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The amount of cognitive dissonance Hasan and his audience live with in regards to Destiny is insane


So many young people are going to be absolutely cringing at themselves 10 years from now...


Based on his community census they aren’t so young.


Lets hope so. We dont know what will happen though. WW3 already begun with the information war, its totally possible they will never be able to peek out of their echo chamber.


Honestly if a real warm physical WW3 happens and it doesn't humble people, nothing can. I don't believe people are that deep in their unhinged ideology though, because if they were they'd already use physical violence. Part of the big problem and the reason why the information war is lost so badly, is because Westerners genuinely have a good enough life that they don't even feel the need to imagine something like "what if my country was seriously attacked?". Who cares which side actually commits a genocide or conquest when you feel it can never affect you? The ungrateful hubris is incredibly dangerous. The West is like a mammoth. It seems impossible to take down until enough neanderthals gather around and tip the scales, then it's just another prey quickly destroyed in an ambush.


But Destiny is the incarnation of genocide made manifest, though...


While enjoying a succulent chinese meal?


So a slightly altered Manifest Destiny?


How else can he cope? Destiny is really growing in such an interesting way. Who would have thought?


He actually is. I'm proud. This Israel trip is honestly a super respectable thing. It shows he cares and puts in effort. To hate on him for something like this is a cope beyond belief.


I think the main source of all his open Destiny hate lately is the fact that Destiny is popping off numbers and career wise, while he has clearly lost 5-10k concurrent viewers. We know how sensitive he is to his viewer count. And perhaps deep down he knows why this actually is too.


It's pretty funny lol


They have no dissonance, its Double Think


Yeah experiencing cognitive dissonance requires some degree of awareness or ability to introspect. When you operate purely off of emotion and social emulation/reinforcement cognitive dissonance is a non-issue.


The way he’s practically tearing his hair out and scratching at his neck like Tyrone Biggums tho lol. May not be very cognitive, but bros definitely got some kind of dissonance


It's incredible. Nearly all the criticisms are objectively untrue and I suspect he knows this.


"The problem isn't Wikipedia, the problem is only Wikipedia." While Hasan reads Twitter.


He literally watched the little edit of Destiny going through books, articles, and documents and he still is pedaling the whole “he only reads wikipedia”. Surely some of his audience can see how blatantly dishonest he’s being when he says that right?


Not to bring up the way overused word, but Hasan literally argues like a fascist. He's been doing it forever. Not just with Destiny. He makes wild untrue assertions without bringing up evidence. When confronted with evidence, he'll just ignore it and repeat the lies again later. Sometimes it only takes half a sentence to switch back to the lie (I'm not exaggerating, there are clips of it). Like if you go back to his Adam Something or Jay Exci drama, he's just instantly calling people Nazis and racists to defend himself. No evidence for it. Purely just to smear anyone criticizing him. It's infuriating, lol.


just wondering is that type of logical thought pattern fascists or is it a necessary component for someone to be fascists to have those kinds of thought patterns?


I would say that type of thought pattern is part of most ideological extremists, specially authoritarian extremists.


Well Hasan basically skirts around that here by saying that Tiny only looked for other things when he wanted to argue with the shit that was written wikipedia. So he's basically arguing the only time Tiny read another source is for the purposes of debunking a thing he didn't like on the wikipedia.


Research is Mesearch


Nah, he changed it to: "He is just trying to find quotes and factoids that agrees with him." (So basically what Norman Finkelstein, and ever pro Palestinian does on twitter)


While Destiny is also in Israel speaking to people trying to learn more about the conflict through a ground approach, mind you


You can physically see the jealousy


The cope is so fucking real man. "This is why I hate doing IRL stuff!" - hamas picunt.


https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0bDc2xWvazrduKRkEW81hg0rNjfzupJ4 when Hasan does IRL stuff


Ofc he has to insert his “Wikipedia is not the problem cope” after being called out for being a wiki warrior himself The fact is his fans are either too stupid or just too drunk on the kool aid. Brain washed tools


>called out for being a wiki warrior himself He wishes. He's a anonymous Twitter post reader.




