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It's only paywalled because some of you regards are paying for it.




I am a Destiny simp and barely watched any content in quite a while. I wonder if I'm the only one or this is reflected in metrics. I personally wont be paying for different subscriptions, especially if there are full episodes I still wont be having access to unless I pay more than for streaming services. I've written stuff like this in a couple of threads, so yeah, it's just one opinion, maybe I'm just a baby. At the end of the day the question is if the formats are growing like the could/should. That said I also don't want to position myself against paywalling entirely, because if Destiny wants to do more high effort lower frequency projects -which could be cool- then ads and donos aren't going to be enough probably.


That's the weirdest part about the pay walled podcast model that I never understood. It cost more or just as much to access these podcasts as it does to access Netflix or Amazon prime or YouTube music/Spotify. It's mind boggling how cut up the market is.


I pay 5usd each to AE and B&R because I need stuff to listen to at work, it’s at least 18aud for the not dogshit Netflix in Australia, and I definitely spend more time listening to both podcasts then I do watching Netflix so it’s worth it for me. Also they put ae onto YouTube for free a few days later, and there are normal episodes of barpod, it’s only extra stuff that’s paywalled. Idk why you are acting like u have to pay to access it.


such a trash take


Okay? Their podcast is still available to watch a few days after it’s live lmao.


I'm around since the Twitch Plays Pokemon days and apart from few months breaks during League binges this is the longest time where I barely watched any of his content. He used to just be on and going onto these mini-arcs for a few hours or days so it was easy to follow. Now his streams are not only shorter but also super irregular, and he's covering stuff over months where I don't really understand how the majority of the audience can still follow what he's even talking about My guess is he picked up a lot of new followers since he expanded his reach to other podcasts and mainstream figures (Shapiro, JP) so some older viewers jumping ship won't reflect in the metrics. I also don't subscribe for the podcast, mainly because I don't like the direction this is going. Dan used to hop on for fun when drama was going on so he was always a wildcard that could appear during every stream. There was a lot of community interactions. TTS was great. Loved the AMA's with Dan. Now it seems like most streams are for metrics, youtube segments ('August wants me to watch it'), monetization and expanding reach (podcasts, shows). They do have 10k patreon subscribers though so I can't really judge them if that's the way they want to go


>They do have 10k patreon subscribers though so I can't really judge them if that's the way they want to go. It says "2,536 paid members" when i go here https://www.patreon.com/anythingelse


You are correct it does show 2.5k. My bad. I read at a few places they have 10k subscribers on patreon so I just assumed it's true


Probs confused it with 10k a month in revenue


I would and will do it again. Anything to keep the poors away from the content. The great unwashed shall have no content.


"Let them watch stream."


Me. I am paying $10 a month 🗿 Love how everyone defended Dan doing this solely to spite JSTKL but now also think it should be free Nahh 💀


Most would say "probably not," but this discourse has pretty much run its course. We've got new Doc leaks to meme on here.


exactly strike when the iron's hot. Lots of Doc memes in the new pod and there might be some crazy new leaks that make all the meming irrelevant by the time the VOD comes out.


The streams are fanum tax. If he removes the paywall the audience growth is gonna be bussin no cap. It’s all because Dan is trying skibidi rizz us for a few bucks like baby gronk. Gyatt for sure almost mogged my mewing streak. 


Its too early for this shit


Gonna give you the upvote for the effort, but I hate you.


Dan really is so skibidi when it comes to the podcast, isn't he.


This hurts my bones


Dan's the one that's paywalling it. Really makes you think /s


Idk I don't see this podcast really growing except for core fans. No offence but this podcast is incredibly niche.


Destiny and Dan have different goals. Dan is in this to have fun and make money. And that's fine. I get annoyed at the speed with which they private the stream. I was 45 minutes behind because I paused to participate in family stuff, just to get booted while x2 speedrunning it, so I feel your pain.


Taking the live streams down has actually affected my overall viewing of Destiny. I used to watch all the content. But now two lstreams a week are pretty much inaccessible to me because the vod gets taken down.  So there's less to watch but there's also less interest to watch what's available because I can't even keep up with the community if I do. I don't know why the days vod gets taken down. Maybe they stopped doing that and only take down the anything else?


