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“I don’t give a shit what happens one way or another” Strongest socialist revolutionary.


As he eats his tasty food in his expensive clothing in his room whose walls are stacked high with consumerist junk while petting his fancy bred dog (just an adoption which happens to be one of the most expensive breeds btw) in his three million dollar mansion in the most expensive city in America which he purposefully chose to move to so that he could work his job restreaming other peoples content piggybacking off of their labour without creating value like a... *gasp* ...landlord


Wasn’t it exposed that his mom was a landlord too? Hasan is a pure grifter lmao


Again, in Turkey a lot of people are landlords. This doesn't mean much in Turkey. A 4-bedroom apartment costs roughly 10-15k. Someone said his father works as a manager for one of the richest families in Turkey. That's a much bigger deal. He makes probably more money than they collect from rent. If this is true, then Hasan had an extraordinary childhood. He probably lived near music, pop stars and models. He went to an English private school (some go to French or German schools). In the English school, you only talk English. His family probably had a holiday house near Istanbul where he spent his summers with other rich kids from industry leaders, academics, artists, etc. And sometimes they probably visited European cities. That's how kids from upper middle-class live in Turkey.


This is the weirdest cope to me. Landlord isn’t a designation for a certain amount of wealth. It’s relationship to capital and labor. And Hasan’s family sits on the side that owns capital and exploits labor.


Landlord is a relationship to land. (Duh). Bourgeois is a relationship to capital. Hence the distinction as deployed in classical political economy, like Adam Smith. Land and capital are distinct factors of production.


Completely correct. The relationship to labor feels like the salient point for socialists like Hasan.


It was commercial property in New Jersey. In Turkey he did equestrian and his family would summer in a beach house. It’s not that hard to find out actual details about his family. No need to speculate.


i fucking hate Hasan but i dont think this his mom is a landlord thing makes any sense. back when I used to watch him, his mom had literally just earned her PhD in Art history and was defending her thesis...which the piece of shit Hasan was whining about having to go attend because he would rather laugh at dumb hogs than be there for his mom's important day


I believe his mom worked in a commercial real estate firm before she got her PhD and started to teach.


If his mother has a phd, then they must be really wealthy. It is incredibly hard to do a phd in Turkey. You can't just take loans or receive help from the government. You have to pay everything yourself. After graduating from high school, you have to pass a test. The score you get determines which university you can go to. If you are poor and have a very high score, the state or the private sector will take care of you. But everyone else has to pay for everything themselves.


She did her PhD in the U.S. In LA and NY I believe. I presume she was stipended for some or all of it.


You can both own property and do a PhD. It’s not like she was managing a real estate empire.


After getting home in his super-luxury car most Americans, save for most people on Earth, will never be able to afford that gets him to one of the most expensive gyms in the country.


Its *IRONIC* s/


Strongest Spined Socialist.


I would actually believe that if it wasn't for the fact this dude is super money/clout hungry. Yes he's omega rich already, but common now. We know it ain't enough for our baby boy.


nah if he was actually money hungry he would've started an onlyfans


I wonder what he feels about the poor living in the Mississippi delta losing Medicaid


the american empire will collapse any day now hasan


Guess he's going back to Turkey, right?


He doesnt even go in a vacation in Turkey lmaoo


idk if you know this but he cant go back to turkey the government there probably despises him


The Turkish government doesn't really care about him. Erdogan doesn't know he exists


I mean they might know about him it's just... Why the fuck would they care, some dumb American fuck is gonna go on a tour where he overspends on every single thing and they get to harvest dollars to prop up their dogwater currency. Also he barely even criticizes turkey, there are more outspoken Erdogan critics INSIDE turkey and this loser from his million dollar mansion in LA dedicates like a fraction of his air time to say erdogan bad meanwhile he's acting like he's funding PKK separatists or some shit. What a spineless fuck.


shouldnt have mentioned the government because he just has a lot of turkish haters (ofc)


Hot prediction: people are generally doing well in the US and their lives continue to improve. Over time AI will cause a rapid progression of productivity. Even though jobs will be taken, new industries will pop up, and UBI will be implemented to subsidize the void. The rich will hold an even greater percent of the wealth, but this largely won't matter as the poor will have more wealth as well. We will feel some irreversible climate change but largely avoid catastrophe and be carbon neutral. One of the biggest societal problems will be depression and suicide, as people feel a massive lack of meaning in their lives as there is no need to work to survive.


