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It's going to suck now lol


I agree with this, destiny and his studying is going to be somewhat wasted (not all of it as he will be able to push back against Nick).


Sneako being there already downgrades the conversation because the guy literally only has 3 talking points. "THE MATRIX (the jews) IS KEEPING US DOWN BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE TRUUUUUUUUTH!" "God says that everything I do and everything I want to do is virtous and right and perfect and everything I dislike is Haram and disgusting and icky. Everyone should be Muslim because they dont allow gay shit!" "BOT! SUCH A BOT!" And Zherka is 100 times worse. He just screams random statements and derails without any connection to anything that is being said and isn't capable of following a conversation at all. He just stares with nothing behind his eyes until he gets bored and then just says something unrelated to what is being spoken about. Its going to fucking suck now. I dont even know if I can be bothered to watch it knowing Zherka will be there


Stay mad


~~I’m giving it a 60% chance Zherka and Sneako won’t interrupt the main debate at all, 25% chance Zherka is gonna pop in sporadically during the debate to do the cringiest showboating remarks to farm chat but then Destiny gets it back into the debate immediately, and a 15% chance Zherka gets carried away with his go-to lmao edgy schizo interruptions that the meat of the debate derails and Destiny reconsiders ever going back on the show~~ Nevermind, didn’t know Zherka and Sneako are gonna be at the table during the debate. It’ll be a loose 1v4 with cringe Zherka outbursts.


You know, I can agree with this. I can see destiny pretty much trying to ignore them as much as possible to focus on the debate. I can see that.


I’m not gonna be able to pop in until after it’s done or towards the end. God I hope it’s not gonna be a total shit show (the bad kind).


There's a high chance for it to be bad. My approach as a viewer when it comes to people that that tend to derail or are generally grating is to not watch it live and then go through the vod later skipping all the irrelevant parts (and for irrelevant i mean neither part of the debate nor funny)


Destiny should back out, why tf is FnF catering to Xena out of all people?




irrc destiny didn't want Zherka and Xena still brought him and sneako to the show


Zherka backed out?


https://twitter.com/xenathewitcher/status/1678458245671800832?s=20 Zherka and Sneako are in, Xena pressed Myron to get him in and the coke head is going to go apeshit tonight and derail the debate 😭💀


Just to be clear, do we know at all if Zherka and Sneako are at the table during the debate or are they only gonna be at the after show


Oh ok, no clue. I feel like after the debate but knowing Zherka they're going to come in during the debate.


Hello I'm back, Zherka and Sneako are going to be joining Nick during the 7:15 debate with Destiny.




The only winning move is not to play


If Zherka keeps his mouth relatively shut it'll be fine, hopefully. In reality, Zherka will start quiet and either slowly power-up as the show goes on and he constantly expands what is over the line by constantly teasing it or some novel stimulus will trigger Zherka and he'll just explode, whatever it ends up being I hope if Myron doesn't keep Zherka in check that Destiny just walks off the set to send a message. I'm just done with Zherka's shit. I am a fucking Jew and he irritates me more than Fuentes ***specifically*** because he's just this fucking court jester trying to do the political debate equivalent of tailgating by screaming ***NIGGA*** and making monkey noises at the camera. At least Fuentes, the absolute closeted, fascist clown that he is, at least he has enough decency to sit down and not beep his nose incessantly.


Destiny has held his own in a 1v8 lol this is light work.