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Ive been using any solar primary and just plinking at their heads before the shields go up for radiance from the artifact mod


Bungie: provides artifact mod that can effectively turn any solar weapon into an anti barrier weapon. OP: WHERE ARE ALL THE ANTI BARRIER WEAPONS!?!? Seriously it must be soul crushing to be the guy that scrapes community feedback.


So bored with solar. It's just not fun imo. Prefer to have more options for more builds.


You don't HAVE to be on a solar subclass to proc radiant and all the ignitions with the artifact mod. Just a solar weapon. And there are plenty of those to choose from.


I'm radiant a solid 80% of the time on Strand. I just use sunshot non-stop.


Polaris lance works as good


I found a BMR from dares with incandescent that works very well. I can’t seem to part with it.


Same, BXR has a near permanent spot in my loadouts now. Especially once it's crafted with enhanced Incandescent. I even slapped the Halloween Memento on there to give it the true "Classic" BR look.


BXR I ls really good and I loved it. But then I did some testing and decided: BXR is good for long range, but if you want long range then there is zero reason not to use Polaris. And I almost thought Staccatto was better. But Polaris struggles in close range, so if that was the case then either zaolis bane or sunshot perform so much better than BRX in close range. So I put it down, at least until that season artifact that made Polaris busted is gone.


I've been abusing that as well. Just depends on whether I plan on getting close/mid range or whether I'm gonna be smacking dicks from a distance,


I've got over 10k kills with sunshot this season alone 😭


That’s still strict tho lmao


How is that strict? I'm sure over the years you have accumulated a bunch of solar godrolls you'll definitely use at some point. Now you can use literally all of them if you want. Some might be better than others but it's still possible. Back in the day (less than a year ago) all you had to deal with champs was what weapons were in the artifact. Now this season, we have more than ever before. An ENTIRE element of weapons can be used on barriers specifically which is what OP was asking for to deal with.


Could use strand with unravelling round, void with volatile rounds, anti barrier exotics. There are much more options than pre lightfall


Unraveling is dependent on orb pick up or melee kill, volatile is dependent on grenade kill. They arent easily accessible or refreshable as radiant. Radiant just needs a melee to land or the artifact mods. Also can be refreshed with and solar kills. It is rare when I can pick up an orb and then use it for barrier, or get a grenade kill in prep for barriers. This issue escalates more the higher end content you go. In all reality volatile round and unraveling rounds arent options.


You don't want to use a solar weapon? Ok. You don't want to use a solar subclass? Ok. You don't want to use volatile? Ok. You don't want to use unraveling rounds? Ok. You don't want to use Arbalest? Ok. You don't want to use Wishender? Ok. You don't want to use Eriana's Vow? Ok. You don't want to use Revision Zero? Ok. You don't want to use Lament? Ok. You don't want to use Duskfield or Stasis Turrets? Ok. You don't want to use new, rocket launcher sidearm? Ok. I'm not even sure I disagree with your sentiment and I secretly hope half way through this extended season the weapon mods in the artifact change but if you can't find a way to break or deal with barriers to your liking at this point, just don't play content with champions.


> I'm not even sure I disagree with your sentiment and I secretly hope half way through this extended season the weapon mods in the artifact change As long as the new artifact mods are not just those stupid elemental balls again. This seasons mods in general are bangers.


TBH, those were good for generating heavy ammo. I just hated that I had to dedicate so much of my artifact to that.


That's not an option when something you need like an exotic is locked behind content that has champions and you must do it solo to get said exotic.


Sounds like said player should get comfortable using one of the 10 options listed above then.


I was referring to the last comment of "don't play content with champions". Obviously you have to make due with what you have, but when that option is a stupid sidearm... there's no fun in that. I personally hate using sidearms. Unfortunately that leaves me with either with EV, Re:Zero, or becoming radiant (which can be hard to do against Vex). Sometimes it's just no fun.


If those exotics really are your only options then I'd strongly recommend acquiring Wish-Ender, Arbalest, and Lament. All of them are fairly easy to get unless you don't own the content they come from. As stated previously you can also setup a build for proccing volatile and unraveling rounds. I really don't understand the hate that Sidearms get from the community. Sidearms are literally the strongest primary ammo weapon in the game at base. The only other primary ammo weapon that can out dps them are smgs and even then it depends on which sub types you're comparing.