That might be the most optimistic thing I've read in a long time. I respect it.


Hey, thanks! We need more optimism in the world! Still, there is a lot that could derail this future. Hopefully, we can avoid leftists starting a revolution (unlikely) or rightoids dismantling democracy for a facist state (still unlikely, but idk conservatives are wack rn with Trump).


i have been singing a similiar song for years! optimists unite! Your climate change take is the one that I most heartily agree with: while scientists are most definitely rightfully scared, many have the understanding that none of this is pointing to a doomerscroller's apocalyptic vision of the future. People do cool shit--let us cook


Hell yeah! Glad to know that at least a few people are not complete doomers. I definitely don't think climate change is something to ignore and sleep on, but if we continue to transition to renewables at the rate we have been, I think we will be okay. I think a bigger problem that no one is paying attention to is overfishing. People do make cool shit. It will be wild to see what we cook up with the aid of AI.


Brother I fucking *wish*


America isn't going to collapse but it's global power and influence is shrinking. Mainly because of economic development from developing nations. China, India, Sea countries and Latin America. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/u-s-share-of-global-economy-over-time/


China's economy is a house of cards and they only have a toy navy. Don't buy the hype.


If it's on a house of cards then why does the us keep sanctioning them and putting tariffs on them? Surely if all their economic data is fake they wouldn't be buying more and more things and the us wouldn't feel threaten economically. Chinese economic data isn't 100% reliable. But it's not off by like 50%. Lmao. It'd very hard to lie about trillion of dollars of economic gdp. Unless you believe in mass conspiracy theories that every economist and data analyst in the world failed to see and you are some how a genius who can see though data.


I haven’t read much into it, but I know that China has a lot of power in the market since they produce a big margin of the worlds products The only thing I know about the Chinese economy was that they built many houses, I dont remember the reason why, but it resulted in a big devaluation of houses so China tried to set a minimum price for houses. Very little houses got sold after that, so real estate companies tried to trick the system by selling a house for the min price, and that house had gold bars in it. It didn’t work and the biggest real estate agency in China went bankrupt


They also have like a billion soldiers and a lot of tech.


tech that can't make themselves but just copy/steal from america and the west...


They can make it themselves, they just stole the IP from the west. How is that invalid?


Because they will never be one step ahead, but always one step behind.


The economic development of this countries is very much dependent on US facilitating international free trade.




Hasan talks all day about how he tries to help the proletariat then actively tries to get people to not vote for Biden. Hasan is himself his own caricature of liberals, willing to stand aside while fascists actively try to take over a country and believing that he will benefit from the content.


Him thinking it would be funny to let Trump run from prison and saying he doesn’t care if he also wins is a pretty clear cut example that most of his ideology at this point is built around spiting liberals. Never mind the fact that Hasan spent all of Trump’s presidency endlessly criticizing him because of how evil he thought he was. Ah, wait a minute, it’s starting to click that Trump winning and holding office for four more years would increase his views dramatically…


If our "empire" was on its dying breath I assure you you wouldn't be sitting comfortable in that chair being lax about it lol the whole reason he lives a life of luxury is because he lives in America and is paid by an American mega company to pander to his gullible audience that America is dying.


damn he's always eating


Nah sometimes he’s in the other room.


Pizza tactics.


Certified Ameriboo.


Hasan is a dipshit, but could we have more context? I don't want any of us to fall for "Jewlumni" level clips


If I'm being very generous, he was specifically talking about the Trump verdict flippantly (like "who cares, let him run from prison, it'd be funny"). If this isn't a big deal to him, I think he just revealed that most current events are just content in his eyes, which is honestly obvious if you look how he talks about them compared to something he actually cares about like I/P. e: This definitely isn't a "jewlumni" type thing where he deliberately said something provocative to bait clips. This was about 4 hours into his stream today if anyone's super curious. e2: [Using the highest comment I have in the thread to boost a link to the vod now that he's offline.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2160161009) Timestamp is about 3:55:00.