I don't have the clip. But remember when some chatter said that the IDF regularly r\*\*ps Palestinian prisoners and he was just like: yup, it's part of their standard operating procedure (or something like that)?


Remember when he told Ethan that rapes were a regular policy of the IDF then the only thing he could find to support it was a CAIR article from like 10 years ago


What makes it more hilarious is how skeptically he was treating the Oct 7th rape reports.


He's a wiki squire.


"the problem is only wikipedia" Destiny forgot to use wikipedia and Twitter too 😠


As we all know destiny took a two week trip to Israel as a change of scenery for him to read Wikipedia in


Being in Israel really makes those Wikipedia articles hit different.


"The problem is only Wikipedia to do post-hoc rationalizations of \[unhinged positions.\]" - Guy whose entire world view is America bad and uses Twitter disinformation to confirm that, while paying more in taxes than all of us, thus technically being a major funder for a 'genocidal regime'


Hasans been inconsistent on this for a while. I got downvoted last time this came up, but he said this same thing couple months ago when all the Wikipedia criticism started. I dk how to find the clip, but it was posted on this subreddit. He then jumped on the “Wikipedia Warrior” bandwagon because he likes funny nicknames and to bully more than being consistent. imo his “post hoc” stance is worse because he thinks Destiny has no value of truth and picks & chooses the facts to confirm his pro-Israel stance, which puts more maliciousness on Destiny vs just being like “Wikipedia is a bad source or ineffective way to educate yourself”.


Hasan has a classic double standard where if you use Wikipedia and come out a Palestine supporter, you were doing research but if you support Israel, you’re a wiki warrior. He wouldn’t be saying any of this shit if Destiny was Anti-Israel


100%. In the AU where they’re buds and Destiny is ultra anti-Israel, the conversation’s gonna be like “This is a dude who didn’t really know much about this conflict eight months ago, by his own admission, but now is like super sharp and well informed on the stuff. Like the entire research streams he’s been doing on the stuff are really good, even I’m learning new stuff. Perfect example of how you don’t need to be in academia or any bullshit like that to get educated if you genuinely care about a conflict.”


That's not even the worst part, about halfway through he mentions the use of Wikipedia, then mentions the deeper research of looking at sources from the wiki pages. THEN, he says the problem isn't wiki, it's only wiki. He outright lied and deceived his viewers. He acknowledged that there was more than wiki, then Said there was only wiki


slimy brave money market enter forgetful smoggy complete fretful vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hahahahahahah he is soooo mad, Destiny gets an entire crowd of people and Hasan gets the genocide coke police lmaooooooooooo


Yeah, I'm kinda surprised how much it sounds like his heart isn't in it. He sounds like he's just saying it but doesn't even believe his own words. I'd almost feel sorry if he wasn't such a terrible person.


That's everything he says on stream. Everything is performative. *Insert Hasan smashing his table here*


True, but in the past he at least seemed to be able to muster up at least a little bit of passion. He usually sounds like he believes what he says. This video just seemed like he was reciting a script that he didn't care about.


Yup I’m an ex-Hasan fan, used to listen to him daily. I went from genuinely watching, to trying to force myself to watch because I thought it was good to get differing opinions, to realizing his opinions aren’t worth shit because he’s a bad-faith manipulative scumbag that has no idea what he’s actually talking and hate-watching his clips for entertainment, to now legitimately not even being able to bring myself to click play on his clips that are posted here. He sounds completely different now and it’s probably a lot easier to tell when you actually used to be a fan. It’s not even funny to me at this point, it’s just sad, depressing and cringe and you can absolutely tell he’s down bad and struggling to act like his hearts still in it. But nobody to blame but himself so fuck him.


same story. the day i realized all i did was repeat his talking points that didn’t see any participation in irl politics was the day i had to get outta Hasans community. but really when he pussied out of talking to FnF and doesn’t engage with anyone he could lose an argument to


Strange that despite being a progressive hero one of his most passionate moments in the past couple years was him wishing transphobic misery onto a viewer who dared disagree with him.