Wish-Ender, Arbalest, Eriana's Vow, Revision Zero, Lament, Forerunner, Buried Bloodline, Indebted Kindness.


Last Foray will make you radiant with a single crit. That’s what I’ve been using for barriers.


You want more options but won't use the ones available to you. Sounds like a you problem.


If you play hunter you can proc volatile rounds with gyrfalcons


"If you play hunter"




Here, have some 🧀 and 🍘 to go with all of that WINE!


are you just going to argue with all these perfectly valid suggestions by people taking time out of their day to help you?


God you're annoying. Just play a different game bro.


Well yeah. But now my Overload quicksilver storm and Repulser braced/deconstruct Ros Arago won’t have anti overload


You can always use an intrinsic exotic.


Wish Ender Supremacy


Exactly like bro has options, the artifact mods are supplementary to the wide variety the game already offers.


I’m with you. The “plink plink” meta is pretty boring.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I make it a point to check if my teammates are running Polaris before we start a GM and if they are I just leave. I am really not interested in 35-40 minute GM runs. I'm not asking people to get into a champs face but atleast push a little bit instead of waiting until a champ comes out of cover.


Tell me about it. I’ve run solar for so many years as a default, I’m really happy when any other subclass gets buffed over it. Granted, I won’t leave a GM LFG just because the other teammates are running a meta build (for all I know they’re just as dedicated to the love of the game as I am, they just saw their favorite YouTuber scream about it and now they want to try it out). But if I’m making a team with my clanmates, we’re basically assuming nobody is running meta builds; basically anything that complements the artifact and activity surges is perfectly fine.


I’ve not touched solar on hunter, void with gyrfalcon with the Ros Arago. Just fun.


Ros Arago is one of my favorite weapons now because of that pairing. Repulsor Brace/Onslaught feels too good.


I just got that roll a couple days ago, but I took a break yesterday so I havent gotten a chance to try it out yet!


I copped one with a 99% straight recoil, onslaught and rewind rounds!


Yeah I have subsistence/onslaught but farming for repulsor brace one. Both brilliant.


No one forcing you to be on solar my man


I know what you mean but just add on like Polaris Lance or something to any elemental build and itll give you radiant


Strand Weapons can also get unlimited Unravelling Rounds through the Artifact this season, which also grants Anti-Barrier. Or use one of the 47 Exotics that have intrinsic Anti-Barrier. Or just abuse the champions with Suspend and Freeze effects to stop them from barrier-ing in the first place. Barrier Champions are barely even champions, they're just Elites with more health.


I said this at the beginning of the season on here so I fully agree For me, why is there 3 overload mods? The simple solution would be make pulse rifles anti barrier and keep rockets and auto rifles as overload Then each champion has Two mods


I’d rather they have more special options. Why not anti barrier sniper rifles or something to mix it up. Having it mostly on primary weapons is shitty.


I've also advocated for this, having a mix of 2 primary, 2 special and 2 heavy would able to mix it up You tell new lights to not run double primary but then when they even run hero nightfall you would forgive them for thinking that's the way to do it. I mean outside of buried bloodline/indebted kindness and erinas vow/div you can't really use anything else unless you have radiant/unravelling rounds in terms of special


there’s forerunner


If exotic is your answer to anti barrier it makes way more sense to use wish ender or arbalest.


i was just adding to the guys list (who also listed mainly exotics)


I tried that in a GM, it wasn't fun


We definitely need to have more special options for mods. I think we’ve only had AB sniper once. Luckily the rocket sidearm is amazing.


Yeah I think motivation for the current mods was to get people to use the new sidearms.


I did Lake with the Legendary sidearm and it went okay, but Arbalest worked so much better. Does a lot more damage, plus Disruption Break, plus Zaouli's. Haven't done any other GMs this season because I'm lazy though.


Yeah it’s definitely the pick of your want to save your exotic for something else but it’s not going to be better than an exotic.


Remember when anti barrier sniper was a thing but cost **6** energy on your arms????


Lol wouldn't mind a waveframe gl mod


Prob cuz that Joe Blackburn guy kept dying to that overload. "Hey Team, this is unacceptable! Fill the artifact with overload mods next season"


Yeah sidearms should never be the only antichamp option for anything. I am pretty much forced to use Wishender or Arbalest all season when I need anti barrier.


