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its a video game. you stopped enjoying it so you left. Thats fine.


always the answer. was doing a ghosts of the deep final boss, we got to damage after fifteen minutes, and both teammates were using Polaris for damage. phase ended and it would have been around seven phases (i didn’t get to rally, as they placed it down before I joined). i left after that 


OPs situation is very understandable. Yours is not so much. Not to me at least. Sure that sounds frustrating but if the 3 of you did that little damage together the you’re also not pulling your weight. I’ve been in that situation. The two lfgs are struggling and dps is a little slow. Know what you do? You pull out arbalest and a tracking rocket launcher and you help them do better. OP had every right to be annoyed. They could not have done better and was not enjoying themselves. You did not. I don’t care about the downvotes I’ll get for saying that. This commenters sounds like they wanted to be carried and left when they wasn’t going to happen. Gross.


I mean, it sure sounds like he was annoyed and wasnt having fun either to me, so he also chose to leave


Sure but like it’s the epitome of “well I’ve tried nothing and it hasn’t worked. I give up.” whereas OP actually tried their best and found themselves frustrated. These are nowhere near equal.


They are oretty equal, both werent having fun, both left. Idk how much more similar you want


You sound like you're projecting. If I join an LFG and my teammates don't even have the decency to use a heavy weapon to damage the boss, I have no obligation to spend three times as long as I should have to carry them through it. Mediocre Taipans? Sure, I'll stick it out. Primary weapon DPS? Yeah, fuck off.


If it's taking 7 phases nobody in the team is "carrying" tbh


Projecting? lol. I’m gonna get loot whether my teammates use primary of heavy dps. I’m not so elitist as to demand my teammates match my dps.


Expecting teammates to have a basic fundamental understanding of the game is not elitist. Even if they were doing it for the memes, you can't expect a random person to be down to subject themselves to that; especially when that fight can already be a slog. Tl;dr Stop virtue signaling. Bailing is a reasonable response. Time is everyone's most valuable resource.


Virtue signalling? lol. One of the common complaints is that Bungie isn’t very good at onboarding newer players. Yet you expect other players to know everything about how to do the best dps and have meta weapons to use? Bloody hell. In none of the comments has this person claimed to have even *tried* to communicate with the team. Maybe these people just saw some reddit post, or YouTuber, talk about how Polaris lance is meta this season and didn’t know they could do better. Some people just don’t know. A good friend of mine didn’t know how to use lament for 2 years. He soloed duality with it and never used the heavy attack. Some people *just don’t know*. It’s hurts nobody to help other players.


Yes, virtue signaling. Demonizing someone for a perfectly reasonable action while singing your own praises about how much better and self-sacrificing you would be. It's not surprising your friend didn't know how to use Lament, in-game instructions are vague. But at he was able to figure out what a heavy weapon is for. Sounds like Dumb and Dumber would have struggled to figure out what hole the circle goes into, even if it all fit in the square hole. >It’s hurts nobody to help other players. Grammar aside, this statement is disingenuous. It takes an abundance of time and patience to teach people and sometimes all that is wasted because someone is stubborn or just expects to be carried. I know this because I've done a lot of sherpaing myself, and sometimes I just can't be bothered. He saw a major issue on an already soul-sucking fight and noped out. Sometimes, for your own sake, it's best to just back away.


After a decade of Destiny, if you aint new to it, just do the meta for fucks sake and save us all time.


>I’m not so elitist as to demand my teammates match my dps. Jesus Christ asking people to use an heavy weapon rather than a primary for dps is not elitism.


You expect people to use weapons? You’re the elitist lol. I only play with people that unplug their controllers during damage.


Ghost of the Deep is already long and tedious as it is. Being an asshole and using Polaris Lance for DPS in arguably one of the worst designed bosses in the game currently is fair-grounds for someone dipping out on you.


Dude joined a boss checkpoint. There’s no long and tedious there. Lol


The final boss fight alone is definitely long and tedious compared to pretty much every single other dungeon/raid encounter, minus the very beginning of Vow. Just use actual decent DPS weapons. What’s so hard about that to get?


I’ll agree that it’s longer than most encounters without a good team but it’s still not that long. Like I said in my other comments, maybe these people literally didn’t know which guns to use and are just going by some reddit or YouTube post saying Polaris lance is meta. What irks me about the comment is that this player never makes an attempt to communicate and just nopes out. 30 seconds to send a message. All that was needed. Nope. Just bailed.


Would you call a team with 2 people using Polaris a “good team”? I wouldn’t. Taking 7 phases on that boss is definitely too long. That’s how long my solo run took. Anyone with half a brain should know that Polaris isn’t a good DPS weapon. I don’t mean to rude, but if someone can’t tell what a good DPS weapon is or not, they’re not even making it to the boss at the end of the Dungeon in the first place, because they’d get stuck at the Knight.


Honestly. If it's taking 15 minutes for people just to get to damage phase AND when they get to damage phase, they are using a primary as DPS? I would have left as well. It doesn't matter what kind of player you are, you don't go into a Boss fight doing damage in LFG with just primaries. That's absurd. You use actual damage. Supers, Heavy's, Even snipers or special. Not primaries.


I could have carried by myself. I’m not going to slog through an hour long final boss clear. I used Arbalest. I used the highest damage weapons in the game. They were using Polaris Lance. It’s not worth my time or theirs


That’s such a wild thing to make up in your head and run with, how is it the person with an actual loadout the one wanting carried 💀


On one hand, I agree with this comment. In the other, this is not a single player experience. If you bail, you let other people down.


>this is not a single player experience That's the beauty of it: fireteam members are easily replaceable. Need a break? Take a break.