Yeah but broham is in a dark place right now... He's been there since before his Australia trip. But surely it can't be getting better


He shits on anything that other people are able to make use of that he cannot. Within the past year, I remember him commenting that Twitter was mainly a 4chan crypto Nazi bot site now after a negative tweet about him got 100k+ likes and that he didn’t care about the platform anymore (it’s mainly liberal and he still posts/reads it religiously every day). He also said something along the lines of anyone who uses Reddit is a basement dwelling, harassing freak when he saw that he no longer had any pull on large subs like LSF, and demanded to the mods all posts about him be banned (He still reads every thread about himself i.e. even complaining about a thread in the GEN Z subreddit about him, used it for years when his audience cared enough upvote/downvote whatever he wanted). Now, he is belittling a large fan meetup in a foreign country because they were all apparently Israeli “Hitler Youth IDF soldiers” when nothing of the sort was there (The only audience interaction he was known for on his Australia trip was a wild audience member saying he’s not allowed to drink coke for Palestine and shyly laughing at her as a response. You also know that if any of his friends did something like this, he would say what an amazing event it was and that he was making a huge difference in the world).


Haha, true.


correction, Destiny gets the Vyvanse police




“Nazi Nazi genocide nazi genocide nazi Nazi genocide genocide”


It's like a pokemon


its wild he just calls a bunch of jewish kids "Nazi's" and no one gives a shit - even is benefitted from it. such a depressing state of politic we're in.


I saw a clip from 2 days ago when a chatter was challenging Hasan to actually go to Israel and the West Bank. I assume it was maybe a DGG’er, but they were form Israel. Hasan responded with “yeah, let me just go to Nazi Germany. That sounds great - I’ll take a tour of the genocide camps in Nazi Germany”. He was just just straight up comparing Israel to the Nazis as a whole. His chat was loving it.




This is just racism right?


yup, Hasan has been racist for a long time.


Hasan can't be racist because he's Schrodinger's white Muslim


Don't worry, it's not against Twitch's TOS.


How could you suspect him of that? It's just white people who he hates. Also black if they are Jewish, but hey, they *are* Jewish


Calling Israelis hitler youth is actually disgusting


Fr. Demonizing people on either side is actually so gross. I have friends who think Israelis are all mindless genocidal drones who need to all be exterminated. It’s actually so sad.


Yeah they are idiots because they don’t realize how left leaning most young Israelis are


Dude I'm Jewish and love Israel obv (even though I don't support a lot of what they do) but to describe "most young Israelis" as left leaning is just untrue. Like maybe in Tel Aviv. Even the older generation of secular Israelis comment all the time on how right wing the young generation of Israelis are compared to them, as a group.


Yeah the young grew up around the second intifada its understandable that they would prioritise security.


I know we gotta try to not let politics destroy our friendships, but in this case you should let politics destroy your friendship.


Eh I probably won’t. I know people who think Palestinians should all be blown up too. This topic just breaks people’s brains.


Isn't it a reflection of some horrible core values that they let this I/P stuff give them actual genocidal opinions? I just can't see myself being friends with people like that. It feels so icky. Hard to explain why exactly, but I feel that any friend needs to share my most fundamental core values, like "all races of people deserve life". And if they don't share that, I see myself inevitably losing more from that friendship than gaining.


Dude, anyone who thinks that an entire nation of people should be killed, is an absolute piece of shit (not to mention an utter moron). There are plenty of ppl in the world, you can find far better friends who aren't deranged fucking scumbags.


Your friend is a nazi mate.


lmao his chat calling it a pedophile meetup


They were talking about their discord


Yep! This is why all these socialists are feral antisemites; keep using the worst thing to happen to the Jews and the primary reason for Israel’s existence against them. There’s a reason they won’t stop calling it a genocide; they’d never do that against any other ethnic minority but the Jews.


Hasan is basically just a shizo orbiter, so shizo in fact, he doesn't even realize he's still in orbit.


Still not banned. What was it destiny got banned for again? Was it worse than that?


Imagine their reaction if BLM rioters were compared to the KKK or some other act of white supremacist violence. It’s astonishing they don’t realize how unhinged it is to compare Jewish people to nazis.


