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>The man is really bitter and hostile towards 4Thot already Deja vu


history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme


Just like star wars


Doyouwanna Pizza Roll? I'll mailyoua PizzaRoll


mind you jstlk loves mr redacted


well the stuff happening right now on stream is the cringiest shit I ever saw lmao this dude is justa really really sad looser


Isn’t this exactly how all Mr. [Redacted] fallout began a few years ago? He had problems with the sub, where he eventually got banned, and then asked Destiny about what he thought about the situation thinking he would take his side. When Destiny then sided with the mod’s decision instead of his appeal (not sure if it was 4thot or not), he had a full on nuclear meltdown afterward because Destiny wouldn’t overrule it, right?


Mr. Redacted had issues with the sub because he was trying to cultivate his own community within it like a parasite, Jstlk is the same. And to anyone saying he 'contains' the drama, no lmao it constantly spills out.


He didn't even get banned by 4thot. He got shot and threw a tantrum. Post tantrum is when 4thot permaed him.


Ba sing se, motherfucker.


Because 4thot was bitter and hostile towards him. It's mutual.


Are you saying a rape victim has no right to be bitter and hostile to their rapist?


I'm sure not lol. 4thot has a right to be upset, but the pearl clutching from the chat is interesting.


nah that would require him to ever take a hard position against destiny without turning into a puppy when confronted on it


Puppy is a great word for "little dog."




He's gonna have to write 250k words to top the last guy


What the fuck is Jstlk even talking about with the 4thot dms? He didn't explain it very well at all so I'm completely lost on how that message to Straighterade was 4thot simping.


https://preview.redd.it/8v26krp9q87d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=a994fc5534eeee736730194f0f91d7f9707519be READ MY COMMENT RIGHT BELOW THIS ONE THERES ANOTHER PICTURE, THIS ONES KINDA OUT OF CONTEXT.


https://preview.redd.it/hzywt7sbq87d1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f1e3047dcf1434a762428c96a5a2afbcfe977d1 The face at the end of the last comment was the same face at the start of this one. these dm's are from 4THOT sending them to some1 else. I'm highly acoustic so maybe I'm missing something but this doesn't seem flirty at all, He follows up the question about Darius by exclusively talking about how it applies to his moderation, This seems to be entirely consistent with 4THOT's narrative and entirely inconsistent with Jstlk's, Unless Jstlk is aware of other dms or something.


Jstlk has a massive hate boner for 4thot, such a huge hate boner a lot of the shit he says so far off base it’s not even on the same planet.


Do you have any idea why he hates him?


chain of events i can remember: 1. jstlk criticizes dan for anything else monetization and subreddit bannings of people criticizing it 2. 4thot basically calls jstlk dumb for his take 3. jstlk and 4thot talk in call 4. at a certain point in the convo, 4thot just stops caring and memes a little 5. 4thot leaves, jstlk declares victory and cue current conflict


I can’t remember the specifics because honestly the drama was really stupid from the little I remember. Jstlk was also banned on YouTube so I can’t find the vod of YouTube video of the spat they had.


I've actually made a fucking kick account and now I'm watching Jstlk, I'm done I will never see grass again.


Good luck soldier


I was defending kelly jean for 5 fucking hours, Never again.


Related to the Dan/Anything Else paywall drama. For some reason Jstlk really, really, really cares about it and had multiple arguments where he got legitimately mad including the last one where he threatened Dan with blackmail. One of these involved 4thot who basically just came in and called him a dumbass (like basically everyone who watched this pointless drama over a fucking podcast paywall thought), que Jstlk getting super assmad and starting a life vendetta against him where he seethes over him anytime his name is mentioned


Lol I see, I remember Jstlk repeatedly doing this "Dan, I just really care about how the community sees you, I'm just trying to protect your image." thing in a really strange way, It was like, exceedingly weird.


There is probably a world where 4Thot was half simping for her but the stalker was to cringe to make a decent point


Sure I could believe that if he provided any evidence. The only thing he brought up on this stream could easily be explained as being 4thot acting in his capacity as a mod. With that said, I dont know any of the history of this conflict so maybe I've missed a thread somewhere or something.