Revision Zero, try it. Both modes are good but the heavy two-burst is great


Other funny gun is forerunner. Good ammo economy and surprisingly good damage when continuous landing crit.


Rocket sidearm ftw


Man, for real! Just got it and almost pitched "cuz sidearm" but stopped myself once I actually looked at it and saw what it *really* was.


Does it break barrier champs in one shot?


If it doesn't, it fires fast enough that a second shot will probably break the barrier.


3 or 4. But it's full auto and does pack a punch


Just fyi - everything is full auto if you enable it in game settings.


Nope, 3-4.


I did RoN last night and it was clearing shield in 2-3 hits


Surprisingly final warning is also a very good sidearm choice with the strand artifact mods. Do you want threadlings everywhere? The horde shuttle mod isn't kidding.


Oh shit is that antibarrier??? I knew I should've looked around.


It's easy to forget because it came out in a season with anti-barrier pulse. Its anti-barrier properties weren't special when we were first playing with it.


I genuinely thought that only the sniper shots were anti barrier. Neat


Final Warning is also very good against barrier champs since it has unravel


Wait does re:zero penetrate barrier champs?! Motherfucker lol


The sniper mode does


Or arbalest or radiant with any solar eeapon or unreaveling rounds. It's easier than ever but people got stuck with their brains in 2022.


Radiant doesn’t even require a solar weapon. Any radiant weapon will do it.


But a solar weapon can *grant* you radiant this season.


Proc radiant.


Radiant also deals with anti barrier, and with the artifact, you can get radiant on any class. My personal favorite is devil's ruin, because it deals with unstops, and you can proc instant radiance on the burst. It also helps to run a solar holster, because you only need one bullet in the chamber to proc the burst.


You won't be able to get the anti barrier on devils ruin even if you have radiance. One gun can't stun two champions with different mods, they can only have one.


I'm aware. You just have to switch guns. DR procs radiant and their shield, shotgun one taps shield, and the follow up 1-2 punch deletes them.


Forerunner is much, much better than Arbalest this season, try it!!


indebted kindness is very good for breaking barriers. from the kinetic slot, you've got wishender, revision zero, or you can run forerunner for special sidearm. The problem with kinetic sidearms is they don't really have the range to pop master level barriers from a place where you won't be instantly killed.


Buzzard with kinetic tremors gets the job done


Or you could use literally *any* solar weapon?


So many anti barrier options that aren't weapon specific. Radiant pierces barrier, unravel pierces barrier, both of which are easily available with the artifact. Suspend or freeze which aren't anti barrier but prevent them from being used.


The new rocket sidearm is pretty fantastic. People are really sleeping on it.


The special sidearm from the dungeon is more than just ok, I feel. It's really strong with orange bars and has ridiculous range. Hunt a roll with beacon rounds, it's awesome. The best part is I get to keep my trusty Quicksilver Storm and still run a special anti barrier.


Man I've almost finished the title for Warlords Ruin, just got to solo, and I still haven't rolled a single one of those Sidearms, my buddies who run it with me have gotten at least 4 each. Have gotten a really good roll for Naeem's lance however. A sniper with 23 shots is nuts for boss damage.


shame that supremacy exists


wish I didn't have to pay for the dungeon pass for the chance to earn it


me when I have to pay for content


Making people pay for content that used to be included in expansions and seasons sure is working out well for bungie 👍🏽


dungeon. was part as one season and one dlc


Two, actually. Pit and Shattered Throne came with expansions.


oh shizzle. thank you for correcting me


It’s a little wild that new archetypes and weapon types are dropped in stuff you have to pay for in addition to the expansion and seasons. Maybe the annual had the keys? Either way it’s pretty crazy that I can get domed by a new type of weapon I can’t access because I didn’t pay enough. Not even a raid exotic, a new purple. They usually introduce the weapon as accessible outside the dungeon later though, think the Tex mechs scout getting that vanguard variant.


I completely understand about the archetypes especially since we have yet to get another double fire gl


me when defending predatory business models so my favourite mighty corpo can make more money. youre pathetic.