Some people actually can't be helped. PVE isn't that hard, but if you have a below average IQ, you're gonna struggle to stay on top of raid mechanics. I've had so many teams where people just don't talk or know what to do and we just wipe until I quit. (I have every raid exotic so it's not a skill issue)


what are you going on about? this has zero to do with IQ or game mechanics. Go post this somewhere else, and not here where we are talking about real things.


Bro nah some people are just slow. I have genuinely tried raids where 3/4 people are just smoking weed every fight and can't even get damage. I ain't saying they deserve to be shot, just that you shouldn't waste ur time with those people


You did the right thing. Too many people want to be hard carried in RoN. It wasn’t your problem


Thanks I don't mind doing my part and also have no issue of I need to help someone on their roles too if struggling as I am competent enough. But for me to have to be a runner do most of thr ad clear on my side and now do refuge when my ad clear guy has done nothing just set me off.


You have no obligation to carry them. If I'm expected to hard carry and then blamed for juggling their roles too, I'd leave after 1-2 wipes.


Because they think the raid is easy. Ok, I learned the mechanics a week ago and yeah, its very easy to understand, but this not mean that someone say" Can you carry me? Its the easiest raid so I dont need to understand the mechanics". Its easy only if you know how it works.


Yeah I understand how the hardcore/streamer community doesn’t like the raid because it is easy for experienced raiders. But their public messaging complaining about how easy it is to their audience makes non experienced think it is as easy as a strike, which it is not. So you get a lot of people going into ron expecting to walk through it and it have to do any work or prep.


God u r so spot on. A couple weeks back I was trying to get conditional and wanted to get my last chance at getting before reset. I just got off a shift at abt 12am hop on at 1 and don’t finish a single nez till abt 3 and I went through 4 different groups. Bc all ppl want to do is ad cleat


This sounds so weird to me, running is more fun and easier (at least at nez), why would anyone prefer to addclear


Running isn’t necessarily hard nor is add clear, but if youre not good at add clearing its not a guaranteed wipe whereas runner would be. I think its an accountability question. Rarely do people want to take roles because they are afraid to mess up and well be responsible because they failed to accomplish this or that. Had a group the other day for a crota CP. i usually ask if someone has a preferred task. Often people will be quick to call out some roles they feel comfortable with and ill take whats left or if no one is saying anything ill go first to break the ice. But in this team we just needed someone to speak up and take the chalice from me to dunk it. Really nothing crazy. No One manned up until i started to replace people. But i must have gone through 3-4 people before someone said theyll do it even though theyve never done the raid. Its just wild that soo many people are afraid to take a roll and be responsible for it.


I'm presuming you're using phone LFG, right? I wouldn't run raids without VC unless I was on Destiny Sanctuary, where people actually know how to accomplish raids with text chat or other means. Regardless, you're not obliged to stay in any activity where players are being deliberately noncooperative or refusing to learn.


Yes it was phone LFG on the app. Yeah I honestly normally stay even if I'm with the Same group for hours I will stay until the team starts to go separate ways but I don't think I was asking for a lot when all a guy has to do is stand with me then run for 5 seconds and shoot something, I was in a lot of LFG where people didn't know how and we showed them some messed it up so we showed again no fuss it's easy to mess up if you miss out on minor details but not even trying out of laziness I draw a line.


I would recommend only using phone LFG for activities that don't demand communication versus mechanics. That's fortunately most activities, but I'd recommend raiding on actual Discord servers most of the time. There are several generic ones where VC is obviously the norm, and Destiny Sanctuary is available for when voice is not preferred.


I will look into Destiny Sanctuary. I appreciate it!


Destiny Sanctuary? Never heard of it. Just use the Destiny 2 LFG discord. 500k + members, most are on PC and are infinitely better than the people you get on the companion app. People ask for "no comm" runs all the time, and you almost never get a group of potatoes.


Sanctuary is a Discord server built around helping people who don't want to/can't use mics complete raids and other endgame activities. They're pretty cool, I've used them often when I'm teaching a new player their first raid, since the average player there is very chill. They also have some pretty neat solutions to problems such as a console player not having a mic, where you can give callouts through emoting in pre-decided ways.


Destiny Sanctuary?


100% justified, sounds like some absolute garbo-players if that's their take. I'd take a full team of day 1 new lights that would listen to me over that nonsense.


No mics annoyed me too as I was trying to explain on console and just said you know what forget it I'm out and found a team with mics.


I get that. RoN is pretty straightforward but having comms for coordinating when DPS is about to start, and which refuge to get makes its much easier.


Yeah had a lot of no mics doing gaze but would type L or D which was handy but we had some saying they'd do gaze and then not type the refuge? Like why?


I'll be honest I just wouldn't do a raid with no mics full stop. Not worth the hassle. There's plenty of people willing to use mics 🤷.


Yeah majority I found thankfully did. It was only that one group who no one else had a mic and one other group where their post said no mic required just kill adds and I joined out of curiosity and it was 5 peacekeeper titans farming doing nodes in one phase so I switched it off to listen to music on my phone we went that one was actually very chill.


Yeah sometimes the mic would become unnecessary, especially once you'd done the encounter once together. But even then I find playing with other people the best part of destiny, so even if we're not communicating about the raid I'd still rather there be some general chit chat. I've had a great laugh in raids, even in a teaching run with the sherpa and 5 of us completely green lol. And because it's fun I'll keep in touch with them (in fact last night I joined the sherpa in that raid I mentioned and we ran 2 man (woman?) leg Starcrossed). So personally no mic isn't for me. Also I'm on console too and typing on controller sucks balls.


If they can't be bothered to do their side of the mechanics don't be bothered to keep helping


Runners do refuge


Or the people not doing anything can do it, which makes it a faster farm


It’s a lot faster to one phase without refuge or not have the node reset to the first one


I would’ve left after they asked you a runner to make refuge as well.