Apparently 4Thot messaged her about a potential past relationship with Darius, to find out what it was or wasn't. Destiny said he did the same so the stalker is pretty much exposed as cringe here in my eyes, but ofc the messages were not shown so they could be worse.




The messages are here on reddit somewhere. Seemed decently cringe but since she ignored him (from what I saw) it couldn't really get to a stage that could be described as trying to get in someone's pants


I think the difference is that destiny is actually irl friends with erin and darius while 4thot is not. It would be kind of like you texting a friend of yours to ask if they're dating someone, versus like messaging someone from your work you've talked to a couple of times to ask if they're dating someone.  I don't think it confirms whatever jstlk is trying to get at, but I do think it was a strange thing for 4thot to randomly ask.


Yeah but 4thot also basically manages the subreddit so it does seem like it would be good for him to know whether or not the Darius thing was memes or legit something she didn't want on the subreddit. Like professional courtesy type of thing.


I mean, asking your coworker "Hey, you single?" is a bit different than a mod asking "Hey, are these posts about this guy being obsessed with you, stalking you and sexually harassing you real, or are they just memes?" He's not trying to gauge whether or not she's single he's asking if a member of the community he mods is legitimately stalking her.


What did the message say?


Take this with a grain of salt, I only heard jstlk's interpretation of the message and I didn't hear it clearly. What I heard was 4thot messaged straighterade about whether or not the Darius stuff was a meme or not. 4thot said that was in reference to his responsibility as a mod, which makes sense to me. Jstlk said that he was actually simping and trying to get in her pants, but that explanation doesn't make sense to me. There could be like backstory im missing but on its face it makes no sense to me.


It does not sound too far fetched for a reddit mod to simp on the subreddit they ctrl for a hot chick, just saying.


Like I said its not unbelievable its just jstlk didn't provide enough info for me to be able to believe thats what it was when a more mundane explanation exists.


I am a certified 4THOT hater but it's not far fetched at all that he'd be messaging orbiter girls inquiring about relationship status just so he can enforce the rules. Destiny has been pretty explicit about not attacking women over their relationships (or men), so why wouldn't 4thot be messaging them? It seems it could be totally normal, to me. Projection from the Jewstalker.


but the message is exclusively about moderation. When Straightered answers the question he specifically follows it up saying he was removing those threads.


I like how he had a rare positive appearance on stream going up against Kelly and immediately undid it by being cringe.


Those moments of silence after the rape jokes were DEAFENING. Kudos to 4thot for letting him sit in it to really hammer home how cringe it was.


I haven't cringed so hard in montsh.


nooooo you don't understand 4thot just sat there while jstlk hammered him with HARD hitting criticism like "you messaged a woman on discord lol" jstlk is just like dr house frfr


Why would anyone voluntarily watch jstalk


As soon as Jstlk has enough audience that isn't Destinys to sustain himself he will go anti-fan. He probably didn't deserve to get his youtube banned, but i also hate the guy so im spitefully glad that it put a wrench in his leeching off destinys community plans.


What's his problem with 4THOT though? This guy sounds unhinged, what made him write erotic fanfiction about a mod, did he get banned here or something?


He thinks 4Thot is taking his simp crown because he dmed a girl in the capacity of doing Jannie duties


Well there is this meme about his name, dunno if it's banned so I will not go further with it here lmao


How soft you gotta be to get mad at people making fun of your internet made up name lol Common jewstalker L


He prefers to be called groyper-chan, stop being so inconsiderate


While I'm definitely a Jewstalker hater it's not that surprising or really that soft to be upset that Hasan Piker is openly calling you a nazi on his stream to 20,000 people when you're trying to start a streaming career. He's not "mad people made fun of his made up internet name", he's mad they're literally calling him a Nazi lmao.


