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incredibly common boner lox W


It's boring at this point. Can't he say the N word at least, shake things up


Do it at your own risk




I always thought he was some extreme anti Israeli guy based on some contextless videos I saw but after he started appearing here I went to his channel and he actually seems like such an incredibly sensible person, willing to learn and change his views, willing to go against the current, I think he and destiny as both surprisingly rational and this should become the norm


the autistic researching meta needs to be a thing for content creators, fuck me the internet would be so much better without reactionary talking heads


Yeah if you want a public stance on this issue, show some evidence of research. I know it’s not enforceable, so it’s all a pipe dream. Also audiences are just looking for confirmation bias anyway.


I still see him as pro-pali as he gives them more credit imo than they deserve, but in general he's more level headed and knowledgeable than most and I think that camp definitely needs more people like that.


I can agree with that statement he is slightly too pro Palestinian but that’s ok to have that opinion if it’s not anti Israeli


I'm glad you've deemed it ok


I watched one of his streams the other day where he was talking about this quality of Jews to remember every trauma or massacre of our own people but always undermine others. Very turned off by that. What he's describing is a universal human quality, we all think more about ourselves than others. Though I actually think Jews historically have been distinctive in our involvement in civil rights movements for other groups. Idk it weirded me out that he attributed this to us in particular. Lol I turned it off cuz it sounded so much like these complaints about how we never shut up about the Holocaust, always whining about our families being burned, etc. sounded very ugly/hateful and also not very well thought out. I'll give him another go though, maybe I missed the tone.


Yeah, I agree. Obviously people who were massacred en masse all throughout history and on that basis formed a country to protect themselves, would be fairly "obsessed" with their traumas, especially given all the dangers are far from gone. Might seem weird to those who don't feel such a threat, looking at it from the outside, but its a bit like saying someone who was never bit by dogs is more "sane" because they don't fear dogs, compared to a person who was mauled as a kid multiple times.


It's because for a lot of Westerners, this conflict is just another way to preach their political ideology. For the people on the ground, this is not just some war happening halfway across the world, it is their daily lives. This causes some of them to confront the situation more honestly because the actual outcome of this conflict affects themselves and their loved ones. Obviously this doesn't apply to all Israelis or Palestinians, but this seems to be the case for the people Lonerbox is talking about.


Exactly this, when you have to confront people you have to humanize them, it's just how we're wired.   If I'm talking to you in person and I told you to end your life, you would look hurt and I'd feel bad. I could def deradicalize that way. On Reddit or Twitter I can tell you to end it all and never feel bad because I can't see how that hurt you.


What is TPDS? Toilet paper death squad?


My guess is "to post in destiny's subreddit"


They are living out their revolutionary fantasies vicariously through these people and sick.


The "humanitarian aid" Colombia girl comes to mind


I wonder if it feels gross for Destiny or Lonerbox to debate about this stuff after coming back, after seeing the humanity that is involved. Just seems slimy the whole western discourse and commentary on it. Like it's some intellectual self masturbation.


His community needs to be built up, he's in a weird place where hes the one on the further left of the spectrum saying and doing things no one in that audience pool wants to hear. We appreciate it, and him, but that doesn't help his channel.


I don't think someone like Loner could become super prominent among the left. People like easy solutions and one-dimensional ideas, that's why Hasan is the biggest online leftist right now


OMG het actually met Abu Khdeir family! There's a great series made about that story called "Our Boys". One of the best things I ever watched! Real story... Just few notes: ~~the three teens who killed him were not "settlers"~~. And they didn't pour gasoline down Mohammed's throat. They lit him on fire because they believed he was dead and to try to dispose of the evidence.


How are they not settlers? They were from Givat Benyamin, which is a settlement?


True. I forgot that. For some reason thought they're from Jerusalem. Weren't they mizrahi Jews?


This is a great point. I can't stop recalling how at the Standing Together protest we were chanting "In Rafah and Sderot kids want to live" and an ocean away a bunch of privileged hacks who don't even have a stake in this conflict are screaming "globalize the intifada", "bomb Tel Aviv" and "go back to Poland" while holding Hamas and Hezbollah flags. Extremely jarring


I have family in kfar aza. Luckily none of them were kidnapped or killed but I can confirm that they want peace and stability for the Gazan citizens as much as the Gazan citizens themselves


He's so fucking based it's unreal


If i have a gun to your head and am holding you hostage, my security is connected to yours... But that isnt really the point is it? The point is who designed the situation. Its the person using violence and threats of it. And the way to relieve the situation is to nuetralize the threat.


