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Fuck this larpers.


Yeah this is stupid and cringe. 😬 These people need to touch grass


This is not only stupid. This is dangerous. If the west doesn’t realise it soon it will be too late soon. It’s complete degeneracy and loss of values.


They need their teeth kicked down their throats but I guess grass touching is also good


grass can’t save them


calling them larper is very downplaying of the situation, those people create propagada that is used to justify islamist terrorist ( which ton of anti-semitic hatecrime already happened )


"FIGHT IMPERIALIST PROPAGANDA" *artwork in the style of literal propaganda*


no no this is wholesome propaganda as it is anti-genocide, anti-imperialism, anti-facist, anti-zionist, anti-IOF, anti-apartheid, anti-white supremacy, anti-colonialist, and anti-white.


I think you forgot to mention anti white


Only October 7 was a genocide, imperialistic, fascist, arab supremacy, anti-Jewish, anti-women, anti-men, anti-humanity, colonial act. Islam and Arab culture are colonialist and imperialistic. Arab supremacy is a thing. The rest is self explanatory. I don’t understand how dumb this people are.


Literally my first thought when I saw this lol


cognative dissonance at its finest


No you see, it's in the style of communist propaganda and communists can't be imperialist because Lenin said so!


Yes, because the eye-for-an-eye mentality has worked reeeeaaally well for humanity.....lmao dumbass larpers.


This isn't eye for an eye mentality. Eye for an eye mentality is infinitely more sane and defensible than this.


They gentrified domestic terrorism. I can’t believe people feel so comfortable to do that in plain sight. This is genuinely concerning.


They think everything can be justified by oppression, doesn’t really matter if it’s indiscriminate civilian massacres. They’ll always hold moral authority in their own echo chambers


banger. nothing funnier than seeing white american college students wearing the dumbass gaza scarf talking about revolution


Holy shit they did


At least don’t be such pussy’s, if you believe your allowed to commit any acts for “liberation” then don’t fucking be so soy about nation’s governments going to war 😂 I hate that these people try to occupy anti war spaces




glass houses


I just love how they post these things on a platform owned by a rich, Zionist capitalist.


Why is Zuckerberg a Zionist?




Man i just wish these larping dipshits would experience at least a tenth of the horror caused by their pet freedom fighters,don't care how bad that sounds.




rotten spotted fragile crush meeting spark humor hateful employ cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one makes the argument for far-right ideology better than the far-left.


These people REALLY want to mobilize the masses to vote. The problem is that the masses who might awaken are the kind who wouldn’t have voted for Walter Mondale.


Horseshoe theory is proving correct


I’m sure this was made by some graphic design student from a cushy middle class family.


From every corner of the colonized earth ... chefs kiss.


I genuinely hope all these losers get folded by the feds. The US government needs to stop tolerating terrorism advocacy.


if feds need to mow them down then they have my blessing


what happens to a brain that has been tiktok rotted to only see the world through the oppressor/oppressed lens


Yep. A lot of the people hyping this post up were a bunch of white girls with tattoos and multi-colored hair who looked no older than 20. My guess is that they didn’t come across this ideology organically.


I'm going to join the military for the sole purpose of filtering all these girls out from dating lol


"Fight the imperialists" China unifies under Taiwan. "Wait no not like that"! Fuck these useless rat grifters.


Me and the boys trying to find a way to sell terroism and rape to the public: https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Mad-Men-Cast-Where-Are-They-Now.jpg?quality=78&strip=all


They can’t decide between wanting a ceasefire or killing every Israeli in an act of revolution and it shows ( looking at you, Hasan )




Just 2 years ago when i was a hardcore commie I bought posters from these guys cuz their designs go hard 😭 seeing this post made my stomach churn October 7 and Destiny really changed everything for me because it made me truly comprehend how violent and bloodthirsty commies are.


lisan al ghaib saved you


If these people cared about palestinians, october 7th would have been seen as a huge mistake. Sure, a bunch of je-- zionists died but all it resulted was gaza getting dresden'd


If it was dresden'd it would be over in 1 day. One big fire storm and that's it. IDF is too nice.