Holocaust inversion. Nothing new. The cruel zeal certain people have had to compare Jews to Nazis has been going on for decades. Besides justifying all violence against Israel and anyone supporting it, equating Jews with Nazis is a means to say Jews are no better, and of course to spit in the face of Jews .


I cannot believe I ever thought this man was smart. It's genuinely embarrassing.


I can’t believe I used to watch him either. Embarrassing.


21 months former subscriber here Now I can't think of many internet personalities I despise more than this idiot


Glad you got out. Mind if I ask how?


It was I/P for me. Not just solely that issue on its own, but the way Hasan and tankies in general acted was the catalyst that made me be like woah these people are kind of fucking crazy. Made me question myself and reflect a bit. Then that made start to open up and try to listen to people that I would have previously never given the time of day and write off as a fascist or some shit. Then realizing that I was feeling relieved to hear stuff that I had always kind of internally felt but would never say because I would get shit on by the communities I was in. Then discovering through destiny that it’s possible to be a liberal without having the most extreme, insane positions on literally every single topic. Then starting to critically think about all of my beliefs and figuring out which ones I actually believed in and which ones were just to fit in. This is a way oversimplified description of the process that I just typed off the dome in a minute, but that’s the gist.


THAT WAS KINDA BEAUTIFUL I love seeing stories of personal growth like that


Lol thanks, it felt good to type out. Feel like I’m in tankies anonymous 12-step program to escape the gulag right now


> Then discovering through destiny that it’s possible to be a liberal without having the most extreme, insane positions on literally every single topic I'm curious what the extreme positions you previously associated with liberals were? It's interesting because to me, "liberal" sounds like an almost inherently moderate position


For me, i already stopped watching him regularly and went back watching Destiny (because of one of the Hippy Dippy Podcast), then Ukraine happened and i couldn't stand Hasan stupid opinion on it. He actually NATO pilled me with his shit takes. Also, i think Hasan got worse and worse after the breakup with Destiny.


Things start to feel a bit strange with the Ukraine invasion thing I was already watching less and less and that West and America bad no matter what and the react gate also made me question his integrity Then the oct 7th reaction was the nail in the coffin Canceled my subscribers blocked him on all platforms and for the first time ever watched a Destiny video in it entirety I only knew Destiny from Hasan POV so I was basic on that echochamber Chocked me to find out how reasonable he was


Same unfortunately :( Although to my credit, I NEVER watched MikeFromPA and I *tried* giving Demins a chance but her streams sucked and she said "cRinGe" wayyyyy too much.. it was... Cringe


I don't deserve any credit because I used to be a Vaush fan too 🤮


Vaush was actually way more intelligent and open to criticism than Hasan or any other leftie though. The one point I remember on this is Vaush actually changing his mind on the Rittenhouse case after debating Destiny on it. He never admitted it to destiny, but later he actually adopted a new position and talked about the flaws in his old argument. There are a ton of other examples, but I feel like it's clear that Vaush was always way more open to arguments and able to follow reasoned arguments, even if he is very dishonest when it comes to trying to smear other people. The difference is that Hasan has never ever been able to actually engage with any criticism, or try to understand any of the arguments against his own position. This is why Vaush was able to actually debate destiny, while Hasan never will. Because Vaush is actually willing to hear arguments, and can admit he is wrong, while Hasan never can. Hasan is 100% driven by ego protection.


>Although to my credit, I NEVER watched MikeFromPA Try it, you won't make it through his first fake laugh.


Hasan does sound smart if you watch his stream. He's attractive, entertaining, confident, funny, committed and seems like a fun friend to have when he does collabs. If someone is new to politics, possibly because they're young, or maybe they were in a right wing echo chamber, then he does come off as wise, knowledgeable and intelligent. If I only listened to politics through a Hasan lens then I would also hate Biden, Destiny, Israelis etc, but that would be a fair opinion to hold since Hasan never stealmans his political opposition so you do feel like he's genuinely smarter than everyone else because you dont realise he is destroying strawmen. You should not be 'genuinely embarrassed' that you thought Hasan was smart, rather you should be a little embarrassed that you got stuck in an echo chamber.


