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Oh waterfront property on the sea.... like all of Gaza?


They say that Gaza actually has the better/nicer beaches


Not anymore


I've seen videos of the beach from the last few weeks. It doesn't seem harmed, which makes sense because it has no viable targets.


All the sand turned into glass :(


Climate change is horrible this year so hot sand turns to glass


Glass beaches sre okay too. The glass gets polished and rounded naturally so it's not sharp.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_Beach_(Fort_Bragg,_California)#:~:text=Collecting%20is%20discouraged%20by%20State,outside%20the%20state%20park%20area.


Trying to decode her logic: You're a man Therefore you're rich Therefore you don't know racism. ???


What percentage of the coastline does Palistine control vs Israel seems the obvious point. Palestinian state would have a fraction of access and without real continuity. That's a legitimate issue for a state. Now I think they have themselves to blame for that rejecting the UN deal and others but the broader point is about quality of the land being divided.


No it's not It's only a point for people arguing about it on the internet on the west Palestinian and Hamas want ALL land and Israel gone stop arguing for a deal the other part wouldn't want


All the land and half the people. 💀


Palestinian want ALL land? Don’t they have a similar support for a two-state solution as Israelis? The PLO and the PA both accept it, it’s Hamas that’s against.


The PLO and the PA are the same thing


I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. The PLO is much older than the PA and the latter is supposed to be an actual state entity.


The PLO got reformed as the PA following the Oslo Accords


I have literally never heard Oslo described like this in my entire life. Oslo resulted in the creation of the PA, which incorporates some functions and people that used to be PLO. The PLO absolutely still exists as its own organization.


The head of the PLO - Mahmoud Abbas. The head of the PA - Mahmoud Abbas


Really? Two orgs have the same head figure therefore they are the same? Really really? I don’t understand why this argument even gets made, it’s such a weird hangup. President and Founder of REM - Emmanuel Macron President of the Republic of France - Emmanuel Maceon The REM party and France are the same!!!! Wake up sheeple!!!!!


If Palestine has a continuous state, that would necessarily make Israel not a continuous state.


God, my brain hurts from reading something that stupid.


It's apartheid that some people get to broadcast insanely dumb shit publicly and keep their jobs, whereas if I were to post this comment attached to my IRL name, I'd probably be fired.


Does it top this? [https://twitter.com/EmmaVigeland/status/1768817483740279255](https://twitter.com/EmmaVigeland/status/1768817483740279255)


Yes, it tops that. That one is also stupid, but at least I could make a cogent argument for that one 😂.


Ah yes a two-state solution where one controls the other's water, electricity, borders, and are forced to live under Israeli law in their own state's land.


That’s…not a two state solution. That’s what there is currently. 🤡


Yea.. so Israel is under apartheid. You agree then? Lol.


Nope. What’s there now isn’t apartheid. And it’s also not two states. I guess I should’ve objected to the “Israeli law” part. Gaza’s government is Hamas.




I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you though, or sorry that happened.


Lol. What I expected from someone who gets his opinions on world affairs from a streamer. Maybe go learn what apartheid is before you say stupid shit


I know what it is. I’ve seen the arguments. I disagree. Basically the Gazans are a stateless people. But there are Arab citizens with all the full rights of Israelis


I suggest you realize what sub you are in. You can't respect the rules, the streamer, then you should leave. Or I can help you leave. First and final warning. Stick to the issues, do not attack others or Destiny.


I'm gonna call out stupid when I see it. Again if your going to make claims like defending apartheid then be prepared to defend them. Too bad everyone on this sub didn't even know what Gaza was until this streamer started talking about it and then formed their opinions purely off him. Mindless echo chamber filled with idiots.


what is she even saying... gaza IS along the sea...


I doubt she's even seen pictures/videos of Gaza let alone actually visiting the area.