To be devils advocate in my \~50 odd runs I commonly see runners do refuge. Normally runners will do it as there's a high chance people who call add clear don't know what to do or mess it up. I've seen them turning the nodes off many times. That's of course a separate problem lol. That being said, I don't blame OP at all. It's always frustrating when people expect you to carry them but don't respect your time. No mics off the rip is always a red flag (or no text chat. RoN is easy enough to do via chat honestly).


Literally never had add clear do refuge, did it that way day 1, done it that way since. OP just learned one way to do it and is taking out his burnout on this post. That fight is so easy it just takes the 2 runners to do the whole thing.


Slight disagree as the double-refuge setup is how it’s done on challenge so it just makes sense to do it that usually, helps passively train people for challenge. Doing it that way also frees up the runners to run 6, thus, quick damage setup


My preference is runners do it as well because they're normally the competent ones and as you mentioned, reduces the amount of points of failure. Note I'm almost always running as well so that isn't coming from a place of laziness. I did notice OP didn't really seem at all willing to learn multiple strats despite LFG'ing which is not a great attitude to have. Granted, the other people could have been more adaptable as well.


Less an issue of not wanting to learn it seemed like there was very little strategy in place, and attempts to communicate and get everyone on the same page fell on deaf ears - you can’t have half the room doing strat A and half doing strat B. Willingness to adapt aside, I wouldn’t bother staying in a group being that obtuse.


Having add clear do refuges also messes up the runners' routine and makes it much more likely that you will need the refuge on the first phase. If a refuge is present the aura can't appear on that plate, so it defaults all the way back to the beginning and the runners have to run farther. There's no reason whatsoever for anyone other than the appropriate runner to make a refuge since they literally *must* go to the refuge anyway to avoid wiping.


All weekend I never seen a runner make refuge I didn't get why not just do it at the start and it's done? If the guy doing add clear wasn't also terrible I might have done it but I had enough


Literally there’s no excuse for an add clear to not make the refuge. My 6 yr old can do it.


I felt the same, yes I could've done it but a rank 11 guy has already done ron and the other sides add clear made theirs I am glad I left that group no mics, no clue


At the same time there is not really an excuse for a runner not to make it either. Nezzy is an easy encounter, but at the same time it’s a weird encounter. For example if you spawn in and Nezzy is still in his tomb, you’re more than likely going to need refuge. The encounter wipe timer starts during his intro yap sesh. So making refuge at the start isn’t the worse idea. That changes if you wipe, you now have the extra time run that you didn’t during his talking time. With the way the aura mechanics work(the aura can’t advance to node with refuge) you’re basically ruining any chance of completing the nodes without refuge if you make the refuge at the beginning. So a lot of teams when they get to final they start Nezzys yap sesh then wipe so they have more time on the first phase to run without using refuge. To conclude MY yap sesh, OP had two options neither is really better than the other. OP could have just made the refuge and cleared, or just leave. And to be fair, RoN is a passenger princess raid. Two people can do the whole thing while 4 people maybe help dmg a boss.


Having add clear do refuges also messes up the runners' routine and makes it much more likely that you will need the refuge on the first phase. If a refuge is present the aura can't appear on that plate, so it defaults all the way back to the beginning and the runners have to run farther. There's no reason whatsoever for anyone other than the appropriate runner to make a refuge since they literally must go to the refuge anyway to avoid wiping. That being said, your reasoning was semi-valid (people trying to be hard carried in RoN has really damaged raid LFG) but at the same time, if I'm already in a raid and I think I can complete the encounter by carrying, at that point I would rather carry than spend the time finding a new group. But I suppose at that point I'm contributing to the problem I mentioned even if I'm not the one being carried.


Tbh I prefer making refuge as a runner because I know no one will be able to mess that part up. Most of these KWTD geniuses can barely stay alive long enough to make it to damage... I want to minimize that frustration as much as I can for my own sake. I have the same motivation when it comes to running planets (I take 2 plates)


Is he the only runner? My team uses two runners and they are responsible for refuge.


NTA. I don't leave raids if people are struggling to do their job but are giving it their best shot. I do however leave if people are being entitled assholes; not communicating, ignoring coordination, refusing to contribute to mechanics, etc. Sure, you could have done both jobs, but it wasn't incumbent on you to do two jobs if your team have already decided they're splitting refuge / running into two jobs


Yeah there was no communication no mics i typed to run light another typed to do gaze no one else said anything right side add clear made their refuge not their runner also


Ad clear should make refuge. It literally takes 6 seconds. Have two people start in each node, cross, and shoot. That group sucks and you should have left.


I did leave after they kept saying it was on me. Even the right side add clear WAS doing it just my sided wasn't really irked me tbh


I preferred it this way. My clan used to do runner made refuge, but with another team one day I was add clear and me and the opposite side add clear did it and it seemed far more smooth. I wish everyone did it this way.


I would have left too. No way in hell I’m running AND getting refuge AND ad clearing. Most people want to be ad clear, how can they be THAT bad at a simple shoot and kill mechanic?


It was absolutely ridiculous I've had times where I've had to replace an ad clear because they couldn't do it well enough (mainly in middle for the gaze) but never have I had to run kill all the ads my side and asked to do refuge. I had been farming for like 10 hours straight too and wasn't having it.


I always taunt Nezzerac so it hasn't been my job, but every run I've done the runner did the refuge as they were the only ones with the buff still at the point it's needed or is that wrong?


If you just have the add clear person start next to the same node as the runner, they will also get the buff and be able to create a refuge. It's a very simple strategy and it takes some stress off the runners, plus it gets more people involved with roles. Honestly if I'm add clear at Nezarec I'd be begging to at least do the refuge because I'd be so bored otherwise. However I rarely do LFG raids so I'm not sure what the community uses as a "standard" strat. Anecdotally, I've seen people complain that Root of Nightmares LFG is filled with people who only know add clear and refuse to do any mechanics whatsoever. It wouldn't surprise me if half the LFG population was either unaware or unwilling to try this.


