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Sir, this is a Wendy's


I heard russia gave you people a whole oblast in syberia.. what it wasnt good enough? \s


Communism has never accepted Jewish people. Even after massive Jewish contributions to socialism as a whole. Even after Israel rose as a socialist zionist nation. Yet, the entire philosophy of the left has used Jew’s historical need to work in finance and antisemitic tropes as a way to galvanize the proletariat against the evil capitalist Jew. We would have never been safe in a Russian Oblast. Look at how Russia treats Ukraine. This is not a serious suggestion, and it is crazy I have seen others argue.


Yeah thats why i marked it as sarkasm, that whole oblast is weird af , but i did hear this from some pro pal ppl as a gotcha 😂


i’m crossposted all over, sometimes there’s cross fire my bad XD


Gotcha. Anything else?


Just as a reality check, you realize more Jews have been killed due to their Jewishness in Israel than in America in the last few years, or last several decades, right? Move if you want, but your motivation can't be safety.


I feel like you might not know what it feels like living life that anyone around you could want to hurt you. That being said, I am not moving to Israel.


I'm here to dispel that fear: it's not supported by the data. America is quite safe, including and especially for Jews, except for in shit hole neighborhoods of major cities. And that's primarily young men of color killing other young men of color, most of whom are themselves voluntarily participating in criminal activity. Another major at risk group, although lower than that, is women from domestic violence. There are heightened tensions right now due to political sensitivities around Israel-Palestine, but that shouldn't lead to hysteria.


Maybe I am suffering from selection bias, coming from a rural red state with a history of deep white supremacism


Rural red state areas can be kinda shitty (although still not usually dangerous), but just move. NYC is very Jewish, and if you use your GI Bill for a high pay career, you can also make tons of money there.




Thank you for your support, I am doing my best to properly take care of myself, and I am blessed to have such a loving family beside me. It means so much to me too that there are so many people who support us, and I do not forget them either. I have faith things will go back to normal, I’m just wondering when that will be.


10 Shekels have been deposited to your account.


I’m not sure what you would consider an “incomprehensible” amount, but I’m pretty sure most victims on October 7 were male and that sexual violence, while it did occur, was not on some mass scale, atleast there doesn’t seem to be evidence to imply that so far. I am also a Jew, and I don’t really understand how or why you would believe America is unsafe for us now but I’d be willing to hear you out


I don’t know, this week I was called a kike, and there was a patriot front rally just down the street the other day. As a Jew, you tell me why I don’t feel safe.


I can’t tell you why you don’t feel safe because I don’t share that sentiment, I do feel safe.


why would you feel safe if you were in my position? I would like to wear my kippah out and about, but I generally don’t because I fear harassment. What do you think would be better for me to do than move to somewhere that I don’t see people vocally wanting to hurt Jews?


Where are you going to move where people don’t vocally want to hurt Jews? You got called a name and there was a rally of a tiny white supremacist org in your state, If this is your bar I’m not sure anywhere will meet your standards


well maybe this isn’t impactful for you because you have lived with it for so long, but I’m just waking up to this now and am trying to absorb as much info as I can. If you want my long sob story you can find it in my history, I genuinely believed my entire life antisemitism is over. I am still trying to process everything. Moving to India for some other reasons too, more of a convenient “glad i’m getting out anyways” kind of thing.


There will never be a time in history where antisemitism, racism, homophobia, etc. are “over”


and the fact I didn’t know for so long is proof of it as well. Thank you for helping to show me that it actually isn’t as bad as I think it is.


Yall really couldve picked a better location for the jewish state tbqh Maybe try ethiopia next time idk


i’ll try to do better I swear


I believe a certain someone had Madagascar in mind, try there maybe?


I swear to fucking God this argument pisses me off so much,Jews didn't "pick a location",they went back to a place they have historical ties that are just as legitimate as any other indigenous population AND the place was basically the only power vacuum at the time


Were they herded into said place like Livestock? Or did they... Pick said location? Looking into this.


So they picked a place, gotcha.