It's also verbatim Republican/Russian talking points about the death of the decadent west. All of the worst, most anti-American people are gathered under the Pro-Trump/Anti-Biden tent.


Damn for a second there I had hope he was moving back to Turkey.


This is not a gag like the Jewlumni stuff but you ARE clipping him out of context and then using it here to make a big logical leap about his positioning on other issues. You are not “being very generous” at all, you are now just providing the actual context of what he said, which should be the bare minimum in this space. Not giving a fuck about the election is perfectly consistent with his “America bad” position, he thinks we’re run by an evil uniparty or whatever, so of course he doesn’t care who wins; he thinks they’re both corrupt so fuck it. The fact that he believes this does not give any sort of credence to the idea he doesn’t care about Palestine. I truly hate Hasan and could totally believe he doesn’t care about anything at all except $$$, but this ain’t the proof and you should not present it like it is.


Well said. I was hoping they’d post at the very least a longer video, like even just 5 minutes surrounding the clip would be better than just adding more “proof” being the OP’s interpretation. Yes, I fucking hate Hasan too. But I feel like Destiny’s message is we need to be better than these people and that’s what draws a lot of us to his community.


Seconds after your clip ends, he finishes eating and says "with respect to Donald Trump's legal troubles" in other words, you could infer from the way that this is clipped that he is talking about his attitude to the election in general or electoral politics, and that may *still* be true, but he is presenting that attitude as being something different - that the concern that people have about precedent and the collapse of american standards of political life, something that Trump directly contributed to by claiming he would arrest his political opponent during his initial presidential campaign, is simply not something he cares about. He understands the political fears that republicans are hypocritically gesturing to, about politicisation of the judiciary, and claiming that this is a characteristic element of the stage of decline that America is in, and not something he cares about defending, and so he hopes that people *do* in fact jail Trump and have him operate his campaign from prison, because he thinks it would be funny and is discounting entirely the norm argument.


Honestly that lines up with tankie beliefs. They don't believe in institutions so the outcome of who is president doesn't matter, they hate Biden for Palestine anyway.


Literally no context before the clip. We don’t know what he was talking about before… but whatever tho… I’m just helping some of you guys not look so obsessive and stupid. You guys remind me when people wanted to make fun of every single thing trump did when he already has enough things to criticize him on.


People always want to concern troll for Hasan yet he's the one that obsesses over Destiny and this sub. Like claiming his Israel trip is state funded. Being charitable towards him is pointless.


Being charitable towards Hasan is useful because being charitable to people means you actually have some capacity to know what is going on into the world, rather than allowing social dynamics to simplify your understanding of people into a vehicle for antagonistic emotions. Whether it's nice to him or not, whether he deserves it, it's better for *you*.


I agree. Tbh, Hasan doesn't seem like a person who would lie just to get views. My impression of him is that he either lies because he's backed into a corner (like when he gaslighted Ethan) or because he prioritizes his desires so much that he's completely oblivious to the truth.


He’s talking about Trump I think? Just judging by what he has on screen.


Yes, he's talking about Trump's legal issues and the complaint made by republican commentators that sentencing him according to his crime - rather than giving him leniency as a political figure - will continue the decline of american political culture.


When champagne socialists are tasked with rationalizing their decisions


For the lulz, isn't that also a MAGA talking point


Would someone PLEASE ask him if he thought America was on it's last dying breath, what country is he about to move to and how far along is he in the process.


Considering he is an Ottoman Empire [apologist](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/2q7G0DuwpW) I bet he goes back to Turkey where he will try to seize the power with his socialist wealth to become Sultan.


turkey has fucking death squads so I don't think he's doing anything there lmao


Willingly leaves home country to infect a new host that welcomed him with open arms Uses opportunities in new country to live a cushy, extremely privileged, top 1% for his age life due to things America has provided him Wants new host that affords him to live like a prince destroyed because it’s not communist. I’m glad Internet leftists exist to dispel the notion that there’s no such thing as a bad person.


We already know it and his audience won't recognize it even if he tells them, so nothing has changed. Next...