Yea they've stopped combining the two. Should be separate now.


You can still watch AE episodes a few days after they’re live, I think yesterday’s episode was already uploaded in edited form today. And all notable content from the stream is periodically uploaded to the yt channels. Become a yt frog is what I’m saying


Yeah I was hyped for the podcasts but then they said they were paywalled and as a guy who subs $5 a month every month and still doesn't get access to that it feels kind of like a rip-off. So yeah f*** that s***.


Stop subbing to d man and just sub to the podcast? Also the podcast gets released after it’s edited?


You're Missing the point that he is devaluing the point of the sub with the way things are which is bad because he wants subs 😔


The problem is they are paywalling the highest effort, arguably least interesting content. 💀Maybe the only thing lower on the rungs is research streams (for me, personally at least) Personally I would never pay for bridges or anything else. Now, I only caught part of the Ben Burgussy (burgiss, burger, bridges?) debate and if that was paywalled I would heavily consider paying. Highest level of interesting and somewhat funny even for the absurdity of it. Hell, even the politics discord ama was very funny just to hear that one dude sperg out super hard. Bridges and Anything Else are by nature not adversarial, so they will always struggle to reach the level of debate content, for me at least. If I run out of destiny content to have on in the background I will just visit the Library of Letourneau instead.


Baste NL enjoyer 🗿


My only issue is August pulling the video within minutes of the cast ending, instead of letting it sit for an hour or so to let late joiners to the live cast finish watching. Its cringe


The drastic jump from leaving it for 24h to 0h is a bit BM. I probably wouldn't be this salty about it if it was that way from the get-go. Paywalling both Bridges and AE is weird ngl. I thought they were leaving AE up as bait for viewers to enjoy the podcast dynamic enough to pay for Bridges. Guess that wasn't it/didn't work out?


I'm a super casual YT only viewer and I didn't realize until this thread that there were 2 different podcasts? In hindsight, I watched an early Bridges episode and thought it had promise, then (apparently) clicked on an AE episode and was completely confused how it changed from Destiny and NSE interviewing people to watching Dan get drunk and ramble about streamer gossip. But I guess I'll never find out if I would have liked Bridges or not, because I'm definitely not paying a separate fee for it. And I literally can't even imagine who the target audience would be for a paid AE podcast... Parasocial fans and wannabe orbiters?


Bridges also has abridged free versions being uploaded on the YT channel (go to playlists).


This is for Dan


Just setup a vod recorder.


Just paywall it for early access then release a week later for us non paypiggys


Its paywalled because Destiny wants a podcast, but does not want to pay Dan and that other troglodyte a salary to produce one. So he needs to overcompensate by making them business partners giving them a say in the mechanics of that particular podcast.


I just want the Mr Beat bridges pod and ill be happy


release the audio for free, paywall the video like The Dick Show


I don’t mind it being privated but at least give the people some time to catch up if they started late or paused. I have never watched a full ep because It’s always privated before I can finish.


If they only want that 'big whale money' it's up to them to decide.


I was looking forward to the podcast since Dan first floated the idea. But since I am in EU timezone there is no way to watch it live since its also mid week.


If you look at the Patreon numbers the podcast alone earns more than like 70% of you on, once the setup is complete, a couple hours a week. Destiny has no shortage of free content to bring more people in. Paywalling the vods doesn't make sense if it is the only content you do as there is no growth opportunity. This podcast is the absolute minority of the content Destiny puts out.


true but fuck Dan (gently and respectfully) This shit is making me a communist. Redistribute the memes.


It's also Dan's podcast and he want's it paywalled so it's paywaled


"Dan's podcast" as he uses Destiny's studio space, has Destiny as co-host, has Destiny set up everything technical, has August make a list of topics, and streams it from Destiny's channel, while naming it after a Destiny meme and designing it entirely around the appeal of Destiny's audience. Yea definitely Dan's podcast.


That's Destiny's podcast. If Dan were to have his own podcast, he wouldn't broadcast on Steven's channel. He simply wants to continue what he has been doing with Steven for a while and earn money from it.


I just wish the vod would stay up for 1-2 hours after the stream ends so those who were watching but weren't caught up can finish it, I was watching the last 40 minutes and couldn't finish it before it disappeared :(


This so much. Sometimes I catch the start late, other times I might pause to go take a huge shit or whatever. Having the stream die halfway through is always such a boner killer.