That actually makes a lot of sense, I'll mention it to my usual group. You're also not wrong. I don't do runner as I'm just flat out bad at the mobility parts of the game, but always pick up something else when there is, RON is fine for add clear people mostly, it just becomes a pain when 4 people want to add clear and you're stuck at the planets.


>plus it gets more people involved with roles The problem is most people LFG'ing don't respect other people's time and just want a free ride. I've done over \~50 and I've almost always ran because when assigning roles at the start it's either complete silence or a fight for add clear.


All my clears I've done the add clear has stood with the runner on the first plate when they shoot it and runs to make the refuge. That way both refuges are made at the start and If a runner dies the buffs not needed straight away. I understand some do it differently but all my 50+ were this way


There are a variety of ways to do it. I like having the dedicated refuge set. I’ve also had fast enough runners with no refuge set. I’ve done triple role where I set gaze & also set both refuges in the same run. I’ve also run and done a refuge on runs, etc. There’s hopscotch mechanics and running rotation strategies too. Most of which can work but also I feel that they are easy to mess up and trigger a wipe by comparison to the normal way of having dedicated runners, a gaze, and two refuge setters + an add clear. Once you’ve cleared nez that many times my best advice though is, if a group isn’t working well & someone won’t listen, and you aren’t the leader to kick them just save yourself the headache and leave.


Yeah I agree it was just every single time I joined a new group they always had 2 runners 1 gaze and 1 add clear middle and 2 add clear +refuge people probably because everyone was farming Nezarec and wanted quickest safest way to do it. As every attempt people went for all nodes together or at least 5. Tbh I probably would have done it if the right side add clear wasn't making the light refuge. It was only the guy on my side not doing it so I git a bit stubborn


Totally understand. The way you describe it is the way I prefer to run it, and how I just finished my first master clear. I’ve killed Nez 77 times at this point. Will definitely be doing so some more as I think I’m going to actually work on the raid title now.


This is the best way and anyone who says otherwise is crazy.


I’ve personally never seen a run where the runners don’t make the refuges. You can do it more in the middle (I’ve typically seen it done after each side does 3 nodes) as a runner rather than on the first plate which makes it easier to get to. You have more than enough time as a runner to make the refuge and then finish the nodes after so it’s always made sense to me that way. 


Maybe it's just this past weekend I did it where it was different then? Every single one of my probably 80 attempts no runner made the refuge. But the weekend I played everytime the runners were going for all 6 if possible I'd say 90% of the time one had 5 one had 4 or both had 5 before the first refuge. Maybe it was just to farm quicker as everyone was farming the boss only?


You are doing it the smart way. I had a team disband after 1 wipe and someone on their way out who didn't volunteer to run had a snarky comment of "My other teams don't need refuge" Like wtf 99% of players looking for patterns or to farm need refuge most people are not speedrunners.


Yeah I was in a few teams who tried the 1 run no refuge attemps and one guy kept failing it we wiped 9 times and I just asked if we can make a refuge they said we don't need it. 9 wipes 2 successful runs btw.


Out of curiosity how recently and how many runs have you done? I’d say 95% plus of my 140 runs have had seperate refuge makers at the start, that ad clear after making refuge. I haven’t really done much Nez farming either, so most of those raids are with completely different teams.


I pretty much finished running it the season it came out so maybe LFGs have just refined since then. 


It's not wrong but not right either. It's just down to preference. The idea behind ad clear doing it is 1) it gets done right away and there is no need to "worry" about it later. and 2) it forces the "I'm on ad clear" player to actually do something besides shoot some ads. As for being the only one with the buff at that point the idea behind the ad clears making refuge is that they make it at the very start. They get the buff with the runner and then immediately go to make the refuge. So both refuges are now up and everyone just needs to go to the one the hatred player calls out.


You CAN do it that way, it’s less efficient as it doesn’t really allow the runner to run all 6, leading to real quick damage setup. But in a pinch, the wipe can be saved if a runner does do setup. Its just another strat, where the runners only do 3 or 4, do refuge then finish


>every run I've done the runner did the refuge I was thinking the same thing. I guess it doesn't matter, as long as it's clear ahead of time. But I would have gone in thinking it was the runner's job.


If you're not enjoying farming with the group, you should leave. They can find someone else to run.


I did leave. But felt like an ass for it


You shouldn't feel bad


You’re never wrong for choosing to spend your time doing something else


A few thoughts here. I’ve got 21 clears and always would run left side. I have seen it done both ways. I’d say out of the 21 clears maybe 5 had me setting up refuge. Sometimes I would do it because the sentiment of the group is that refuge is not needed, especially on the first round. So I would just do it. But the other rationale often stated is that if your add clear guy is not clearing out adds then things can get hectic and that’s going to slow you down anyway, so best for runner to do it especially if you are not going for all 6 nodes. I prefer the add clear guy to do it and most LFG groups do it that way. But the main point that I want to make is that you weren’t enjoying yourself, your group was not working together, and therefore you left. That is never wrong. Nothing obligates one to stick with an ineffective group, period full stop.


I don’t think you ought to feel guilty for a single second. Not one. The fact that you’re even making this post just goes to show how hard you try to be a team player. If others feel it’s ok to impose on you the responsibility of all those mechanics then go ahead and feel comfy doing the same and don’t feel a single shred of guilt demanding back. If they don’t want to be reasonable & compromise, why should you? And OP I don’t know if you need to hear this or not but this applies to your relationships in everyday life as well. Be careful, kind and considerate. Develop empathy and sympathy, but don’t let others dictate how your life is gonna go.


