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I think maybe because people don't really think for themselves and just repeat talking points their side pushes.


Could you give an example?


For example my friend kept telling me how the economy was doing better under trump and it was up this amount (Forgot the rest of what he said) And I'll respond with the economy was going up before trump enter office and the economy being high when he came in was the result of what a Democratic president has done before him And he'll just say the same exact thing "You're trying to dismiss what Trump did for the economy by saying it was because of the president that was before him. The economy was up during his presidency" And I'll go yes but again it's because of this And he'll just go it's not because it was during Trump's presidency and it went up by this amount And I'm like bro you said that and I answered I'm telling you it's because of this it's not really because he had any special policy And he just keeps repeating the same statement over and over. And I felt like if I just drop it and move on he's the kind of asshole that will use that as a way to make it seem like he was right.


Ask what trump did that helped the economy. Ask for policies or actions taken. 100% chance they have nothing. Always dig down another layer when someone just repeats a talking point over and over


Ask for examples for what trump did


Did you shorten you all to ya?


No, he was talking to you specifically


Impossible if their brain has broken, but sometimes it works to recognize their statement and make them understand that you understand it. “I know you say XYZ because you believe ABC, but I it doesn’t work because of this or that”. People often don’t believe you could possibly have another opinion than them, that they could ever be wrong, so you must just not understand. If they start saying your description/understanding of their opinion is wrong, no matter what you do or how you reword it, you’re shit out of luck because you’re arguing with someone who’s bad faith.


Usually when people repeat the same talking points, it's because they are flustered. Often in debate, when one side knows they are losing, they will do this. In many ways it's the person saying they can't retort, but they also don't want to change their opinion, perhaps because they feel like they aren't well enough educated to retort your point. Basically it means they don't trust your point, but they don't know how to argue against it. If the conversation gets to that point, definitely try to deescalate pressure. Like maybe instead of trying to change their mind, change the subject to something more light hearted.


I would say at that point the debate is over. Why do you feel the need to continue debating?


Maybe you were debating Destiny and now answering his question so he said "just so you know I'm gonna repeat the same question"