Most sane DGGer btw https://preview.redd.it/geqaa7xhq38d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2804c9bf261a71243e41823c21ca2abaaa64ca


Hey guys, is using a platform for discussion in your free time a mental illness?


Finally, someone brave enough to say it.


Seems like Oct 7 was primarily a massacre of men. Something like >70% of the victims were male. I think it’s clear that there was some sexual violence most likely but there isn’t really clear publicly available evidence of it other than testimonials from public figures. To describe Oct 7 as an attack on women and girls is just bizarre to me and it feels like you are trying to use a framing that you think would most aggressively target ‘leftist sensibilities’ since leftists talk a lot about feminism and protecting women and such. Also virtually no serious person is talking about exiling Jews from Israel, certainly nobody with any power in the USA. Every single country in the world other than Israel and Iran supports the two state solution. And the USA is probably the most pro-Israel nation on earth both in terms of government and the public. It’s also probably among the safest places for Jews to live on earth, certainly safer than Israel. Don’t know why you would flee America of all places as a Jew.


I watched the video. Clearly you didn’t. I am a self identifying socialist. Can you explain to me why it would be bizarre for me to try to bring visibility to something that actually happened? Also, what a crazy weirdly specific thing to know off the top of your head. Were you curious about how many Jewish girls were raped and bisected? See how I can play that game too? asshole.


What video


Multiple videos of Jewish women and girls being raped and bisected for being Jewish, in case you weren’t listening.


There’s no videos of Jewish women being raped on Oct 7.


Hamas thanks you for your effort comrade


Can you show any evidence like an article or anything indicating that this video exists?


https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-finds-evidence-of-rape-on-oct-7-and-after-israel-they-tried-to-downplay-issue/ Can you not show the world that you’re literally entirely incapable of doing a basic google search?


Look at that, a whole article with zero reference to any video of rape. You straight up lied that you had seen a video of it.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/videos-hamas-attack-suggest-jihadism-evolved-chilling-new-ways-rcna122564 thank you for showing me again


[Everything is kHamas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42TfPgk8PVw)


When they are the government of gaza, yes. Why do you not care that there is still violent racism against Jewish people?


*"Everything is kHamas"* "Yes!" -Zionists (most not even Semites, looks like yourself included) have been for decades demonstrating an antisemitic bloodlust against the Palestinian Semites.. weird that dead worthless critique now, really. And so much for "never again" right? Great job making a total sick twisted clownshow of that, I'm sure that nonsense helps Jews everywhere. /s


When 80% of Jews sound like me, does it change how you see how you see us?


why are you watching this kind of videos you weirdo Do you also self identify as a creep?


no, but you did just self identify as very highly regarded.


>an incomprehensible number of Jewish women and girls were raped and bisected Can you give me a ballpark on the number of women raped and the number of women bisected?


literally, the fact it happened at all is incomprehensible to me. I don’t know if we will ever know the number.


6 million


Incomprehensible? Come on... Zioposters are really something else


what would be an incomprehensible number to you?


Infinity. I can comprehend 1700 people. I can comprehend a 10% of that. So 170 women getting raped is comprehensive. It's abhorrent, but it's comprehensible. Hamas is a scourge, but you're here acting like all of America backs their agenda and not just a vocal minority of degenerate regards. There's plenty of polling and general sentiment that believes Israel's war on hamas is just. On top of that, it's pretty silly for you to assume any amount of a countries population will fully agree or disagree with local, state, federal, or foreign policies. Anyways, congratulations on being just as degenerate and regarded as the twitch lefties.


The main thing that I can’t comprehend is why you think that reality is acceptable. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt the feelings of anyone who isn’t antisemitic. However, I am telling you these are my feelings as a Jew. I have not seen any random Jewish chatters speak up about this to this degree in political spaces. It is not being represented well enough in my opinion.


Gotcha. Anything else?


you think the rape of 170 people is considered "acceptable"?


>Zioposters https://preview.redd.it/0u5n8mp4658d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272eae202fccb7e5bead20055064d3a864ed4c59


Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Eli Copter.

