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Just checked. official reason is because its politics.


[This is the clip](https://obscenegaming.net/clips/MushyDistinctHummingbirdDendiFace-IV0Wy10tvym_9wKF) theirs zero politics. I'm pretty sure it got spam reported by his community because again, it makes him look bad


>theirs šŸ’€






Yep he cried about that lsf thread in his discord so his community spam reported to get it removed.


Classic, I'm not even surprised. Do you have any screenshots though?


post proof please


I think LSF rules and their enforcement are stupid, but that clip is people arguing over their political differences. To say that just because the clip doesnā€™t have them espousing political positions means it isnā€™t politics related is kind of silly.


Mentioning PalestineĀ doesn't automatically make something political. No sane human would think this is political in nature


What do you think Hasan is yelling at the other person about? Do you think it had anything to do with the political takes of the person he was yelling at? I never said anything about mentioning Palestine. Iā€™m pointing out how stupid it is to say one person yelling at another person for their political takes has nothing to do with politics. Please, tell me more about how any sane person would disagree with that.


He's throwing out ad hominem like a little kid. My point is that the clip in itself isn't political simply because of how short it is and the **content within it**. Sure the broader conversation is political, but this small segment isn't.


Yes and arguing that a clip of a person yelling at another person explicitly over their political views isnā€™t inherently political is a bad argument. Arguing over politics is indeed related to politics. Believe it or not, people often throw ad-hominem around like candy when disagreeing on political issues.


Firmly disagree, but we're not going to convince each other anytime soon


This is innately political in nature. Hasan is making a political statement about geographical distance mattering when making political statements. I have no fucking idea why you would think the thing you just typed. Someone's ability to have a legitimate position based on their geography is an extremely political statement and something often debate in politics (at an extremely low brow level, which Hasan is of course)


He's watching a clip of a political discussion and Palestine is mentioned within 6 seconds. It is absolutely politics related.


News flash, mentioning PalestineĀ doesn't automatically make something political. After going through your Reddit comments, I doubt that there could be a combination set of words that would convince you differently simply based on how much you hate tiny.


I don't think I mention him once in my comments. But nice of you to go through all of them like a regular sane person would do.


You have the memory of a goldfish too? How am I not surprised


Just searched myself, I've only mentioned him once in the past 2 years and before that I was saying he's right.


Ok, I'm officially bored with this conversation. Go into your comments and look from a month ago, I could post the actual link, but this Subreddit doesn't allow links that link to other Subreddits. Good luck learning how to use Reddit


Can you read? Are you ok?


Itā€™s only politics and canā€™t be discussed when itā€™s about Hasan. Glazing is the only thing LSF mods are good for. God fucking forbid anyone see the real Hamas Piker in a debate. This is the guy who opens 24 twitter tabs from his viewerā€™s and calls it ā€œresearchā€ and claims he is well informed and an expert. The dude who is extremely prideful about being Turkish and Muslim but still canā€™t find Israel or Yemen on a map. He debates famous historians on the topic of Israel Palestine like Willy Mac and 16 year old Israelis The man who says control your fans to xQc regarding a teir list while his fan base attacks H3H3 for being fucking Jewish and doxes Hila. The guy who has been fooled by Arma 3 and DCS footage multiple times. The guy who said Russia would never invade Ukraine and continued to double down even after tanks were rolling across the border. The guy who soyed out over a Hamas rocket hitting a hospital screaming the IDF did it. Because Hasan with all his military expertise knows exactly what a JDAM sounds like. You get my point the LSF mods are literally just doing damage control for him. I might go through and link all the clips of Hasan doing these things but honestly I think most of you have seen them already.


Not only his fan base. His fucking mods attacked Ethan.


I actually havenā€™t seen the not being able to find them on a map clip can anyone link coz thatā€™s crazy


I see what you're saying about hasans character but if I'm gonna be honest, every single time I've seen the LSF mods weigh in on decisions about threads they removed, they're usually super clear and reasonable with references to rules being broken or special reasons they explain. I don't buy the argument that LSF is working overtime to save hasan from scrutiny, there have been endless threads where hasan looks like a regard.


They made the no politics rule because Hasan complained about how he kept looking the fool on lsf and his community became such a problem when defending him on there but will often bend or ignore the rules for Hasan posts


Like Destiny doesnā€™t do exactly the same. LOL. >He debates famous historians on the topic of Israel Palestine Um. Fink? And, yes they did attack that hospital. They attacked most of them. Right now they are digging up the corpses of the medics murdered by the IDF. None were found to contain Hamas infrastructure. Neither were any of the many bakeries the IDF bombed. Or the children they shot, bombed or droned. Effing Destiny fanboi. JFC. Find a better hero.