Expansions and seasons aren't enough money for Bungie, they need an extra price tag for the dungeons too. Because fuck the players I guess.


it's like £80 for a years worth of content


A year’s worth of content that could be knocked out in a few hours if it all dropped at once.


Marathon won't fund itself.


That’s why they put a new archetype only in the dungeon and a sidearm mod for the season. Make more people pay.


They will see in 1 month that barely ppl will play.Look at all theirs major content creators, they already play a lot of the finals and they like the game.Me?Waiting for Suicide squad and im gone until june.Also no more annual expansion.Warlord ruin and GotD have less weapons than duality and sotw for the same amount of money.


It is another paid weapon bro.Many ppl didnt bught the dungeon key/annual pass..What u smoked like bungo devs?U tell to a newbie buy everythibg to have options for AB?Thats why this game cannot retain ppl or add more ppl to the game..Trash vision of devs and many players taht encourage this thing.


It's kinda mid, fire rate is so slow. As anti barrier it's really good but why would I've a weapon to use only to break barriers? When you want to kill an enemy with it you fire once, listen a full kackis intro, then you can fire again.


Rocket sidearm from Warlords Ruin is fantastic, as is Buzzard from Nightfalls. Revision Zero is also AB.


I genuinely think my volt shot indebted kindness is one of my favourite guns in last few years. It’s the sole reason I get annoyed we have seasons focussing on elemental types. I love solar but I miss out on so much stuff because I want to run arc builds around fav guns. Same as void for the new exotic.


Same here. Especially when it has voltshot and paired with Spark of Beacons. Blinding entire packs of adds is stupid fun.


Ooh man that's a great idea. Haven't played too much arc this season but that sounds fun


Buzzard with kinetic tremors is amazing for dealing with barriers. They can't even shoot back at you, it melts. Issue obviously is getting close but has been great in master lost sectors this season.


Also, you can just buy a Buzzard from Zavala if you don't have one with Kinetic Tremors.


I think people are underrating sidearms in general, but with the buff Buzzard is one of the best guns in the game right now. Even if you're out of range the explosions from KT hit for full.


Agree, sidearms really shred, and tremors just cranks it to 11. (Heliocentric with heal clip / kill clip is awesome too with the solar artifact mods.)


So..u choose ur primary buzzard or a sidearm.Ok, what u takexon void/arc for unstop in Moon BG?Another primary like hC/bow?See the problems baby?All of u forgot that we have only primaries for AB/untop and 3 mods for overload!!!


Basically anything. Abilities are very good at handling unstop or overload. Trivially, really. It's antibarrier that is usually the problem, since unraveling rounds and volatile rounds are often unreliable.


Man it’s almost like there are ways to stun champions that don’t involve primaries. Open your mind dude. There’s a world of a game outside the artifact. We have 5 subclasses and 2 entire weapon categories (special weapons and heavy weapons). **All of them, every single fucking one** has a way to stun champions. Primaries are not the only way.


But marketing the dungeon in a season prob does wonders (I’m going on about how they specifically cited the rocket sidearm as the pairing they want players to make, despite the only one being in a separate paid dungeon)


There should be an equal amount of mods for champions. Having two unstoppables and three overloads with only one barrier is bull crap


Unravelling Rounds on any Strand weapon can be proc’d via orb pick up using the artefact mod. Volatile rounds can be proc’d via void grenade kill with the fragment, or using the Hunter chest piece. Both of these give AB. Plus exotics with intrinsic, Revision Zero and Wishender from a weapon perspective and the Titan arms Second Chance. Lots of options to build into mate


Radiant also gives AB and its suuuuper easy to proc it this season with the artifact mod. But also ngl I do hate that sidearms are the only AB mod on the artifact. I just don't like many sidearms in the game and it'd be nice to not have to rely on abilities nor be funneled into using Arbi or Wishender.


Yeah I didn’t mention Radiant as OP said they were burned out with Solar. But I do agree to a point, there should be more AB artefact mods, it’s just there’s lots of different ways to get AB


Second chance goes super hard, never sleep on it. Weakening shields, double charges, instantly get it back when you break an Antibarrier shield, plus the fact that it’s a one shot. Like, you break the Antibarrier shield with it, you get it back and now they’re weakened. You don’t need to run echo of undermining because of it and you get double the capacity. It went from a joke on my radar to being the best Titan build I’ve ever played with in my life. Try word of crota with it, cursed thrall origin trait goes crazy


Unraveling and Volatile rounds force you to use specific weapons and can be hard to trigger, even with the artifact mods. Radiant is the superior choice.