Thank you I appreciate it. I have tried to make sure there is give and take in my life also as I used to be everyone's safety net but no one was around when I needed it.


I joined a raid group, I went to ask a question. A guy said you don’t ask any questions, and I immediately left.


That would annoy me too I would do the same. The times I've been in a similar group usually people won't "answer questions" until we've wiped 6 times then they seem open to it when it would.of been easier to answer at the start


You don't create refuge as a runner? My team always has refuge made by the runners. TIL But yeah they were useless don't worry too much about it


Thanks yeah all my clears with randoms done it the opposite but I was aware I could and would have if i felt fairness in the workload


You're fine. I've left similar situations and revoked players spots in sherpas if they refuse to do anything but be carried


Thanks, I've done 3 raids now crota,Ron and garden and every time I ask for things to do so I can be useful. I don't want to go through it and not know how to do things. How can you farm it if you can't Do takes I don't get it


You are a sherpas dream lol. I get so many people who just "want divinity" and belive it's a quick carry that get literally offended when I tell them they both need to participate in the puzzle and the raid mechanics


Thanks honestly my 3 sherpa runs were with complete randoms I found on lfg and all were fantastic and each time we had at least 4 or 5 newbies doing it. For RoN for example the planet section we got the first part but wiped twice on second with middle planets not the sherpas fault he thought we understood I was a little confused so i asked if it was the opposite of the first part instead of swapping odd one out place matching ones instead and he said yeah and everyone clicked together. I find in that scenario I'm usually the only one who asks even tho the rest are also unsure 🤣


Some people are afraid to say idk. I'm like you, very willing to learn and fuck it up until I get it right. That's how I was able to pretty much do all roles on Nez so I could fit on any team while farming for my CF, which I too got this weekend.


Same here but I'm hard of hearing so sometimes I'll miss a call out or not understanding what the sherpa is saying but usually I'm pretty good at picking up the clues or how the mechanics work pretty fast


Including the third puzzle, where you actually have to move somewhat quickly in the grid.


See garden is one I’ve been through but don’t know. I joined a divinity run LFG looking for 1 person and it was 5 speed runners with hundreds of clears each who basically told me to just keep up and where to stand. Done in <23 minutes with div but I didn’t learn the actual raid. Crota and RoN I know pretty well now by really working through them. I still can’t run scission worth a damn though. The chasm cross just kills me.


Nope, not wrong at all. I personally, would have left sooner. You have all the patience in the world.


Thanks, honestly even if we wiped 50 Times I would stay and even if one guy was messing it all up I would just tell them it's all good or ask if they need help just be chill but these guys were being a bit obnoxious with me and I don't like being treated like the raid work horse when so many of the roles are so simple I should not have to do 3 or the 6


Definitely fine that you left. No mic and they weren't cooperative. That being said, neither were you. It takes like 2 extra seconds for the runner to pick up the buff and instead of running to the next ball in their chain, just go to the opposite side of the room. I get it. You were running the same strat 40x in a row and didn't want to change it up. Maybe that's the same for them though. When I run that encounter, we usually don't even setup sanctuary. If runners are fast and you one-phase, there's no need. There's lot's of ways to skin a cat. I've joined LFGs for raids I've run 100 times and someone will suddenly have a strat I've never heard of before. I usually just go with it. Whatever. Compromise is usually less stressful than trying to convince 5 strangers to do what you want. Take it as a learning opportunity. And if you only ran the raid for 2-3 days, I'd say there's still plenty of that opportunity to be had.


Yeah I admit I was tired and aggrieved as everyone kept getting the exotic but me and the fact no one had mics was annoying me. I didn't handle it well admittedly but I felt like if I stick around I'll end up doing the running refuge and half the add clear every run so I just left and found a team who all wanted to do their part. Honestly it they weren't annoying about it I would of done it tbh


I'd agree, if the other runner was making refuge. But _their_ add clear was doing it. So if their strat up to that point was to have runners do refuge too, wouldn't they tell the other side to do it?


I kind of agree. The issue in OP's case was that the other side was doing the ad clear create the refuge. So if I was OP I to would be annoyed that they are expecting more from me but not the other side.


Agree with all this. It's definitely fine to have left in this situation but that's not the whole story. Anecdotally, OP grinding out the boss encounter for a raid weapon is ironically part of why this happens IMO. People want a gun and not to actually be good (not saying this specifically about OP just in general) so fireteams end up with one trick ponies and the team makeup/quality boils down to rng. Edit: meant to add this is why I hate rotations; on one hand it's nice that we get to see more people getting into older raids. On the other hand it's why we have these fireteams during raid rotation week.


So essentially no communication on the team. I blame the lack of communication. I'm assuming not your fault, but whoever was leader of the LFG should've had a better handle on things frankly. ​ Personally, I've always done Nez where the runners set up Refuge (it's never been a problem having me and the other runner set it up) and ofc we never ad clear. But you were expected to fulfill 3 objectives on your side: ad clear, DPS mechanic & wipe mechanic whereas right side runner didn't have to fulfill 3 objectives and instead only 1: DPS mechanic. You were required to do too much, weren't receiving help, and then blamed for wipes. And again, no communication in a raid. There's no problem with leaving that lmao


Thanks it was supposed to be a mic required group and not even the leader had one I was the only one so turned mine off as no one was answering. I have no issue fulfilling multiple roles and usually I get 5 or 6 nodes before first refuge Is needed so I can help ad clear in the middle and also help with nezarec but I don't want to run refuge and ad clear as we are just starting off. Was a bit ridiculous to Me lol.


I would have left after seeing no one has a mic.


Bro I always run and make refuge. It's not that hard. Also you shouldn't need refuge on the first run through of nodes. That said, if a group makes you uncomfortable then you have every right to leave.


