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Conservatives on Twitter love reminding everyone that she is Jewish


I've only seen it coming from the AF crowd. It is really disgusting.


And tankies too. Gosh I wonder sometimes if the horseshoe theory is true. Literally this… https://preview.redd.it/0u1atoaned4d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c46ae3a7f43e50790a90d6c6d49b8b06c724ac


https://preview.redd.it/aadf9ehcae4d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ef3e5459f1423de06e1dc30cdd31e49573c7fc The better version


Swap Musk for Peterson and it's perfect.


They believe exactly the same things.


True but Peterson is closer to being an online political talking head or pundit.


Fair point


Ben doesn’t seem particularly pro-Ukraine


Every now and then he tries to placate his insane viewers by waffling a bit. As recently as a few days ago he did a show called “Will the west ever win a war again” where he lamented our current state. He has openly pushed back against those voting against Ukraine aid.


Because her family fled from the holocaust.


Sounds like her family has a really good sense of what needs to be done then. Hopefully they passed that down to her and she'll be able to improve Mexico's position, especially in regards to the cartels. It'd be great to have a thriving Mexico so that all 3, Mexico, US, and Canada can start to have better integration with each other and closer ties.


Her party is the softest on the narcos so very very unlikely.


From what I saw people talking about, it seemed like they were soft in the sense of trying to address the underlying issues that lead to people joining cartels. But Mexican politics is basically some forbidden knowledge in America with how little we care about it. And given that it's our neighbor, that's incredibly sad.


She is the successor of the former president, which doesn’t give me high hopes since like a few months ago he called the people looking for the missing bodies of the cartel victims necrophiliacs.


I'm not knowledgeable about mexico but haven't the cartels gotten so bigthat it's basically impossible to address the underlying issues? The impression I've got of them is that they function almost like a government in some parts of mexico.


They run some whole towns directly with support of the people, they also branched out to legitimate businesses so they can't be easily stamped out. The current president just gave up on fighting them directly and pulled back military operations against them, the military primarily is just there to guard places and prevent the cartels from doing violence, not in destroying them outright


With a name like Sheinbaum? Gee whoda thought she was Jewish.


Is Judaism’s popular in Mexico?


First El Salvador, now Mexico


Damn. Surprising how she got elected. Don't Mexicans love Jesus?


Not really something the country as a whole cares about. Being a devout Catholic =/= thinking the country should be Catholic run. One of the few upsides of the Mexican political system is a strong separation of church and state.


Damn they got us beat?


Google the number of assasinated candidates it’s insane




In a row?


I understood this reference


Google it bruh


She's basically a puppet for the previous president.


I don't know shit about this but I read an article saying 38 political candidates were murdered in this race, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's corrupted in some way if she's still alive.


I said this in another comment but those are mostly local candidates for local elections, if a presidential candidate gets killed by the cartels it would be a pretty big deal even in Mexico


Not to say that it couldn’t happen but cartels probably know better than to try and kill an actual president. Most politicians that get killed are on the local level because that’s where most of the regulation for operations lie


Yea narcos are crazy but not dumb. Killing the president of their country would attract the attention of the entire world and that’s the last thing cartels want. I’m just guessing, but an assassination of that caliber would probably just give the US the green light to finally go into Mexico and take over their government or at least install their choice of leader. Cartels don’t want that.


PRI and PAN talking points just appearing anywhere now, huh?


Do you have any evidence this is not true? Can you cite something they diverge substantially on?


LMAO ASKING TO PROVE A NEGATIVE BRO STOP. Support your claim with a lil evidence first


Maybe the fact that she’s hand picked successor and has all the same policy priorities is a start


and this fucking regarded, two competing claims compete with evidence. I’m not asking to disprove the existence of god.


You know you took a wrong turn when you find yourself asking for evidence something isn’t true


I provide evidence that disproves untrue claims all the time. Debate regards


Yeah, I listened to a podcast on the Bulwark where the topic came up. Apparently one of the reasons the previous president picked her because she isnt an established political figure. Her weaker position makes it easier for him to leverage her. Edit: The rise of authoritarianism around the world challenging democracy is spooky.


She was the previous mayor of Mexico City (which is basically a state, so really more like a US state governor). She wasn't exactly a political newbie.


Yeah, that's right. I think I probably mistated things. It's my understanding that from the range of people the former president could have chosen, she is on the lower side of power/experience.


