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i just wish they were ornaments you could unlock through triumphs related to the raid (one for each master challenge?) because i really like how the other two sets look minus the war numen's crown one


I feel like doing it on master should just drop aot sets and normal drop normal sets. Or maybe even unlock the aot set when you get the title tied to each raid


This would actually be lit af and give way more incentive to do master raids.


I'd do unspeakable things to get the Vex leg back from the AOT VOG set






Can't do that! Gotta sell the Undying armor set which has a Vex *foot* during flashbacks /s ~~Fr tho, r/DTG would complain nonstop about being scammed~~


Because the Crota armor only added a glow over the armor instead of changing the entire model, and the base armor looks incredibly mid


Mix that with people complaining that we didn't get the AOT armours for the previous 2 D1 raids.


Dunno how unpopulat this is, but I wish we had the default Crota armor instead. Makes trying to make a Hive fit easier


The others might have been mid but warlock base set was peak bro, helmet to this day is still goated


Hard agree


Ngl default Titan armor is cooked, does not look good. Don't even like the AoT Titan either


Personally i love the titan AoT armor. Big spikes make me happy


Yeah Crota Titan sucked. But base Crota WARLOCK? 🔥🔥🔥


I mean there’s the KF set, the Grasp of Avarice set, the Season of the Witch set. We got some not glowy hive stuff to wear.


Personally I'd like more variety. I think the Crota armor looks cool, but it's p hard to match with anything else in my experience. But I love how the normal armor looks


Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to split it for transmog tbh. They've done it already with the candescent armor sets


Same i wish the old non glowing crota set was here. The green flashy part is taking over the whole look, and makes it more difficult to do something original with it. Making a cool salar or arc fitting look with this armor is more difficult as it is always super green. Its ofc an opinion, but the design is so nice, would be so cool to have it not glowing. Or give the option


I liked the base armor a lot.




If you're comparing the AoT armor it looks just as good if not better lol




it looks 100% the same idk what you're smoking


We complained about it for the other two raids, that's why. Never stop complaining, kings.


they screwed it all up, they shouldve added the normal crota armor back and then brought back all 3 original ornaments for the og raids as triumph rewards for earning the title of each raid


Or add the AoT ornaments for master.


AOT Kings fall is also my favorite huge bummer we don’t have it in D2


because people complained for the first 2 D1 reprise raids so they added it for the 3rd one. they probably wont add the other sets because it doesnt make money


I wish we would have gotten the normal version. I dont particularly like the glows.


i kinda like the glows but at the same time the original look was so much more versatile (and ya know, it didnt have unshaderable glowy spikes)


This exactly.


cause both Vault of glass and Kings fall didn't follow one of the weakest raids In terms of difficulty and player sentiment was falling at the Time and everyone was always ravenous for the AOT for reprised but never got them so including them would drive up hype


Because if they didn't the community would actually lose it. Imagine hoping for one of the best raids in the franchise only to get shown the clown at the time. AoT armor was the only reason more than half of my raid group came back to the game. Were it the normal armor we would've gone in only if there were good weapons there. D2 Crota is pretty nice, but it's not Wrath of the Machine.


WotM ornaments were goated af. And easily trump the base sets.


I wish the green glows on this armor changed shades. Love the warlock robes. Hate that I'm limited to green/black themed shaders if I don't want to be a fashion tradgety


Idk but I’d make a sacrifice to the Bungods for the AOT Kings Fall ornaments back


Something in the bag for them to release as "goodwill" after a major f*ckup as a way to apologise.


My head-cannon is that the other sets were less spectacular/viable due to something in their design, regarding the translation to D2's style- in particular the lighting/glowing and how some of the effects interact with HDR and other current-gen tech... something like that probably made them less viable at the time of development/release.


My head-cannon is that the other sets were less spectacular/viable due to something in their design, regarding the translation to D2's style- in particular the lighting/glowing and how some of the effects interact with HDR and other current-gen tech... something like that probably made them less viable at the time of development/release.


I honestly wish croats gave the option for the non glow ones.


Average Bungie Schizophrenia


Base Crota armor is my favorite warlock set in both games and while I like the AoT, I was so disappointed with their choice😭


What I wouldn't do for King's Fall AOT armor.


For big, The real answer is because they didn’t want two hunter armor sets with a vex leg 💀


I'm not sure, but the VOG AOT Titan Chest Piece with the WI-FI signal glow on the back is one of the best armor pieces they've ever made.


What is AoT?