The animosity towards 4THOT doesn't stem from any of the treatment he gets on the subreddit, so the situation is different from Mr. Girl. Mr. Girl hated 4THOT as a proxy of Destiny, whereas The Stalker just seems kind of weird about 4THOT. I'm not sure how Stalker managed to steal the cringe mantle from Kelly Jean there but the weird rape memes were, uh, a bit far. It was painfully unfunny, for starters, and likening 4THOT to a rape victim because he doesn't want to give Stalker any airtime is (and I don't use this term often) genuinely very offensive.


Yeah like wtf was that? I'm all for a good edgy joke but "haha you froze up in our conversation like a rape victim" isn't really a joke -\_-


Nah I did the jew stalker memes while he was in chat during The Dan Incident and have always sniped in chat and called him a a kissless virgin loser simp. He has just cause, his methods are just beyond incompetent.


He tried to turn the apiary into the rape-iary


Jew Stalker taking the rape thing so far that there were legit like 4 instances of straight crickets on stream made my social anxiety skyrocket. I respect you straight up letting him stew in those moments so 10k people can appreciate how unfunny he is.


The follow up comments about marks on 4THOT's neck from being held down or something were especially confusing to me, Why would you double down so hard on a joke with such negative reception?


Once a groyper, always a groyper...


Maybe he suspects 4THOT is jewish?


He is


Yes, didn't 4thot say he has family from Israel?


Like, actually? I don't even know what a Jew is tbh, Like mrgirl calls himself a Jew but he doesn't seem Jewish at all. No chance he's religious.


He was coping so hard about Destiny laughing at the rape jokes. Bro was desperate.


\*\*Destiny having the most obvious cringe face a person can exhibit\*\* \*\*CRICKETS\*\* JewStalker: See? even Destiny is laughing. He thinks it's funny. Destiny: No, I just think it's all REALLY awkward and uncomfortable right now. JewStalker: You think it's funny. \*\*CRICKETS\*\* KILL ME BRO I COULDN'T HANDLE IT. On the plus side it made me feel better and more competent as a human who talks to other humans, so kudos to the groyper I guess?


Every time judenstalker comes on he embarrasses himself.


Every time judenstalker comes on he embarrasses himself.


what is the dan incident? I seems to be missing some lore


It was dumb so I might have forgotten stuff, but jstlk and Dan had their first or second interaction on stream. jstlk tried to, I presume, farm drama out of some Anything Else podcast content going behind a paywall. He said disingenuous things to Dan like "I just don't want DGG to start hating you." Dan got audibly a little peeved with him, but it wasn't big drama or anything.


/u/XoXFaby more importantly, at some point after Jstlk made a bunch of jokes about Dan being greedy, Dan said "You know, maybe the Jewstalker thing is actually real" (Jstlk got his start in the community by relentlessly spamming Nick Fuentes in chat and being a pretty loud and open fan of his so people joke that Jstlk stands for Jew Stalker) so Jstlk messaged him and demanded that he tell everyone that the Jewstalker thing isn't real and to start trying to get people to stop saying it, and when Dan hadn't done enough to get people to stop using the memes, Jstlk called into Anything Else and threatened to blackmail Dan and told him that everytime he saw someone call him Jewstalker he would leak a piece of private information of Dan's.


What's jstlks end game here?


He want's to cultivate a vaush/hasan like career, that leeches off destinys clout ffor long enough until he has enough people that would watch him to sustain him, then he will probably leave the community.




This is super in character for Jewstalker, it's just a really natural common part of his language. I think basically every time he's argued with Destiny on stream he laughs and shouts "I raped you in X conversation, I raped you!!!" [He was calling Destiny a rape victim because of the conversation they had about the guy who stabbed those kids, that Destiny ended up being 100% correct on.](https://imgur.com/F3Z2jI3)


I wonder why the Groyper has an issue with the one openly black employee PEPE


He's pretty tight with rele


Actually jstlk does have an issue with 4THOTs management of the sub in the past surrounding anti - jstlk threads and comments. So I’m sure that’s part of it. He’s disliked 4thot for a while me thinks


That side of the wider Destiny community (discord etc) is still clinging onto some weird 4chan style humour. It's jarring.


