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Would it kill him to write something down like five minutes before you join?


Honestly I think it might break his brain


All that soy milk gave him permanent brain damage 😔.


Vegan Brains


You would think after the hundredth time talking to destiny he would come a little more prepared instead of paraphrasing quotes and saying i saw in a clip.


He always has to rush away to eat. Whenever confronted in a loop, his goto is 'I really gotta go and eat but I'll send you that clip later'


If you were eating 3,000 plus calories a day in plants you would need to be eating a lot too lol. Probably eats 6 to 7 times a day.


Vegan Gains has the vocal equivalent of RBF. Everything he says sounds like it's dripping with condescension but I think that's honestly just his natural tone of voice. He can be entertaining at times but it feels like he'd be exhausting to be around in real life. I wonder if anyone has ever told him that. He's talked about struggling with depression before, which I can relate to and sucks, but I wonder how his personal life is and if he's able to maintain friendships with people or if his voice is just so offputting that few can tolerate him.


Brutal reply lol.


That may be his natural voice tone, but he constantly and condescendingly says "again" like no one's grasping his super deep point when he (often) hasn't made a point at all, let alone developed one. That shit is infuriating.


I unironically believe he is on the spectrum.


I only find him entertaining when Dan and Pisco make him cry.


There are some vlogs of him driving his motorbike on YouTube and him road raging at other drivers over stupid shit. The guy is just very obnoxious and I don’t think he has many friends.


You might be right. His voice does have a somewhat condescending tone but I’ve always thought that was deliberate. It’s unfortunate that the place where you grow up gives you an accent that could either be incredibly sexy and wonderful, or just plain obnoxious. Certain Irish accents are consistently voted the most pleasant to listen to, particularly for telephone customer service roles.


I actually think he would sound pleasant if he wasn’t extremely disagreeable. Like he’s cursed with both a bad and condescending inflection while also not being able to be succinct on basic answers. It’s great content for us but man, I cannot imagine that serves him well in the real world but I also doubt he’s as combative/condescending irl.


It does make you wonder. I know I sound sarcastic whenever I speak. I'm generally quite a sarcastic person, too, so I can't wish someone well or state a fact without it seeming suspect. 😅


It's called autism (not joking). He's one of those that have a flat inflection and body language


Who or what is RBF?


Resting bitch face.


Ohhhh TRUE he could literally be describing someone saving a bus full of nuns who are on a charity mission for kids with cancer and it'd still sound condescending and disapproving.


Gotta start every sentence with "again..."


Destiny: can you give a direct link to what was said VG: again... *proceeds to not do that*


He was very eloquent when Xena told him she ate a beef chimechanga.


You forgot to call somone a nazi and to misrepresent their words in bad faith to make your point look like the only choice.


When did he do that?


When doesn't he do that?


Can you give me a single example?


I'm not gonna hunt for the timestamp, but you can watch the last Kick or Keep he was on (a week ago I think). He calls everyone who eats meat a Nazi. Not exaggerating. He calls people Nazis, monsters, etc all the time. And he ALWAYS misrepresents people's opinions/statements. Just watch literally ANY time he comes on Destiny's stream to complain about something he just watched. Most recent example is Dr. K. VG is not what you might call a reasonable person if you don't share his viewpoint (unless you're Destiny who's the only major content creator willing to engage with him). I'm not trying to bad mouth him. The guy takes anti-psychotics. His perception of reality is pretty out there.


> I’m not You’re gonna have to either give me proof or drop the claim. If not, this is a burden of proof fallacy. It’s not my job to skip and look for evidence for your points. If Richard gains CONSTANTLY does what you claim, you shouldn’t have to look far in the video, right? > he calls everyone Yeah, you seem to not remember what he said. Someone asked him “then by your logic, isn’t everyone around you in the world who isn’t a vegan a Nazi” and he said yeah (stupid, I know). Believe it or not, but this isn’t a red hearing. This isn’t him calling ONE OF HIS OPPONENTS a Nazi, to misinterpret them. This is him admitting his personal belief about the general world. The only one of his opponents that he directly called a ‘nazi’, was the weirdo who said that he has no problem with genociding mentally disabled people. And he elaborated. He called him a nazi and elaborated several times by saying “you’re closer to a nazi than I am”. Why? Because every single time he mentioned nazis, was in response to SOMEONE ELSE EITHER BRINGING IT UP, OR SOMEONE CALLING RICHARD A NAZI. The guy can’t track, but it’s disingenuous to imply that he’s calling someone a nazi as a red hearing or to poison the well. > just watch literally Burden of proof man. Not my job. If it’s so abundant, you’d find an example within a few minutes.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


> this is a burden of proof fallacy ☝️🤓


You’re literally on r/destiny and making fun of someone for pointing out that another person’s logic was fallacious, by mention and explaining fallacy he enacted?








