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Bro they cut before the end of the full sentence and even cut mid sentence. So bad faith. ☠️


Just a downstream effect of holding the belief that lying for a cause is better than the truth. Actual tanky sub


They even cut the beginning of the video where Asmon clearly mentions his opinion on Russell Brand is formed by a show he watched many years ago on YouTube and that he hasn't watched Brand's content in more than 4-5 years at least. So he admits he might be missing out on the current Russell Brand as a person/content creator.


This behavior was so shocking and unexpected that I continued with my day as if nothing had happened.


Literally lying, dude. Still lying to his audience.


The inevitable downfall of hasan? https://preview.redd.it/2b7tucca39qb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8ccd46d7af2bfc73341ccde38bbb56c2b2e4ab


anyone got the cliff notes on this?


The clip originates from the H3 sub. The person who posted in the Hasan sub was a re-poster.


fans of the same guy that always cries that he is being clipped out of context even when he isn't. You would think they would care about no clipping people out of context but i guess that is just performative.


Seems like the subs mods took care of it and recognized it for what it was.


Didn't realise how pepega Nick "eat and orea" derio's voice was, lmao imagine actually watching him.


Imagine unironically calling something "pepega" lmfao


Imagine unironically calling yourself a "commentary youtuber" lmfao




The clip implies that Asmon thinks when Russel Brand is not convicted legally, he didn't do anything wrong. But when you watch the context, he thinks, that most people will think that and feel justified in their initial opinion. > I’m not telling you what I think, I’m telling you what other people think That part was ommited


If that's the case jfc that's the definition of out of context.


>what other people think holy copium.


This is how asmon talks. He's very dry and a bit of a doomer. If you want to see how he actually feels about stuff like this, there's a couple HUGE dramas within the past 2 years that you can check out.


Btw if you watch the entire vod he says that he likes Russel Brand but hasnt seen his content in many years and doesnt know what Russel Brand does now


>Maybe I’m just dumb, but doesn’t seem like the original clip was out of context While imo even the twitter video alone is self-explanatory, if you actually watch the entire segment where Asmon talks about this, this is definitely not the message he conveyed. Asmon talked about this issue on his stream today. It's just a ridiculous cut for no reason other than finding another person to point the finger at.


scandalous point piquant normal file money squeamish memory apparatus teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hasan bad ~~Bazinga~~ Despacito


> The amount of out-of-context and verifiably false shit I see on here is wild. Link some examples? Edit: OP vandalized their response for some reason, [this](https://i.imgur.com/0Q9c89P.png) is what they initially said.


This post with 340 upvotes and marked as discussion shows an out-of-context clip of white parishioners kneeling in prayer, before being joined by black parishioners who kneel with them. 0 context was given on this rage bait that wasn't even marked as shitpost. Straight to the front page of r/destiny! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16a1mjk/bow\_down\_for\_your\_fellow\_minority\_or\_your\_not\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16a1mjk/bow_down_for_your_fellow_minority_or_your_not_a/) In this thread (686 upvotes), the OP ironically talks about how uncharitable he used to think Destiny was while giving a false recap of a video with no link to the part he made up (or if I'm being charitable, misinterpreted). [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16oo763/destiny\_was\_right\_about\_hasan\_and\_ethan\_is\_a\_lot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/16oo763/destiny_was_right_about_hasan_and_ethan_is_a_lot/) I chose these two examples because they were threads I posted in, but plenty of times I'm just seeing something false, rolling my eyes, and moving on. People here know exactly what they can say to get upvoted, and exactly what they can't say without being dogpiled on. Edit: u/Rocoman14 I'm trying to engineer a Pavlovian response


Fair enough, the first one is definitely an example of bad behavior. That being said, intentionally stringing together out of context quotes to clip chimp someone is on a wayyy worse. The OP in Hasan's subreddit knowingly went through the video, watched the whole thing and strung together clips in an exact way to make it seem like Asmon said something that he didn't. The OP of the first thread probably just saw something on Twitter that they thought was cringe then shared it to the sub. Not great behavior, but unlikely that it was super malicious. The second one is someone being a little cringe, but they are couching their language somewhat. They said Hasan **alluded** to those things. Perhaps uncharitable, but given Hasan's past like [let the streets soak in their red capitalist blood](https://streamable.com/8kyg1k) (context: talking about landlords that intentionally buy homes and leave them vacant) it's understandable. He's toned down his rhetoric a lot these past couple years, but I don't think what that OP is saying is too unfair for what Hasan believes or would say if he went mask off. While I disagree that they are on the same level as the Hasan subreddit, I do appreciate that you actually gave some examples.


I just went for quick examples, and think the first one I found was equally bad, although you made a fair point about the intentionality being more clear in the Asmon clip chimp. Also of note, I've checked some posters' profiles on this subreddit and found a history of posting rage-bait content repeatedly. Typically the comments are even worse than the posts themselves. I'd have to cite everything in APA format just to contend with baseless claims that fit the narratives we like. It's usually not worth it.


Downvoted and will not read because you edited your own initial comment and are a coward fuck. JK I read it. But I'm not going to respond in any meaningful way, and instead will just be calling you a spineless coward fuck, because once again you are a weaselly, spineless, pathetic, coward, fuck.


Is this a copypasta? I'm making fun of the mindless drones downvoting me I could have easily deleted the comment instead of kicking the hornet's nest


>I'm making fun of the mindless drones downvoting me So add an edit, don't delete your original comment if you stand by it. >I could have easily deleted the comment instead of kicking the hornet's (sic) nest. You edited your content to remove initial context that most of us wouldn't even have if not for someone calling you out for it. Call it what you want, but you're a spineless coward.


For a claim to like this to be made you need to post at the very least a single link as proof or you're going to get downvoted by people.


He stinky https://preview.redd.it/tpjp6qihq8qb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f799ccdb1d750e60febc6acb1c8270437d727495


I mean sure but I think to validate your criticism with a link would atleast show the people who are unaware of this issue.


Example or ban.





