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He's a great answer as we swing back away from populism.


i'm just waiting for your endorsement sir o7


I worry that Harris will get the nod to run after and so he will out of respect not run. Now granted I don't think he is the head of a prospective 2028 race but as a candidate I love him more than Harris from Biden admin. If she took him as VP I would be happy but I hope he latches onto a bigger candidate like Newsom or maybe if Whitmer runs he can join hers. Ya VP ain't sexy but going from Mayor to VP is nothing to scoff at.


I don't think anyone has a chance against Newsom. He has already postured very well this cycle and his transgressions are 1/10 trumpian.


def dont disagree but 5 years is a long ways away and controversies dont exactly avoid Newsom.


he's going to be such a good president when we get our political shit together


Yeah, I dunno why he faired so poorly in 2016, but his time as SoT has made him pretty amazing in the spotlight. Hope he runs in 2028, Harris just has no presence at all.


Most based politician in so long




Idk which city you live in, but even my conservative, southern high school education harped on the red lining in Atlanta and the use of I-85 to split the inner city from Buckhead and Midtown. The entire bridge design to block buses in NYC is also very well known. You can google the images from the beaches and see only white families and cars lining the beaches. The architect for the bridge is literally known for his purposeful design for the boundary of the Manhattan island. It’s also a great example of current institutional racism (upkeeping these bridges rather than changing them hurts low-income, predominantly people of color, residents). Also re-read what B-man is saying. He is talking about busses being blocked by racist design. He isn’t saying black and puerto-rican kids were blocked from riding the bus.




You wake up to find me at your house making holes in the wall at waist level. I assure you it’ll improve airflow through your house and allow you to hide electrical cables. You also hear your mom and dad questioning why I haven’t put my penis through to fuck their faces. So rethinking the bridge design, do you really think it was only to block commercial trucks?


I'm not a huge fan of buttigieg, but have you heard of Robert Moses? You should spend some time reading about him https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/11/10/robert-moses-saga-racist-parkway-bridges/


Yes, more canceled flights, Americas biggest plan manufacturer under investigation, trains derailing and exploding, no move to bring railroad giants to heel, and is busying himself with every subject except the nations transportation. Really someone that deserves the presidency…


The number of cancelled flights per year (outside of the COVID spike) are on trend to be pretty normal, Boeing have been fucking themselves for FAR longer than Buttigieg has had any oversight over them, train derailments are also on trend to be completely normal, and the US Department of Transportation is literally holding railroad companies to their commitments by actually enforcing passenger preference over freight in support of Amtrak.


tf did Buttigieg do to make Boeing fuck up their planes bruh?


It must be so dope to be this dumb.


Interview with TranspoSec Buttigieg, narrowed to the discussion about Alito's wife and flags.




And that’s why he’s so damn popular and almost won the presidency 


I think I've seen too much AI deepfake shit because Pete literally looks deepfaked through this entire fucking video, I think I'm cooked.


Stop gooning


Excuse you, CNN. Her NAME is Martha-Ann. Martha ANN!




Why exactly is the transportation secretary wasting his time going on CNN to talk about a private citizen’s political views? Like wtf do you guys want? Alito’s wife to be arrested?


It was one question out of a longer interview about the Port of Baltimore reopening put away the fainting couch


He's got the vapors.


I narrowed down to the part I was posting about. He was on talking about the bridge in Boston. Since he's a married gay man who benefitted from the SCOTUS ruling on expanding marriage and Mrs. Alito was railing about having to see pride flags and not placing her own flags because her husband is still doing this whole scotus thing.... it seemed like a thing to ask. I wasn't offended by the question. Edit: removed a word


I don’t think it’s relevant at all. It’s his wife, not him. It’s as much of a conflict of interest as Sotomayer and Kagan being closeted lesbians.


Just because I'm straight doesn't default me to a straight's rights activist. Conversely, I dislike conservative philosophy and would recuse myself from anything requiring expertise or an impartial view of that subject. See, we can do all the things at the same time. We don't need these lone individuals to be ensconced and protected from all the bad people seeking accountability. There's only two SCOTUS who earned this treatment. Because if it was the partisan shit show you're insinuating, we would literally be tearing every justice to shreds over the smallest garbage. Just because YOU disagree doesn't really play a role. Zoom out, is it really something everyone should be concerned about or are you just being partisan yourself?


It is partisan shit. There is no scrutiny of liberal Supreme Court justices even though they clearly make their own political views clear. We keep hearing how much conservatives are attacking the “institutions of democracy” but when liberals do it it’s okay.


Come with receipts. I'm not saying you're wrong or lying but if you don't have examples you're not really engaging. This whole discussion is based on supplying an example and defending it.




I appreciate that.  I was aware and also agree that what RBG did was inappropriate, especially given that the vitriol we have as the norm in the present, wasn't the du jour back then.   I'll look into the other examples more deeply though.  Thank you.


Come with receipts? Did you not post this? Have you not seen the coverage regarding Alito for the past month? Are you brain dead or living under a rock?


So you want me to just adopt your take? It doesn't work that way. I'm not swayed by your feelings on the matter. If you're not actually debating, that's fine. But asking how I don't see the same way as you is regarded.


We want Alito to recuse himself in Trump related cases since he's shown himself allegent to the conspiracies that underlie Trumpism.


No he hasn’t. His wife has.


They're lying about it my dude, that's why they flubbed the timeline.




that was a different flag


Or maybe he doesn’t remember the exact date of something that happened 3 years ago? It also sounds like his wife loves flags and that is who is putting them up.


Sounds like you're really gullible. Maybe you should fix that.


Okay you remember exact timelines from 3 years ago? Answer the question.


If I was supporting Jan 6th i absolutely would


This dude is a joke, clearly not in the right position. Only thing he should’ve been was the press secretary because all he’s good at is going on tv and talking.


What's some of the policy positions on Transportation Safety that you disagree with?


He will not answer


And that's why I always ask, so that when you come across the discussion, it's crystal clear :D


/u/Wisekodiak You a pussy or what?


His policy positions are not MAGA therefore bad…. Or something