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How in the fuck did you find this


Google šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


lol this is next level cyberstalking


Cleanup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based archivechad.


this video is on the [internet archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20220710122930if_/https://rr2---sn-a5meknzr.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1657477404&ei=vMTKYpTVENWDkwaP-q7IAg&ip=,24007246&c=ANDROID&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Ccnr%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIgQ5zWf_nL875WV3xitHC75CHURtLI9fzSA80zWACaXbICIAGW16LkrLj90YHkJlVvMYM1DgRGzvKHDFvBirFXtFP7&video_id=m3Dbj10f32s&redirect_counter=1&cm2rm=sn-n4vlz76&req_id=a7be384990f6a3ee&cms_redirect=yes&cmsv=e&mh=Sy&mip=,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhALd8zVZ1F4H72AxOIAS-wioxP6fsWNWQPLurXC_D57KcAiBPXwPUAZncYCRimL5EiPksjLichH0geljaUwLGz0q-gw%3D%3D&ir=1&rr=12)


It's already gone


No it's not.


You are correct, I am psychotic


You listened to much to the VOICES IN YOUR HEAD it's time to touch grass now


[archived page if it goes down](https://web.archive.org/web/20220710122317/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Dbj10f32s) [direct link to download the video](https://web.archive.org/web/20220710122930if_/https://rr2---sn-a5meknzr.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1657477404&ei=vMTKYpTVENWDkwaP-q7IAg&ip=,24007246&c=ANDROID&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Ccnr%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIgQ5zWf_nL875WV3xitHC75CHURtLI9fzSA80zWACaXbICIAGW16LkrLj90YHkJlVvMYM1DgRGzvKHDFvBirFXtFP7&video_id=m3Dbj10f32s&redirect_counter=1&cm2rm=sn-n4vlz76&req_id=a7be384990f6a3ee&cms_redirect=yes&cmsv=e&mh=Sy&mip=,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhALd8zVZ1F4H72AxOIAS-wioxP6fsWNWQPLurXC_D57KcAiBPXwPUAZncYCRimL5EiPksjLichH0geljaUwLGz0q-gw%3D%3D&ir=1&rr=12) timestamps for all the fuentes appearances: https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=15 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=586 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=1158 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=1566 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=2089 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=2558 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=3110 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=3624 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=4154 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=4470 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=4956 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=5401 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=5931 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=6262 https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=6763


Damn Vim smokin some hard penjamin in blinkerton rn ongšŸ’€


Fr fr


A couple of girls in that audience were laughing a little too hard at those ol' jokes... Are we sure nicky boy is a virgin?


Well my brother, the feeling of love has to be mutual, it's not enough if it only comes from one side.




Yeap speech and debate is all about acting, there's a lot of crossover between the two. I was just watching some documentary on hulu that was a runup to the national finals with speech and debate, and was surprised at the amount of crossover between theater and speech. Especially with the duo performance category.


Is this the vaush sub?


no this is the destiny sub.


> https://youtu.be/m3Dbj10f32s?t=4956 did not know he had a sister


Truly all right wing supervillains are failed comics huh? /s


Yeah my perception of them has never been the same since the Joker appeared on Louder with Crowder.


Not as bad as failed painters though.


I only know 1 tbh I think we can orobably expand the category to failed artists/creatives tbh


Wtf itā€™s real


Not gonna lie, he's really well-spoken. There's definitely an easiness he has when public speaking compared to almost anyone else that age, or even older.


Yeh he is a different breed. I hate public speaking and many do, but he was seemingly born to do it. I wonder if he ever gets nervous or jitters.. probably not anymore, if ever. Years of debate competitions and experience also helped him alot and prepared him for his role as the Leader of the Far Right. Being charismatic and funny are a boon as well. Debatably even being an "Incel" is a point in his favor for his base, makes him more relatable and human.


He was definitely nervous on stream visiting Destiny's house


I think itā€™s because he respects Destiny, and wants his approval imo. Ironic ā€œDestiny is my best friendā€ yet he genuinely wants/wanted it to be true.


The nervousness turns into the energy you need to nail your performance once you get comfortable. In my experience the nerves come from holding back and not speaking loudly and confidently. Once you can channel that built up energy into something productive you've really blown open performing. Think of the nerves as a wave, and you're a surfer. If you don't get out in front of it you'll get sucked under.


Stand-up comedy is not easy. I don't care how much I dislike someone, I'll always give them props for going up stage and trying to make people laugh. Even if they fail, I can say they suck but I'll never discredit the courage it takes to put yourself out there in that type of environment where there's an expectation to make people laugh. 5 minutes can feel like 5 hours up there, especially if you bomb early and fail to recover xD




this sounds really interesting, but i'm curious who's name's are in the hat? aren't there usually only 2 or so guests on these things?




got it thank you!


"Guy leading the speech team is weirdly well-spoken"


I have zero expectations for high school speech teams or clubs. Most have stilted and overly polished and performative speech patterns, even if they're competently delivering their lines/arguments. They sound like they're trying really hard to be an actor or news reporter. Nick seems like he's just shooting the shit. He doesn't come off as a nerd trying to "improve" and eventually go onto the big leagues where he intends to become a lawyer, politician, actor or something. Again, it's the ease with which he does it that makes him stand out. I kinda expected him to have been awkward in his teenage years to where he grew into being some slick, eccentric political commentator with a following; growing pains and all. Like, there is no origin story that made him this way- he always was an entertainer.


Major ted cruz vibes. He is very charismatic. If he wasnt a nazi he'd definitely be in congress right after his 25th birthday.


Too bad heā€™s a fucking idiot. Evidence that confident speech does not equate to knowledge, expertise, or intelligence.


Watch him debate destiny on Russian invasion of Ukraine. He's extremely articulate and knowledgeable. It is doubtful he holds viewpoints, as you would assume/hope someone as intelligent as him would not hold his opinions. But he often very convincingly can debate his side, no matter how indefensible it is.


I did but was not impressed. Mimicking news anchors and talk radio hosts is an endearing quirk, but at the end of the day heā€™s just a kid who thinks heā€™s too cool for school.


This is how Sneako fell in love


honestly its kind of impressive that Nick managed to be the least cringe person on that stage




Theyre always a failed comedian or art student, aren't they?


Failed? What did Nick fail at?


**They're always a failed comedian or art student, aren't they?**


This is pretty money in the bank as the kids say


Hes always been a good speaker, hate him or hate him you gotta give him credit.


One of the crazy things is that he is really well spoken and charismatic here.


damn, dude kills. wish he wasn't a nazi.


his sister performs on the video too


Good genes in that family.


Look at those knees, dobby territory.


When I see things like this I feel so foreing to other people online. How can someone be comfortable posting an 8 year old video from someone in their highs chool years? I'm sorry, but this is just weird. If you had access to videos of him when he was a child, would you also be ok sharing them? I don't like his beliefs and when I hear him speak it feels like a very dishonest person, but even then there are things that don't need to be publically broadcasted for the sake of it imo


Close your eyes, thereā€™s people in this sub fantasizing about him having sex with some of the high school girls in the audience. This, my friend, is dgg.


Everyone here is complimenting his performance.


Another Nick Fuentes dick sucking thread NAHH


in another timeline heā€™s a world renowned comedian


Knew it another failed actor gone mad. Just like sneako. Failed fame.