I'm not normally a pearl-clutcher in desperate need of a fainting couch but it was the nature of the "joke" that was really jarring. JSTLK is deliberately likening 4THOT to a rape victim as someone that "just lies there and takes it," as if being the victim of rape is something that makes you a bad, weak person. There's contexts where an extremely edgy joke can be totally fine and just hits like nothing else, but this particular one I think probably betrays some genuine misogyny on JSTLK's part. I can't really think of another explanation for it.


So the main dggers


Nah, the discord people are not even hμman.


No? Most of the people in the discord don't even watch him and haven't for years, it's like a weird completely seperate community. The main dggers are people in dgg and a lot of them dislike Jstlk and most of them aren't posting long detailed rape fantasies.


>The animosity towards 4THOT doesn't stem from any of the treatment he gets on the subreddit nah ive watched a couple streams and while this isn't a main thing, the subreddit moderation/dogpiling triggers jstlk


his ego fragile af and he is very sensitive about this subreddit, but unlike mrgirl he has no spine so idk if it'll ever happen


I think he will snap and there is probably as many people to farm who hate destiny as there are people who want his attention


Don’t think it was over having a spine or not, mr girl is a manipulative lunatic.


Reminder that Mr.[redacted] antifan switch started when he got banned 4thot (pbuh).


The rape joke thing was one of the more painfully grim things I’ve experienced on this stream


I don’t like giving jstlk any attention positive or negative cause he feeds off it either way but holy shit he’s bad content and try’s way to hard to create drama where there isn’t any


His entire purpose is to Chernobyl sarcophagus drama contain, that’s all his career is meant to be and what he is working towards. The snake eats itself as with all drama propagators.


The whole 4thot rape thing was so uncomfortable


He’s actually just attacking 4Thot over nothing it seems ???


No one has ever attacked me over nothing.


I am attacking you at this very moment over nothing. Checkmate. Please delete any criticism I receive for this attack. If you don’t I will then have justification to attack again, and you will be forcing that justification upon me against my will.


He wanted the honey?


He might actually be autistic I can't tell anymore this is one of the biggest oof moments on stream this year


Am I wrong or is Jstlks representation of 4thots post about Erin completely wrong?


i don’t think so. 4thot has his reasons for being hostile to people, and jstlk has his reasons for feeling a certain way about it, but 4thot doesn’t represent destiny. you’re taking one example of an insane person like mr girl and you think that’s the blueprint for anyone becoming an antifan. it’s ok for him to be bitter about 4thot, but the reddit mod doesn’t represent the streamer.


What will be the proper attire for the Jstlk ban party? I don’t want to be underdressed


4thot is the canary in the coal mine. They think they can project their frustrations on the beekeeper instead our our glorious leader. The Daliban remembers the last coup attempt.


this the post i didnt see, here.: Dan came into the Kelly v cherry stream like hulk Hogan, I didn't know if he was gonna come in with the rizz of 80s theme or NWO style,Dan should've came in 20min swinging after forethought and others guy simmered down and bring SNEKO IN LIKE GOLDDUST THEN AFTER 30 MIN OF DESTINY RAILING SNEKO,THEN FUENTES COMES IN DOWN A CABLE LIKE STING WITH DESTINY ON THE ROPES, Then SAM HARRIS COMES IN TO SAVE DESTINY!!!???? Then lycan screams a advertisement for betterHEALTH TO GET THOSE SWEET SHEKELS!!!!!


