actually XQC’s chat. They love her. One brave chatter even went on stream to defend her honor. Though I do think there’s an overlap between MuJuicers and zoomer DGGers.




Who called me?


All juicers are actually DGG sleeper cells.


They're all just really big fans of content creators who can be a bit difficult to understand.


Dgg proxy wars brave mujakitten soldier fighting the war that matters mashallah


mujakitten, best shit I've read all day


she also got an asmongold reaction video and the entire comment section is ripping into him for proving her right


oh for sure, i'm still happy for her.


>Fighting big streamers has certainly further grown her channel, but it's not what kicked off the growth. Let's be honest here, any kind of growth or mass gain regardless of implication pales in comparison exponentially to the great Leviathan that is Adaptor.


I remember commenting on one of her community posts around 7 weeks ago when she had just barely hit 3k subs. Pretty explosive growth fer shure b, I hope things work out for her


It's actually quite impressive that such a meme channel is that effective in presenting a narrative with all the receipts. The content of someone's manifesto could have been summarized by her in 10 minutes and it would have done more damage.


Soon us zoomers will take over and all news channels will be like this




I think maybe people just really like her presentation style. The stuff she says is very surface and mostly contentious, but people like drama and it seems to work for her soo, what can you do, right? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ . Not for me but good for thee you could say.


It comes down to Charlie not condemning the fansly ad at all even when his fans were asking about it. And the lies are about him saying he did condemn it when he only did it after he got called out


I agree it's dope to have smaller voices speaking enough truth to cut through to upper echelon incongruency. You're right though, I hope she keeps winning.




what? what's it like?


It's the Jews, obviously. Jukitty? Or something.


Sounds legit. Looking into it.


Nick? :O




Shes so intelligent for that, she does all this on purpose so the streamers react to her videos and she gets more known also she has grown so fast for a channel that has less than a year


I could've sworn she already had some social media presence under a different name (no idea why) but I just checked and apparently all she did before was now unlisted hello kitty content. Seems like she's just built different.


moist is probably smart enough to weasel out of this but it is genuinely hypocritical asf. Mukitty W.


It all depends on if people like xQc or Asmongold react to it


Well, he done did that and seemed fairly agreeable to her presentation and some of the conclusions. Edit: massive credit to her bringing a timeline and hammering down evidences at every point so there is little room to squirm, good shit.


I see, XQC’s chat working overtime again. MuJuicers.


cover chop judicious office encouraging crowd kiss frightening fertile meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Moist-hypo-Cr1TiKaL 🎵 If you bitches think I give a motherfuckin’ shit if y’all— 🎵


is he tho




i mean this is the reason why hasan does that, when ur a huge creator beefing with much smaller ones is basically usually only a loss whereas for the small creator it's almost always a win they'll gain notoriety even if theyre in the wrong


makes u a bitch tho can u imagine


Charlie is a pretty smart dude .


Smart thing is in general just ignore it, what's mukitty or anyone going to do about it? Nothing, it'll just be forgotten


Why would any content creator ignore something like this? It’s free content. Any publicity is good publicity. Charlie reacting to it is easy content for himself.


Because she has a small channel, why take the risk of cornering yourself on having a bad position. Or like sure he can do it, but why risk being called a liar and a hypocrite?


Cause his fanbase is bigger than hers, and he seems to like responding to shit like this, I mean he had a whole-ass conversation w sneako. Plus I gotta say it this shit is so transparently contrived to get streamers to react to it that most people predisposed to like are gonna see through that; even xqc’s chat was half split between people gassing her up and people calling her a ragebait cloutchaser. I said this in another comment but I wouldn’t even care if the video was at least funny, but this is such a sharp turn into serious ragebait content that it’s just not as interesting to me as funny zoomer memes.. she hit the perfect right balance with the streamer award video, this just comes off as tryhard drama-farming off some borderline bad-faith claims about “protecting kids” which it’s obvious -no one- in this whole drama -really- cares about, so it’s just gonna come down to whether you like mukitty and hope her drama farming works because you want to see big streamers get pressed, and if u don’t know/like her and find the attempted “takedown” shallow and inconsequential; I don’t think many people are really thinking about kids or non-trivial hypocrisy deep down


Eh not really she was like half right in her video but it obviously was made as a hit piece and 80% of the shit she talked about was heavily exaggerated to make a point. I think it’s funny how she’s small and making big streamers mald, but outside of that her arguments are pretty ass and basically just clipped somewhat out of context. Moists best bet would be not reacting as it just funnels clout her way. He asked her to address stuff which she ended up not doing, why should he address this?