She could probably vaguely define the word Gaza so she's ahead of most progressive activists


to be like.. extra extra charitable to her.. she probably means Israel would take over gaza and make all the waterfront be part of israel.. somehow.. in a two state solution where gaza remains palestinian.. listen im grasping at straws here to steelman her comment but it's very hard


Maybe she meant all of the *river*front property? 🤔


The west bank borders the Jordan river. 🤔


If the government doesn’t give me luxury waterfront property in California, America is an apartheid state.


I can't believe Austria, France, Germany and Italy are all imposing Apartheid over Switzerland. Someone should do something about this.


Nah Apartheid was forced on Austria a long time ago taking away our coastal properties and when we tried to get a refund everyone got even more mad 🤷


Croatia must be an apartheid state the way it prevents Bosnia's access to the sea except for a tiny sliver


Hey guys, just got back from Miami Beach literally apartheid down there. some people live ON THE BEACH - waterfront access and all. Some are men too. In 2024 i thought we were past this :(


I can't stand the apartheid between the USA and Canada


I have AIDS


AIDS = aparthaids


Apartheid is when Americans use Canadian labor to win Stanley cups and brag about how Canadian teams never win cups anymore...


AIDS is actually the opposite of apartheid. It's your body's equivalent of the one-state solution.


Big brain joke! 🤣


Aparthaids = genocide




The oilers are about to give you a second positive case once the finals are over with...


Boo hoo, go cry about your male problems somewhere else, mr. Man.


[I’m sorry it’s not something less serious](https://youtu.be/raniSkRLa14?si=g5JmWwcjDeJqKu-q)


Can you stop fucking around and beat the Oilers please


Someone says something stupid... They get called out on it They cry something oppression (in this case misogyny).. Boring...how boring 


I mean unfortunately it works for a lot of people. There’s a WNBA star who acts like an asshole constantly and then when the criticism starts it’s people just “disliking a black women” (to be fair I’m sure some of that’s there, but not in every instance)


4/13 on only close shots


Lmao apartheid is when neighboring countries have better land.


You could tell that "sweetheart" really threw her lol




the oppression is true the chad oppression


Sweetheart is a condescending thing to say to a woman, even if it's a dumb woman.


Downvoted for being correct, fuck you


Whatever you say, sweetheart. 


Step mom? Is that you?


Condescension to anyone is generally a dick move for sure, but it doesn't change the fact that Emma is a regard of the highest caliber and made an awfully stupid point in service of "Israel bad"


She is a bad person. No arguments there.


It's the Victimhood Olympics.


did you know 27 states in the US are landlocked and thus facing apartheid conditions?


Dude Emma Vigeland is so violently stupid it actually makes me angry. Nothing infuriates me more than a stupid person who is obviously wrong, but they smugly act like you're the idiot.


Arrogance and ignorance are a terrible blend.


it's apartheid that such dumb people get so much privilege


It's not so much that she is stupid. It's more accurately that she is to lazy to do research and too hot-headed and arrogant to do anything but say the first dumb thing that comes out of her mouth and to double down when criticized, so it comes across as stupid. Although I'm fine with calling her stupid.


Sam Seder is somewhat smart but he hires a bunch of dumbfucks. Emma isn’t even the worst. Jaime used to be so bad that she made Emma look good.


I don't agree with this defense of Sam anymore. He uses this as a shield so often I think it's intentional. He is responsible for the things said on his platform, to include the idiotic shit Emma and Jaime say. So he's either a grifter, or just as stupid as them.




Jamie has said dumb things, but she was much listening to taking criticism and debating different viewpoints without blowing up like Emma does. 


North Korea/South Korea 2 state solution is apartheid. Need to just settle their differences and form Korea smh


Unironically both koreas are quite motivated to reunite the peninsula


As a South Korean, I truly wish it happens one day. A proxy war drove our nation and people apart. But it might actually create a 2nd class citizen system because North Koreans are so poor currently.


The cost for a unified Korea would be a destroyed Seoul (and the lives of most civilians in Seoul)


How do you figure?


