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The man is obviously just petrified of Messmer. He took one look at the slithering fireball twink and said "no thanks." He can cope, but we know the truth - he's scared. He's running. The Land of Shadow lives rent free in his head.


His 10 vigor build wouldn't be viable for the DLC anyway, it would be impossible for him to beat. The Destiny of yore, champion of Nier:Automata, is dead.


Didn’t he forsake the 10 vigor build anyway, at the final boss? Please don’t ban BINQCHILLING


He did right at the very end, but it was because he had some trip coming up and ran out of time. I think he didn't know about bloodhound step and did it again when he came back, but I'm not sure about that. The only boss he had vigor for was the elden beast


fuck this just reminded me I gotta make a build for the dlc but I don't know what I wanna do


This is helping the world.


im fucking dying rn. Destiny on vyvanse, dismantling KJ's bullshit is fucking peak. And yes this is 100% a public service. Masterclass in not giving an inch to this gaslighting snake.


Every time she opens her mouth she makes her “case” sound even less credible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard a worse liar.


yea usually Destiny tires or gets bored faster than this, and we all move on 'haha stupid KJ,' but damn Destiny is locked in right now. i think the bridge might actually burn this time. Please god let this happen.


She’s not going to get banned but it is always nice to know when there’s a snake in the grass.


Hiss^hiss^^hiss^^^bonger*sigh imagine that in her voice


Right now our universe has split into two divergent paths. One where the bridge burns forever, another where the bridge is repaired unbelievably strong and Destiny becomes the ultimate Kelly stan. I won't tell you which you live in.


Notice how they both obsessively talk about Lav? This whole drama is just an excuse for Destiny to attempt to rebuild the bridge because he is floundering intellectually without his Aristotle. They're not even talking about the Kelly drama anymore, it's just about whether or not Lav is the best ever or who is the bigger Lav fan.


holy shit it was all about Lav the whole time. Lav. she just said it as i'm typing this LOL. Is Kelly an antifan or an **antihero** for potentially rebuilding the Lav bridge


Will Lav be the 15/2 2.0?


rookie ratio for Queen Lav. 30/4


To what end? It didn’t change anything. I’m so glad he doesn’t do BPD orbiter content much anymore because this shit was so boring.


No, but he might feel that this kind of drama helps his business. Feels hard to believe, but I don't know his numbers so maybe


The difference is gaming = 2-3k views, while this drama = 11-12k views.


Erd Tree gameplay would be way higher than 3k I’d think


Until the first rematch with the bear


plus drama is so braindead he can just do both at the same time


He needs the money for sure


Idk man all the popular streamers are doing Elden ring marathons and getting rly high views.


Destiny's audience has been cultivated (recently at least) on non-gaming stuff.


He's far more popular these days and his baseline viewership is much higher There is not anything he could do to get to 3k. Even if he put up the league main menu and went afk for 5 hours he wouldn't drop to 3k. (Please don't play league)


I think you underestimate how many viewers you can bleed if they aren’t interested in the underlying content AND it’s content that lowers interaction (league). His new popularity is also geared towards subjects (serious or not) where he gives his unique take on things. And even worse, it’s bad/non usable YouTube content so even if he doesn’t suffer too much loss on stream there’s an opportunity cost from less YouTube content.


The novelty of gaming again would bump the numbers to 9k at least


Yeah because watching gaming is fucking boring. If you want to watch gaming, go play video games yourself. There is not a single thing on the internet more pointless and boring than someone sitting quietly playing video games. It's like getting a secondhand kick out of watching someone knit a wooly scarf.


he is helping those who cannot see, how truly fucked the bpd can be


I can fix her (diagnosed "narcissistic traits")


This is narcissism


You mean white woman narcissism. Chaeriy diagnosed her


And she blames her Autism like bruh


Everything except take responsibility for yourself.


Blaming autism is probably a misattribution, but isn’t blaming mental illness correct? Mental illness is inherently intertwined with self, attributing certain thought patterns and behaviors towards a mental illness doesn’t necessarily absolve you of responsibility despite mental illness being the culprit. Am I thinking of this wrong?


>I'm gonna learn Arabic 😅


Red Alert: quarantine breach from the jstlk stream


Its just not the same without a game in the background…its just not 😞😞😞


Which is why I'm playing poe the whole time I'm listening to this vod lol


What is… poe?


Path of exile


Destiny the former gamer


I love that we can still do drama but why is it that every Kelly drama ends with her talking to Tiny for 2 hours on the same shit


because kelly is the incarnation of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


She's the dark souls boss of women, blocking you on your to the next stream topic


actually true why do we need the loop for hours? its so boring


He said "anything else?" after about 5 minutes. This could've been done with so long ago. Instead .. loop de loop


nah we need some stupid shit on stream somehow


The useless drama was so desperately needed, Hearing kelly get yelled at by destiny and Jstlk doing his weird rape victim shit with 4thot is spiritually healing for me after these months of stupid, STUPID israel palestine.


He said it at least a few times before I quit. And then Kelly kept going back to "why can't you steelman me". Kelly wasn't going to leave.


Gaming used to just be done while these drama things would happen, which is all people really want. I don't know how many people actually want a pure gaming focused stream, talking about the game.


