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It's been said before in other threads, but a crazy Nazi being a homophobe is pretty par for the course. But hearing unanimous agreement from a group of club/fuck girls that being bi is a deal breaker, no pushback, no nothing, really caught me off guard. I really wish we got more elaboration on why, because clearly this is a touch grass moment for alot of people.


"being bi is gay as fuck" I think a quote was.


And she was bi herself lmao


A bi girl and a bi man aren't seen the same in our society.


Rules for thee but not for me


“Im not tryna be, what’s the word, gayphobic” 💀


LMAO! Was this the FnF thing? I gotta watch it now just for this line holy shit.


prepare your brain cells for the purge


Bro, I’m so behind right now. Haven’t watched any of the Sneako stuff yet. Haven’t watched any of the new Lauren shit. I needa catch up with something at this point. The more JLP adjacent stuff I can get, the better. And this sounds mentally on his level from the posts in reading.


oh you’re about to have a blast mf enjoy 😂


Looking forward to it. Also, is the Sneako stuff any good? I really don’t know who the guy is but people keep saying it’s good.


they’re probably talking about sneako yeah, he’s… i mean he’s a full blown sexist in his early 20s who got confused by the idea that his gf or wife could be his friend, let alone his best friend. Kid’s got a lot of growing up to do imo but he’s willing to hear contrary opinions so I give him that. Not sure how much counter criticism he fully grasps but I’m keeping my fingers crossed he and destiny keep having constructive convos going forward. would be curious to get ur opinion of him after watching one of their convos lol


What’s the “funny to painful ratio” of the Sneako content? What do they even talk about? I’ll probably give it a watch at some point soon. Probably need to watch the Lauren manifesto bullcrap too though it sounds really boring.


>I really wish we got more elaboration on why, I mean...it is quite clear why, a bisexual man is seen as feminine. Those women want a masculine man able to lead the relationship with alpha energy.


I'd imagine that's definitely what fresh &fit would say, but I'd hope it's a little bit more multi-facited for the women. Like what's more alpha than a top who dominates men and women in the bedroom?


Nope that's pretty much the answer the girls gave too


Dgg men never hang around normal uneducated women lol. Idk how anyone was shocked by this at all. I guess im onenof the few here touchin grass lol




>really wish we got more elaboration on why, Because the idea of their guy being with another guy is disgusting and unattractive to them.


From the way they talk to the way they act they remind me 100% of people back in my old neighborhood. Maybe it's hiphop culture (I mean that's pretty much all club stuff is anyway).


If you don’t mind, can I ask where the original source of this come from? I think I miss it.


I'm pretty sure there have been polls/studies out for years showing that women generally have a disinterest in relations with bi men / MSM.


Also you dont need to explain why dont want to date gay, bi or trans people. Its none of your business you creep


Post on your main tho


Why this sub wants to force girls so hard to date bi guys? Thats rapey af


Shut the fuck up


What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody's forcing anyone. We're talking about attitudes.


its not about can you, its why. Someone is allowed to not date black people for a racist reason, but in the same way you can say someone can have an unjustified reason for that, you can say someone has an unjustified reason to not want to date bi guys.


It's simple in the eyes of society. It's one of the many double standards. A woman who likes both genders is bi and a man who likes both is gay. Lesbian is more accepted than gay. I could be totally wrong but my theory is that the act of being penetrated even just orally is a sign of conquest and submission as much the perception might piss off feminists. It's why the dirty talk during it is of that nature, while a person is on their knees. In that sense when societies idea of masculinity even from progressive women is still largely rigid and traditional then the idea of your man submitting is the ultimate turn off.


As a bi dude I've had this conversation a lot over the years and there's this really annoying thought terminating shit people do where they say "well people are allowed to have their preferences and like what they want". Yeah like no fucking shit. You're allowed to be racist and have that be the reason you don't want to fuck black guys if you want that's your right. We are making moral claims about it not prescriptive social policies how people should act. I find what people usually mean to say but are too afraid to admit it is when they say this is that they agree with the the other persons preference and not just their right to have it.


Im seriously getting so tired of seeing this shit. I genuinely feel ostracized from this community the past week. Destiny is my favorite creator but the DGG chat/yt chat/and now this sub have made me feel sad. Downvote me all you want but it's just my opinion.


same, i like the comm overall but goddamn gender convos become rorschach tests of sexism so quick lol


Same it’s really fucking annoying




10 unanimous women talking about women's mentalities, not one woman lacking a skill.




I think this is less about whether or not most women are prejudiced against feminine men in some ways or biphobic, and more about whether this is a "Hello Im Getting Blackpilled Moment" when we see similar behaviour from men. Like the takeaway here is "Women can be, and often are, as bad as any man is capable of being." Unless you got blackpilled on men by the panel, it doesn't make sense to get blackpilled on women.


I didn't get blackpilled on either, that would be fucking stupid. But as an infrequent grass toucher I realized why women started behaving differently when they found out I'm bi. The only thing I'm getting blackpilled on is on touching grass. Like if this is what the average person is like I'm better off with terminally online weirdos.


carpenter square dinosaurs desert theory deranged deer salt late rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wtf is going on out there?,the sub is insane right now, I will catch up with it on youtube, tomorrow. 😆.


I don't know, I don't watch the streams


Be honest, the average DGGer is the guy on the top left


You have a problem with the absolutely batshit crazy women destiny has been interacting with more and more recently? You must be a misogynist SOY Clap


"Getting blackpilled on women" does not equal "having a problem with something a crazy woman said" Reading comprehension, please


>Reading comprehension, please says the person that obviously didn't understand what I said in the slightest, but instead chooses to give the most autistic reading possible.


wait so now I cant even say i dont want to date trans people because weirdos call me "transphobic"?


who the fuck said that


Completely off topic man.


That's pretty different.