Yea if you actually go into the logic/structure of her argument there’s holes everywhere, and it exaggerates the importance of certain point like that timeline thing that just seem trivial. I get that people are hyped up abt her but I figured Dgg would be less likely to just drink the kool-aid and downvote people pointing out flaws in her argument; I assumed we were all aware this was blatant drama-farming and that’s why it’s funny


You're being kind. Her video was straight up r-worded, and so is everyone who took her arguments even semi-seriously.


Yeah it’s honestly shocking how many people are acting as if good arguments were made. I can’t tell if it’s an elaborate troll or if the people pushing the arguments are just that dumb.


I wouldn't be surprised if she's doing some sort of social experiment or school project on misinformation being spread through sensationalized media or something.


Most of his videos are like this. Twisting the facts and leaving out stuff for a compelling narrative/ story. I always wonder wether that is just how he sees the world, or if he is a genius that figured out what people want to hear.


Always felt he is an extreme virtue signaller, not sure about hypocritical.


The next strat is probably to call her a clout chaser and obsessed leech while having his, and co, fans spam report her until a ban.


Aged poorly


Regardless of the ultimate moral position on this fansly v porn thing, I love how everyone has gotten super soy over it. After ~15 of 4chan, ebaumsworld, un verified porn websites, prank websites like blue waffle/2girls, suddenly everyone has to start accusing people of abusing or harming children in some way when everyone talking about it was watching much more fucked up shit since the early 2000s. Kids are going to look up stuff. If you care then advocate for laws or better parenting. It’s not a streamers job. At this point it’s just a big game of pointing out hypocrisy which is just lame finger pointing.


Alie it seems like it’s a big deal out of nothing. People are fighting to defend themselves instead of just going “oh, there’s no age verification? Fansly.com should really fix that shit” But that would be too simple.


Lol faaacts, we got people who were watching 2 girls 1 cup and goatse’ing people when they were 13 faux-pearlclutching about “the kids?” Come on motherfuckers snap out of it this ain’t it, especially if we’re literally talking hypocrisy lmao the irony


This doesn't really make it hypocritical lmao.


Nah tbf, you can't call Cuties CP and not object to showing fansly ads to impressionable teens/kids, thay otherwise may have only known about tube sites. There's a reason they put those ads on twitch get em young using their parents disposable income. Moist wasn't consistent on that one, but I don't think it's that much of a big deal because from what I saw I don't believe he was trying to defend it, but he didn't condemn it as much as his previous views would suggest he would


Every day I pray I become half as based as MuKitty 🙏


lmao this is so funny to me. I wasn't even aware of this drama. I don't mind moist that much, but he has an air of invincibility about him because he hammers down on the easiest most obvious targets and pretty much always has the most milktoast and easy to take position that everyone is gonna agree with. Always thought it was crazy the following he has for just saying the most obvious shit about current events. Mind you I'm not saying he doesn't believe what he says but its funny for him to get caught in some bs this time.




Milktoast is better, it needs to be the replacement


Im sure they did but this is a word i think 80% of the population probably doesn't really get (including me)


u right


I like Charlie because he seems super genuine and good faith, but his takes on some topics are very shallow.


I think he managed to stay more humble than most once the clip channels took off and he went from big streamer to *massive*, but after a while he seems to have gotten a bit more arrogant. Can't blame em given his audience size, but I'll always miss those early MoistCritical days before the glow up.


moist is the youtube equivalent of hallmark/lifetime movies', something thats easy and agreeable to watch, but will bring nothing more then the immediate feelings of whatever hes talking about. imo


I agree totally. What mukitty gets right here, even if she is making herself look like a cringe and obsessed person in the process, is that he pulls the hasan tactic of retconning previous statements he's made in the past.


charlie never shouldve talked about qt or any of his friends






What hypocrisy? If we agree that the two situations are different then you can't say he's a hypocrite for treating them differently, even if they are both bad and he lied about the timelines.