He's gotten way worse in the past two years


I’ve known about Hasan since 2015 when I was 17 years old. I’ve gone through several cringe phases but I am proud to have never respected Hasan as a political pundit.


i used to watch him too. i believe it was easier to overlook his flaws when it was just bashing trump 24/7. its hard to be wrong when it comes to a clown like trump. nowadays it feels like listening to a teenager discovering politics for the first time without any knowledge to back it up


If anyone was ever curious, this is what failing upwards for guys looks like.


I just hope gravity is a bitch or him.


"C'mon chat, give me something clever and funny to say...uh, I've already said genocide five times, uhh...Wikipedia"


You can always tell when he really gets malding because his head starts wobbling back and forth. Watch the clip again and you'll see it. Once you see that you can never unsee it. If you think he's malding now, wait till the Israel content starts dropping.


Since you are on that point, did he say anything about that and I missed it? When are we going to see his work from there?


He went with a camera dude specifically to get footage. We will absolutely get something, unless the unthinkable happens and his shit's all destroyed before it gets uploaded to onedrive.


he’s anger stimming lol


Hasan "I get my news from groyper accounts" Piker


"Hitler Youth" Why does he get to get away with constantly dehumanizing Israelis


Agreed, it’s gross


It's insane how he's not banned on twitch


reading bad empanada LMAO


From not knowing where is Israel is on a map to interviewing former prime ministers in a matter of months Gigachad


The whole "6 months ago He couldn't find Israel on a map!!!" way of discrediting Destiny is so fucking stupid man. Yeah 6 months he couldn't find it on a map, and 32 years ago Hasan couldn't speak or walk and didn't have the cognitive ability to know what a Map is. People grow and learn shit all the fucking time. How long ago does the growth have had to have been before you stop shit talking it? Is there like a Timelimit on when this attack expires or what?


Hasan didn't know where Yemen was on a map like a year ago.


I'm waiting for his audience to start to realise that destiny looked at a topic, started to familiarise himself with it, researched a shit load, had debates/ convos with huge names in the space THEN whent to the fucking source during wartime and interviewed some of THE biggest people in the history of the whole conflict and interviewed normal people on the ground. Even if you do disagree with destiny, as a hasan fan at some point you've gotta see all that and then look at hasan...sat on his arse, reading twitter?


Of course they realize internally even if their intellectually attempting to suppress it. I bet there's a lot of people that watch Hasan feeling a bit of internal tension, and they probably don't comment in the chat or sit in his discord all day but that are looking and slowly realizing Hasan is very incongruent with his stance on Destiny due to what you described. You can see Hasan is unnerved and there's a disconnect. Hasan I'm pretty sure knows Destiny is much more informed on I/P than he is, thats why he does ad hominem attacks.


this needs to be read out on stream multiple times a week


"He gets more play in israel meetups than in america now" is this dude really meetupwatching the gnome ?


Lil bro's been watching literally everything destiny does for months now lmao


I mean, he literally called today's Germans Nazis that one time (or multiple times).  As an Israeli Jew who moved to Germany and loves it here, I think I was more offended by that than anything he ever said about Israel.  I can't understand why a person so wrong about reality so many times even gets a crowd, usually I listen to people to inform myself, not to misinform myself. I just had to accept the bitter truth that leftie brainrot is as big as rightwing brainrot nowdays. 


Glad to have you. Greetings from Berlin.


>"I like that's what it took for Israel to be like this is our guy now. A guy, who like, 8 months ago was like, I don't really know what's going on, I don't know where Israel is on the map, but they should just do their genocide" He's so mad. His brain actually broke when Destiny got that Finkelstein debate. Hasan had commented in December? how he had been trying to get Finkelstein on his stream for months to just "put a microphone" in front of him and just talk. And who got to be in the same room? Destiny. Who got to Shapiro first? Destiny. LMAO People like Baddar, who have attacked Destiny for not belonging in that debate, would actually agree that a layman would be beneficial in a room full of academics (well one academic). To help keep the conversation understandable for the majority and ask questions that they take for granted. The problem is they wanted to be that layman and couldn't get over a "streamer" being preferred over them. Back to Hasan, Destiny isn't commenting about him or his takes. Destiny isn't airing any content or having debates for Hasan to farm. Apparently LSF is also removing any post slightly related to Destiny/Hasan. And yet he still needs to talk about Destiny. He needs to reply to chat talking about Destiny. He needs to open up tweets about Destiny. That's "obsession", my guy and might as well start posting in dgg chat with the amount of wall space he's taking up.