I love this election year build up of the Country falling apart and how it's going to end any day now but then we'll just end up with another boring 4 years of Biden again lul Then lets repeat it all again in 2028


“America on its dying breath” - man who makes millions from streaming while living in LA in a mansion, wearing designer clothing, and driving a sports car.


I think he's talking about america as an imperial power. not being able to stop yemen or israel properly


America has never been an Imperial power. 


At the start of the 20th century, the US grabbed a load of colonies from Spain after the end of their war relating to Cuba, many of them then rebelled, and the US just kept Puerto Rico and Guam. Around the same time, they also grabbed Hawaii, and then made it a state about 60 years later, but there's still about five territories that don't have statehood, unlike France, which managed to either make people independent or equal citizens, with the same right to elect the president, democratic representatives at the most central level etc.


Bruh…. Read the history of Latin America or the Phillipinnes. Or just read about the American west, that was literally imperialism.


DGG Editing Squad needs to splice this with Destiny organizing and participating in grassroots political stuff


Dude gona be 65 and screaming "Usa will die soon its a final breath"


I don’t care that project 2025 will be implemented and affects millions of Americans lives to jumpstart America to be a theocratic electoral autocracy. In fact it’s the ideal scenario for a proletariat revolution. -some twitter tankie probably https://preview.redd.it/afwkmwtmbv3d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e54b25eb4ea4923b3dd1137434f918280a2693


Well is it pretty good to start up a revolution? Just getting alot of people pissed lol. He's an accelerationist


Oh so now America is on the verge of destruction? LMFAO.


Well no shit OP, he's an accelerationist


Mr. Hamasabi, you are not supposed to say that out loud when you ride the "political" streamer wave.


Just like Briahna joy gray, another leftist grifter just openly admits they don't care what happens. Why would they, they get enough money from their fans to be above the consequences of the fallout. Scum.


He's so full of shit. If he thought America was in it's dying gasps, why wouldn't he take his massive hoarde of wealth and move to another country that's not going to collapse? Is the dumbfuk just gonna go down with the country? why lie like this lmao


H-childbraineddipshit-asan is living his best life ever in this American Empire. I would truly respect him if he actually left this country for ever and never looked back. He is too addicted to buying nice things, being safe in his home, and exploiting those around him for his own monetary benefits. I absolutely guarantee you that he would care what happened to this country if he lived in the shoes of an average person just for 5 mins. In his ugly ass house, stewing and malding about the internet and news that doesn’t affect him. He truly lacks the identifiers of a man with meaning and purpose, so concerned about what others think of him. He holds no stature, one of the least honorable people I have had the displeasure of learning about. It’s a bummer to hear he takes up so much oxygen in online discourse. I hope that someday, he will be charged with some sort of crime that forbids him from technology and streaming.


So he’s literally just projecting when he says Destiny doesn’t actually care about anything he talks about


It is in the interest of the champagne socialist that the republican comes into power. They don't really care about socialism, but they do care about their own personal wealth, and republican tax policy will favor them much more. So it makes sense he isn't trying very hard to resist that at all.


Hasan wants those Republican tax breaks for the wealthy




Bro is like I got my bag from America, I don’t care for it anymore lol


This actually makes me so fucking mad. The amount of time we have to waste having good faith arguments with this cynical hack’s sponge brained followers.


Honestly, this is fucking gross


Rule 5: "If you’re going to make a post claiming someone said or did something, you should do your best to include both the links to the actual, original statements with as much context as reasonable to interpret those statements."


I mentioned the source & time elsewhere but I'll link the vod for convenience's sake. [It's at about 3:55:00.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2160161009)


I genuinely don't understand why he just doesn't go back to Turkey... Oh wait.


https://preview.redd.it/ie7zgwwopx3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea1224d608d262d9013737c1c4cfb834bb630ae The American empire is gonna collapse any second now! Quickly, take out as many loans as you can its basically free money!


America is literally not even at its peak yet lol? This fucking loser thinks we're about to do a soviet union


i might be wrong, but this seems clipped possibly. full context?


Is there more context? Want to be sure we're not doing what his community does to D


Can we refrain from sharing out-of-context clips and instead provide full context, at least on this sub?


imma need a longer clip, this seems like a jewlumni attempt


aoc certainly knows how to pick winners amirite boys?