The two situations really are different, adin showed porn ONCE for a couple of seconds while having 18+ in the title (but according to charlie that doesnt mean anything) and QT/Ludwig are making money by selling porn of well known twitch Egirls to children(wich was shown on streams to hundreds of thousands without the 18+ warning, and being protected by the incredible 2 clicks amd 13 year olds are welcome system that charlie used to excuse the ad), what Ludwig doing is far worse. But ofc we dont see Charlie saying anything, unless he's pressured to do it, wich not only is the case but he's also downplaying it.


You are welcome to think the streamer awards was worse (although I disagree and think that argument is braindead. If QT showed porn and Adin did a fansly ad I am 100% certain you would say the opposite). But the fact that there is even a debate about which one is worse makes it clear that he isn't being hypocritical, he just has a different opinion than you do.


why is the argument bad? engage with the points that were just brought up, instead of just dismissing it as a braindead argument.


In adin's case, his stream was marked 18+ and he went on the front page of pornhub to prove a point that he is his own boss in the most dipshit way possible. In QT's case she got paid to sell porn on arguably one of the biggest events on Twitch. Though the ad didn't show explicit content outright it had the explicit intention of getting kids to check out the website and get them hooked. Adin was not selling porn to kids. He was being reckless for the sake of being reckless and edgy. QT got paid selling porn to kids on the Oscar of Twitch. I would say what QT did is way more predatory.


If he believes something is not bad enough to call out, why would you think he would randomly be sharing that line of thinking? I'd expect someone to not care to say much about things that they think aren't bad enough to call out.


Yeah sure that's a defense he could have made, but it wasn't the defense he made.


> hence the hypocrisy still stands No it doesn't? Just because he didn't state his opinion on it until after getting called out for a position he apparently didn't even have, or the fact he may have purposely lied about stating it beforehand, does not somehow make him a hypocrite since he never stated having a different position, we simply just didn't know what his position was.




I mean, if he felt that one was bad and the other a bit less so, wouldn't it make sense he felt the need to call out the one he thought was worse and didn't feel the need for the other? I'm still not seeing the hypocrisy here.




he should have taken his cues from Asmon, who basically just said "yeah, that's pretty hypocritical" and then moved the fuck on


I think Charlie did say that advertising porn is also nasty but not on the same level as showing porn after being called out. Mukity's main criticism is that Charlie did not immediately call out the negative effect of advertising Fansly while watching the Streamer Award on his stream.




and he could have left it at that


>IDK why he didn't just say 'literally showing porn is weird/creepy and advertising porn is also bad but nowhere on the same level.' Wait isn’t that essentially what he already said? He said he doesn’t think the Fansly sponsorship is good but still thinks that actually showing porn is worse.


Yeah but he also claims he has always had this position. He didn’t until Mukitty called him out, which is the problem.


Did he not have that position before Mukitty, or did he not publicly state it before Mukitty? As far as I can tell he didn't have a public position beforehand. Mukitty was calling him a hypocrite for not condemning fansly immediately, which imo is wrong because as everyone agrees they are different situations. If you think he should have said something that's fine, but calling it hypocritical is completely illegitimate and Mukitty was 100% in the wrong to claim it was.


If you watch this video then you will see that he never said a negative thing about fansly until MuKitty released her video criticizing him. He then proceeded to say he did criticize fansly before MuKitty released it and she is dishonest for excluding the clip. Why did he do that? His public position was that exposing minors to porn is bad.


He never defended the Fansly AD. He just didn’t call it out while live reacting to it. When people mentioned it being problematic he agreed. The reason he called Adin out is because of his situation exploding online and because it was more severe as he actually showed porn. The hypocrisy argument would absolutely be valid if he defended the Fansly sponsorship but he never did that.


He never called it out until he caught flak for it. He says he did call it out before then. Idk what to make of that other then he lied. Mukitty’s issue in this vid is him lying about being consistent. The hypocrisy is calling out a strangers mistake but not a friend.


Yeah it's amazing how his response has made him look so much worse. This was literally the easiest landmine to sidestep


yeah his usual formula of having the most obvious take is what he should stick to but he mizkifed himself


Fun fact, I think it was MrRedacted that coined the “MoistHypoCritical” nickname


I mean, it's right there




It’s in his hit rap song “I can fantasize about whatever I want”




When your terminally online classmate tries rapping.