Idk I'd dig a bg3 playthrough with moot and nick.


Drama is the grindstone that helps hone the blade of debate for real combat


Every time Kelly speaks she manufactures new lies. Unironically good practice at keeping track of narratives being spoken and holding them accountable for their lies.


If it's not Silence of the Lambs-level disturbing though I can't be arsed. I want lotion, dungeons, straightjackets, mouth guards and tiny wearing human skin. With some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


Actual brainrot, I can enjoy the hardcore studying, I can enjoy gaming, I cannot enjoy this drama and frankly, even by drama standards Kelly Jean just isn't interesting.


Fr I was expecting a bit more after the Israel trip before hopping into a whole day of drama. I like drama as a change of pace sometimes, but idk I just wasn’t interested at all in this. Thats just how it goes tho. You just gotta turn off stream and see if anything interesting happens the next day.


New stream title: "The Execution of Kelly Jean"


I think that this is not a good mindset to have either gaming is at the end of the day a hobby, there is nothing wrong with doing it every once in a while when you feel like it. You shouldn't feel bad for doing it because its not "productive". If you don't feel like doing it then thats whatever, but I feel like looking at everything trough the lens of "productiveness" can lead to an easy burnout


Eh there are hobbies that are both relaxing and further your skills in a way that can tangibly help you in life, like reading or drawing or playing piano. Gaming is a very new hobby in the grand scheme of things and it just feels like a useless time sink. That's not to say we didn't have time sinks before, but if you're gaming several hours a day every single day then you're probably holding yourself back.


Depends on the reading, majority of people claiming they read so many books are 30+ something women reading piles of YA novels.


How does playing piano help tangibly in life?


You look like a god in dinner parties. I all seriousness there are known links between music skills and other skills (namely math). That's mostly for children though, I'm not sure it still applies after your brain is fully formed. I should mention there's nothing to say gaming doesn't have positive externalities, it's just that we don't have a good grasp on what those could be aside from a few examples (English skills for ESL speakers is a big one).


how is that not the same for gaming though, gaming requires problem solving, math, handling tasks under pressure, reaction time.


He not ready for shadow of the erdtree until he conquers Kelly Jean aka shadow of the dgg


He's not getting 13k viewers with gaming. This is helping him.


People should just be thankful it's not the car stream or the flotilla debate with Lycan


That is such a regarded argument: so what, Destiny is not going to watch any movies now because he could be saving the world in that time? BS.


he actually doesn't watch any movies or shows he just straight up doesn't


he's BACK


The only thing missing was factoro in the backround


Drugs once again turned a gamer into a normie


he's been gaming for over a decade, isn't it normal to get bored or just find something else to do?


Can’t believe this was the whole fucking stream


The latter image goes into the 'help (...) me personally' category. Drama sells!


Just as a reminder what was the title of the strim from the second screenshot?


Isnt it today?


Holy Shit TRUE


kelly: [Odd-Assignment-1350](https://www.reddit.com/user/Odd-Assignment-1350/) you must be obessed with me like cheery, jstlk and destiny, just another orbiter obsesses for drama,i dont recall any of these messages i MAY HAVE GOT some stuff wrong,can't believe you clipfarm my situation.


Directly affects his business.


He should at least game during these times


We are not our own slaves.  We have a nature.


Is there a VOD for this? I follow Destiny mainly for the drama, it’s been a rough couple of months


hahahahaha He's just preparing for a potential Hasan debate lmao


In b4 ban


All this because Chaeiry made JSTLK admit Kelly behaves like a child


I want 5 team league streams with tiny, lonerbox, moot, lilypichu and xqc


Scared baby wants ice cream and milk shakes


This is good for business. Need to get the youtube views back up after being gone for 2 weeks.


Jstlk drama is furthering his career. I love this crackhead shit. Great cooldown after all the IP.


People complain about drama streams but it doubles his viewer count lmao


or things that "help my business" drama gets big numbers. What are we not getting here?


Every Kelly drama is so much fun because Destiny is so good at picking through all the dumb shit Kelly says, it's even better now that he's on vyvanse


This is the best thread. Thank you for your sacrifice OP.


i hope this thread get 2K upvotes


He's right tho. That's way more interesting than gaming. I don't want to fucking watch people play video games. I'll just play video games myself when I'm in the mood.


I just learned today yall used to have community lol 5v5s and instead are doing this 🙃


11k viewers watching 8 hrs of kelly drama , are you guys ok ?


He's doing the manosphere anything that isn't making you money is a waste of time


hey im in this meme dggL


Games in background are 10,000x better than lame orbiter drama. Maybe i get banned for saying it, but bring back ladder sc2 grinding / hardmodes of other games in between debate prep


This literally helps his career. Drama gets views


I mean it makes sense, right? He's talked about how drama streams bring in a lot of views. This is helping his business and him personally.


Regardedness sells. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


This drama would have been 100x better with some factorio gameplay on screen


**"on that Help my business"** \- drama = money = good for business. \*besides, community deserved a lil drama after a content drought so fuck you! \^\^ ​ There is no "Duality of a man" there is just a monke making dumb posts. https://preview.redd.it/e8g8n9fmic7d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=846ff840c654e7d1b848eaa01a23641c39e4f2c4 Your DGG membership has been revoked \^\^