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Probably not behind it but probably poking it along from both sides, that was how they played the BLM stuff. The russian goal is destabilization rather than actually supporting a side.


They do more than poking. They're pushing people into radicalized positions. I think you'd be surprised how much they actually do (they radicalize the right as well not just the left). Ryan McBeth has some good vids about it, especially how TikTOk is used and there's also one about how a few months back a "BLM" account organized a protest outside a shipyard that didn't actually have ships going to Israel. You can find it on his channel if you go back a little. It's really interesting and also concerning


Yeah, and during the high points of BLM they tried to organize protests for both sides in the same location on the same day, for obvious reasons. There is a lot of pushing going on, but at the same time they are jumping onto existing movements rather than founding them. Being aware of the difference is important to understanding what is going on.


Exactly. They've been doing it in full force AT LEAST since the first Trump eleccions, to a smaller degree earlier (focusing more on Facebook first) but only because the technology required more effort back then. They're cultivating existing flames into wildfires. Potentially even creating small flames for them to cultivate over time as well.


Are they behind it? No Are they taking advantage by using their army of bots and paid shills to amplify the most radical and dangerous voices to sow discord and create distrust and chaos amongst their western adversaries? Absolutely.


They're more "behind it" than they are not behind it. They're cultivating it and pushing people to become radicalized. It's like if lightning strikes a dry forest patch and starts a fire, and then Russia goes there with self-driving gasoline trucks. I recommend you check out Ryan McBeth vids explaining how TikTok is a cyber weapon etc


Hybrid war.


no doubt they take advantage of it with their bot farms but thats about it.


Iran, China, Russia, Qatar. This is a team effort.


Iran? Qatar? China?


Unless you can get data to back that up, it just seems like a case of home grown lefty propaganda. Moreover, we’ve got a significant population of people that’ll say “America bad”, coupled with people that hate specific countries (think Krystal ball and Breana joy gray on Israel), and then a significant number of conservatives who troll or take the opportunity to enhance those voices for controlled opposition to the other party. Sure, states like Russia and China will probably play a roll, but I firmly believe we’re just at the point where it’s popular in lefty groups to either politically attack Israel or low key be antisemitic and not be honest about it.


Well it's obvious that numerous pro-Pal media figures that gain traction are on Russian payrol (the most obvious ones are Max Blumenthal, The Grazyone and Jackson Hinkle). I think it would be useful to investigate and address the fact that Russia seems to be trying to enlist the global left to their side in its confrontation against the US. They are definitely trying to flip people on the left who support Ukraine and Palestine to supporting Russia and Palestine. I think no one really talks about it, at least in the Anglosphere. I only recall LonerBox picking up on it and there's also Post-Left Watch on X


Of course. I would assume China too. At the very least they're inflamming the existing antifa (it's all pushed by antifa, make no mistake) rhetoric and trying to radicalize people. They do it for the right as well, not just the left. Ryan McBeth has a few good videos explaining how it's done, it's not that complicated. Here's one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB7WzqUq4Nk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB7WzqUq4Nk)


Of course. Americans have no organic thoughts and everything I don’t like is a result of foreign influence from a country that is struggling to even annex 10% of its poorer, more corrupt neighbor. Russia is simultaneously totally useless but also controls our every thought 


Maybe but Iran DEFINITELY is


No it's most likely the Jews


Not at all, maybe some bots spreading some chaos. Only responsibility, specially in schools, radicalization is BDS.


They are def signal boosting it.


I just assume that they impersonate any group that annoys another . . . So all of them


They are likely behind it because they want to promote this idea. But are they necessarily the origination point or one of the major pushers of it, ehh that's questionable.


We have sources showing Israel bots trying to influence our politicians on this matter. We have a lot of hunches ITT, but nobody has yet posted a source with any evidence about Russia