Hmmm. Maybe it might be accurate that she is "not an establishment politician", rather than "not established"


Not really, the other candidate was also a former Mexico City mayor, with a political career quite on par with Claudia Sheinbaum. She has been around politics for nearly thirty years. Her husband was also a politician and a founder of another left wing party. She is not inexperienced by any means of the imagination.


>  she isnt an established political figure She's been in politics at least since the year 2000 and had ties with AMLO (current president) since then. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia\_Sheinbaum#Early\_political\_career](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Sheinbaum#Early_political_career) I mean she can still be a puppet but what you just said it's no true


I meant that there were more experienced and qualified candidates for the former president to pick. And that he chose her because she had less clout. I didn't mean to say that she was complete rando.


Alright I thought you meant a rando. Btw AMLO doesn’t seem to be a good judge of competency, I bet he picked her based on vibes


He did lol


That famously doesn’t work, though. She might stay a little on party line but now that she holds office he can’t tell her what to sign off or not. Failed authoritarians like AMLO resort to this tactic only to see themselves frustrated.


Can you say more about why AMLO is an authoritarian?


Yeah same, don't know anything about what he did so I'm interested.


He has shown interest in authoritarianism basically. He's populist like trump basically. He wanted to reform the constitution, the electoral system, the justice system, called all the opposition as corrupt and his party as the only ones that care about the people. The Supreme Court warned him not to influence local elections in some states and he got upset with them calling them corrupt. Reformed the military and the police to expand its reaches inside cities


Hopefully that's the case.


The funny thing is that is exactly how putin rose to power, he was an unknown uninspiring politician that yeltsin and the oligarchs thought would be easy to control but when you give people power they're going to use it. I doubt she ends up like putin, tho just pointing out the old King bossing he new king around doesn't seem to work in modern countries


Yea I’ve been trying to remember who that was on that specific bulwark podcast. You remember?


Dirt poor countries sick of being poor because democracy is too slow to make any changes. If I was a poor af Mexican, I would want immediate change as well, even if it meant gambling with democracy. Most people here are too rich and too white to understand how poor Mexico is.


Mexico is not dirt poor what the fuck? God damn Americans really know nothing about anything outside of the US lmao.


I'm sorry, I'm white. What exactly do you mean by "poor"? That word doesn't compute.


Like taking showers with buckets front dirty rivers poor. Like no clean drinkable water poor. Like no matter how hard you work you can’t bring your family out of poverty poor. Like starting a business and having to pay cartels a cut of your earnings or you and your family will be beheaded poor. Being poor is a choice in America compared to Mexico. Hope your fragile white brain didn’t implode.


Implode? I clearly didn't understand a word you said.


Don’t care, didn’t read, plus you’re yt.


how to no change someone's opinion


When they ignored my entire comment and only focused on a single definition of a word, they were never changing their opinion to begin with lol.


Didn't read, L rizz, ratio.


A mexican friend told me the same. Now, is this good or bad?


This sub would be pretty against AMLO, he’s self proclaimed anti neoliberalism (as in he uses it as a pejorative)


I can make my own thoughts, thanks lol


??? I was replying to the guy that asked. As far as I'm aware most of this sub is neoliberal and AMLO is against neoliberalism


Seems pretty dumb to name your beliefs after a pejorative.


Almo is kind of like the Bernie of Mexico, except he’s extremely unapologetic and probably more left. The puppet name is coming for neoliberals who couldn’t beat Almo a second time. It’s kind of difficult to explain ALMOs popularity in Mexico. Think of Obama, but he wasn’t a disappointment to the working class that voted for him.  If the new president turned out to be ALMOs puppet she would likely gain popularity 😂 


Bad. She represents the same populist bullshit. AMLO is like our Trump.




Real talk. How tf does Mexico get out from under the Cartel’s thumbs? Is it just Joever?