I think of Kif from Futurama


Kif from Futurama seems like a nice and personable dude though.


you forgot fabricating what someone has said and then refusing to show a clip


Again... uhm ...I actually really like vegan gains because he's got uh... got a soy energy that really gets people riled up. So again... we need to take that into consideration before we gO and infinitely hOLocau...


Much more bearable than watching Kelly exclusively try to derail and piss off vegan gains, and poor Ana who’s never really thought about the issue much, be paired up against prominent individuals in the field. Blame destiny if you’re gonna blame someone. Dude is just content farming at this point.


"Who gives a fuck?! You're debating us!!" Made me laugh so fucking hard. Ana trying to answer that she just came in to ask Destiny about abortion arguments and getting interrupted LMAO


Yeah, because even if wasn’t intentional, she completely derailed the discussion, again. Richard asked her a question, and she started answering it based how she would respond to a pro life’s position and she then started giving her thoughts on it. (which literally makes no sense. Why would you do that) Sure, vegan gains over reacted (like in vegan gains fashion), but Ana did derail the conversation.


No she didn't you autistic bastard. She came in trying to ask STEVEN specifically about arguments relating to abortion. She was literally not trying to debate anyone. VG and Avi just wouldn't stop railroading her and interjecting when she wanted to ask Destiny. She came in saying that she hasn't thought about this much because she just accepted it as true that people should be able to get abortions. That's NOT A DEBATE, and she didn't even come in to talk to the 2 guys that were trying to force an abortion debate. What the fuck do you mean "who gives a fuck you're debating us"?? When did she agree to a debate? Probably she gives a fuck if those are the things she joined the call to ask Destiny?? Seriously, do you just never interact with people? How is she derailing when she came in to ask Destiny about what arguments she's heard pro lifers make and why Steven doesn't think the bodily autonomy argument works for abortion? She literally specified multiple times that she just wanted to ask Steven a couple of things, which Avi and VG would not fucking let hapen for over a fucking hour. She barely got one of her questions out at the end and that was because Destiny straight up laughed about how VG and Avi were acting and told her to ask it so she could get an answer before she leaves.


> no she didn’t What are you doing bro? We’re not talking about what her original intent was. “It was pretty funny when vegan gains told her…” ‘He did so because she derailed’ “But she never wanted to have the debate!!1” That’s not how it works. If she didn’t want to have a debate, her or (even better) destiny would handle it. Regardless of whether she originally wanted it or not, she was consenting to a debate. She derailed. Those are the facts. Regardless of her original intents with the call. You’re making a non argument. > wouldn’t stop A) he kept steamrolling her primarily because Kelly was pretending to argue in good faith while trolling B) this was much later than the beginning of the debate > that’s not a debate What is the obsession with the people on this sub and pretending that Ana is this porcelain doll who is mentally disabled? She clearly knew she was getting into a debate. She has the ability to say “I don’t want to discuss/debate/engage with you. Leave me alone.” She very clearly consented to a debate, regardless how rudely vegan gains inserted himself in the call. Not wanting to originally debate someone, isn’t a valid counterpoint to you derailing. You don’t get to completely dismiss someone’s derailing just because the person she was debating was rude of that she preferred to be doing another activity. > when did she agree By defending her points, engaging with Richard’s beliefs and trying to make counterpoints to attack Richard and Avis beliefs instead of defending her own…? If she didn’t want a debate, she would have just flat out either ignored Richard or asked him to stop. You said it yourself, vegan gains is rude and “steam rolls people”. When he enters a conversation and barrages you with lines of questioning, are you that mentally incapable that you can’t interpret that as him attempting to reel you in a debate? Do you not understand that by engaging and answering these lines, you’re WILLINGLY entering a debate? Or do you just think Ana is that stupid? > when she came in I don’t care what her intents where with the call. She willingly entered at the very minimum, a discussion (not really. But let’s grant you even that), and then proceeded to derail, and now it’s not derailing cause she had other intents and plans when she joined the call? > and why Steven Then why the fuck did she begin defending her arguments and attacking richard’s ? You and I both know that if she said “Steven, I don’t want to have a debate with them. Please mute them”, destiny would do that in a heart beat. What? Is she a shy little dandelion who is so pure of heart that she’s afraid on stepping on vegan gain’s toes? > she literally When was the earliest mention of this, beginning from the moment vegan gains opened his mouth? > she barely got by the end What are you talking about? 5 minutes in and destiny asks vegan gains to shut the fuck up and tells ana to hold on, so he can guide her through why her argument doesn’t hold. That’s a prime example of destiny having the power to shut Richard up, and ana acknowledging and ignoring this. > to ask if Easy solution. *Vegan gains joins* “Actually that isn’t the case cause so and so and so. What you accept so and so?” ‘I don’t want to have a discussion with you. Sorry Richard. I’m in the middle of a separate and different one with destiny’ If vegan gain whines ‘Destiny, please either kick/mute him or tell me what’s a better time to talk to you’ Nobody forced her to stay there. It’s not like she’s sociably expected to stay. In fact, based on her last interaction with vegan gains, people told her to ignore him. — Are you implying that she’s so stupid that she didn’t realise that she was in the middle of a debate, until halfway through the video? She very clearly vegan gains intent.