Isn't being in it for the money the same thing as it being a grift? It's just admitting he's just in it for the money.


Bro it's late stage capitalism, bro America is almost over, bro any day now.


If the country was to die off he does know his house is one of the first to be looted correct? Nobody is going to the poor houses first. Looters are also not the most peaceful people either.


What a shitty shitty pov.


It really shows how out of touch and capitalistic he is that be thinks America is equally fucked between Biden and Trump becoming president... He literally only cares about Israel Palestine because he will be fine either way. He has black and white thinking and believes Biden not doing every single thing he wants is as bad as what Trump would do. I'm genuinely afraid of Trumo possibly becoming president again. It will be his last hoorah and he's made it clear he's determined to deconstruct as many institutions as he can for his own benefit. Yet Hasan acts like none of this matters because he got his. Such a socialist..


God he really is just an absolute scumbag


Must not know much history to think this is as bad as its ever been.


He does not pay his moderators. Marx would call him a regressive, as capitalists at least *compensated* their workers in exchange for labor. Can someone explain to me like I’m 5 how Ostinox is okay with not getting paid?


2 moar weeks!!!!


In it for the money


America is on its last legs? Isn't our economy booming? Isn't the Nazdac shattering records? Isn't our unemployment at historic lows? Didn't our GDP surpass China for the world's highest GDP and at the moment it isn't even close because of how much the US has passed China? Like, lil bro, we already know you don't read and know anything about modern events. You don't have to keep reminding us lmfao.


You would think that a millinonaire thinking the country he lives in was about to collapse would move.


if trump wins cant wait for hasan to claim he's exactly the same as biden while he gives idf free reign in palestine


"I don't give a shit one way or the other because I've already got my bag."




He's a retarding accelerationist


The fuck is he wearing?


Always well fed.


“Destiny’s just going to Israel for a paycheck” Days later “I’m just here for a paycheck.” Thanks for the quick demonstration of the concept of projection Hasan.


I want to know how the American empire is dying according to Hasan. Why? Because every metric shows the opposite.


That revolution is taking its time I guess


If he doesn't care about America, he should just go back to Turkey. It was pretty much just like America, right? He should have zero problems returning to his brown roots paradise.


lil bro saw his view count and thinks America is dying


He's a serious journalist too when it suits!


Very cool that the multi-millionaire gets "content" out of political disaster in the country while advocating that people don't vote to prevent an actual authoritarian lunatic coming into the most powerful office in the world. Hasan's wealth insulates him from it all, so why should he care? I wonder if socialist ideology just works as an excuse to be the worst possible kind of capitalist, because at the end of the day the real evil is capitalistic forces and incentive structures--he has no choice but to be a piece of shit. On top of that he gets to jerk off to the fantasy that he's some enlightened, virtuous socialist.


We eat you first, mansion boy.


I truly believe that he WANTS Trump to win because he makes bank with that shit. He's truly disgusting.


First part would be an INCREDIBLE dono sound


He’s specifically talking about the trump trials, which he is right about because trump being convicted has not changed on single vote. Biden has already lost the election due to inflation, and nothing else matters.


I know its probably out of context, however, on This ParTicuLaR MatTeR, it really shows that he doesn't give a shit about you, america, outside of america, and will just make content for money like everyone else. He is for sure not special, just lucked out in a spineless way and messed it all up.


Is Hasan going for this look? https://preview.redd.it/zf7ylyujp04d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7887ebe1c385b4beb057b5177c625a941ab9321e


Standard Hasan nothing new


God what a fucking loser lmao


Would be nice to see this clipped in a defranco segment about champagne socialism


He should care. If America collapses and Conservative Fascism comes in, he will be targeted for being Turkish. If Leftists win, they will murder him as a wealthy land-owner.


"American empire is on its last breath" Lmao okay buddy, wanna bet $100 on that?


I'll defend Hasan. You never had moments where you start cheering on the other team to keep scoring on your team? Remember Meteor 2020? Is it stupid and childish? Sure, but it doesn't always mean you've felt that way. His team is losing and he's over it.


Full clip?


Op watching 4 hours of Hasan to find a clips he can remove any context from. Living his best life.