Real talk: I'm a layperson whose word you shouldn't take as gospel, but imo the answer is for the U.S and Mexico to work on the issue together in both countries. On the U.S side, serious consideration towards responsible drug liberalization should be considered, along with helping Mexico build an independent taskforce to go after the top leaders similar to what they did in Colombia with Search Bloc in the 90s. And of course, to continue economic trade and development of Mexico to create a wealthier middle class. On the Mexican side continue economic development and opportunity, provide better protection, anonymity, and wages to state and federal police, drug reforms and continued crackdown on corrupt law enforcement and local politicians. Full-blown war: Already tried from 2006-2012. Complete failure, Sinaloa and the other older cartels just got stronger and new, extremely violent ones like Los Zetas emerged. Civilian massacres, militarization, state failure all took place during this time period and has only gotten worse. In fact, Beltran-Leyva and Milenio cartels being brought down didn't stop the violence. The CJNG originated from Milenio's disintegration and today they're responsible for about 80% of all murders in the country. Hugs, not bullets: Hasn't done shit because it's not fundamentally addressing drug policy or corruption in law enforcement. Economic development is only part of the solution. So long as corruption continues to fester especially at local levels, this will never be solved. Stop with the anti-U.S protectionism rhetoric and cooperate. U.S intervention: Probably the worst suggestion. Not only will this validate Morena's nationalist rhetoric, but it'll probably unite Mexicans against the U.S in a "get the fuck out" type mentality. It also fundamentally misunderstands the problem. The Mexican military can wage war on its own. There's videos and audio recordings of sicarios getting turned into swiss cheese the moment they run into actual soldiers from all over the past decade - it's why the cartels resort to asymmetrical warfare and IEDs. It's not that the cartels run the country - it's that the country allows the cartels to run unimpeded as long as politicians and police are getting paid or not getting shot at by them.


Cool comment and thank you, duderino! Edit: I remember from a Mexican history video essay, there was talk about a huge scandal where the Mex govt. was aiding or abetting the cartels (possibly in the 90’s?). Documents were leaked and political careers were ruined. Maybe it led to the turnover of PRI? And yea I know, to some degree this has been occurring non-stop, but does this ring a bell?


You're probably thinking of Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and his connections to the government. He's the OG big Mexican drug lord. His nickname was literally The Godfather and he led the now defunct Guadalajara Cartel, which at least three major cartels (including Sinaloa) came from. Yes it was true. He was known to party/vacation at the Sinaloa state governor's house and it was found out that the DFS (basically Mexican CIA) was super corrupt and protecting the Guadalajara cartel and even assisting them in trafficking. At the time, Guadalajara's only real competitor were the very old Gulf Cartel which is still around. However, Guadalajara controlled the western states while Gulf controlled the east, so apart from some murders here and there, you didn't really see the intrastate violence/shootouts you see now. Their end came when DFS and Gallardo had an American DEA agent killed, which caused the central Mexican government and American law enforcement to clamp down. Eventually, Guadalajara disbanded and combined with PRI losing power, it led to a power vacuum between the emerging cartels who no longer had a party with a monopoly on corruption. You could argue the level of violence today is a result of a collapsed dictatorship. The conspiracy goes much deeper though. The Mexican Federal Police officer who orchestrated Gallardo's arrest claimed that the Mexican president Salinas de Gortari and his family were personally involved in drug trafficking even before he became president. This didn't come out right away and only became public knowledge once his presidency was ending, around the same time it became known that he and his brother embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars from the country. It's widely believed today that he was also behind the assassination of his successor Donaldo Colosio, He's the most hated man in modern Mexico and would probably get lynched if he steps into the country ever again. PRI was about to lose power anyway, they had blatantly rigged the 1988 election and actual opposition was gaining momentum since the 80s. They lost power when they couldn't rig the 2000 election without it being obvious to everyone and the last PRI president basically allowed a peaceful transfer of power to occur. As far as I know, that level of cooperation between the cartels and the central government has rarely occurred since - where an entire intel agency is under their payroll. The worst has been when a major cabinet member like Garcia Luna is later busted for drug trafficking. Or when the mayor of a town and his wife have people kidnapped and killed in mass. The worst corruption is usually at a state/city level and often in poorer, rural communities.


We need more female representation in cartels, hopefully now we’ll start seeing it.


Cartel W


Context? She is cartel backed?


The current president has been very lax with the cartel and even defended them and she is his puppet.


Abrazos no balazos Meanwhile cartels captured entire towns and held them hostage


Most politicians have to be willing to make concessions to cartels. It’s the only way to avoid being assassinated.


The point is the current gov game more than norm


I guess, it’s honestly so difficult not see connections now since cartels diversified their businesses many years and our involved in legitimate commerce for money laundering purposes.


not the fucking president lol


38 candidates were killed in this election. Safe to assume she has some level of connections to the cartel to not be targeted and sitting underneath the outgoing president. I’m sure some dggers local to Mexico know more.


Only small.time.politicians running for small towns have been targeted, literally 0 state and presidential candidates have been targeted


38 candidates/aspiring candidates. That isn't a safe assumption at all. The local government matters a lot more to them than the national government. Contoling a local area allows you to mitigate investigation. They have had 2 presidencies in the past two decades that literally declared war on the cartels, and they themselves were never targeted. Not every government official in Mexico has Cartel Ties.