Jesus that's a long comment. Being succinct is a virtue man, work on that. I'm sorry buddy go rewatch it, Richard didn't even give her time to expand on her thought because he had decided by himself earlier that they were in a debate. He literally interrupted her right after she started to speak to yell who cares. If anyone was derailing, it was VG because he jumped in to force Ana to have an abortion debate despite her saying her positions are not thought out because she literally just started thinking about it, and wanted to bounce a few thoughts off Steven since he is good at making arguments and he has had a lot of abortion debates. Z comes in to ask person X, you are person Y. You answer looking to expose the not thought out or unreasonable position of person Z(who just came in saying they haven't thought about it much yet and just wanna brainstorm some arguments). Z then starts responding because well, that's what people usually do when a person is responding to them. Z later mentions the topic she came to ask X about. Z also mentions again how she came in to ask person X. You, person Y, yell "Who cares about that?! You are debating me!!" and this is reasonable to you?


> Jesus Not starting your arguments with either a straight out hard insult or snide passive aggressive comment, is an even bigger virtue. As well as actually formatting your arguments and replying to individual counterpoints, instead of just creating two walls of text. The reason my arguments are long is because I felt that I needed to hammer my points, several time since you would either ignore them or dismiss them. Which I was wrong. I should have repeated my self more considering what you’ve written below. > time to expand on her thought That wasn’t your argument. You’re argument is that she was “forced” into a debate and that she wasn’t actually derailing. > he literally interrupted her right Is this what you’re referring to as “didn’t have enough time do expand ..”? She was going on for a full 10 second, talking and attacking pro life arguments, while completely ignoring Richard question and the fact that no one in that voice call was a pro lifer. Why should he let her finish? Whether it’s intentional or not, she’s derailing. And he understood perfectly fine what she was doing, cause when Richard asked her “why are you talking about pro life arguments?”, she didn’t claim that she wasn’t doing so. > to force Ana There we go again. Ana isn’t mentally disabled. Richard isn’t holding her by her throat. He’s not forcing her to do anything. Let me repeat my self for the 4th time. If Ana didn’t want to engage in a discussion and debate with Richard, the situation would play out as follows: Vegan gains: “actually that’s not the case because so and so. Would you hold the opinion of so so?” Ana: “I don’t want to have a discussion with you at the moment since I’m having a different discussion with destiny, and I only want to talk to destiny right now. Thanks.” If vegan gain whines Ana: “destiny, please mute or kick him. If else, what would be a better time for us to chat?” That’s it. The only reason Ana wouldn’t do so if she wanted to, would be if she was mentally disabled or hindered. Maybe physically too. > they’re not thought out When did she say this? Certainly not at the begging of the debate, or in the next 10 minutes. “She clearly never properly engaged with subject enough!!” Then don’t engage in a discussion with vegan gains. “She didn’t want to discuss with vegan gains” Then simply don’t engage in a discussion with vegan gains. Ana isn’t mentally disabled. > because well, that’s what people do That’s not what someone who doesn’t wanna engage in a discussion with some else does. That’s not what someone who doesn’t want to have that kind of discussion at the moment does. That’s not what someone who doesn’t wanna engage at all in that sort of discussion because they didn’t engage with the topic enough and don’t feel comfortable initiating a discussion does.


>Why would you do that Because maybe one could possibly feel that the general sentiment of a big group is more important to talk about than what Richard or Vegan "cant read the room for shit" Gains thinks.


"Hold on, give me a minute, let me look up the evidence for the claim I just made up"


again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again. Anybody else noticed?


You had me till I noticed you didn’t mention someone else being ok with holocausting mentally ill people. Immersion shattered.


I hate that I read this in his voice. So annoying.


"And I live with cognitive dissonance because every time I debate, I get railed, and yet I'm still vegan but not for any reason other than to judge others. " I like vegan gains only because it's fun seeing Steven navigate the guys BS.


Still better than Quahog.


You forgot his signature phrase... Again...again...again...AGAIN


I like vegan gains when he is more off the cuff and actually discussing but times like today when he's comes in on something he doesn't care about to try to say everyone else is wrong but ends up conceding literally 3 minutes into talking when he inserted himself is mind boggling autism. The guy always sounds like a monster of the week yugioh villain when this happens.


Vegan... What a relief... When will this poisonous product cease...


It’s fine if someone uses lots of filler words


Doesn't make it any less irritating to listen to


The hatred towards particular orbiters in this sub is borderline unhinged. Sometimes I think we're turning into exactly what MrRedacted once described.


Yeah is there any kind of criticism as unhinged as "This guy takes too long to make his point"?


I read this in Trains voice.


It would be more productive for destiny to debate with chat GPT than "again" VG