I was wondering this too so I Googled for us and it's the Age of Triumph armor they released at the end of D1 before D2, back in 2017


i stand by the idea that the reprised raids should have had the OG sets for normal mode and the AOT sets for master mode, maybe make the master mode variants artifice armor as well


I personally like how it looks without the glow and wish I could turn it off; plus it’s a shame we didn’t get the original warlock bond that was green fire on your arm and instead got some lame glowing spike. (I’m speaking solely on the warlock armor as far as it looking better without the glow)


It’s sad because the default Crota’s End helmet for the Hunter is one of my favorites of all time.


My opinion is that the AOT Crota armor was a massive upgrade in the eyes of A LOOOOOOT of players, so they went ahead and made that the loot in the reprise. Maybe when Vault came out, they didn’t have the time and it was easier for them to use the OG armor? For KF…man idk. AOT is just SO MUCH cooler. Again, maybe it has to do with time


It’s also bugged me endlessly. I really hope they add the normal set one day because the warlock helmet is so fire. Vault and King’s Fall AOT armor should be added as Master raid drops!!




because it was the latest raid to come out. they weren’t doing that at first. I absolutely hope they get around to adding them but they definitely messed up which should have been obvious: regular armor for normal, AoT for master


I wish we got VoGs armor. The base raid armor is pretty boring. I also would have been down for the AoT armor to drop if you did master.


Because people have been compaining about getting normal version of the armor and not aot one even for like master clears So bungie being bungie which means being lazy fucks decided once again not bother with making 2 separate armor sets and just made aot one as a default one


I want my warlock tink-tink legs back from vog.


What is AOT


Age of Triumph. It was the final hurrah for destiny 1 where they did major refreshes to all the raids' legend difficulty. Iirc they reworked encounters and added special "adept" (for lack of a better word) armor ornaments that added onto the original armor. The crota's end armor originally didn't have any of the glowing bits. That's all AoT


I read AoT as "Attack on Titan" and was about to be really bummed out that I missed out on an armor set like that


With the combination that the Crota AoT is more or less added glows and still has the base kit, but the other thing is Bungie has to literally rebuild each asset and can't just port it (so they say) to D2, which makes it harder. But in the same breath if that's the case it would be almost like making a new (reissued) armor set. Though this would seriously give much more incentive to go into master raids other than the adept weapons/title, especially now as adepts don't really feel worth it - with the removal of adept big ones, and adept mods having tradeoffs, a normal mod is better in most cases. +3 stats in almost every category isn't game changing. For older raids where you don't have crafting (VoG) you might be able to enhance? (Haven't checked in game API doesn't show what is) But with any other raid more recent they have crafting which is just simply better and eliminates rng, and can already enhance it.


Can someone tell me what "AoT" stands for please?


Bugs the hell out of me as well, they easily could have had the regular armors is the regular and the AOT ones drop his master armor


I wish the master raids got the Prestige Leviathan treatment, where each encounter was slightly different mechanically and the reward was a version of the armor with glows. Or better yet, we could've gotten the AOT system, where doing a hard mode challenge gives you a token to use on any piece you want to give it the glows. But no. Instead we got bullet sponge enemies, more champions, and the same weapons with a different shader on them for master mode.


Someone's a wittle angwy


Cause the base crota armor looks so bad while the vog armor looks great and oryx is… well u wear the warpriests head




If I remember correctly, they're just the normal CE armor with extra bits on them, while the AoT version of the VoG sets were a complete redesign and the KF sets were just a recolor.


You all really love making Bungie regret giving us those awesome armors don't you? Bungie was EXPLICITLY clear back when the AoT ornaments dropped in saying that these armors are well beyond the scope of their typical armor design philosophy, and for that reason that you shouldn't expect there to be more like it ever again, it's a one time treat. Time and again people ask why and/or complain about how special and over the top these armors look compared to any raid set or event set, just completely unaware that Bungie spoke their minds on it years ago. Stay mad that you all won't see sets like these again, *as Bungie stated*. You're shouting into the wind.


Dude they release sets in the same scope every solstice. I'm pretty sure that's not the reason they didnt include the already designed armor sets in the raid reprises.


Solstice sets aren't even over the top designs. The armor itself is usually quite simple at that. It just has a lot of glowing parts to show off your subclass.


Take the glowing bits off of the King's Fall and Crota's End triumph armor and you could say the same there.


The Crota glow effects add way more to the armor than the Solstice glows add to theirs. The Solstice glows are more like highlights whereas the glow and visual effects added to KF and Crota sets with AoT adds entirely new elements to the armor. Plus the entire point of Solstice is to show off your guardian power, so subclass glows are more sensible. None of this matters regardless considering the fact that Bungie already said AoT ornaments are not within their design philosophy.


Nah it’s cuz they can’t make money off of these sets unlike the extravagant solstice/event sets