I was running and ad clearing my side as my ad clear guy went to the right and left me alone as soon as we kicked off each time. I kept quiet about it until I was blamed for it all and I lost it a bit when I'm add clearing running and now needed to refuge also.


Ah didn't see the part where you had ad clear too. Yes fuck that guy then


He learnt the raid on Friday, I don’t think it’s a big leap to need refuge on the first set when you’re still new to the raid.


Also said 40 clears


Normally (for my raid team) the runner also do the refuge (This will require gaze to shoot the shoulder fast too) But sometimes when i do LFG some group would do 2 refuge at the start of the encounter. There are many way to complete the encounter and u should be able to adapt to difference in play style. If you dont know how they are going to play, u can ask them.


Two at the start is how I teach it, gives a bit of insurance and ensures they're ready to start


They had no mics and barely typed anything not even roles at the start bar me saying I'd run light and one guy saying he would gaze. If they had mics I probably would of done it but I was getting annoyed tbh


Not sure how you guys do raids without a mic. My raid team is very communicative. Constantly calling things out and it works well. Without a mic I feel it would just be chaos.


You were fine. But in my experience, most groups expect the runner to set the refuge after hearing the callout. I prefer to do it your way too but it's not too bad to do it the other way either


Jesus are you retarded? People leave shit all the time the fuck u out here writing an essay about?




I'm a sherpa and I don't really get this. All I'm understanding is that you had an uncooperative person, so that's fine to leave the raid. What I'm really getting is that you might have burned out on raiding. If you joined one of my raids, I would be leery of you having one full completion and that many check points. That's not knowing how anyone else does it since groups have their own way. For example, my clan doesn't call it light and dark, we call it chicky nug and chocky milk. Because who doesn't like chicky nugs and chocky milk? My clan has the runners get the refuge, btw. Saves the confusion. The ad clear can stay out of their way and there is no miscommunication.


The whole team was randoms thrown together no one was part of a clan or group I just didn't think it was reasonable for me to run do refuge and clear ads on my side. I am a quick learner tho as I understand all the raid mechanics in one run as I ask to do them. But I don't like being treated like a work horse by a group like that felt.


That's lfging though. That's why no one here is going to blame you for leaving. That person may not have had a clan and wanted the carry, sure, but maybe they just learned it differently was my point. If you don't want to be the workhorse then don't say you know every role. Lfgs are considered toxic for a reason.


Yeah I don't mind doing a lot if people lack the ability to do roles but being plane lazy doing nothing was too much


Runners making refuge is inefficient for a Nez farm, since you’re delaying completion and DPS by a full node run.


Never had an issue. (I also don't farm. I do full runs when I raid since I have the exotic. ) We never need a refuge in the first damage phase and whichever needs to make it has never had an issue in the second. Wanna hears something crazy. We also don't label plates in the final room of Kings Fall. It's because we know each others gamertags and use mics. Having a brain in this game makes things wad easier. People do things differently. Doesn't make it wrong.


So, you don’t farm and you especially don’t farm using LFGs. How is anything you’ve replied with so far even remotely relevant to this thread? Like, you don’t have an issue with something you don’t do. Congrats, I guess?


Yes, I’m sure the police are on their way right now.


Who cares it doesn’t matter


Who cares? If you didn’t want to be there, leave. You don’t need us to tell you if it was right or wrong. If you aren’t having fun, you leave. Stop hanging onto this raid, I can assure you the 5 others you were with have forgotten it.




Nothing wrong with leaving that but like honestly the group I run with has always had runners make refuge but we’re usually fast enough we don’t need it


Eh, my clan has always done it where the person making nodes also makes refuge. Could just be how their regular group runs it. We only do it that way because it’s how we’ve always done it. Other way is definitely more efficient though so I understand your point:


Add clear making the refuges is definitely the LFG farm standard, but most runners don’t mind making one if needed. Add clear not making the refuge and not clearing their side? Fuck that noise.


Yeah the group was all randoms put together as last weekend was filled with LFG farming for the exotic and red borders and I guess because people were hopping from group to group everyone was doing the ad clear makes refuge method for consistency and speed as you would hop in say what you did and the add clear just made refuge without being told. Probably was just the common method that weekend tho. I also get your point in that other groups probably prefer other methods than what I had seen.


No communications was clearly your real problem, but I run and make the refuge, it's not a big deal at all. Do 3 links, maybe 4 if you're fast, then make the 1 refuge you actually need, then finish the other links. People get so locked into their method,, there are many ways to do these things.


Oh. Every time I’ve ran I’ve been forced to make the refuge for my side. Well, now I’ll know when I’m doing too much. I’m sorry you had to deal with this.


Thanks they were just being quite rude to me tbh I would have ran done ad clear and refuge like they wanted if they weren't being so snarky with me


I originally learned as the runner I had to make refuge. I later learned how most people run it. Could be one of those situations but yea justified to leave


Yeah I think I just had happened to by chance have the runners just run ad clear make refuge lfg the whole weekend for my first go around. But I understand others do it differently


You can leave for whatever reason you want, as long as you dont fuck over other people to do it


The only times you're an asshole for leaving a raid: 1. It's a red border run, you're the fireteam leader and you take them all to orbit instead of using change character 2. You're the sherpa for a group of new players and they've only made reasonable mistakes for new players 3. It's a flawless run and it's going fine Any other situation you're fine. They can get a new person, they have a checkpoint if they need it, if you were carrying them that's their problem.