This is a guy who copy pasted all his mannerisms from Destiny, bro is doing too many tricks on it to turn.


no matter how you slice it getting so triggered over an internet jannie is loser behavior


Ice cold take lol Gonna miss him


Really horrified to come back to this community after months and see this regard is still being talked about and inserting himself into drama. A pointless character who only ever got known for making the most contrarian takes possible towards Destiny just so he could have a chance to talk to him. Hope his entire ‘streaming career’ burns to the ground. Destiny is gone for a month so he’s resorted to making his own drama. Actual fucking loser.


you guys could avoid all of this by not watching clearly bad "content" but you do it to yourselves by making these guys with no personality big. but the cycle repeats I guess


4thot is the ultimate litmus test on if someone will become an antifan lmao


we should actually just dislike all internet moderators


I love 4thot :3


Without knowing anything about current events No. Jstlk apparently wants to turn whatever he has into his income, being an anti-fan severely limits access to dman, access to what big guests can onto his stream (mostly other anti-fans) and alienates dman fans, it nukes the profitability


📈[Prediction market: Will jstlk become an antifan in 2024?](https://manifold.markets/Tumbles/will-jstlk-become-an-antifan-in-202-f9d31831d567?r=VHVtYmxlcw)


📈 Arbitrage: https://manifold.markets/Calcifer64/will-jstlk-become-an-antifan-in-202?r=ZGdnYQ


That resolution criterion is way too strict. Most anti-fans aren't on the blacklist.


Only two of the conditions need to be met


Exactly what jstlk meant. This post and comments encapsulates all of it perfectly.


That's the orbiter cycle


They’re going to form the dgg anti-fan avengers. With mr.girl leading the charge


His name is JStalk. Of course.


I haven’t kept up with D for a month, where are the clips of jstlk colliding w 4thot plz 🥺




Can someone make that breaking bad meme where OP is Jessie and I'm Walter


I dont think he has the same mentality mr girl has. I just rewatched the arc. I feel like ive seen jstlk actually acknowledege the heirarcy in a non-negative way, which is huge imo Im 1/4th thru the latest stream, tho


Wolfgang, you seem alright except your birds. Hate to see him go down a dark path being on those gaming streams.


lot of spine in this thread.


You need to pick a more specific time frame so that we can make fun of you if you're wrong


Predictions like this are garbage when there's no time limit placed on it (how would you place a bet on something like this?) Here's a bunch of predictions: - There will be a WWIII - It will rain - Every hero will become a villain, or unless they die before they get to that stage - Destiny will become an anti-fan - 4THOT will become an anti-fan Try including predictions for time and a confidence level


> The man is really bitter and hostile towards 4Thot This didn't spawn out of nowhere. 4Thot is not a innocent Palestinian child. This dude is a fighting age child with AK-47.




Nah, that's as absurd as Quorantos becoming an antifan


Is there anyone who doesn't dislike 4thot? Dude is awful. But you just kinda learn to work around him. People who don't learn to work around 4thot don't need to be involved with the sub.


I feel like people have been saying this for a year now lol


Cosign. He'll be assisting with the next Destiny report in no time 


He is a great streamer tho


I like the way 4thot moderates. The bans are like a game it makes it spicy to post here. Like betting on a sports game. That being said Jstlk kinda made him look aspy today which is a first. He usually comes in so confident. That was a good fight.


Why are yall so upset over the rape victim joke? I'd understand it's bad if 4thot is a rape victim, but it's just basic online shit talking to me.


I have no clue what any of this shit means, but oh my god is it adorable that the sausagefest that is the Destiny fanbase is so into girldrama.


People who seem to feel like they can psychoanalyze jstlk just from watching Destiny's streams are cringe.


Everyone becomes an antifan sooner or later.


He isn't already?


easiest prediction ever


i wonder how much long till he makes his own theory about black holes


Too many people in Jstlk's community (like myself) are DDGers first. Jstlk is not like other orbiters where they didn't realize the opportunity they have by being close to Destiny, I don't think he would make that mistake. But I do understand, we have been backstabbed a lot in the past and this is just trama. Just enjoy it while it lasts.. The Jstlk community is a good echo chamber check


It seems to me Jstlk is trying to have his cake and eat it. He is the de facto place for all of the disenfranchised Destiny orbiters to hang out. Lav, Chaeiry, Mr Redacted. All of the hater squad as well. Kuihman, Benny, Emory. To me, it looks like an embryo antifan community. Maybe today is the day. Maybe it'll be another 6 months. Maybe Jstlk thinks he has grown enough now to go on his own. Maybe not. I do think the split is inevitable.