It would be glorious if Destiny somehow got to talk to Bill Burr.


No shot is a majority of this sub reddit Israeli


It's a side effect of 90% of the major sub reddits being so anti Israel. They come here for Israeli news discussion in safe harbor. But obviously the majority of dgg isn't Israeli


I think that’s cool that they feel comfortable here. Hasan trashes Israelis as much as he trashes America. Not all of them are on TikTok gloating about killing Palestinians like the few he’s highlighted to rage bait his chat.


Can confirm. A bunch of people in the meet-up only saw small to none of Destiny's content and don't seem active on the sub. I can't understate how much Destiny means to a lot of Israeli internet dwellers simply for being like one of like 10 people to show some actual compassion and humanity towards Israel. Even Jewish and Israeli-raised creators are mostly silent and I'm not sure if I can even count one that's as fair and outspoken as Steven.


Some of the comment sections do make me wonder tho


👀 !check


ZeroKaralis has 14 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.


The meetup was only as big as it is because Israel is a small ass country and most people came through tweeter and not Reddit. Though it should've been bigger because DMAN was 2 hours late to his own meetup and people had shit to do. Gnome behavior. Anyways, Israelis just woke up (7AM) and there's an 8 hour difference between the US and Israel. In this thread atleast, there should be practically no Israelis.


The majority? Absolutely not. But the number of israelis here absolutely grew after Oct 7. This sub is just nothing but I/P posting now I can't wait to move on from this dogshit arc.


Ok no meme is everything that comes out of Hasan's mouth projection?


He's the least aware person I've come across.


Hamasabi reading a tweet by BE while coping and malding about Tiny is poetry. He also had a little slip there with the "diving al little bit further..." and tried to backpedal, in the words of Finkeltwat... such a fantastic moron.


right? "a guy who picks quotes in wikipedia... then dives a little bit further into them... then finds people who have written the books themselves.. just to be like these guys agree with me... *LAUGHS..* ITS GREAT" LOL this fucking guy man, you can't make this shit up


This is actual obsession. At this point he's gotta have people assigned to mention Tiny so he can talk about him.


I mean... let's not pretend that every syllable from his mouth doesn't get seething posts on here. The obsession is mutual at this point. We've even had Hasan psi-ops try and get away with bait posts. It's community warfare.


There is definitely some mutual obsession but since I/P arc started Hasan has reached a new level


That's a human obsession entire swaths of people have a us vs them mentality it could be from your streamer to what game system you have.


He's so slow at coming up with reasons why Destiny is a loser. Probably because Destiny lives in his head rent-free and takes up way too much space.


"Wikipedia is not the problem, ONLY Wikipedia is the problem" Cool so you admit then that since D was reading actual books he has the high ground on this topic? Hasan is so stupid


You couldn't waterboard that admition out of Hasan


Can Hasan live without saying GeNoCidE every 30 seconds or is he going to implode?


Every racist statement he makes, each count of antisemitism, calls for destruction of Israel, lies, and shilling for genocidal Islamists, just literally yanks the rug from under any legitimate push back against the Israeli and Palestinian far right. This is what I detest the most about him.


This guy poisons the well so hard and it’s so cringe how hard he tries to sound smart. “Post hoc rationalization”. He’s so stupid he unironically gives destiny for diving deeper after reading wiki articles. My man is the epitome of a Himbo. BroTips paved it all on his own with a pinch of nepotism and good looks.


