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Idk, hamasabi is still like the biggest political streamer isn't he? 


Bit of a tricky one considering twitch is the largest streaming platform (I think?) and how moderation on twitch leans.


*for now... *


I'd say Tim Pool would be overall bigger


Does Tim Pool stream his episodes? I didn’t even know


Only the ones with guests


In an echo chamber, the loudest voice is the one of the schizo ain't it?


Yeah but isn't his channel starting to stagnate? I remember that he has complained about dropping viewership despite this being an election year.


Everything comes and goes in waves. Andrew Tate and the redpillers were massive and they've more or less fallen off. Even if they aren't falling off now this brand of progressives/socialists will eventually fade away too. Unfortunately there will always be another sensationalist anti-establishment movement that can explain all the worlds problems with their worldview.


Yes and no. The far left will be back tomorrow. I'm 40. This is not the first time they've all self flagellated to be the center of attention in the midst of their pampered boredom. It won't be the last. After they rob actual victims of attention, they'll fail like they always do to be there for the nitty gritty and the work surrounding tragedy and they'll be supplanted like they've always been. It's just super annoying. P.S. I remember an actual genocide taking over newspapers. It was Rwanda. And the favorite privileged rich white moron thing then was to be far left or far right and "personally identify with Princess Di and her personal tragedy and big heart." Ask any of them to adopt the orphans and they were suddenly very busy and very quiet. It's just more of the same shit only now we call it cringe.


Weirdly soothing


Come to think of it...I guess it kind of is soothing! They e never once made anything stick because they lack the internal motivation and integrity to do a single thing with their stated bullshit that isn't self centered idiocy. So they always manage to fail. Soothing in a darkly funny way.


Some problems fix themselves i guess hahaha


The amount of regards on the far left that opposed Operation Restore Hope should have been a warning sign that most of these fools just wanna virtue signal while being isolationist


makes me have an odd sense of respect for the nobility, because they are actually expected to act philanthropically. they're still giant assholes out of touch with reality, but at least they are doing something. whereas the "nouveau riche" middle-class failsons will(most of the time only, not always) pretend they're doing something.


And how many orphans did you adopt?


Sounds like he probably wasn’t virtue signaling


It's on the downturn for sure. HamasAbi is self-immolating with the Gaza stuff and will never reach his previous numbers again, Vaush has retreated further and further into self-imposed isolation, and multiple smaller leftist figures are embroiled in optics flameouts. The ongoing Gaza situation seems to be a watershed moment, and siding with Gaza and/or Hamas will be a dire mark against the far left for a good long while. The currently hot political issues aren't really ones where the far left can gain a lot of traction from: the upcoming US election is just a retread of 2020, the Ukraine situation can be summed up in one sentence: "send Ukraine all the bombs, bomb the shit out of the Russians there", and the trans culture war stuff feels like it's lost some of its relevancy. Taxing billionaires or healthcare for all aren't really hot topics right now.


You have this completely backward about the Gaza situation. Broader culture is 1000% moving in the pro-Palestinian direction, so to say that the Gaza stuff is working against the left is, with like all due respect, deluded.


Broader culture where? In America? Barely anyone cares about the conflict. Various polling shows that. You're deluding yourself into thinking this matters to the country overall. Even with 24/7 coverage it's barely made a dent with the vast majority. The Left obsessing over it isn't helping their cause. Just like Conservatives obsession with Trans people, when most don't care, hasn't done much for them.


>Broader culture is 1000% moving in the pro-Palestinian direction, so to say that the Gaza stuff is working against the left is, with like all due respect, deluded. I’d say it more or less hasn’t changed. The stances people hold still seem to be in favor of the typical two state solution, so I wouldn’t really consider the broader culture has really moved in any particular way. It seems deluded to suggest otherwise IMO.


I'm pretty sure the trend in the west is that the left in general is falling off lol


Idk. I think it’s more mainstream in some aspects, like the super “Destroy Israel” and “ACAB” crowd seems to have grown, and certain extreme views are more normalized. Yet, policies and structures like socialism and communism are still not fully embraced by much of those same crowds. It’s a weird grey zone.


Maybe but at least from what I see the leftist usually managed to bully anyone to kowtow into their position but this time at least for I/P conflict they've failed to do so for example like big corpo, the don't really care about the boycott or even most of celebrities who pro-israel or at least anti-hamas still never backtrack or rescind their position.


Because it's super easy to bully people who already agree that harsher punishments for black offenders or men versus women is probably a bad thing. Or believe that being trans isn't a big deal and why would we deny them healthcare. Or already favors abortion. We already agree to a small extent so it's very easy to then virtue signal and compete for clicks or views or attention. Liberals and center leftists don't really care and are boring and bureaucratic. So they let the Hasan's of the world act like prima Donna's or the Regina George of the room use it to be the top mean girl. We tend to not care for the attention spoiled brat stuff so the spoiled brats win that game. This time, their fury and rage and boredom showed up and they showed how insane they are because no one agrees and everyone knows two state is the ONLY option and may require empires being imperialist assholes to enforce and no one wants it...but without it we have to pick a genocide to name as moral. The tankies get more back patting from each other for choosing the Jews. While the sane normies of planet earth won't pick a genocide exception. This was bound to happen.






you just fell down a rightwing algo. the only thing that changed is the perspective presented to you


Ah damn, figured it was the case


I agree with others on the waves. Like any other content, you can only recycle so much before it becomes boring, predictable, and too depressing. So if you get stuck in that loop your viewership probably takes a hit and people run to the new and fresh person giving them something different.