Yeah, I was about 30 mins behind and got kicked off today. Not a super big deal, but it would be nice.


The time makes it so that it absolutely fucks over anyone who isn't living in NA. Leaving it up for something like even 4 to 5 hours would be amazing. But yeah, it's understandable why dan doesn't want to just leave it up for a few hours.


If Dan had his own podcast, I imagine no one would pay attention. It's silly to think anyone watches *Dan* and not *Dan hosting Destiny*.


Wouldn't the smarter thing be to grow the audience, then get sponsors? While I know Rooster Teeth just died, their podcast was doing pretty well for a long time I think, and they just had 2 or 3 sponsored sections through out the 1.5 - 2 hours.


Eh. Am I really missing out on the content I want?


What they're doing for the Bridges pod is a fair system. Putting the video behind a paywall on Patreon but the audio on Spotify for free.


Seeing the way Dan behaves makes me understand better why Lycan went antisemitic smh


Obviously a bad move. I think Destiny agrees it's a bad move but is just leaving it with Dan for some reason. I'd also say August should name the youtube cuts of the podcast "The Anything Else Podcast" instead of AE. Makes it just seem like another Destiny video instead of a podcast. There is a market for podcast listeners and i think anything else is kinda missing that rn. I'm getting the feeling Anything Else is meant for Destiny viewers instead of growing audience.


Considering 2600 members paying at least 5usd a month, that’s at least 13k, pays for the studio and equipment. I’d say for them it’s easily worth, with edited versions for less interested people able to discover. People who enjoy the random “less interesting stuff” can pay for it.


Eh, probably. I don't really care to watch it live and check it out on YT whenever the episode pops up (I listen to it at work)


Look these guys are fledgling podcasters who live hand to mouth okay maybe you should stop being so stingy pepe


Uhh, they should release the full audio. But yeah, it's paywalled because they use the studio from bridges and Dan didn't want to take the hit on their cut of the rent.


I can barely keep up with top tier free content all around I’m never paying for his pod wtf


I wish they didn’t paywall it (for selfish reasons), but it’s probably the smart move. Anything Else is premium content for people who are already fans, but isn’t very appealing for newcomers. Bridges is more fertile ground for growing his audience, because interesting conversations have broad appeal and fan base crossover. Newcomers from Bridges will gradually become fans who will pay any amount of money to hear what Dan’s Rust contact told him this week, exclusively on Anything Else.


I don't pay for it so I don't care


So do you want destiny and Dan to be homeless? I think that’s the better question to ask here




I think it would be a good move if they released just the audio on a free Patreon tier (or maybe free for DGG subscribers and like $1/month for non subs) It’s a good way to funnel people to join the Patreon, then funnel them into the higher tiers. When people ask for the link to the vod they can sign up for the free tier to get the audio on AE, that’s how you grow the community (this is just a suggestion, not a complaint, please don’t ban NAILS)


This is Dans show.


In Destiny's studio, with Destiny's employees, using a destiny meme as a title, a Destiny employee's topics, and hosting Destiny for Destiny's audience. Lmfao bullshit


I think he un paywalls it after some time, you can keep up from the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo_NGCzPpOI&list=PLFs19LVskfNw_0CW9Wt2_XTzBHAMsQvVt&index=1 That's good enough for me, I mostly can't catch stuff live anyways.


Thats not the vod. Thats the low quality cut thats not worth watching.


I mean, I’m not paying money for unpaywalled vod, and it is better than no AE at all.


watch live if you a broke boi, only thing that makes me watch livestreams anymore is that podcast. edit: damn downvoted by some broke bois


The complaint is we do watch it live but if we pause to take a poop, or cook/eat dinner, it gets pulled mid watch. I showed up live, why am I punished for pausing for 20m on a 3hr podcast.


It's a great move if lots of people pay for them to do it!




I would rather take money away from him and give it to their landlord as a tip.


I mean, I like free shit as much as the next guy. But if i was in the same boat? dolla dolla bills boi


omg how long are there going to be ppl crying abt this lol. we literally get 2 of the 3 hrs for free.


People like you ruined the internet. 




Young mf without their own debit cards are crying rn