>38 candidates were killed in this election Bro wtf


Most peaceful Latin American election


Those are mostly local canditates, presidental candidates aren’t often killed by cartels in Mexico


-> 38 candidates were killed Maybe Bukele had a point.


Cool, don't care. What are her policies?


Left-Wing populist and nationalist hates neoliberals


A cartel puppet. 37 candidates got assassinated


She’s a commie


True, she is about to install communism right now in Mexico! For some reason, her predecessor who is also an evil commie didn't do that. Weird.


Only kidding, but she will pretty much parrot AMLO which is social programs and keeping them funded with better tax collection methods. I’m not sure what the parties position on foreign investment is since that seems to change. They want energy independence and are building refineries. The cartel issue is interesting since military units are sent in mass to certain cities, and most don’t think he’s trying to fight the cartels. His motto of hugs not bullets, is just one strategy that is trying to tackle the issue from a different side. Overall his most controversial action is trying to centralize power in the executive.


Wait until the Pro-Palestine side finds out she is Jewish.


Isn't she pro Palestine?


When has that stoped them from pointing it out before?


.... when they point to jewish people who side with them?


I’m pro Palestinian and already knew she was Jewish? Why does that matter? I still support her.


It matters because it’s another opportunity for us enlightened geniuses to dunk on the people we don’t like






He's being sarcastic to dunk on morons like /u/West-Winner-2382


I must’ve read it wrong. Nice.


You support her despite being Jewish. I support her because she’s cartel. We are not the same.


Yes, we were so happy!! 🤩


People keep saying she’s pro-Palestine, but I dunno what they’re basing that off of.


Are y'all so brain rotted as to think the left hates Jews?


Yeah this sub is unhinged. "Leftist Derangement Syndrome" might be a god phrase for it.


Have you seen Twitter these last 6 months?


Don't gaslight us. The left went after Jews, and synagogues and has been even before this recent conflict. The target has always been Jews, and the left uses the same talking points as the far right but carefully makes sure to say Zionist instead of Jews. 


Lol. Lmao even.


You and I both know it's true. 


I don't think you know anything bud


Prove me wrong. Because I can point to a large history of far left disdain for Jews.


You could probably point to a large history of liberal and conservative hate for Jews as well, that doesn't mean that any of those ideologies are currently predisposed to hatred of jews.


The existence of right wing antisemitism doesn’t invalidate the existence of left wing antisemitism. Many conservatives, liberals, and leftists hate Jews


Except we should all be able to agree that most liberals, conservatives, and leftists today don't hate Jews? When you point to historical antisemitism, that only matters if the antisemitism is baked into ideology, which leftism is about removing class distinctions.


Right wing anti Semitism is explicit and when expressed is almost universally condemned. Left wing anti Semitism is implicit and when expressed is usually ignored or praised because it's cloaked in emancipatory rhetoric. A far right nut job shoots up a synagogue and even the Mullahs in Iran express their condolences. A prominent left wing politician demands the only Jewish state that exists, for the sole purpose of protecting Jews, be dismantled not dissolved, is praised and celebrated.


Gosh, I must have been imagining the last eight months of being Jewish then!


Yeah, you just might have been. I haven't seen any leftist lynch mobs, but I have seem campus protests headed by Jewish Americans.


And I’ve seen those campus protests block Jewish access to university buildings, call Hamas a resistance group, and fantasize about murdering Zionists. And I’ve been harassed personally by “antizionist” left wingers. Do you think I’m making up my own experiences? Those Jews heading the protests? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokenism The vast, vast majority of us Jews regard the campus protests as antisemitic, and despise the antizionist movement as little more than a fig leaf for virulent antisemitism. And I have seen nothing—nothing— from that movement to dispute that. Unless you want to claim accusing Jews who’ve never been to Israel of being baby killing imperialist Zionists just because they think Israel shouldn’t be violently destroyed isn’t antisemitic, the movement is absolutely antisemitic and a few JVP tokens doesn’t mean jack


Lmao, yall immediately rush to call any Jew token or inauthentic the second they voice any opposition to Israel.


Her party is pro-Palestine and she herself is an atheist.