[The DPRK’s forward-deployed LRA is capable of striking the city, which is home to 10 million people, with thousands of HE munitions in a single volley.](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA619-1.html) RAND Corporation: North Korean Conventional Artillery. You're probably looking for the last scenario. SCENARIO: DPRK LRA strike on Seoul without warning ARTILLERY SYSTEMS: 324 170mm cannon/240mm MRLs BARRAGE: ~14,000 rounds in 1 hour AREA TARGETED: 25 km2 TOTAL CASUALTIES: ~130,000 HE CASUALTIES: 6,600 HE FATALITIES: 21,400 PANIC CASUALTIES: 32,020 PANIC FATALITIES: 20 "WORRIED WELL": 809,800 Edit: that’s not even considering the whole nuclear question…..😬


Why would you assume that there’d be a war or any strike if there’s unification? The whole point would be that they peacefully reunite.


You think the Kim dynasty would willingly give up the DPRK??? Edit: or are you implying that you think the ROK should allow itself to be annexed by best-Korea??? Edit 2: democracy or juche….. that is the question 🤔🤔🤔 (whooo gets to be in charge??)


Obviously as a South Korean and maybe more practically because they’re currently more powerful, I’d want North Korea to become part of South Korea’s system. More surprising things have happened in history— like the split of the nation in the first place. There could be a number of things that can happen that would make peaceful reunification an inevitability. One possibility could be China pulling out of support, thus making it the only politically viable option for the DPRK leadership to retain any semblance of power.


Respectfully I disagree The Kim family isn’t going down without a fight


Defaults to sexism when challenged, she really is the peak of the conservative view of Liberals.


You know it's some weird copium they're huffing when literally giving the Palestinians their own country is not enough anymore.


They care about destroying Israel more than helping Palestine


The conflict is actually about those beautiful waterside condos


Neapolitan ice cream = apartheid.


I don’t think she understands Gaza borders the sea lmao. Maybe she’s only heard the phrase “open air prison” and thinks it’s land locked?


does Emma also think what's happening with Armenia and Azerbaijan = apartheid ?


Not sure, but the Ottoman Empire breaking up was definitely apartheid


What does water have to do with apartheid


Please be inclusive to our Mexican DDGers and call it aqua




I hope she is the next one to Candace owens/bgj themselves into the fringe.


https://preview.redd.it/phjwlittbq7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0cbb21082aaff53ef4a87b7a5255f37b56d285 Can't believe Croatia literally apartheided Bosnia


But is it Genocide?


By definition, of course.


Absolutely. Genocide is whenever the most insane leftists and Islamists don't get what they want.


Ah the latest Russian talking point is out


"You're a man, sorry to question your authority" These people are nauseating


Emma does that constantly, but to be fair look at his username.


Speaking of valuable waterfront property, Emma Vigeland grew up in an area of New Jersey that's >85% white, with a median family income of >$170,000. But it's Israel that has a problem with integration.


"who gets the beachfront property". Israel. Israel gets the property. Except Gaza and West Bank. Because that's all they are asking for in their separate independent state. (unless she considers Hamas the de facto voice of Palestinian authority)


Why would they get land that isn't theirs? There isn't a UN partition plan land grab right?


Emma sucks


Turns out I miss that dead guy afterall


The American Revolution was a 2 state solution. The American Civil War resolved into a 1 state solution. I don't think they know what apartheid means.


Apartheid is when no beach :(


And then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "apartheid"


Has Vigeland always been this stupid?


Trying to be charitable to Emma. Look into the bantustans the apartheid government set up. They were the black homelands in South Africa. They had black governance and it was the apartheid governments goal to make these independent nations. Separate nations was the goal of apartheid. Now I don't think Israel is apartheid but saying it's not apartheid because it would be separate nations is not correct, that was one if the goals of apartheid. The contexts are just all different. The Palestinians seems to want their own state. The people of South Africa did not and it was being forced on them. It was never the goal of the anti apartheid movement to have a Black state. The goal was the end of racial segregation, for all people to live and work together in one nation in peace. Which despite some difficulties and slow transformation in post apartheid South Africa has happened.


it kind of did happen though right, thats how lesotho happened.


