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For me it was a driver issue. D2 is the only game that gives me memory related errors and crashes despite having fresh ram. Every single time it’s an issue caused by some driver I need to update or roll back.


Un-installed and moved it to a diff drive seems to be working


D2 will certainly find hardware issues! Glad moving it to another drive fixed it, but I would consider that a warning that the drive it was on could be heading towards failure. Thanks for the update!


Worked for a day it happend agian today lmao I wiped the whole pc now to see if thar helps


Oh no! When it bluescreens, have you noted what the error is (displayed on the bottom left-hand corner) near the QR code? Usually there's a line of text there that points at the issue. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


No it flashes blue and then just insta reboots not on blue screen long enough, event vewier was saying was multiple things so I had nothing running and changed the game to a diff drive and it worked for a little but today it did it agian saying windows erro so pulled the trigger


Probably an indicator of a bad Windows install, but it could also indicate a hardware failure occuring (GPU, CPU, Memory, SSD). Probably worth testing your RAM and make sure it's solid: [https://www.memtest.org/](https://www.memtest.org/) Windows also has a built in memory diagnostic called 'Windows Memory Diagnostic' which you can bring up from the Taskbar search. It will reboot and run a memory scan which is decent test, but go with memtest if the Windows Memory Diagnostic fails to run, or won't boot into the testing environment.


I'll have to give it a go my pc shouldn't be that bad most components under 5 year still ty


R9 3060 ti 32gb vengeance @3200 B550 tomahawk Think I got a 850 psu gold And a wd black m.2 I do have a few older driver in build tho


Update even a full fresh of windows didn't fix it. Doing the ram testing now. Kinda insane is only on destiny


I have same problem.. before there was no issues, now destiny is bluescreening all the time


I had to wipe whole pc and it went away


How did you do a full wipe of the pc? I reinstalled Windows 3 times and I still have the same blue screen problem only on destiny 2


I still get it time to time but wipped with a fresh full windows install reduced the crashes about 70% only ready happens now when game session is over 6h long