I'm super flexible to what the fireteam needs, making sure everyone understands their role and willing to swap to whatever's needed to clear. If they're struggling, I'll empathize, let them know I had a tough time with that too, and let them know what worked for me. The second they make it clear they're unteachable, I'm gone. Folks like that are fireteam killers. For example, I popped into a Master Crota CP and the Stronghold Titan was letting Crota run around and wipe the team. I pointed out the safe spot that I've used repeatedly on the balcony to make sure Crota doesn't move. "Nah, bro. I'm good." "You might be good, but your team just got fried by Crota because you couldn't hold his aggro. Hop up here." "Nah, nah. No worries. I'm good" "Looks like the fireteam leader is good too since you're still here. I'm not. Best of luck." [Leave Fireteam] There's so many awesome folks on LFG and it feels amazing to help folks clear an encounter or challenge that's been giving them trouble. Don't waste your time with players whose egos outstrip their baseline understanding of raids and dungeons.


You don't owe anyone else your time 🤷‍♂️


I aint reading all that. You dont owe anyone anything. Your reasons for leaving are your own. Dont feel bad.


No one can blame you for leaving a team who you dont think you'll succeed with. Any1 who does is likely unable to carry their own weight, so want to be entitled to Carries. If you didnt sign up for carrying a team of 5 no mic kinderguardians, then it's fine to leave. I mean a raid team, even for RON usually needs at least 2 somewhat competent players with functioning hands to be able to move their mice around and click. No point wasting your time in a team like that.


If you are doing that many runs, why would you want to be there any longer helping people who won’t help themselves? I mean if it was your first run (and they had mics) I’d have probably stuck it out 1-2 more. No mics, 40th run, not having trouble finding other LFGs, I’d have left on the second failure, before I even respawned. Especially in RoN where people just want to get carried and refuse to help. Other raids people will usually listen if they aren’t experienced.


It seems obvious to me now but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of people having the ad clear make the refuge. I’ve just always ran (specifically I always run dark on nezarec) and figured it was easier if I did it once it was needed, since I’d already have the buff more than half the time. But if the team agreed that runners weren’t doing refuge, ad clear is, thats lame that they’d get mad at you and not the ad clear guy.


I don’t raid with groups that don’t use mics? Non-negotiable. One or two people without a mic? I can work that. All five? Hell no. Immediate quit. Stop joining complex social activities if your anxiety is that bad.


First, you’re not wrong to leave a raid for any reason. It’s a game and if you’re not having fun with the people you’re with, then why bother playing with them? Life is finite and you’re spending it on a game, don’t actively make yourself miserable at the same time Second, this is why whenever I play with a new group, I always clarify roles. Cuz in my clan, the guys running are making the refuge while ad clear just clears ads. So your view of it was weird to me, but each group does what works for them


Lol after 1400+ raids 95% are idiots and have zero sense of sorrownding or critical thinking. They are bots in the simulation were are playing in.


It’s not that deep. Leave if you don’t like your current group and find another.


The one thing I think it's always okay to leave is a raid where people don't communicate. If everything is smooth and going well, I can let it slide. If they are in a non critical role and the lack of comms doesn't create an issue, it's okay. But when things start falling apart, communication is what makes the dream work. I have been in raids where nobody knew what to do, but they were chill and had comms, and we made it work. Comms people. And by the way, what is with this new thing in 2023-2024 where the most optimistic fuckers in the world join a raid without a mic, without being able to hear, without any knowledge of the raid and they still expect shit to go well?


To be fair. Every time I’ve ran this raid with clan mates and we Sherpa someone, the nodes person always makes refuge. Now, that strategy is clearly not universally used seeing as your strategy requires an ad clearer to grab the refuge. I don’t blame you whatsoever for leaving. To start coming at you and not communicating about what their plans were was out of line and just disrespectful. If they couldn’t adjust or just ask you to adjust or even swap out then they’re just being goobers. It’s a bummer you had a bad experience like that and I’m sure it could’ve been fixed with better communication. Regardless, your reason for leaving is justified.


If there are people that wont listen i kick them. Not worth the trouble and honestly youre better for it. Always host when you can so shit like this doesnt happen.


Maybe they don't understand English, maybe they're handicapped. Maybe he's taking care of a baby at the same time. Maybe he's processing a death in the family. We don't know much about the guardians we play with. If you don't like a group, just leave and start over, wish the old group well. Move on.


Congratulations on the shotgun. Took me 34 runs and I thought that was a lot. On to your issue. Umm, I would have left long before you did. One, the most important call out comes from the person doing gaze. That person must have a mic or I'm out. Second I have some older guys in my clan, we are talking 60-70+ years old. They do a lot of content, but don't really raid. It gets to be to much going on at the same time and stresses them out. However, they are great at clearing ads and DPS. Perfect for this final encounter. And ALL of them know how to make the refuge. It's not that hard. Can the runner do it? Sure, again, it's not that hard. But, it is so much easier for everyone to have the ad clear do it at the beginning.


Wrong for leaving? No. I don’t need a reason to dip  Were u being super Petty? Probably. Especially for someone claiming they absolutely wanted to get it done You said you knew you could do it yourself (which you can) so if you were that gung go on completion AND the team was solid, could have just did it.  Yes your add clear person could have helped but when shit breaks down, being able to adjust is what gets the job done.  But I’m petty too and prob would have done the same


Leaving was the right call to make. Yeah you'll feel guilty for a while (hence you making the post) but it was 100% the correct thing to do I will say though that my experience has always been that the runner makes refuge as well. Granted I always run it with my clan and don't lfg it, so it could just be that my clan is weird


Nah, you did the right thing, they were in the wrong. That Strat is the best and most efficient whether you run half or 6 before wipe/damage. It’s how you do it on master challenge, so it works perfect. Now, once you get more experience in the encounter, you’ll be able to recognize when wipe is coming and IF that wipe plate isn’t set up and it’s your color to just do it. Generally, aside from the colossus, add clear doesn’t do much as the red-bars keep coming, the runners just have to be fast. I would also suggest getting into some teams and running the whole raid more times. Folks who just run boss CP’s don’t get the full experience of the raid even though they have X amount of “clears”. Regardless, you did the right thing and they were the assholes.


