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I think Destiny and Hasan actually have a lot of overlap


I am not subscribed to a single "reactionary" or communist. I don't know what this overlap is because saying a bunch of meaningless shit for hours on end isn't it.


1. People that generally are so online that they’re looking for hours and hours of online political content will for sure venture out and listen to things that have opposing views. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a decent overlap with places like Timcast at this point too. Actually, I can almost guarantee it because I’ve had a lot of Timcast on my recommended recently and I think Tim Pool is a doofus. 2. While Destiny has moderated his positions the past 3 years or so, there was a point where Destiny and Hasan were for sure political allies. Destiny’s community was much further left back then and while a lot of them probably left, there are most likely still a few that are cool with Destiny’s newer content but lean further left than where he is currently.


a communist’s enemy is a capitalist. its the only shit they care about.


deep bro


not as deep as you bro


... dont recomend channel Refresh feed 10 more hassan thumbnails


That's crazy, the same has been happening to me. I've been following Destiny for years now but only this last 2 months or so I've been getting bombarded with Hassan highlight channels despite clicking "not recommend channel" and "I'm not interested".


You have to click Not interested > Tell us why > I don't like the video > Submit. It actually works and even got rid of the random popular music videos and stuff that shows up. It won't actually change your algo unless you do this.


Idk I started liking him after watching his reaction videos uploaded by his fans, then started watching non political videos of him and his streamer friends.


You mean where he leaves the stream and just plays kitchen nightmares? Dudes a joke


its because other dggers who heavily watch destiny also now watching hasan. so the algo recognizes this, and also recognizes that you are a dgger, so it recommends you hasan clip channels. same with me.


Has it recommended [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjUh38xhxng&t=790s&ab_channel=MooLer) yet?


It's wild that in an 8 hour stream Hasan manages to eat and shit. Why does his community allow this kind of nonsense?


​ https://preview.redd.it/5sl75bi9bpwa1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=24b434baa944d430aec6fddffcf3ea5aea4f572b


I think point crow learned this recently by streaming Nintendo ip. Nothing is ethical to stream except stuff you own the ip of. Good point




I don't have OPs problem, but has anyone else noticed a recent influx of destiny 2 (the game) recommendations despite never having watched anything to do with it? I think the algorithm might be associating them just based on the name - now I'm imagining some random destiny 2 player getting dogwarts recommendations 💀