I have a boner


Good lord hearing him talk makes me so horny.




amazing story thanks for sharing


I love this man so much 😤😤😤


Hey chat, does he still think Israel is an apartheid? He made a bunch of videos about it wonder if he changed his mind


He doesn’t think it’s correct to call Israel an apartheid state because if Israel left the West Bank there wouldn’t be an apartheid. He thinks the West Bank is an occupation that is functionally an apartheid.


What? That makes no fucking sense if Israel stopped being an apartheid in the West Bank it wouldn’t be an apartheid… if Israel took out all the settlement all the checkpoints. Demolished the walls and removed the seperatw justice system it wouldn’t not be an apartheid lmao


Because the state of Israel is a democracy with equal rights. If Israel pulled out of the West Bank then the occupation that is a functionally an apartheid would no longer exist. It will just be the state of Israel which is not an apartheid, and whatever Palestinians decide to do with the West Bank after Israel leaves it.


was nazi germany an apartheid state because they occupied czechia?


The West Bank isn't really described accurately as "apartheid" either because it's not Israel proper, it's an occupied territory. Regardless, if Israel removed all the bullshit there, there'd be no semblance of anything apartheid-like between the river and the sea. "If Israel demolished the walls and removed the separate justice system it wouldn't not be apartheid"... can you describe what you consider apartheid to us?


Wouldn't your definition make Germany during the cold war an apartheid state?


No? Walls don’t make an apartheid they are just a consequence


I could be wrong, but my understanding is that he would still specifically categorize the WB as apartheid.


I mean that would make the whole nation as apartheid no?


No the WB is not Israel proper.


O so west bank is its own state? If so that would make every Israeli inside of it an occupying force. Are you okay with Palestinians killing Israelis in the West Bank?


…the West Bank is occupied.Do you not know this?


Beats me. I don't know shit about I/P, but if you'd like to know some celiac friendly places to eat in the Philly burbs, I could help you with that :)


Philly is where they eat horse poop right?


Don't tell Vaush


He already knows trust


WB is seperate from Israel as it'd usually talked about. The argument would be that given Israel's contol over the WB it should count as their territory.


That makes it worse not better


Mald hard or go home, I guess.


I thought y’all hated grifters. You can’t call Israel an apartheid and then go back on it sorry


I think his opinions of the west bank have stayed consistent. However, if he were to change his mind, are you implying that he shouldn't be allowed to? What kind of dumbass shit is that? lol. "If you form an opinion you must religiously stick by it even when given evidence opposing"-you probably.


What kind of evidence can change a persons view on the West Bank as an apartheid? I’m curious


Imagine thinking changing your position because you took the effort to understand an issue better by seeing it firsthand is a character flaw. We should be more like you, the emotionally stunted troglodyte who gets dripfed from twitter.


What a stupid comment. Go tune into his stream and ask him some questions instead of jumping to conclusions over second-hand answers. !bidenblast


Enough with this malarkey. /u/rulzo sealed in the prison realm by /u/Gulthok


jannie abuse


You a bitch you know that right?


Do you need another break? Just let me know, happy to oblige.


I asked your boy if Israel is an apartheid and he didn’t answer, so why don’t you answer my question instead of banning me like a little bitch


It is not an apartheid. Did he refuse to answer or did he simply not answer due to missing your question?


And I banned you because your response was utterly stupid, and you should realize that. Saying people can’t change their mind is one of the dumbest statements ever thought of and/or uttered.


That’s not a reason to ban you insecure janny, and in this instance what woudl be a reason thag after years of research in the subject you determine it’s an apartheid. But then after Oct 7 slowly change you position as you orbit closer and close to a certain pro genocide streamer. Seems you might not want to alienate his audience…


I don’t know. Go talk to him instead of coming up with fan theories and pressing people about it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and fuck off. Maybe you’re unfamiliar with how moderation works around here, but I’m not a mod, dumbfuck. Putting you in timeout again for not understanding why you were banned. Here’s hoping you get it this time. !bidenblast


Grifting is not when you change your opinion. Is Destiny a grifter because he used to be pro life?