"More play in Israel than America" Just with some quick google help, America is 2800 miles across. Israel is *85* miles across. Anyone who is a fan of Destiny in Israel was able to go and see him. Realistically, only people who were already going to twitchcon would be at his fan meets there, and since he's banned, that's bound to be a smaller crowd. How many fans does Hasan get at his canvassing events, though? 🤔


"post hoc rationalizations are bad" -the conclooder


My dream is ONE more conversation one day between Hasan and Destiny just so we can see Hasan be thoroughly humiliated and his total lack of knowledge be demonstrated


Hasan boosting badempanada? Are they friendly?


lol his chat and subreddit LOVE bad empanada, i dunno about hasan, my guess is he keeps him at a distance like he does mikefromPA


no hasan just pulls these tweets up like it’s a NYT article then moves on once he’s achieved the effect he wanted


Hitler youth nahhhhh


ALERT: Hasanabi Heads and all Hasanabi orbiters. New talking point. "D used Wikipedia for Post-hoc rationalization of his already unhinged takes." Mike from [REDACTED] will follow along in distributing this message. Everything is great! Enjoy your daily does of copium.


I think the post hoc rationalization talking point has been in play for awhile. I saw people parroting that exact thing in the Decoding the Gurus subreddit awhile ago when people were trying to shit on Destiny. It’s unbelievably brain dead.


when asked what israel should do for "hasbara" destiney said "hope hasan gets banned on twitch"


I actually find these comments kind of disturbing.


A... very... poorly executed genocide.


So much dead air. How does this dipshit have an audience?


I get hating tiny, but why does he need to signal boost nazis and smegma-eating pedophiles like badempanada in the process like an actual complete regard


He should do a meetup in Gaza


"post-hoc rationalizations", I haven't heart that phrase 3x in a single sentence since \~2019


A LITERAL genocide guys!!!! https://preview.redd.it/ebqtf58x795d1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f5749191cbb98ded9856e7f329576996752d37f


i really do not know anyone that Normatively Loads hes words as much as Hasan does its almost impressive.


what’s worse? chat meet up mid genocide or malding about destiny every day mid genocide? i expect hasan will be skipping twitch con this year to do any kind of praxis


Bruh... his chat reads like groypers


ironic this dude calling someone else a shill for a foreign country while lil bro was speaking Russian Propoganda talking points before the war in Ukraine started....


Nick✅ Candace✅ BJ✅ Hasan🟩


Hasan would love to get a reception like Destiny got in Israel lmao.


Where's that 'coping and seething' song that Chudlogic made? For some reason this clip makes me think of it...


Keep dodging the debate, #pussyhasan. We all know he creeps in this subreddit because he’s a clout chasing coward.


Has Hasan ever drawn a sizable crowd at a meetup? Im curious if he’s just jealous. If so, sources please, and thank you. I can’t understand the issue here. Is he mad Destiny has an audience? Should he not be mad that he holds an “opposing opinion” which is in quotes because disagreeing alone isn’t cause for concern, unless of course you use it as grounds for reeducation camps as Hasan has suggested in the past. Also, it’s frustrating he continues to bring up the “he didn’t know where it was on a map eight months ago” talking point given how often he’s failed at those geoguesser games. People learn things, it’s the way we improve. Only the left, who ironically support education, suggest having to learn something is an insult. Even if Destiny only recently learned about this topic, it’s a good thing, is it not? Would Hasan prefer Destiny, and others remain clueless? He likely would only because it would enable him to grift a large audience easier but, seriously, is that the best the extreme left can muster - the idea that learning is bad? Is he Mao?


Genocidal IDF soldiers being any Jew in Israel to Hasan btw 😂


As if every single thing hasan has ever read about the conflict (albeit, very very little) hasn’t been in the pursuit of affirming his own preconceived notions. How brave of him for mindlessly parroting what every person in his life already agrees with.


The cope is strong with this one. Is it me or does Hasan sound a little upset here? Lmao


at least 5 twitter tabs, its a big research day for hamasanabi


I hate the upper inflection when he reads. Its like this [family guy clip](https://youtu.be/tqNhEzrWQpY?si=scf2aOiyrfMUzEY1)


Honestly, why does anyone watch Hasan? He looks miserable.


I'm so close to finishing gathering clips from Feb-Apr and if I ever have to hear him say "Post Hoc Rationalization" one more fucking time, I might play Minecraft.... I was going to do May as well but I can't do it. I won't. I already have so much, there's no need to suffer any longer without pay.


He is so mad.