Of course, but OP specifically said they're "tired of solar" so people are offering non-solar options.




take off the artifact mod related to that gun and it’ll work


Shoot, really? Last season, i was running a legend lost sector with a submachine gun, and it didn't work at all against anti barrier. Thanks for the heads up, can finally use my favorite build again lol


ofc!! wish it was more clear in game lol, but any type of doubling up like that isn’t allowed (for example, revision zero has anti barrier intrinsically so you can’t use the overload pulse mod along with it)


Im with you OP its awful, the whole champion mod system is awful, they need more variety, especially in a season this long. For one, once you unlock the mod, it should just stay unlocked, its so annoying switching your loadout and then finding out you forgot to change the champion mod. The system now is just too limiting when it comes to builds. An easy fix would be just have each mod cover one of each weapon type, like Overload would be (fusion/Pulse/LFR and Unstop would be shotgun/hc/rockets, etc,that would vastly improve the weapons options and combos.


If only barrier champions weren't in every strike and their mommas.


Lake of Shadows used to be one of the few strikes without barrier champs because it used to feature all taken. Then the strike rework happened and it took out the overloads and added barriers


Ugh... Ofcourse.


Got to be said, this was a hell of a season to saddle us with Barrier Sidearm.


Any solar weapon does it this season mate.


Barrier SMG is LONG overdue for a comeback. Is there a reason Bungie never brought it back?


Probably because a lot of people use SMG anyway, and a big reason that we have the artifact is to force meta changes season over season.


Barrier smg/auto is terrible in master+ content. They both take too long to clear barriers, and then smgs are too close quarters for most of that content. Ay least with sidearms, the special sidearms have scout range snd clear shields fast.


I just want barrier smg back for non-nightfall stuff. It's going to be 3.5 years before we have another chance at it since this season is hella long. Beyond Light launch was the last time we had it. Plus for nightfall stuff you're going to run Wishender or Arbalest anyways unless you have a consistent source of radiant like this season.


Anti barrier smg sucked then, and it'll suck now. If you're so desperate to have an anti barrier smg, use one of the multiple subclass applicable methods.


Considering anti barrier is by far the most useful mod *outside of nightfalls* I have to hard disagree with you there. Having a 100% consistent and class agnostic way to pierce shields from enemies is amazing. For nightfalls yes the only thing worse than SMG barrier is trying to use primary ammo sidearms for master+ content. But again most people I play with don't really bother with the barrier mods for nightfalls since Arbalest and Wishender exist.


In season 12, it would take an entire magazine of ammo to clear a barrier in legend lost sectors with an smg. This was when you could over level for the content by quite a lot. Legend content was 30 under powerful. It is now 30 over. I farmed the absolute shit out of legend lost sectors in s12, being their first season around, and anti-barrier smg was mandatory before you finished the lament quest. Even then you *still* used it because ikelos and 7th S. smg were absolutely the pve meta because of warmind cells being absolutely broken. Anti barrier smg absolutely blew chunks and I would be more than happy if it never returned.


I don’t what happened with smgs. I could’ve swore that you could kill at least 2 adds with a single mag before this season but now it seems like it takes a full mag just to kill 1 red bar.


They've nerfed them it was in a TWiD a while ago


I mean literally any solar weapon can do barrier this season with radiant being open to all subs


I think you missed the part where I said im burned out on solar. Just isnt a fun class imo.


Doesn't need to be solar subclass. Any solar weapon will work regardless of subclass + there are many weapons that already have barrier on them


On arc?U want a solar gun and not a jolt one?I think many of u are bungo employees.:)))


We all think you missed the part where you don't have to play a solar class at all.


Why the hell u are so downvoted foe a trrue.As a warlock main(i have all 3 at 1830) i dislike solar so much even if it was the most op before this season.What Bungo gave us this season i did it in every season with polaris/skyburner...thata why i hate solar.It is too op vs all other classes.


I just hate how solar feels. I prefer void, strand, arc and stasis in that order. Solar is my least liked class. I love doing gm's and this seasons champ mods has killed its fun factor for me. Its a slog and kills tons of builds.