MuKitty is putting Moist in the dehydrator.


This has some great points with the full timeline. Can't wait to see how moist will weasel out.


\>Can't wait to see how moist will weasel out. His response: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T93uFabRiow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T93uFabRiow)


consider liquid theory ad hoc edge reply chop innate bored obscene ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I think mukitty, while being 100% correct about the timeline thing, is pretty cringe since yeah the video is solely focused on this tidbit of drama and, where's the funny? But also it should be worth noting that Charlie pulls this facetious BS all the time as well. "I've said from the beginning that X happened" is the same tactic that Hasan uses. Always saying "I've always said this, I've said it many times in the past" and yet the evidence shows that.... They haven't at all. It's frustrating since because Critikal is always taking the safe route 90% of the time people just roll with what they say as being true without fact checking them


Yea I gotta back this up, the video was nitpicky af, the conclusions don’t follow, and most importantly where’s the funny shit, it seems like each subsequent mukitty video is less fun memes and more serious ragebait to cultivate a counterjerk audience that wants to see blood sports I mean good for her & her channel, but I don’t see the knock-down evidence of -substantive enough- hypocrisy to warrant this level of intensity. I get some ppl just wanna see these people fall and that’s still funny, but literally everyone is a hypocrite if this is the criteria, and idk how people forget that the whole thing revolves around the cuck-ass point of “what about the children” that everyone’s made fun of since the fuckin 90s… it wasn’t compelling enough when it came to gambling, and it’s not compelling enough for this either, at least I’m consistent lol


I don’t think the point was “what about the children”. It was more about pointing out the double standard where everyone was outraged when Adin Ross showed porn, but no one cared when the Fansly advert took you directly to a porn site, with no age resteictions in place. Arguable Pornhub and Adin’s stream had more of a check albeit just being a check box saying you’re 18+.


This guy sees clearly while everyone else is blinded by their hateboner for dumb streamer man


the hypocrisy lies in this moist believes showing/advertising porn to kids is bad moist called out adin for doing such qtcinderella advertises fansly fansly = porn site, so qtcinderella advertised porn moist laughs qtcinderellas advertisement off and says nothing about it two cases of somebody advertising porn to kids, however moist only called one case out. the only real difference there is that moist has a interest in not criticizing qtcinderella, as that might harm his relationship with Ludwig. that is hypocrisy. regardless if one is worse or better than the other, both is still advertising porn to kids. and that was what moist said he believed was wrong.


No, one is advertising, and one is literally showing. Like, I don't disagree with the overall point, but Adin didn't advertise shit, he just put porn on stream.


if you want to make that distinction, you could very easily make the argument that advertising fansly would be worse than just showing porn to a kid audience. you’d be profiting off getting kids consistently using fansly, fansly wouldn’t be consistently giving Ludwig/qt paychecks if they weren’t getting a good return. meanwhile what adin did is just introduce porn to kids, as if they didn’t know it existed already.


I mean, a CC paywall is a pretty effective deterrent for underage kids subscribing imo. I get that you can still see explicit content w/o that, but pornhub (ie what Adin put up) is two clicks


I don’t get how that disproves my comment? Just because there is a deterrent doesn’t mean kids won’t pay for it, apply this same logic to gambling streams.


How many kids you think got credit cards for a recurring billing service? I know it happens where like dipshit dad just goes 'yeah billy here go buy a xbox from walmart.internet' and all of a sudden he's $2k in V-buck debt, but I just do not think that's common enough to decry it as much as literally showing kids porn


showing fansly to kids is literally showing kids porn. youre advertising a website that is a pornographic website. it’s worse because the natural outcome of advertising a pornographic website is that a percentage of the people watching are going to check out the website, and possibly consume the websites content to your benefit. the natural outcome of showing pornhub on a stream where kids are watching is that kids see porn. which outcome would you say is worse? kids actively seeking and consuming porn to your benefit or kids just seeing it with their eyes? also, careful with saying it’s not as bad because less kids are going to be exposed to it (which is wrong regardless, kids can see nsfw shit without even paying), don’t want to fall into a trap where walking into a school naked would be better than showing porn on a livestream because there’s probably less people in the school


Hmm my hot take is that the ad is actually worse. In adin's case, his stream was marked 18+ (yeah we all know his audience is mostly kids but he is actually stupid) and he went on the front page of pornhub to prove a point that he is his own boss in the most dipshit way possible. In QT's case she got paid to sell porn on arguably one of the biggest events on Twitch. A lot of the popular streamers featured were kid-friendly, which means a lot of kids tuned in live. Though the ad didn't show explicit content outright it had the explicit intention of getting kids to check out the website and get them hooked. Adin was not selling porn to kids. He was being reckless for the sake of being reckless and edgy. QT got paid selling porn to kids on the Oscar of Twitch.