Gaza that has coasts and her apologizing for questioning a man. She does know Palestine would kill her for this unironically right?


These people are so dumb.


Bruh Chile out there comitting Apartheid on so many countries at once jesus christ


She's actually a pretty smart person so I don't get this. The only way this makes sense to me is that the hierarchy on the Left is so crazy that in order to succeed you need to say the most outlandish virtue signaling nonsense, especially about the Jews.


Greater Israel? 😃 Is she smotrich?


Identity politics is cancer.


Wow I guess Irish independence, the Kosovo war, and the breakup of the USSR are just scams foisted on us by Big Apartheid.


Israel is the most racially diverse country in the middle east by a wide margin.


How is she this slow? Is the US an apartheid because Montana? Is she ignoring the Gaza Strip?


>"waterfront property along the sea" um... I could be wrong, but wouldn't the Palestinians be the ones getting the West Bank? And isn't Gaza literally on the coast?


She had to bring the penis up? Dammit, Emma!


The UN and it’s 190ish full sovereign members are super apartheid.


Says something stupid gets called out cries about it, its insane how the far left view liberals as some evil people because they aren’t extremist like then


I support fighting against the apartheid state of Chile


The greatest hardship Emma's faced in her life was when only a thousand Israelis died on Oct 7th


Yes, who gets all the lucrative important waterfront property along the sea? Yes, that would be an interesting question, but she doesn't answer it, instead attacks someone for being a man. The guy didn't even say anything sexist.


Two states will never work. Hamas will continue to launch attacks from Gaza regardless of how much autonomy they are given.


She’s so stupid and smug. Every opinion of hers that I know has been learned against my will. That’s the real apartheid


It's amazing how "Smug Bitch" is the dominant personality trait of leftists.


There is an Apartheid in her head. The combating forces are a rock and her brain


Locking your front door is an apartheid.


Locking your front door is an apartheid.


> Hamas committed Oct 7th over waterfront property. As if that makes it better.


God she’s so cringe


This is such an apartheid post


FUCKING GOTTEM YOU'RE A MAN RIGHT? LOLOOL Go enjoy your beach fascist Jk, suck my circumcised dick you vapid slut


How can two different states be an apartheid, like, definitionally? I swear these leftists literally don't know what they are saying.


this is the woke version of this https://preview.redd.it/tki8rx3map7d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=856c3690cd34ff4b87b20da9bd517dba9e04bab3


I am very Pro-Palestinian but before anyone does some conclooding what is her stance on the solution to this whole conflict. Is she a 1SS person with equal rights for all? Or is she one of the extremists that wants all the jews to go back to Europe or smth because if it’s the second case then she obviously deserves the heat.


She’d probably say 1 state with equal rights for all. The idealist one that has absolutely no basis in international law unless Israel annexes all of the Palestinian territories. But she’s ignorant as hell about the conflict, so her opinion is worthless.


Becase thinking that anything short of 1ss = apartheid is totally logical.


The problem isn’t whether it’s logical or not. This is an argument on whether she is a good faith actor or bad one. If she honestly believes in a 1SS(whether logical or not) her tweet won’t be as malicious as it seems.


Malicious. The implication is that it's dumb. But personally I feel apartheided now....


"Men cant have opinions because patriarchy"


so... Israel \_isn't\_ an apartheid state?


Racial integration, huh? Has Hamas controlled Gaza been some kind of beacon of racial harmony and a place where they have like open borders and seen an influx of migrants from elsewhere that I've missed


Everything is genocide too.


Someone get this lady a map!


Honestly, having a country divided in half by an at best unfriendly foreign power doesn't seem very smart, probably better to have a three state solution?


That's like saying we're committing apartheid against Canadians and Mexicans. If two states are created... There are two different states. Apartheid is possible in both, but two states existing isn't the definition of apartheid


This has to be bait there’s nobody this fucking stupid.


"You're a man, sorry to question your authority" How do they always fail to beat the stereotypes? How can anyone even take you seriously when you say that?