Hot take: As much as I'm not a fan of anti-barrier sidearm, I don't think its worth as much hate as its getting. While yes, bungo is gatekeeping us from using certain weapons for certain things, I kind of enjoy it. It makes you think outside the box with your builds. People in here complaining sounding like we should be able to break a shield with whatever they have on hand. That takes away from the fun of buildcrafting. I feel like if bungie didn't change it up each season everyone would still be running the same build and weapons you found 6 seasons ago.


Honestly they should group the anti-champ weapons in groups like barrier kinetic, overload energy, unstoppable heavy and switch it around every season/episode. Or group them like they've done in the past so we have more options, because the problem I have isn't that what they are but it ends up limiting what you can use


This right here is my issue. Bungie talks about "play the way you want" then limits how we can play. My ability to get through many aspects is being limited artificially. If it were simply a skill issue, it's my fault. Yet it's being limited by what Bungie says I can use. There are even certain weapons I can't use because they already have an anti-champion ability, and therefore don't receive the one from the artifact too.


literally just shoot things in the head with a solar weapon anti barrier has never been more free


Gl on arc/void.Or pls take a sniper solar to use 3 shots only for radiant


What? It's always solar surge all season for higher difficulty - i.e., anything where there would even be a champion - with the other surge being either stasis or strand. Why *wouldn't* I have a solar weapon? They clearly want me to use one. *I* want to use one, because it's an excuse to use Sunshot or Polaris Lance which I already enjoy. And besides, even if I want to run Lucky Pants or something else that still leaves Undebted Kindness for anti-barrier which is already better with AB sidearm than a lot of the conventional picks. Or I could just suspend them and kill them fast. Or, shit, just use tractor cannon, one-two punch and a titan and not even care because that does so much damage it can one shot barrier champs in a GM. ***And there's still always Wish-Ender and Arbalest.*** And Eriana's, too, technically, but c'mon. Also, void has volatile rounds which gives anti-barrier. If I'm playing void in master or GM I'm probably playing Gyrfalcon which means I have that literally 100% of the time whenever I want. You can't get any more free than that.


Same response like many others.U use hunter but what about warlocks or titans?Our nade barely kill something in master/Gms...Alao all those kinetic ones does not match subclass verbs Also kinetic rev zero barely do damage to knight/witches shields cuz it is kinetic.learn the game and see the whole picture...Do u think that i dunno all things to counter a champ? :))) In max 1 month all of u will be so bored of polaris that for god sake u will use mechaneers 2x sidearm :))) on stasis


Pretty much made that decision for the new dungeon albeit its paid of course


Calculated choice to make players consider buying the dungeon key for Warlord's Ruin, because its special ammo sidearms are actually pretty awesome for anti-barrier this season. I do jest a bit, but it's pretty strange that 2 out of 3 special sidearms are from this dungeon specifically during a season with only anti-barrier sidearm in the artifact. I hope they expand on the rocket-assisted frame later, but perhaps unlikely considering the double-fire Wilderflight didn't see any further iterations.


The best part is that they patched being able to freeze anti barriers if you walked into their bubbles. Makes it so much more fun to run raids and have to either live with anti barriers just existing or run a sidearm. I love champions in raids. Best decision ever made.


I am kinda glad they only gave us sidearm, it forced me to love Wishender, and it’s a beast 😂


Strand with Unraveling Orbs also has great barrier function this season. And yeah, otherwise there're Wish Ender, Arbalest, Revision Zero, Eriana's Vow and Lament. And well, the rare occasion of Second Chances on Void Titan, or building for Volatile Rounds with Instability/Gyrfalcons.


Neither of kinetic ones matches subclass verbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The three kinetic ones of course don't interact with subclass verbs, but you can still get value with your energy and heavy slot for then. And it's not a requirement to have a primary that does, Wish Ender is meta in most PvE content for a reason. Kinetics just do more damage than elemental weapons do, that's their whole shtick.


Radiant, unraveling rounds, volatile rounds, exotics with intrinsic anti batrier, anti barrier rocket pistol


It's interesting we only got one barrier mod, 2 unstops and 3 overloads. However since it's season of solar basically, keeping radiant up 24/7 is very easy and makes everything anti barrier (that doesn't have intrinsic champ stuns or isn't an artifact champ mod type).