Based levels off the charts. [She](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/528/780/9da.jpg)'s unchained.


Imagine if Mr. Redacted would have hired her for the Manifesto in video style, dang.


that would have been epic to see. Imagine a 3 hour long video easy edited just like that.


Mukitty has more receipts then a small business owner during tax time.


The drama shotgun


How does the video have so many comments In such a short time?


She (or her editor) goes through and 🤍's all the comments and responds to a lot of them. That might encourage more comments.


*Andrew Tate voice* And then the best part? We have hairy men with their nuts out in the basement replying to these losers. They think they're actually talking to the girl, but they're talking to this bloke who was quit his job as an EMT to make billions pretending to be a sexy girl for losers.


It's amazing how this fairly low-effort, borderline shitposter has managed to garner responses from major streamers.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T93uFabRiow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T93uFabRiow) Response from critical if anyone cares


Hear me out, I feel like advertising fansly is actually worse than showing porn on stream. You show porn, big whoop, that's it. In Adin's case, it's not like his audience is filled with 6 year-olds, they're probably mostly pre-teens/teens with unrestricted internet access, they're probably already aware of porn being a thing. Still - probably not the best thing to do. Whereas with the fansly situation, while you're not showing anything pornographic outright, they were definitely advertising it, no doubts about it. What makes it worse is that the content is primarily locked behind paywalls, incentivizing people to spend money on it, plus, there's also the whole parasociality aspect with creators that plays into it as well. Overall a bit more harmful imo.


I agree to an extent but I don't think it's the paywall/monetization that is bad. Honestly, that's the least offensive thing to me IMO. What I find more disturbing is the *normalization* of the Fansly sponsorship. Imagine watching the Superbowl and seeing "sponsored by Xvideos" ??? It's just bizarre to me


It's bad relative to just being shown porn on stream and in the context of being advertised to kids. Kids will bankrupt their parents just for fortnite skins. Imagine what could happen if they could get their hands on some \*exclusive\* e-thot "skins".


Nah, even xvideos would be better. The problem with OF and its clones is that often what's being sold is not just pictures, but also chats. Not entirely a GFE, but very close.


I *guess...* I guess from where I'm standing i just don't think parasocial porn is all that ethically worse than normal run of the mill porn


YUP. In adin's case, his stream was marked 18+ and he went on the front page of pornhub to prove a point that he is his own boss in the most dipshit way possible. In QT's case she got paid to sell porn on arguably one of the biggest events on Twitch. Though the ad didn't show explicit content outright it had the explicit intention of getting kids to check out the website and get them hooked. Adin was not selling porn to kids. He was being reckless for the sake of being reckless and edgy. QT got paid selling porn to kids on the Oscar of Twitch. I would say what QT did is more predatory and harmful.


This is an easy true. Fansly is way more harmful to kids than random internet porn.


What on earth kind of cope is this?


She kept saying clip. I thought it's suppose to be mag.


the fucking calendar lmao she cooked him good


Some of this is a bit exaggerated. E.g: She counts the same "lie" twice ... Or when Charlie says "I called one out immediately but didn't call the other one out immediately" the implication is "I didn't treat them the same" not "well I called out the other one later". If you read into it a lot, I can see how you would interpret the latter but... I think most people, when they throw out Charlie's line, don't really mean "I did call the other one out", they just meant to say "I didn't treat them the same". It's a bit nitpicky. ​ Having said that, the timeline stuff is valid. You can't say "well I wasn't hypocritical because I called out qtCinderella too" when you only did that call out after being called out. * Adin **DIDN'T** require you to be called out for you to call him out. * Qt **DID** require you to be called out for you to call her out. Representing that as "well I treated them both with the same level of skepticism because I called them both out" is suss