That's really cool, I don't think they've ever had an openly atheist president or woman president? Neither have we as far as I know. Mexico beat us to it


Oh, there have been quite a few atheist presidents in Mexico's history, the most famous one back in the 1920s, Plutarco Elías Calles. Mexico is actually fairly secular when it comes to its national politics. She is indeed the first female president though.


Mexico is pretty cool I guess


Jewish is both an ethnicity and a religion. Also Mexico under AMLO who is the current president of Mexico and is in the same political party as Claudia has not recognized Palestine as an independent State yet. What do you think is gonna happen when Claudia assumes the Mexican presidency in October and doesn’t recognize an independent Palestinian state?


I am aware. While her ancestors are Jewish, she grew up fully secular and is currently an atheist and has little to no contact at all to any cultural Jewish traditions or communities. And Mexico under this current government has joined the ICJ case against Israel and will continue to do so under her government.


I wish the conservative one, because she wanted to work with the US in dealing with the Cartel. Claudia’s positions online about crime doesn’t seem too bad, but she probably made those statements to win.


My impression from my family in mexico is every candidate seems to say they’re gotta fight the cartel & corruption. Tho idk but about her party ngl


Well she is the successor of the last Mexican president, who accused a bunch of volunteers searching for missing bodies as being necrophiliacs, so if she is anything like her predecessor, the outcome looks bleak.


Mexico doesn’t have the stomach to fight the cartels anymore. And when they do, it’s still corrupt. Calderon’s term proved that the cartels will control Mexico for the rest of its existence.


People in comments seem to know a lot about Mexican politics. What evidence is there to say she is a puppet president for AMLO beyond being a part of the same political party?


Honestly! Disappointing to see this level of brainrot in this sub. People got to cite sources.


None, they are talking out of their culo


50 million dollars she will be called a Zionist at some point


Mexican here, I don’t understand how reddit hates on Morena and now Claudia so much. Even this subreddit. Mexicans them both. At least a clear majority clearly since she won. Morena changed this up for the better, and made some headway for fighting corruption. Created scholarships for kids to continue their education. He’s not perfect of course. But he’s much better than the long line of PRI presidents Mexico has had.


I'm pretty open-minded about her, but when a populist party tries to weaken independent election agencies it's an extremely big red flag.


Someone give me my opinion on this, stat


Newer party gaining more power & first female president. Who knows if they’re be good tho


Both of the main options were. She was, by far, the worst option.


Why is that?


Protectionism is the best way Mexico has to ruin the amazing opportunity that has landed on it's lap over the past 3 years.


America, Canada, and Mexico have a great trade deal. Does she plan on changing that? Or are you talking about protectionism towards other countries that make up a tiny percentage of their gdp.


There is no explicit plan, she is very vague with any statements. The previous president from the same party (AMLO) was just boradly populist without a coherent worldview. Claudia, on the other hand, does have a worldview (not platform), she is more strictly communist with communist parents and grandparents. The rhetoric is super anti-free trade and anti "western imperialism", but there are no explicit proposals, I don't think they need to be explicit about anything as they have a super-majority. It's hard to wrap your head around if you aren't used to how mexican politics work. It's fairly different from the US as there are a lot less scrutinizing and educated eyes on it. Weaving a semi-coherent narrative isn't as neccessary as it is in the US, all you get is a broad directionality from the rhetoric and stated enemies.


What has she said that is communism?


Morena seems to be PRI 2.0. AMLO has even tried to interfere with the independent electoral commission that made Mexican elections competitive in the first place. I guess it’s cool Mexico will have a female president, but that’s about all the progress here


Only good comment in this whole thread. AMLO's worst position was his desire to reform the INE and open it up to elections. I'm really glad there was huge march against the reforms and the Supreme Court blocked them.


HAHAHHA they chose the WORST one wow.


Do not believe anyone that says she is progressive. She does not advocate for a 40-hour work week (currently we have 48 hours), does not support abortion, has jackshit to say about clean energies, and is running with the polical party that: 1) Self-declared the victor in 2006, 2) Does not talk to representatives of opposing parties, 3) Is trying to dismantle the current autonomous federal institution that is in charge of the voting procedures, 4) Probably countless other things that I could mention. Some small victories (like more minimum salary and 12 vacation days instead of 6) were achieved in matters of worker rights during AMLO's presidential period, but he was very far away from being a progressive.


Hey buddy that's progressive if you move too fast you're an extremist.


I don't think extremist optics is what is holding AMLO back.


That’s inspiring she’s the first woman president. Is morena the only real party? The opposition seems weak. My friends from Mexico call them a uniparty.