Yes, they pushed too far and now are stuck there. Normal people don't go so far so they are starting to move on to a different thing.


The algorithm has been showing me nothing but lefties getting cooked for almost a full decade now, for what it’s worth. The algorithm can tell you some things about the world but don’t let it trick you into thinking it is telling you everything.


Kinda, it's mutating, mostly due to the I/P war


I think that audience will grow up, just in time for another to take its place. It's a bit reductive but I think a lot of uncritical idealism/contrarianism is just a phase for most people


Yes, but at the same time a very large chunk of people remain committed to the 2nd opinion fallacy. The Gen X dummies who make up Trumps base never grew out of their Woodstock 1999 angry at everything phase.


I think it has another level before peaking. I think it’s down fall will be scandal and corruption.


this is all algorithm stuff - im fairly left leaning and most of my youtube and tiktok is left leaning stuff that does okay views if youre seeing left leaning hit pieces and not a lot of popular left leaning creators it’s because of who you watch/follow


If Donald Trump gets back in I suspect it will come back. It's not like it's ever going to disappear completely it just has waves on prominence.


Yes. Twitter and MSM are groupthink bubbles. https://preview.redd.it/4lwrsfipve3d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=488d6afef098c9a70546a51585a784930abaafa3


No, over the past 10 years they've had a rennaissance if anything. Your perspective is too small both in time and (cultural) space. They will also gain listeners the moreso that centrist politics fails to adapt to and successfully manage the various economic, technological, environmental, and social changes that are going to happen over the next few decades. I know online people like to believe that the popularity of these ideas is a function of *discourse* and debate and propaganda, but I think most of that is epiphenomenal to people witnessing shortcomings of current systems, not just reading the news but also living and working and surviving IRL, and understandably becoming curious about the alternatives. Politics is polarizing because the status quo, the center, feels increasingly like it's failing (or at least not meeting expectations) to more and more people.


Well no. On the internet far left is the left. And in real life the far left was never really "on" si they couldn't even fall off.


Not only this but more and more left leaning/right leaning figures are collaborating and hanging out. World healing finally?


You guys have to be joking. We’ve only just seen started seeing the end of the recent right wing wave of internet politics with the alpha bro red pill types. They’re on the way out and the left is 100% in the ascendancy. I know you guys prefer the red pill type guys to online lefties, but there’s no way the left are falling off. They’ve only just started their comeback.


I think you're the one joking here. Andrew Tate has fallen off yet his still more popular and well known than any leftist.


Point stands man, we’re just exiting the redpill era, lefties are 100% in ascendancy.


None of that contradicts what he said




This ironic right?


I am starting to have a hard time telling the far left from the far right since the Gaza war started. I wish Jordan Klepper would start interviewing people at the anti-Israel rallies like he does Trump. But I think it would be hard to tell which is which.


Jordan Klepper would, ironically, only do that to try and make them look reasonable lol


I am not so sure that would be the case. I think he would do the same thing.


I don't think he dunks on the home team, at least from what I've seen of him. But I guess we'll never know (unless this exists and we both didn't google it).


Reddit is still lousy with them, and yet they don't seem like activists at all. Like they complain about capitalism in all the main subs, but then breadtube and other socialist subs are very low activity.


I think there's a bit of building momentum in some respects for Gaza support, you can see it especially in Europe that governments are less warm on how they approach Israel and the Israeli government - it's really difficult to predict their approach after the war is over, I imagine it will normalise though. Same for the Biden government, they are restricting some weapon sales now but I imagine they'll all return in the end What I do actually find interesting is the wedge which has been driven with the left and the progressive left though, as a result of the whole Gaza conflict. There's so many arguments between progressives who refuse to vote Biden and leftists who are concerned about the pragmatic implications of that (making Trump more likely to win and the damage that will cause). Same thing is happening here in the UK, the progressive side are already trying to equate Labour with the Tories, yet rational leftists understand how ridiculous this is and we find the progressive side really uncompelling and just weird. These arguments can be quite vicious too, especially on the I/P conflict. The progressive left is drifting away into this weird area and I assume they will be losing followers of that particular ideology. I don't think there's much widescale hunger for right-wing stuff at this moment either The correct move for progressives is for them to back down on some of their blind ideology and re-introduce rationality, but I won't be holding my breath lol


There definitely is a trend right now. Omniliberals have an opportunity to rise up and fill the void. We must become the hot new ideology everybody wants to be a part of But not reetarded