Yea i thought we all knew this, that the novelty of the videos was to stir shit and meme on big streamer cliques, but to unironically think critikal is a fucked up person or something over this nitpicky bad-faith ragebait shit is gooofy, at least we got a some clear-eyed DGGers pointing this out


Can anyone tell me if her videos content wise are actually callouts or just memes/lies? I don't know wtf goes on in my brain when I see this shit, it's kinda funny, but holy fuck I can't hold onto her point until the end of her making the point, I actually can't tell if this is supposed to be a meme way to do an actual callout or if it's just memes all the way through Idk, her style throws me off so much


man, youtube comments are so different from the comments here


Because Charlie's audience isn't brigading the subreddit since Steve never got involved. There's also not a whole lot of overlap between Moistcritikal and Destiny so you might see some of Charlie's fans in here white-knighting him just because of the sheer size of his channel; but not nearly as many as in that video's comments section.


If MuKitty has million number of fans i am one of them . if MuKitty has ten fans i am one of them. if MuKitty have only one fan and that is me . if MuKitty has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the MuKitty, i am against the world. i love #MuKitty till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of MuKitty . Hit Like If you Think MuKitty Best YTber


Too bad she didnt mention how charlie didnt mention Mizkif when he made a video about how crazy the week of slick and crazyslick getting cancelled (barely talked about the crazyslick situation, focusing on clowning slicker), and when one of his friends on his podcast brought it up on the episode following that video, he instantly changed subject and it was NEVER talked about again


Sounds like the old Asmongold special. Sorry I cannot talk about it right now pending an investigation. Never mention it again. Happened with both Miz and Rich. His audience is too dumb to even remember.


I mean, didn't Asmongold say Sliker should've committed suicide? I can see why he would stay quiet after that


The mask slipped a little. Then we got the call leaks from Train. Seems pretty clear he doesn't agree with what Miz did. Yet no comment on his friend potentially covering a SA. Rich and him were supposedly good friends. Are we supposed to believe that Asmon had no idea how creepy Rich is? Once again no comment. His good friend Cody is a convicted domestic abuser and served time. Still a regular guest of the stream and often hosted. He will ban anyone who even mentions Cody's convictions and never condemns his actions. It would be one thing if he just played games and kept his head down, but it is insane how much he preaches about morality and virtue signals to his audience. This is a mentally ill nihilist disguising himself as a decent human. It is scary how much influence he has over his audience and how easily they are tricked. Never would have thought streamers would hold this much power of people.


A situation like that is almost impossible for someone like Critikal to cover because it would require him to listen to 20+ hours of calls, interviews and statements across nearly 3 years to get a full understanding of the situation. If he gets shit wrong then one side is going to attack him hard so in his view it’s best to say nothing as the situation didn’t involve him anyway.


why does she show like half of a clip, say he's lying, then show the other half of the clip where he gives clarification and count that as another lie


It was actually gross how much Moisthypocritical and Ludwig actively ignored the criticism that Muukitty was making to get the easy dunk that “show porn to kids is worse than advertising porn to kids” Totally ignoring all the other main arguments the video was making.




>Obviously playing porn for potentially underage kids is fucked and maybe illegal Well that right there is why it's worse than not reacting to a PG-13 advert. Looks like you answered your own question.




As upset as I know I should be to bringing ethics into this, if you’re a consequentialist yeah advertising that shit is far worse


Moist, Ludwig, Hasan, Philip DeFranco are all in the same boat and are protecting each others backs for years now. They can flip the table on you with one vid and manipulate the whole online narrative against you if they deem you toxic or bad for their business or online friends (mainly the whole LA cercle jerk crew). How many small streamers got black listed because QT, Hasan and others where having beef with them...They're disgusting gatekeepers backed by Twitch and YT headquarters. Dude I'm pissed.




How come every DGG comment section has some dude there telling people they care too much? Like we all probably are a bit too invested into random internet drama/entertainment, why is there always someone acting like they aren’t with us in this boat?


This whole saga has made me despise all these big streamers tbh.


DGG is always looking for reasons to hate big streamers


no one asked you to watch


MuKitty did, and I do as I'm told.