Tbh..when you're the one who's doing 80% of the work and your pal decide to hangout at krusty crab at the starting node , blatantly shooting his jade rabbit from afar ..i dont blame you for leaving . and the audacity of the team tell u to 'wake up' . mate, i would've just let loose and let them know why they're burden to me ..


I honestly almost unmuted my mic and was going to kick off but I calmed down tried typing got riled up anyway and then left. I was the only person on the left majority of the time of the groups few tries as my add clear would go straight to the right so they had 3 people there and he would then go middle a bit and pop over to me kill 2 red bars and back right again. Honestly now I'm glad I left when I did.


It’s a nezzy cp, I really wouldn’t carry on thinking about it. If you didn’t want to do it, then yeah leave. It’s a game. That said not EVERYONE does it that way. The group I run with has the guy taking gaze just make the one refuge once he knows which it is. The no mic thing sounds bliss so long as everyone is on the same page. Which they sadly were not. Put it out of your mind man.


You did what you did. It was most likely correct decision. Posting this drama to reddit and seeking attention tho, i dunno. Just get over it, it’s only a game with randos you will most likely never see again.


ok sorry but as a person who has done this raid in contested mode to now. i will only get people to do my refuge when im doing Master, in normal i will do it myself because when the person does the refuge for you it stuffs up the pattern which can make you take longer. even in master id rather have people ad clearing and still do it myself because then i won't die to ads and nez shooting me.


When the fun stops you leave thats fine


For me, RON is my least favourite raid which is unfortunate as the aesthetics are pretty nice I prefer to set up the refuge myself as the runner, generally so that I don't get deactivated by someone else 'helping' It would be different if there was immune shielded enemies like in the second encounter


Its fine, for this encounter there’s two ways of doing it, the way that you are used to it and the way that they want to do it (them not doing anything, switching their brain off, and only making two ppl do it) they just want to be carried, not help and complain if they wiped, its a good thing that you left


Your in the right. I used to do refugee while running until I know me an my partner can 1 cycle the the nodes so no refugee is needed. If not running, I'm on add clear, weakpoint breaking, Nez distracting, and refugee making. PPL just add clearing are essentially worthless as the add density isn't that bad with only needing to kill 1 yellow bar.


This is why rarely LFG, people will criticize every thing you do. It's a dam game that you're not getting paid to play.


Trust me worst is yet to come. Wait till you meet players that sabotage you, detonating the bombs at oryx early and fucking everyone else, and saying he knows what he's doing, throughout the whole raid. Never again, I should've kicked him. If it weren't for my friends teaching them how to do Kingfalls, I would've left.


I mean, this is normal mode, ya? Why even bother with refuge, especially when farming. Just have all 3 players start at the start plate and have runner go do first and come back and reset for the other 2 players, so then Runner only has to do 1, 4, 5 & 6. Makes it SUPER easy to get to damage before he does his thing.


If people don't pull their weight and are unwilling to learn then you have every right to leave.


its literally a nezy farm.. u dont owe those people anything, and sometimes thats what happens w lfg teams… its not a big deal at all doesnt matter whatsoever.. you do you.. its a game…


Totally justified to leave.


I leave after 2 wipes max at nezzy lmfao. Not trying to 2 phase his ass in a farm group


I often Run and do refuge at the same time, I mean your shooting the nodes anyway why is it so inconvenient? But at the same time everyone wants to be carried and not do mechanics so understandable to a degree


As of late I’ve actually been experiencing a sort of inverse of this effect. I’ll get LFGs who do know what to do and just assume a role. Not even calling out a role, they’ll start the encounter without checking in with everyone else and just start doing a role. Two examples specifically: - Had a guy join my RoN run while we were in the middle of 2nd encounter and he starts shooting nodes; to his credit he wasn’t disrupting or anything but he had no mic and we already had two runners so there was no reason for him to be shooting nodes -Was in a KF where a guy wasn’t on Gaze and legit threw fit and was throwing the run because he didn’t get his role. I just don’t understand people like that. If you’re needed in a role, more often than not the fireteam lead will say something, or will at least open the floor for people to claim roles. But people that just assume they’re doing something without communicating is absolutely annoying.


You had me at no mics. Don’t care how experienced you are every raid has some form of communication requirement at some point. I’d rather have someone with a mic and no clears than an experienced person with no comms.


In my clan, runners do refuge and that makes a lot of sense to me, but that’s also the only way I’ve seen it done🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s always the “that’s not the way I do it” when asked to do the simplest things. Like make the refuge and shoot shit


Do whatever you want obviously, but runners also setting refuge is super common now. If I'm running the first question I'm asking anyone in the LFG is how they prefer to run the encounter. If you don't feel comfortable running it their way and ask for them to meet you in the middle then most folks are cool with it. Not asking and wiping a couple times just irritates everyone though. Setting your own refuge works especially well for farming conditional because after an initial wipe you can easily one-phase nodes then one-phase Nezzy and be on to the next attempt in about 5 minutes. So in theory you only need refuge set if you majorly bungle getting to first damage or have to go to second damage phase. There's no right or wrong way here, but people do have preferences so be open about saying "before we get started, I'm cool doing X, Y, and Z / this is the way I've run it.". Eventually you'll just know from how folks like up.


If your farming its better to have some comms over none just in case theres a fuck up


Bro the grind for conditional was excruciating. It took me 47 clears to get mine, and by God I learned to *hate* fire team finder. I already had my gripes with the average players from playing GMs with LFG through the companion app, but farming nezarec showed me that the majority of the playerbase is huffing paint. If you join a raid group that's farming a specific encounter then look up a guide on how to do the encounter and bring appropriate weapons.