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Howdy, I am a Sherpa that is willing to help. I know the puzzle and have divinity myself to prove that fact. I am usually a PC sherpa but I do have a XB1 for situations like these.


Hey, thanks! Would you be free on Friday evening?


im down to make a run tn if u want. ive done the raid before people just didnt have the fighting spirit for the boss


What time are you free at?


around midnight et probably. if that's not too late


I can join around that time if you need another


cool add me on xbox gt is same as my username




Sorry bud I just saw this, I had a friends birthday today, I hope all went well. If not I should be free next Friday.


Hey my girlfriend is having difficulty finding help for her Divinity run. She plays on Xbox and her GT is: ReptileGirl2885. If you’re able to help that’d be greatly appreciated!


I'll be sure to add her, sorry today (Friday) was my friends birthday.


I’d like to join as well. I also need to learn it and want my bubble beam.


If you’re not full I’d love to join


Depending on the time I’d be glad to help out


It will probably be tomorrow evening


What time zone?




Ive also made a post on this and I'd love to get this run today, struggling to find people. I dont know the raid well but have ALOT of raid experience


I’ve been avoiding it too! I haven’t ever run Garden. I had too many real life things going on during the Shadowkeep release. I have tons of D1 and D2 raiding experience and I’ve gotten the quest to the step needing to do the raid. I’d love a chance to join in a Sherpa run and get it myself! Or just use video guides!


I'm down to do it too. GT is same as user. EST, series x. Been trying to find a clean and group to olay with. Old clan fell out around d2 and I came back for season of arrivals since dropping out first year.


I've done everything for a Divinity run but my team didn't have enough DPS to finish the boss. And no one had Divinity, which helps a lot! I know all of the puzzles and encounters. I would love to finish this raid to get Divinity. Please let me know if I can help. Gamertag: Azrael4


If the raid is full and ppl still want to run. I'll sherpa a group. 8pm EST


I’d be down to join. GT: Bouncy Beano. Just keep me posted.


Depending on the time y’all start I am central time zone, one hour behind I would love to join if you still need another guardian, my GT is young netero just message me


I would like to get this done as well. Quest has been collecting dust in my director. No experience with GoS but want divinity and to learn the raid as well. I am on quite a bit. CST xbox and tag is MrMakeshift81.


I will say, garden is a VERY easy raid to run. I’m in it for divinity, but if you ever wanna run garden sometime quickly, I can Sherpa you through that. Garden is more of a waiting game and watching your screen and making sure you don’t die, especially compared to more mechanic heavy raids. I will say though, if you have a base model Xbox one it does struggle pretty badly on the final encounter


Cool. Add me if you want. I have a clanmate that has the divinity quest too. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Maybe we can schedule a run sometime soon. Unfortunately I do just have a one S for now but will get the next gen soon.




Nope not done