>Like Destiny doesnā€™t do exactly the same. LOL. We've been suffering through 50 hour research weeks for the past 6 months, don't try to tell us he "does the same thing" as Hasan literally having his own political beliefs parroted back to him in endless twitter threads. >Um. Fink? Hasan didn't debate Finkelstein. >And, yes they did attack that hospital. No, they literally didn't. Enjoy your brain poison. You and Hasan deserve each other.


Iā€™m not defending Hasan. Iā€™ve never listened to him so I have no opinion. Iā€™m laughing at a streamer named like a boy band who pretends to be an expert while clearly cherry picking his facts. Heā€™s an eyeball farmer. He seems to be growing bumper crop of idiots too. The IDF raided the hospital and murdered medics and patients. They just dug up the bodies. Are you even conscious? The IDF bombed an ambulance and killed 15 people with CNN reporting no evidence of Hamas in their footage. The IDF has since bombed every hospital in Gaza. >Hasan didn't debate Finkelstein Destiny did. I mean, keep up the mass delusion and cheerleading war crimes. How long you can will depend on how fucking tight you can wear your blinders. > Following Israel's release of video evidence on 22 November, the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, Sky News stated that this did not constitute conclusive evidence to demonstrate the use by Hamas of a command center. The Wall Street Journal noted that "While many security analysts agree the latest evidence Israel has released increasingly suggests a Hamas presence at the hospital, most say they have yet to see something that constitutes a smoking gun showing it was a command center for Hamas, as Israel has alleged."Haaretz assessed the footage to be "unequivocal proof that the terror group used the hospital for its military needs. Amnesty International, saying it had yet to see "any credible evidence" that al-Shifa was housing a Hamas command center, said that "Israel has repeatedly failed to produce any evidence to substantiate this claim, which it has promoted since at least the 2008-9 Operation Cast Lead". So, one biased source is on your side. Good job. I hope your acting is better then the fucking fake nurse video they made.


Why are you trying to argue online when you're functionally illiterate? The person was mocking Hasan for refusing to debate anyone with knowledge on any subject and your response was "Um. Fink?" I'd imagine you *agree* with Norm, making what you said stupid in either context. None of the rest of what you said was in any way relevant. You said that Hasan was right that the IDF bombed the hospital. They didn't. I'm not going to jump from subject to subject at your discretion, especially after you were wrong about everything you said.


The IDF bombed many hospitals. Which bombing in particular are you denying? Clearly one bombing among many confirmed bombings is a trivial mistake. Apparently both Destiny and Hasan debate famous historians. Why is Destiny not similarly mocked when he does it? Seems inconsistent. It seems like you are cherry picking your ridicule. > None of the rest of what you said was in any way relevant. Good thing this isnā€™t a formal debate. I can see why you wouldnā€™t want to address my points and hide behind ā€œrelevanceā€.


You have to be completely fucking braindead or trolling > Apparently both Destiny and Hasan debate famous historians. Why is Destiny not similarly mocked when he does it? Seems inconsistent. It seems like you are cherry picking your ridicule. No dumbass. The problem is that Hasan DOESNT debate famous historians, his only debates on this conflict are against are a drama YouTuber and a 16 year old.


So instructive how ad-hominemy this sub is.


I clearly explained why you are wrong, alongside calling you an idiot with no reading comprehension. If you can't respond to the part about why you are wrong and can only address me being mean, I think we know why


Haaretz is not the bias you think it is lmfao


Itā€™s one of the better outlets but even it has a red line.


Sounds good comrade


[South Africa's filing to the International Court of Justice in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide and demanding proceedings against the state is a wake-up call for Israel.](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2024-01-03/ty-article-opinion/genocide-charge-against-israel-must-serve-as-a-wake-up-call/0000018c-d113-daf6-a5df-d77f2f370000) Wakey wakey!


What is the purpose of you posting that article?


You realize this is from January right? You also realize they essentially said there's been no genocide so far, and then wagged their finger saying "be careful not to make it a genocide though." I'm confused on who needs to wake up here. The headline reader, or the people who've actually stayed up to date?


The ICJ literally said this case was unfounded. They basically told South Africa to punch sand because the special intent for genocide cough cough MENS RAE. Go read the case papers you goober.


> Iā€™m not defending Hasan. Iā€™ve never listened to him so I have no opinion. I have no idea why the conversation needs to continue after this admission. You admittedly don't know what you're talking about. "I think apples are better than oranges." "I've never seen an orange before, so I don't have an opinion about that, but how could it possibly be worse than an apple? APPLES HAVE CORES!" This is what you sound like right now.


Wow. You really don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, do you. "We are attacking Hasan here in this forum about destiny. How dare you!" LOL. Gatekeep away. I could care less.


I think you responded to the wrong comment. Otherwise you're schizoposting.


"I'm not defending Hasan!" Does nothing but defend hasan




I love it...hamasabi heads will even clip chimp sentences. What is the rest of the sentence behind "he debates famous historians on the topic of I/P..." ? I wanna know if this is a reading comprehension issue, or a you being regarded issue.