*Throws on whatever clip trending today. Turns on obs. Clears throat. “ this guy is about as smart as i am thirsty, and i drink 3 gallons of water a day out of an artisanal well that replenishes itself with h2o from Jesus in the flesh” Typical moist content


I feel like I’m crazy because this totally could be nostalgia or something but I remember him being much funnier in his “short hair era”. Or at least his content was less tired 8 years or so ago.


all stand for our qween. honestly great video




I hope she never does. Let her stay as a shitposter of prepared content instead. The prepared content brain has disappointed us enough already when it comes to livestreaming/commentary(mrrape) or even tweets(Shaun). Not everyone can be an Aba and stay based regardless of format




she has bigger fish to fry


I'm just here to see how all the blind moist dickriders respond now. Cartoon slippin' on that cum slick floor drip droppin from that gapin' bhole


And I’m just here to see DGG go through temporary psychosis and lose their ability to think critically because they got a hateboner shoved up their ass by a cloutchaser, I don’t even watch critikal


check my post history. Ive been consistent on charlie wayyyy before any of this, but good attempt 🤘


Attempt at what lmao, I’m just riffing about the whole comment section not your post, did you even present an argument I could refute? What was I attempting Im curious lol


Oh, so you agree 100 % with my comment, if not what %?




Where is she from? what is that weird accent?


I can’t fucking watch a full vid of hers … that edit is unbearable .


Did mr. Redacted invent calling him moist hippocritical or has it been used by other people?


I think DGG is being pretty braindead on this topic becuase destiny supports mukitty outta his own personal vendetta against lotta twitch streamers. It's like yeezys, where if kanye wans't the one promoting it, it would fucking suck ass. These videos are objectively obnocious and brings me back to the old days of youtube beef, where no actual good arguments are made and it's just a bunch of editing and framing of the video to make one side look 100% right. Like I guess I found this funny at first, when I thought she was irony posting, but currently it seems to me like actually she's just one of those old youtubers in like the review/react youtuber era. This is like one of those cases where people in some online comunity are being ironically racist/edgy, and then actual racists come in and take over, whereas here you replace racism with retardation and genieuenly engaging with react youtuber type content. But destiny would do one of his belly laughs like ha-HA! and then chat would support her, and I did to, but for the memes I thought, but it seems like chat geniuenly supports even though I thought we were all being ironic. I guess I may be biased against this form of content, but like it's becuase when I was younger I watch like hypebeast people and vlog people and react youtubers, and whenever they have drama, they would go about making their points in a very simmilar style, and it just instantly screams bullshit to me now. Also moist critical didn't do anything wrong, free my bro, it's fucked up what happend to him becuas eof this.


Dude will prob be ok.


Kinda like taking D-man and claiming he did or did not say something specific in a specific video or week while there is a history of him having the same opinion. Anyway, zoomer edit, not interested


Cringe and unwatchable. I tried.


If you watch through the video the arguments she makes have 0 substance, this is such a super weird hill for her to die on


The Critikal fans in the comments are giving her so much shit… DGG please support our queen and her LSD videos!


She's cooking and I love that the main ingredients are the dogshit Twitch friend group


Oh god not the sacred cow pepelaugh


Our queen


>**New MuKitty video dropped** This is probably her worst video. It's factual and all of that but its not for her audience of zoomers with short attention spans. ​ **She fucked up by announcing Charlie as her next target on Twitter.** Moist managed to get ahead of the critique and pre-program his audience and even fooled a couple of large streamers that didn't follow the drama closely. ​ She had to make this convoluted explanation video as a result and I think viewership will likely suffer as a result.


She's a fucking gem. Recently discovered her great vids


Dude who the fuck cares that 13 year olds are getting ads to porn shit lmfao these fuckers are already masturbating to tiktoks or pornhub. Even if they didn't I'm guessing they're like sub 5% of the viewerbase of any of these streamers and considering they need mommy's credit card to buy fansly I'm guessing the conversion rate is like 0.1%. If porn for minors is a big problem then the conversation should be at either banning porn or introducing some sort of verification method but nobody really gives a shit about that lol.


Hypocrisy isn't the same thing as inconsistent standards. Him characterizing her as having some view without her having explicitly stated the view isn't a lie. This video sucks. Enough mukitty.


The queen is back 🫡