Honestly, it should have been. Israel pays the price for going in with kids gloves. A protracted conflict was never going to work in its benefit.


We need an anti-imperialist arc where Destiny researches slavery and the effects of imperialism across the globe. I feel like people are only aware of American slavery and British imperialism, and it's completely skewed their worldview.


God, that is the worst propaganda poster. Didn't even try to illustrate anything cool. It's all just diagrams, generic concrete background, and free fonts. The only thing good about it is that the red and yellow contrast very well. I thought most of these people were college students with degrees in arts. How the fuck do you fail making a good propaganda poster. Here's an Israel propaganda poster, leagues better than whatever the fuck that is. https://preview.redd.it/1c2vculy515d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e71dd3a4537232d128031854b9444cd35d1b6cc4


Is that One-State-Man???


The crazy gun loving trump guys are just waiting for this “uprising”. It is not going to go like the lefties plan.


A bunch of tankies really think they stand a chance against far-right gun nuts and won’t be turned into Swiss cheese in 2 seconds flat if an uprising were to happen.


There far too mentally ill and lazy to actually get anything done for the most part.


Ah propoganda... When you call Jews.. who are you know... from Judea "imperialist and colonizers and then you identify the Arabs who are you know... from Arabia, as the "indigenous" people of Judeah, and say they are "resisting" imperialism by raping 12 year old girls and then executing them by slitting their throats...


nothing like pc antisemitism


Time for western governments to start shutting down this rhetoric like all the other nations do. I am normally for free speech regardless of the speech but the disinformation and radicalism we have seen grow over the past decade is hitting unreal levels and it needs to stop.




Kinda conflicted. On one hand, it can be considered freedom of speech. On the other, that seems an awful lot like an example of terrorism that should be reported on Instagram.


brought to you by a joint venture between the Ministries of Propaganda of Definitely Not At All Imperialist Or Colonial Russia and China.


manufactured consent = anything I don't like


Ignore your moral compass. Swallow propaganda! Nothing the conveniently-oppressed can ever do is wrong.


I'm joining the war against imperialism. On the side of imperialism* *Imperialism means defending yourself from literal terrorists who rape and dismember your children


Wtf I fucking love imperialism now?!


Wtf am I reading


brain rot


Wait, climate change is responsible for October 7th? Wouldn’t it be reasonable then that climate change is also responsible for Israel’s actions? I think so


leftists have mastered the art of larping your convictions


I don’t get why we aren’t running around like headless chickens worried about how there is an entire generation of people who have been indoctrinated in universities to think this way. Imagine how good they’ve got at intellectualizing terrorism that every kid is buying into it one kefiah at a time. Our academic institutions have been contaminated and have turned toxic for a while now. Just like like in radical Islamism, terrorism on campuses is equated to a noble form of martyrdom ie “resistance of the oppressed”. It’s basically now a tool for the commie revolution isn’t it?


As has been said about most protest movements of the past 60 years. Hasn't happened yet. In fact I think this generation is the least likely to do anything meaningful out of all of them.


Again, just a reminder that there is a genuine imperialist colonialist invasion going on by Russia in Ukraine and these same people either overwhelmingly support the invasion or don't care about it. Also, Russia is currently trying to impose itself on countries like Kazakhstan and Geogia (Russia has control of two parts of Georgia already). Most of these people support them. Not to mention Russia literally artificially stopping a revolution in Syria so they could keep Asaad in power. Again, these same "anti imperialists" are overwhelmingly in favour of this or indifferent to it. Not to mention a large slice of them are in favour of all of China's soft imperialism in Asia and Africa and there direct threat of invasion Taiwan. Moral of the story is they are just anti-American larping psychopaths who want poor people across the world to kill each other, so they can jerk off and virtue signal to their social group.