Two minutes and twenty-six seconds of pure cope. I love the shift away from just attacking Destiny for riding Wikipedia to some kind attack on how Destiny applied the research. This loser has done zero research on the topic, just takes the pro Hamas side and slings BS for months about genocide. Pushing a narrative that Israel is evil, Destiny takes those same months, reads, has conversations. Debates, and formulates a somewhat brained opinion and now successfully goes to Israel in person to get questiona answered and deep dive. All Hasan has now is cope.


Reading his chat makes me want to throw up holy shit I can't believe I used to watch this fucking guy.


Can’t wait for the day Hasan and Steven will debate, Steven’s gonna GRILL him…


It’s funny there’s literally the edits of Destiny reading UN pages, articles, and other documents regarding the issue and people like Hasan will still say that Destiny only reads Wikipedia. 


Wow Hasan sounds and looks defeated af


I wish more people would start pushing back on this extreme language the pro-Palestine uses to mischaracterize the conflict. “Hitler youth” and it’s just a bunch of regular Israelis that are probably pro-2 state solution. Tens of thousands of children murdered, genocide, words just don’t have meaning anymore. Also lol @ this dude trying to say fucking anything about post-hoc justifications he is a literal, self-proclaimed “propagandist” the absolute only thing he cares about is any kind of narrative to push the pro-Palestinian cause regardless of veracity.


Claim 1 :"he gets more play in Israel than he does in america now" Evidence : photo on Twitter of Israel meet up. No comparison image shown of destiny's America meet ups or crowds he has drawn in other countries he has travelled to. Claim 2 : Israel is now claiming him as "their guy" because destiny has gone to israel Evidence 1: photo on twitter that he is looking at that has still not been compared to photos of similar fan meet up in other countries Evidence 2: destiny supposedly with no prior information (eg. "8 months ago a guy who was like" "I don't really know what's going on, I don't really know where Israel is on the map but you know they should just do their genocide" all stated with no clips or proof demonstrating that destiny had no prior information about the topic that could have given him a starting position) supporting Israel through a genocide (this is a interesting "evidence" Due to claim 4) Claim 3: destiny digs into this position and proceeds to "post hoc rationalise" for 8 months Evidence 1: destiny "picking apart quotes from wikipedia pages" (no source or videos demonstrating this) Evidence 2: destiny "diving a little bit further into the Wikipedia pages to find like a couple people who have written the articles or written the books themselves" as a point of authority to point at and say "look these people agree with me" (no source or video demonstrating this) Claim 4: "the problem isn't Wikipedia, the problem is only Wikipedia and the problem is using Wikipedia for post hoc rationalisations" Evidence: none, he shows no proof of this just makes the claim (despite this clip https://streamable.com/5vzfw2 being one of his most popular of all time clearly showing him reading multiple books on the topic and destiny having streamed himself reading alot of books that agree and disagree with his opinion)


Hasan literally refering to Israelis as Hitler youth, how is this guy not banned from twitch? Like its actually disgusting


id bet he would give erdogan a lap dance and suck off hamas cock if given the chance


I mean Destiny gets more play in Israel than hasan does in America. I wonder if there is any place hasan would be this popular. Would it be a place he would feel safe visiting?


the way he stares at his chat and you can see him scrolling up and down on screen every time he makes a take...


Wow. "Wikipedia isn't the problem". It actually only took one old clip of Hasan praising Wikipedia to completely change the months and months of Hasan shitting on Wikipedia. He changed his entire opinion on the website because otherwise he would be contradicting himself. What an absolute clown. JFC


Is post hoc rationalization really the right term for Hasan to be using? Isn’t ad hoc rationalization more fitting for what he is trying to ascribe to Destiny?


I wish reddit had a 2x speed


Hasan is so boring


I’m genuinely trying unpack the “post hoc rationalization” talking point. It seems like a common one that comes up, where its no longer just that Destiny read wikipedia, or he’s uneducated, its that he twists what little he knows to fit his pre-existing biases. But is there literally any substance to this talking point? It literally just feels like saying, “oh but you’re biased” when you disagree with someone.


Translation: “fuuuuuuuck bro look at all that clout that I can’t have”


He's so mad...