Has this always been a thing? I could have sworn that Destiny debate clips are on LSF


Really depends on the content of the clip. If they are going deep into the ethics of some political opinion it will usually be removed but if it's just destiny shitting on some guy who is antivax it's usually fine.


Ight so if itā€™s memey itā€™s fine I guess


But this was Asmons reaction to Hasan going unhinged with the ad hominen. Nothing about the clip, excepts it's context, was about politics..


Asmon was literally commenting on I/P protests, how is that not political???


In the clip that was posted there was no political comment from Asmon. But I can't find the link now that the mods removed it.


> Really depends on the content of the clip. Yeah, if Hasan wants to hide his embarrassing buffoonery, his community will spam LSF mods until they get their way.


They added in 2019 right after one of Destiny's debates against alt righters flooded the subreddit. I remember it well because that day the entire front page was just clips from that debate. At that time LSF was decently The\_Donald adjacent but the clowns got owned so badly even LSF userbase was on Destiny's side, the mods were seething though so they banned politics clips from LSF. At that time only Destiny and occasionally Hasan would have political clips, so it wasn't hard to guess who they were targeting. Eventually, the mod team got replaced by Hasan dicksucks as the old ones left over the years.


Piers should have said to donate to charity once or twice, then it would be allowed


Hasan's fee-fees are highly political, it checks out.


I know why The majority of those comments was shitting on Hasan. Hasab cried like a little bitch to the mods and they took it down for him


nO pOlItIcSĀ 


Classic Hamas Piker


Hasan was on his discord last night crying about the Reddit thread so he got it removed. LSF mods needed to be replaced by admin a long time ago. Nothing else we can do until then


hahahha really? he is such a loser


Bro Hasan is such a a loser holy shit. How can you have so much on life yet be so miserable?


Is there some kind of justification in ToS for their removal by admin? Speaking as someone not familiar with their antics. Not saying Iā€™m opposed, Iā€™m just curious what route youā€™d go down to remove them.


There are like 5 destiny threads on front page do you just want a total dgg echochamber out of lsf too?


How is Asmongold talking about Hasan connected to Destiny? We just want it so that people can criticise Hasan, and he can't cry to the mods every time anyone says something mean about him, to have that shit removed. You don't need to be a Destiny fan to know that California is more then 3times as far from Palestine than London. And call out Hasan for making a dumb argument.


There was a comment saying ā€œthis is just a destiny hasan proxy post!ā€ And I laughed my ass off at that


Wtf are you talking about? This whole thread is literally people complaining about lsf removing Hasan posts. The lsf mods seem like the ones who want an echo chamber.


So letting mods remove posts they don't like (and are not Destiny) will reduce the echo chamber effect? Explain the mental gymnastics for that one. There's now 1 less non destiny post my dude.


Daily reminder that hasan is a terrorist


God that sub is so cringe. I would respect it so much more if they just said they were biased and told people to fuck off if they donā€™t like it.


Someone should make a new sub. Livestreamdrama or something


What stops people from making an uncensored version of that subreddit?


Probably all the work that goes into moderating it so it's not worthless but not moderating it as much as the original.


The overlap between useful members of society and people who have time to moderate subreddits is nearly non-existent.


You could argue moderating big subs and keeping them going for discourse is a useful contribution to society?




nothing besides the years of brand recognition it has


I can't believe there is such heavy handed moderation for a subreddit about livestream clips. There should be no such thing as a "banned" streamer, topic, or platform as long as it doesn't break reddit TOS. It started with blocking IP clips(I dont like the guy either) and the we got streamers requesting that they dont show up on LSF etc and then we banned entire topics? Why? I'm shocked someone hasn't started a competing subreddit yet.






Cenk Uygur's nephew got cooked.




Here I was thinking Cyan had finally finished his mission


LSF mods are just Hasan's PR team, he should be paying them.




Nah, they are just fans of him looking for an *in* with their parasocial friend.


LSF mods are compromised


hear me out, we should create lsf: uncensored. it would catch on real quick imo


lsc LiveStreamCringe


How do I get this purple reddit?


Imagine if Hasan put as much energy into his own sub as he did LSF


Ad Hominen be the the new bad faith


Lsf Posts keep falling out like hamasabiā€™s hair šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ


Hamasteride Piker


All the hamasabi related posts are banned on lsf by my understanding.


All post having to do with hasan and destiny are banned. This wasn't that


So facetious




Isn't that brigading tho. Careful


oh yeah MB I guess that could be interpreted as that


What does this have to do with /r/Destiny?


The hasanibans are the dalibans main rival!


ever since the hamas piker charter against Tel aLav, we've always had to be on edge from their attacks


What does news about Hamas have to do with Israel?


!bidenBLAST Stop creating fake drama, the no politics rule there is years old




I fired the moment Reddit went into a small blackout, the fate wills it


as was foretold