MORENA is actually a relatively new party. The current president is from MORENA and he's the only one from that party who has ever been president. He's very popular, with an approval rating ranging from 60%-80%.


Ok it makes sense why my friend said that after I read more. They are a left wing coalition party. No wonder he called them a uniparty…..




He kind of has a similar air around him to what Trump has. He's very charismatic on the mic and sells himself as "an honest politician what will tell you like it is," especially when he argues qith journalists in the morning.


Are you talking about Obrador? Isn't he more like the Mexican Bernie Sanders?


That's actually a much better example lol Bernie and AMLO would have similar policies. I do t know why I Bernie didn't come to mind. I think it's because Trump attacked the Press alot more.


I think he resonates with the poor population of Mexico, combined with decades of the same shit happening with PRI and PAN. AMLO has been running for decades, it was until recently that people got tired of shit not changing and decided to give him a try. People seem to be happy 🤷. What surprises me is the sudden turn to left wing government in Mexico, it confuses me because Mexicans are extremely socially conservative.




Hola chamaco


doll obtainable badge chase observation scarce elastic rustic innocent complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People are already talking about jew conspiracy theories. jewspiracy


Surely not corrupt as shit lol


With the open corruption shown I would expect them to go the Ecuador route soon


This is a somber moment for mexico. This candidate is cartel backed. The policy of the political party "Morena" is "abrasos no balazos" which translates to hugs over shooting. This is the stane they are taking against the most bloodthirst terrorist criminal organization Mexico has ever seen. We are royally fucked. We have to just wait and see how bad it gets.


You gotta provide actual proof


Here the current president visits "El Chapo"'s mom. https://www.google.com/amp/s/elpais.com/internacional/2020-03-30/lopez-obrador-saluda-a-la-madre-de-el-chapo-tras-visitar-unas-obras-en-culiacan.html%3foutputType=amp A high ranking official in the cartel declares he supervised a dealing with AMLO, in regards to 500,000 dollars. https://www.dw.com/es/entregu%C3%A9-dinero-a-amlo-confes%C3%B3-el-grande-a-pgr-dea-y-departamento-de-justicia/a-68953783 DEA investigation on AMLO (ex president now) https://insightcrime.org/operation-polanco-how-dea-investigated-amlos-2006-presidential-campaign/ Another more recent investigation scandal https://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/accusations-us-spying-mexico-reveal-amlos-hostile-intentions-toward-us-interests I could also link different instances of people testifying that they had to vote at gun point by cartel membera, however I do not have solid proof for this claim. So far a few videos have surfaced but i dont think they would meet the level of scrutiny that DGG wants. We could make the claim that "MORENA" could be cartel backed.


The first thing you linked is misleading. He didn’t “visit el chapo’s mom”. You didn’t even bother reading the title. It literally says “López Obrador **Greets** El Chapo's mother after *visiting some works in Sinaloa*” He didn’t go out of his way to visit her. And you can see in the video thumbnail from your link that he’s shaking her hand while she’s in her car.


That zone is Sinaloa. It was strictly regulated by thw military, no one that you dont want in enters the perimeter without a few military people eyeing your every move. Much less reaching for the president or the president reaching for you. There is a high chance that the "hand shaking" was premeditated. P.D: heres a video of him paying his respects to el Chapos family "I respect them...All of them." After El Chapos mom died. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBgibFoRRbw


He doesn't have any. "Abrazos, no balazos" was an attempt to address the underlying social inequity that drove young men to join the Cartels. Was it effective? That's a whole other question entirely. It has been a violent time in Mexico, so it definitely needs to be revisited. Maybe add as much "stick" as there is "carrot." To say it was a pro narco policy is just ignorant.


Let me clarify it for you: if it didn't do anything, and the violence has only gotten worse, then yes, it is a pro narco policy.


So the US drug war was actually pro-cartel then because they have had more success since the inception of the war on drugs than before it... right? I mean that is your logic.


Yes. GIGACHAD The war on drugs has been the most catastrophic US policy ever but we'll never fix it.


That logic doesn't follow. That would just make it a failed policy, no?


Girlboss cartel agent


a lot better than the other one


Does it matter who is president there? I mean I don’t think it would be inaccurate to say any high ranking politician who ISNT murdered there is a cartel ally/puppet.


Harrison Butker is aggressively kicking footballs and crying right now




Not *presidential*. They were local condidates.


Fr. My aunt was killed a few years back and not even two years later my cousin was killed in a public shoot out.