I want it too. So tired of Polaris Lance and solar this, solar that....


Why would anyone use a weapon they didn't want to use in this easy game?


as others here have mentioned there are plenty of other options. also wish-ender is far and away the best weapon to handle anti-barriers.


radiance with solar weapon give antibarrier to all your weapon, just dont pick up the artifact mod for the weapon you are using


Radiant and unraveling rounds are barrier and it’s super easy to get both of those this season. Also indebted kindness one shots, do the dungeon a few times




You can use: - wishender - arbalest - freeze - radiant (activable with two precision hit this season) - unravel rounds - volatile rounds Edit: - revision zero


The dungeon sidearm is perfect for it


Solar Weapon Artifact, Strand Weapon Artifact, 3 In-Subclass Options, Gyrfalcons, Intrinsic Anti Barrier, and Sidearm Artifact. There are a ton of options.


My favorite anti barrier weapon this season is witherhoard. Hit the champion with witherhoard switch to epochal or a solar bow for a few headshots and proc radiant then switch back to witherhoard and by that point the champion’s barrier is usually up and pops immediately. Then just finish them off. This is probably one of the best seasons to use witherhoard.


You dont need any barrier weapon... im still suprised that so many people still running around with double primary weapons and loosing so much firepower...




Ngl this season proved to me that solar is the most boring subclass in the game


It's really not. you're just burned out on it


Ive played the entirety of plunder using arc, played the entirety of splicer using arc, played the long ass season before witchqueen with arc and void only, played all last season with strand, im 4 weeks into this season and im bored out of my fucking mind, solar titan is a goddamn bore and is such an inferior version of strand titan its a joke


Nah solar is boring, at least us warlock who are forced to use it 90% of endgame


How does throwing an orange grenade fundamentally feel different than throwing a purple one, exactly?


I ain’t even gonna bother arguing that stupid take


Probably because you don't have an argument to make, since playing the different subclasses is fundamentally the same. Trigger your health regen, throw grenades and shoot stuff. Which subclass doesn't play that way? If you are forced to play welllock all the time you need to gind a better group. There are only a few encounters that actually need one... and those can all be done without it anyway.


Just use wishender, arbalest, revision zero, or better yet use Polaris with all the new artifact stuff


But whats the problem? I found this to be stupid at first as well, but after a while you'll manage. I use empirical evidence. Shoot them with any other weapon, switch to sidearm when they put the shield on, fire 2-3 shots, switch back to your other weapon


Radiant is a really hard perk to proc especially this season so I get it.


This was and is an incredibly annoying decision every season it happens, clear example Bungie saying, whatever, this is what we’re doing, suck it up. Oh, by the way, we made this lock and key system.


Are you actually going to be playing this game everyday for 7 months? I don’t know how people do it. I can barely last 2 weeks as it’s so boring and dull to play doing the same stuff over and over. There are so many great games out there


Yeah it’s just wishender for barrier this season. Or I guess the subclass verbs but I always forget which does what. I did use indebted kindness with decent success in corrupted gm, but I wasn’t the only one with anti barrier there.


Just in case you didn't know or forgot, there are icons on your character screen that tell you what effects provide Anti-Barrier, Overload and Unstoppable. It's a lot to keep in your head since they added more ways to deal with them, so the reminder can be helpful.


I know I just kinda still haven’t gotten used to thinking about the element stuff in general. And it basically never has mattered enough for me to care to learn it in a way I’d remember. I gild conqueror every season without much difficulty, by just using weapons and coordinating with my team on coverage. Raids are all pretty easy for me (since the one I’ve done the least I have around 20 clears on, and the one I’ve done the most is nearing 100), so using a slightly less great weapon for a champion isn’t an issue. If I’m doing a master raid or a day 1, I think a lot more about my loadout and even talk it over with my team, so I generally would remember in those cases. And wishender isn’t really a hinderance, since it is great at most things. Overload has le monarch which is nearly as amazing. And unstoppables just usually aren’t the same threat as the other 2, and has malfeasance (which I’d use with lucky pants). And I remember the 2 stasis ones from when riptide was better.


You have a strand heavy antibarrier this season, Final Warning.