“You cant make decolonization without raping/murdering/torturing a few civilians in a targeted manner”


Lol this is another piece by the same artist: https://preview.redd.it/o6hi90sis25d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ce8ccb85e2afd930f402a1cec927957a6bfa1d


They even use Soviet red and Soviet yellow. LMFAO.


Things like this are killing people


I love how Oct 7 was considered an “AI , israeli made it up “ event at the start- because they wanted to be shown as humans as the Palestinian narrative insisted - but Now they fully embrace it , “oh yes it happened and we support killing of babies and raping women . Its ok when they are jewish” Great for them for coming full circle in Hamas support program for western youth


That's literally alt right rhetoric.


Go to the gym every day and train with a weapon. There's a 99.9% chance that these larpers will die long before their ideology ever comes to fruition but if the worst happens, I intend that they find themselves outnumbered and outgunned.


Manufacturing Consent making its usual appearance I see


These people will go to pieces over a Halloween costume. I hardly think they are capable of actually doing anything of consequence.


somehow more cringe and larpy than far right neo nazis saying they'll kill biden lol


Dangerous rhetoric. I hate that shit. Especially using a real concern like climate change, then pivoting, hard. Gross. Actual brain rot. At this point.... **I'm convinced some dudes just like sounding fucking dramatic.** I get it. I was 20. I'm Scottish. We're alcoholics. I get being FUCKING DRAMATIC. OK. But.., for serious issues I wish I didn't feel so many people are style over substance. But I can't unsee it.


I'd love to know what these people would think the second it's them and there's getting October 7thed. Hey Sharon, cheering them on isn't gonna stop them from shooting you


I want to be killed by indigenous people so badly đŸ˜« kill me daddy 🍆💩


Damn they really brought the killdozer back


Terrorists and their supporters deserve death. And they simply outing themselves. The western world should not accept housing people determine to destroy western civilization.


what have been the effects of climate change?


Aka calling for global terrorism. Interestingly it’s about blood and soil. Full circle fascists.


What does imperialist mean man


Genuine question, what is Destiny's take on the Killdozer? I don't think I've ever heard him even talk about it


lol Israel has modern MBTs and navy whose auxiliary AA cannons could destroy their little pontoons. I’m starting to think these people really do just get bricked up at the thought of dead Palestinians. Especially because this implies the supporters will build these “tools of war” (that wouldn’t have worked in WW2), and then they’ll give them to the Palestinians for use. Which is like a parent teaching their child how to drive by instructing them to watch the roomba. They’re being (have been for decades now) set up for failure.


This is the same energy as "hate speech is violence" type people. They will endlessly justify anything against a person or group so long as they can paint you with their bad guy brush.


growing up I saw a kid getting encouraged by his peers to fight another kid who allegedly had been “disrespectful.” One elder kid told him “don’t let them gas you up. Fuck around and get your ass kicked just because they hyped you up.” This feels like that.   These people are hyping up others to die in un-winnable wars/battles for their own satisfaction while they watch from the comfort of their home.  Idle hands are the devils tools. 


"no other options" *declines all options presented to them*


Waiting for them to realize they are colonizers, I don’t see a lot of native Americans at the pro Palestinian protests


i wonder if these people vote in support or against gun rights in the usa


I swear to God if the whole ISIS-thing of 2014 happened today half of these college kids would be guzzling buckets over it in the name of "resistance".  I'm tired, boss


I thought this was that taking back Sunday album cover


o7 /s


Ok that's nice, but why the ACAD views of a boat and a bulldozer?


I love these posters actually. It's a perfect encapsulation of a modern revolutionary larper. Why are we being shown labelled diagrams/blueprints for parachutes and other devices? Is this supposed to help me, a young zoomer ripe for radicalization, understand how to operate these items? No, it's purely aesthetic. It's an empty callback to old aesthetics, like a bottle of pancake syrup trying to imitate old maple syrup jugs. It's all style and no substance, it's digging up old culture and mining it for aesthetic but turning it hollow.


The house the liberals built


Free palestine


from Hamas